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Legit Beldum



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I found a certain tree/area that might have something to do with it, but for some reason my computer won't let me post a screenshot of it, nor a file of pretty much any kind with the screenshot pasted on it...

In the southern half of the adventurine woods, go all the way to the western side. There's a headbuttable tree, and if you look closely, there seems to be a path between the bigger trees behind it. But you can't get there, because the headbutt tree is in the way... I'm gonna investigate this tree, I encourage you guys to do so as well.

Edited by Eagleby18
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So I tried to teleport while on the tauros, but it always makes tauros run away when i either try to enter the door, or go between the two buildings. I've tried teleporting to the Byxbision wasteland, or another one outside of it, but he always runs away. Can anyone give me some advice here on what I may be doing or not doing?

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Just go through all the steps you did to get mudkip and then my advice would be look for a machine that looks suspicous and out of place.

Umm that doesnt help at all dude... In the area with the mudkip, the only machines is the satellite and train

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The reason your only seeing the train and stuff is because you need to get a Tauros there to jump over the gap to get to Beldum, which is what the OP means by legit way 'cause currently the only way to get a Tauros there is the teleport thing which wasn't supposed to happen, ask Ame about that haha

Edited by ExplosivePastry
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You go and explore past the strength boulder.

Alright, so I'm literally in the grotto where you find Mudkip, and I know the Beldum is in the cave on the ledge above where you enter the grotto. So (a) how do you get up there without tauros (if even possible), or (B) how do you get Tauros into the grotto itself without him running away. And if you did find some secret spot to get there, then could you please just screenshot it with clear instructions. Thank you very much.

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To get the Beldum with Tauros you have to teleport to Aya's gym, remember that it's technically a healing spot 'cause of the healing machine in there. From there I can't remember the exact directions but just head straight down and to the left and hop some ledges on the way until you find a slide to take you down to a circular area, from there it's pretty easy to navigate.

Lol at terrible directions

Edited by ExplosivePastry
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