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[quote][Set Name]
[Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]
Trait: [Ability]
EVs: [EVs]
[Nature] Nature
- Move 1
- Move 2
- Move 3
- Move 4

[Description of Set][/quote]
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  • 1 month later...
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Band Together!
Pidgeot (M/F) @ Choice Band
Trait: Tangled Feet
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Return
- Brave Bird
- U-Turn
- Pursuit

Pidgeot really doesn't have a lot going for it, but it gets some powerful STAB in Brave Bird and Return, along with a decent speed stat to carry it through. With a choice band, it can deliver a solid blow to anything that's not Rock or Steel type. U-Turn and Pursuit exist for utility in prediction of switches, should your opponent figure out what's about to come at them.
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  • 10 months later...
  • Administrators
Tailwind Support

Pidgeot (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Tailwind
- Roost
- U-Turn
- Brave Bird

Pidgeot's best stats are its speed and its HP, which make it an ideal candidate for a support set. Tailwind can be a great asset in many situations. U-Turn is great for scouting, while Roost lets it shrug off Rocks damage or other attacks. Brave Bird is a strong attack for whenever you need it, and like other damage, the recoil is covered by Roost.

[color=#ff0000]Editing an owners post![/color]
[color=#FF0000]Felony! No but you had a grammar/punctuation error.[/color]
[color=#FF0000]And a paragraphing error. Fixed though!~[/color]
[color=#ff0000][i]Slim Shady[/i][/color]
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Pidgeot (F) @ Liechi Berry

Trait: Tangled Feet
EVs: 128 HP / 252 Atk / 128 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Double-Edge
- Fly
- Endure
- Agility

Ughhhh, this pokemon has a terrible movepool, but lets make this work. Agility to speed up and Endure to take a hit to increase your attack, if your pokemon doesn't do much damage, use Double-Edge to lower it by yourself. Fly even though it's a 2 turn attack, it's higher then Aerial Ace and Wing Attack so yeah, Fly over those. But you can choose which.
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