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Advice for 2nd Elite 4


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3 minutes ago, Loquiito17 said:

Going up against double battle against grass mons with insane speed and defence. Any way to take down the grass? Fire moves seems super weak but rock is quite strong...

a move like heat wave if you can blast away the rain for a time will not only hurt the bug and grass types but change it to a burning field, otherwise this one is super specific but if you have a salamence and can mega evolve it, Cut with Aerialiate means ya got a flying type Cut attack that is field boosted and will reduce the field stage, but otherwise i recommend just setting that field on fire as early as you can however you have to do it, because once it's done things are immensely easier

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Sunny Day just cancels the field because its already raining by default, making it Rainbow. And with sun up, you still need to be weary of the Chlorophyll users, but its much more manageable.

You also don't have to commit to using Sunny Day forever, just teach it before the fight and teach over it after the fight with another TM.


Drop by the discord we'll be glad to help you live if theres more :)


And yeah, the elite 4 is more than anything a test of your teambuilding. You're meant to handle very different fights with the same team, its fairly difficult but then again that's the final stretch :)

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They're set up to expect you to use sun to cancel out the rain, and they have a team that performs pretty well under sun in the Rainbow field. I recommend using a Sand Stream or Snow Warning 'mon instead to negate the rain without sending them to the Rainbow Field. That way you can actually set the field on fire. 


An alternate strategy that I've also found to be highly effective is to continuously reset the field. A Poison type Z-move will instantly take the field back to stage one, regardless of where it's currently at, and you can spam moves like Cut and X-Scissor to keep it under control from there. If you're going to fight in their field you ideally never want to let the Venusaur or Lilligant get out while you're in stage 4 or more. That's when the Sleep Powder Chlorophyll suffering begins.

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I made a Mega Pidgeot specifically for this fight. Tailwind/Heat wave (move tutor at peridot ward)/ Hurricane/ Sunny Day


1-Set up Tailwind turn one (you need to make sure the galvantula doesnt kill the Pidegot though, I recommend Lycanrock Accelrock Choice band)

2- Sunny day turn 2. Now you outspeed the Chloroform users

3-Heat wave spam with Tailwind+Sunny Day+Help from the other mon should do it


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I personally had a staple weather controller and terrain controller on my team since gym 12, if not earlier- namely Snow Warning A!Ninetales and Sturdy Togedemaru, but anything that can take a hit or pop a Terrain before it goes down is worth keeping around.


It's not as permanent as burning the whole field, but Togedemaru Electric Terrain with an Amplifield Rock can at least negate the field long enough to cripple the enemy (which can apply to all of the E4 fields, giving it much-needed flexibility), and Ninetales can get rid of the pesky rain so the garden doesn't advance automatically when the terrain drops (and also so your fire type moves don't get an attack cut). Bonus points that, specifically in the Bennet/Laura fight, it's not targeted first turn and is able to put up an Aurora Veil to help too.

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