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So I am very excited to begin my journey but for this last run I want to plan my team from the beginning. I don't really know what pokemon to choose and would like some feedback from you guys. The only thing I know is that I want to use a Metagross but that comes after youve unlocked Route 1. Please leave some suggestions for starters, moves, sweepers, wall. Basically everything. 

Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

- AV Swampert (either starter or from the Azurine Lake event before Adrienn) walls any special threat barring grass-types and hits back like a brick.

- Before that, you can get a Gastrodon as soon as Kiki - same typing, more utility with storm drain, gets recover too.

- Another amazing mon for the midgame is Aggron (now available in the Railnet before Serra, which I think is earlier than before). Bonus points for cheesing lots of fights with sturdy + metal burst.

- Ampharos is pretty good as well in early to mid game, and gets power gem naturally via level up which is required to solve some optional environmental puzzles. 

- Gogoat is very fun to use and underrated as hell. Crazy switch in sinergy with the two water/grounds metioned above thanks to sap sipper, it can set up with bulk up, recover with milk drink and horn leech, slow down opponents with bulldoze... And it's a friggin' goat.


All of these are slower and tankier options that can usually take one or two hits and retaliate, I've tried them all at different points on my current run and they all delivered. If you run trick room, they can also act as sweepers against fast hyper offense AI.


Having said that, if you are looking for a pure wall or something more stally, just go for the classics like Blissey, Clefable, Cradily. 

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I know I'm coming in a bit late to this discussion, but I would say one of my hands down favorite walls is walrien. You can breed him to learn yawn, and he is tanky as hell on his own AND can have the ability thick fat which makes him take reduced damage from fire and ice moves. Depending on how you wanna build him he can just take shots and return fire with surf, which even if he isn't a sweeper hits REALLY hard and can transition a lot of fields/has some good synergies with some fields. All in all fat walrus boy 10/10 would choose again.

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