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Noel's kicking my ass, any team suggestions?


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I have gotten him down to his clefable once, but most of the time one of his pokes will sweep the rest of my team. And the Porygon's coverage is so hard on my team

Currently, the best luck I've had is with this loadout: 


  • Togedamaru - Nuzzle + Zingzap, quickclaw to nuzzle the lead before it flinches me, can also OHKO the swellow but it often dies to something else
  • Empoleon - honestly the weakest link rn
  • Mr Mime - Dual screens, psychic
  • Arcanine - just a heavy hitter, helps with the Bewear
  • Mawile - Kinda neither here nor there
  • Primeape - can kill Porygon if it low-rolls Psychic


I've levelled up around 6 or so pokes at this point to try to get a new team, tried Avalugg against the lead and it works pretty well but it just gets OHKO'd by the Porygon immediately after. 


What Pokes helped you beat him? Where can I find them? I wanted to try Aron but I can't find it.


Edited by Chatillon
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Use your arcanine to change the field to burning... Add another fire Pokemon And Pokemon who resist fire (rock will ve great, flying types or levitate Pokemon could also help) and it should be pretty easy.

Great addition could also be Scrafty (Moxie ability) - use his high jump kick to KO Cinccino and porygon.

Any fire type on burning field will be enough to cleffable. 

Good luck, let me know if it helps.

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Roserade was a pretty big help for me. Grass moves get boosted, and nature power turns into STAB energy ball. I did have to switch out against Swellow, but an electric or rock type should be able to handle that just fine. (I kinda got lucky since my shiny stone was found through mining tho)
Of your current party, Arcanine seems like the most useful since it can change the field with flame burst or heat wave. Once you do that  grounded pokemon will take type scaled damage from the fire so i would recommend waiting until your steel types get KOd (Bewear takes double damge from fluffy too)

Alternatively, something like nidoking that learns sludge wave can turn the field into the corrosive field to stop the healing effects and prevent clefable from using its seed. I think this works better for your current team since your steel types will be immune to the entry damage. If one of your mons knows a steel type move i would make sure it has enough hp to take on clefable

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Since you're already using Togedemaru, may I add that Sturdy Toge with Amplifield Rock + ETerrain/Zing Zap was my go-to for the majority of my run, max atk/speed. It could deal good damage with terrain boosted ZZ, and reliably crippled any team that relied too much on their field.


In general it looks like your team is only set up so it can run some support and maybe win some 1v1s with type advantage, but if you're running a lot of purely offensive mons, you need at least one pivot too (or fodder, at the very least). Ghost or dark especially if it's Pory giving you trouble, you can literally abuse the AI to get free switch-ins on immunity alone.

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