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A wild Kyareiku appears !!


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Well, my dear molds , vipers and other Pokémon from the south of the southern states , my name's Kevin , a young high school student of 17 spring property acquired, right on the 18th. .

I live in a little corner of paradise I named Alsace, in France. (Yes i'm french, my english is, well... Did you ever see a tooth brush paint ? It's the same thing o/)

You can call me as you feel , by old nicknames I had ( Kyareiku , Kya ', Kosaku , Kesako , Kyakounet ... ) or more symbolic names like Kevin , Nippon extensible, it dont- let - the - nickname - frankly to be desired ...

I'm sign in since a half hour. (...)

Why Lord Kev'in ? Well I don't know. I could rename me Schwyballius, or taratatin or Skinetututlipourkwaunpseudoaussistupid (maybe a little too long)... I invented it from A to Z. Then, L to N rather 8D

But I was inspired by the fact that Lord is a f*cking good word and Kevin... much less. (All of the geek should know why the name K3V1N is not necessarily very ... honorific, is it ? )

I love everything and anything , especially writing ( yes I swear ), pizza , Japan, giving nicknames to everyone , jokes ending with a " Badum tss ", playing video games (but not too ( best joke ever) ) , girls, archery , riddles , the slang , prisms , emeralds, trollcomics , cooking (but frozen food is not too bad either) , humorous sketches (Gad elmaleh or "2 minutes of the people"), girls, and chorizo ​​, and above all laugh anytime : I live only to put smiles on the faces of those I love . ( Kawai, is not it )

I'm addict to jokes, honest laughts and greats farces (don't know if it's the right word). Lazy as it's possible excepts for girls: trololol : or prevent dear lovely mom gets mad :trololol :)

Then well I dunno what to say, my room is lacquered with noble Canada's oak wood bought to Castorama , I love dragons, the right ring finger of my right hand is as long as that of the left , I freaky hate channels to send to maximum people ( because of this I have accumulated 30,574 years of celibacy ) , I have a ring-shaped claw dragon ( it looks nothing like that but whoah i feel powerful ) I love green and purple and I fantasize about twiliens of Zelda Twilight Princess : noel :

I am furious mania for as Pub L'Oreal, a nod on the right to get my wick.

I read almost everything except the theater prose bawark .

Music, I listen to anything except Rap . Passionate about J.pop , K.pop and current fantasy about Nightcore, and inlove about Metal. (L)

Films : DE Funes 4EVER <3

I'm masseur in my spare time and I often write , poems or one-shots ... I am a drummer in a band (From ACDC and to Winterstorm crossing In flames, they have no secrets for me) , actor in an amateur french webserie and fan very moldy jokes ( like I balance my computer out the window shouting " Hasta la Vista ")

Let's talk about Pokémon ( it was time ( do not hide I saw you (yes you too, at the bottom left) ) )

My best 4ever beloved Pokemon are Espeon , Ninetales , Meganium , Scizor and Rayquaza. About strategy I defend myself (I know how to make a good team , I know basics words ... )

In terms of games , the ones I do not have to count on the fingers of the hand, is Ranger 2 and 3 , blue dungeon , Rumble, and PokéPark .

Finally ... Hasta la * shot *

Here it is. I 'll look forward to your questions, be shy or I will slap you <3

(Seriously... Excuse me for some misspellings... I hope to be understand x) )

Edited by Kyareiku
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