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quistion regarding double battles and split moves



Bug buzz is supposed to hit all pokemons in a double battle from my understanding (bulbapedia states so) as it is a sound based move. however it only hits a single target durign a double battle. in this case the rodamus gymfight as i planned to use helping hand bugbuzz to wipe the gym. is this because it was changes specificly for reborn or not?

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No, bug buzz never targeted all enemies; but neither bulbapedia is wrong.

Bulbapedia has an unfortunate wording for stating the target(s) of the move (ignoring triple battles):

"May affect anyone adjacent to the user," means it can target anyone, but not at the same time. (ie, bug buzz, psychic, thunderbolt)

"Affects all Pokémon adjacent to the user," means it attacks everyone at the same time. (ie. surf, earthquake)

"Affects all adjacent foes, but not allies," means it attacks all foes (but not allies) at the same time. (ie. hyper voice)


There are some instances where the field effect may increase the number of targets (I only remember flower garden doing that for some grass moves), but I don't think that it is the case for this move.

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