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Starters and Passwords


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There aren't any. Bug doesn't need one because it has approximately six billion pokemon obtainable before the first gym anyway. Dragon has Swablu and Noibat, though that seems like a rough time through Julia so it's possible you can get a third through the monodragon password, I've never tried it myself so I don't really know. Monorock enables an early Aron and Dwebble, though neither of these are obtained as your starter pokemon.

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Ehhh, depends how you view Mono runs. I personally find it cheating to be using a Charizard before being able to Mega evolve it into Zard-X.

Also, where and how is Swablui available before Julia? Is that something new in E19?


Which means there's only really Noibat available. And you have to go through a lot of trainers (=XP) to get it. So why not add in an actual dragon starter?


Honestly, bug, too. Why not do it?


Besides laziness, of course..

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Swablu is available from headbutt trees, I believe the ones in Seacrest's garden, as of e19.
The only way I can see a dragon starter working is if monodragon guaranteed the police egg to be Trapinch and replaced the Espurr/Munna with Axew, like how ice/rock do with Swinub/Aron. Trading over a lv5 Axew and hoping for Trapinch from the egg was how I was planning to do my dragon mono, at least, or trading over a Trapinch egg if the police egg ended up Axew. (I plan to run every monotype at least once. This is going to take many, many months given the length of postgame lol)


Bug has Kricketot available without battling any trainers with careful movements. Not to mention you can just go throw balls at Spinarak outside the Grand Hall at night before even moving out of Opal Ward. (Or Combee/Pineco with easyhms password for headbutt trees in the same spot.) Not to mention there are no real starter-equal bug types that wouldn't already be available very early besides Venipede, which would be pretty oppressive early on for similar reasons to Torchic. (Speed Boost + Iron Defense as Whirlipede's evolve move + Baton Pass as Scolipede's evolve move means he has insane utility even without access to SD and Poison Jab + Earthquake until late)

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5 hours ago, Eldritch-Crabbo said:

Swablu is available from headbutt trees, I believe the ones in Seacrest's garden, as of e19.
The only way I can see a dragon starter working is if monodragon guaranteed the police egg to be Trapinch and replaced the Espurr/Munna with Axew, like how ice/rock do with Swinub/Aron. Trading over a lv5 Axew and hoping for Trapinch from the egg was how I was planning to do my dragon mono, at least, or trading over a Trapinch egg if the police egg ended up Axew. (I plan to run every monotype at least once. This is going to take many, many months given the length of postgame lol)


Bug has Kricketot available without battling any trainers with careful movements. Not to mention you can just go throw balls at Spinarak outside the Grand Hall at night before even moving out of Opal Ward. (Or Combee/Pineco with easyhms password for headbutt trees in the same spot.) Not to mention there are no real starter-equal bug types that wouldn't already be available very early besides Venipede, which would be pretty oppressive early on for similar reasons to Torchic. (Speed Boost + Iron Defense as Whirlipede's evolve move + Baton Pass as Scolipede's evolve move means he has insane utility even without access to SD and Poison Jab + Earthquake until late)

Hadn't seen the Swablu change, that's awesome.


Starters always stay on my roster on certain playthroughs and I know it's a silly detail whether it's caught outside Grand Hall or given inside.

I know it probably seems silly, but the RP'er in me just loves the idea of a genuine starter. Even if it's a Caterpie. You know?


Early Trapinch seems dangerous, too. Imagine that thing against Aya? IIRC it would have access to EQ+DD at that point, right? Nasty.



(I plan to run every monotype at least once. This is going to take many, many months given the length of postgame lol)

Hell yeah man. Love mono runs. Same!

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2 hours ago, Siv said:

Early Trapinch seems dangerous, too. Imagine that thing against Aya? IIRC it would have access to EQ+DD at that point, right? Nasty.


Ddance is a relearn so it wouldn't be til after Aya, and quake doesn't do much for you when Wasteland nerfs it lol 😉

But yeah, they replaced Drilbur in the police egg with Trapinch (and Phantump with Litwick) so trading an egg over is just a backup plan in case the monodragon password opts for the 50/50 in favor of Axew rather than the antlion. Honestly the change is fair, Excadrill has always been extremely good and even lack of good steel STAB until post city restore doesn't really hold it back when it gets SD/EQ by level up...

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6 hours ago, Eldritch-Crabbo said:


Ddance is a relearn so it wouldn't be til after Aya, and quake doesn't do much for you when Wasteland nerfs it lol 😉

But yeah, they replaced Drilbur in the police egg with Trapinch (and Phantump with Litwick) so trading an egg over is just a backup plan in case the monodragon password opts for the 50/50 in favor of Axew rather than the antlion. Honestly the change is fair, Excadrill has always been extremely good and even lack of good steel STAB until post city restore doesn't really hold it back when it gets SD/EQ by level up...

Oh yeah, I forgot about the Eq nerf, I mixed it up with Stomping Tantrum, that's right. Woops.


I've always found Flygon oppressive in the game, but like yu said, it's only after the relearner and you get D-Dance. Had to check back up on it, too long since I've used it lol.

Definitely agree it's a nice exchange over Excadrill. Is there going to be an extra Steel-type added or is Bisharp the only one now?


But why do you want the early Trapinch over Axew? Can you still trade your way to a Trapinch in Chrysolia in E19? Wouldn't you rather have both instead of 2 Flygon's?

Unless I misunderstood your post.

How do you plan on handling Serra? Wouldn't Axew be preferred over that x4 weakness Flygon has (that is, if they changed the Trapinch trade)?


I haven't gotten to dragon mono run yet so I haven't planned anything, curious about your strategies!

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No, once Flygon got Dragon Dance it got moved way back, the Chrysolia trade is now a 50/50 I think. Bruxish is one of the options, I'm not sure if there's another one because I got a Bruxish.

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10 hours ago, Siv said:

Definitely agree it's a nice exchange over Excadrill. Is there going to be an extra Steel-type added or is Bisharp the only one now?


Pawniard is the only steel in the egg now, not that it's a bad mon to get! 


10 hours ago, Siv said:

But why do you want the early Trapinch over Axew? Can you still trade your way to a Trapinch in Chrysolia in E19? Wouldn't you rather have both instead of 2 Flygon's?

Unless I misunderstood your post.

How do you plan on handling Serra? Wouldn't Axew be preferred over that x4 weakness Flygon has (that is, if they changed the Trapinch trade)?


Yeah, I'd have both at that point lol. Axew replacing my starter and Trapinch from the police egg. (The "trade over a Trapinch egg" was in reference to if I got Axew again from the egg-- I'd trade over a Trapinch to replace the police egg.) No worries. :) There are 2 ways I can see potentially handling Serra: Break the field with EQ or Seed + Smash Turtonator and pray lol. We'll have to see when we get there, I'm kinda a trial-by-fire player when testing strategies lol


9 hours ago, Sheep said:

No, once Flygon got Dragon Dance it got moved way back, the Chrysolia trade is now a 50/50 I think. Bruxish is one of the options, I'm not sure if there's another one because I got a Bruxish.


Yeah the trade is only Bruxish now, earliest Trapinch is available outside of the police egg is Route 2. 

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