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Pokemon Reborn E19 Hall of Fame - show off your game-winning team! (Now with tier list)


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What's up everyone? I have decided to open of Hall of Fame!


Champions, here, you can brag to everyone that you have fininshed the main game and unlocked the post-game content!


The deal is simple. List your Pokemon team of six (or less) that you used to challenge the Elite Four and the Champion. You can post your team OUTSIDE of spoilers, but if you REALLY want to tell others how you managed to defeat Elite Four, then you MUST post your walkthrough INSIDE SPOILERS.

UPDATE: The metagame tier list for Elite 4 challengers is here! Check it out - and it will keep itself updating as long as you keep submitting teams!

OVERUSED (10 or more teams)


Aegislash - 30 teams (Uber)
Volcarona - 18 teams
Gardevoir - 15 teams
Rotom - 18 teams (2 Rotom-H, 1 Rotom-M, 1 Rotom-Fr, 1 Rotom-Fan, 13 Rotom-W)
Blaziken - 14 teams
Metagross - 16 teams
Alolan Ninetales - 16 teams
Garchomp - 13 teams
Silvally - 17 teams

Meowstic (Male) - 13 teams

Weavile - 14 teams

Greninja - 14 teams

Swampert - 13 teams

Mamoswine - 10 teams

Salamence - 11 teams

Primarina - 14 teams

Magnezone - 12 teams

Scizor - 11 teams

Naganadel - 10 teams


UNDERUSED (9-5 teams)


Tyranitar - 9
Hydreigon - 8
Kommo-o - 6
Arcanine - 8
Mawile - 9
Togekiss - 8
Gliscor - 9
Charizard - 9

Snorlax - 6

Porygon-Z - 5

Lopunny - 5

Lucario - 5

Lycanroc - 7

Delphox - 7

Gengar - 8

Dusclops - 5

Krookodile - 6

Excadrill - 7

Dragonite - 7

Golisopod - 5

Azumarill - 5

Galvantula - 6

Ampharos - 5

Typhlosion - 6

Roserade - 6

Serperior - 7

Sylveon - 6


RARELY USED (4-2 teams)


Infernape - 4
Noivern - 4
Clefable - 4
Reuniclus - 4
Ferrothorn - 3
Heliolisk - 3
Jolteon - 3
Archeops - 3
Pelliper - 3
Gastrodon - 4
Abomasnow - 3
Porygon2 - 3
Meganium - 3

Feraligatr - 3
Mimikyu - 3
Honchkrow - 4
Togedemaru - 2
Tangrowth - 2
Rhyperior - 2
Haxorus - 4
Blastoise - 2
Medicham - 3
Heracross - 3
Camerupt - 4
Emboar - 2
Chesnaught - 2
Espeon - 2
Toxapex - 3
Incineroar -42
Staraptor - 2
Aerodactyl - 3
Gallade - 4
Sableye - 2
Dragalge - 4
Gigalith - 2

Cinccino - 4

Kangaskhan - 2

Stoutland - 2

Swellow - 2

Conkeldurr - 2

Breloom - 2

Toxicroak - 3

Alolan Raichu - 2

Gothitelle - 2

Bronzong - 2

Chandelure - 2

Banette - 2

Torterra - 2

Steelix - 2

Gyarados - 2

Lanturn - 2

Manectric - 2

Pachirisu - 2

Salazzle - 2

Talonflame - 3

Whimsicott - 3

Yanmega - 2

Scolipede - 4

Sceptile - 3

Zoroark - 2

Umbreon - 2
Murkrow - 2
Ditto - 4

Amoongus - 2


NEVERUSED (only on a single team)


Decidueye, Mismagius, Kabutops, Ludicolo, Araquanid, Braviary, Sharpedo, Leafeon, Eevee, Granbull, Aggron, Altaria, Rhydon, Flygon, Drifblim, Musharna, Quagsire, Goodra, Persian, Garbodor, Jynx, Alolan Sandslash, Crabominable, Froslass, Oranguru, Wobbuffet, Forretress, Bewear, Ursaring, Pangoro, Carbink, Seismitoad, Beartic, Skarmory, Kingdra, Pidgeot, Primeape, Scrafty, Slowbro, Liligant, Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Toucannon, Chansey, Blissey, Kecleon, Ambipom, Girafarig, Dodrio, Mienshao, Hawlucha, Throh, Alakazam, Lunatone, Alolan Marowak, Spiritomb, Dhelmise, Aevian Mismagius, Crawdaunt, Liepard, Drapion, Tyrantrum, Bastiodon, Alolan Golem, Pinsir, Empoleon, Vaporeon, Pyukumuku, Cryogonal, Electrode, Vikavolt, Escavalier, Klinklang, Ribombee, Alolan Muk, Nidoking, Qwilfish


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I'll start with my own six Pokemon-team, if you don't mind:

Streamer the Blastoise (male). Holds Blastoisite. Serious Nature. Grand Hall. MAX SPATK EV, 0 attack EVs, random spread of other EVs. Ability - Torrent / Mega Launcher

-Dark Pulse

-Flash Cannon

-Water Pulse

-Dragon Pluse

Shiba Inu the Arcanine (female). Holds Assault Vest. OT - Officer Jacob. Timid nature. Random spread of EVs. Ability - Intimidate
-Dragon Pulse

-Extreme Speed

-Heat Wave

-Wild Charge

Spotify the Noivern (male). Hold either Life Orb or Choice Specs. Underground Railnet. Quirky nature. Nearly max SPATK and SPD. Ability - Infiltrator
- Hurricane
- Dragon Pulse

- Flamethrower

- Tailwind

Snowy the Ninetales (female). Holds Light Clay. Ametrine Mountain. Timid nature. MAX SPATK and SPD. Ability - Snow Warning
- Aurora Veil

- Blizzard

- Dazzling Gleam

- Nasty Plot

System Crash the Garchomp (female). Holds Choice Band or Choice Scarf. Adamant nature. Tourmaline Desert. MAX ATK and SPD. Ability - Rough Skin

- Stone Edge

- Stomping Tantrum

- Stealth Rock

- Outrage

Microsoft the Silvally (genderless). Held items vary between encounters - either Memories or Field Seeds. Location classified. Naughty nature. Random spread of EVs (zero SPATK). Ability - RKS System.
- Snarl
- Rock Slide
- Flamethrower
- Multi-Attack

I won't go it details of my walkthrough yet, but the number of Max Potions and Revival Herbs used on the way was not small... Still, I made it! Now I need to remember how exactly I managed to complete the long gauntlet...

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It's been some time so I don't recall very well sets etc, but here are my buddies (random IV, only noivern with favorable nature) :

Feraligatr - choice band - max atk and spd - aqua tail aqua jet super power crunch

Clefable - light clay - max hp and the rest on spded and def - moonblast comic power wish and xxxxx (reflect, light screen, toxic, sunny day etc) 

Garchomp - max atk and spd - dragon something - outrage dig (didn't have eq lol) crunch iron head

Noivern - draconium z - max spatk and spd - tailwind dracometeor boom burst air slash

Metagross - Metagrossite - max atk and something - zen headbutt meteormash hammer arm and xxxxxx (usually rock polish but I also used screens) 

Weavile - life orb - max atk and spd - fake out ice shard icicle crash night slash 


Weavile was an absolute beast, Clefable almost soloed lin, and they were all great companions! 


I was actually sad I wasn't able to bring my swampert but the team I had built didn't sinergize well with him. He managed to do great though in the post game ;) 


Also guys, have a look at demice on YouTube, his team wrecked through the whole game with an absurd strategy lol

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I'm doing a second run for a different route, but my first team was the following :


ermes      - Kommo-o      - Leftovers     -  Drain Punch, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Taunt       - Bulletproof

cabbage  - Ferrothorn     - Leftovers     -  Gyro Ball, Knock Off, Power Whip, Toxic                      - Iron Barbs

caesar     - Araquanid     - Assault Vest or Mystic Water - Liquidation, Leech Life, Icy Wind Toxic                - Water Bubble

sandal     - Krookodile    - changed often - Earthquake, Crunch, Rock Tomb, Stone Edge           - Intimidate

djkhaled  - Rotom-Heat - Firium-Z       - Overheat, Thunderbolt, Will-o-Wisp, Thunder Wave    - levitate lol

eggar      - Gengar          - Gengarite    - Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Dazzling Gleam, Destiny Bond - cursed body lol


the whole Elite 4 for me was like 40% Kommo-o, 40% Ferrothorn, 20% everyone else

if Kommo-o found an opportunity to set up it was typically ggs, if it was physical there was a chance for it too. I swept both Heather and Laura/Bannett with it.

Ferrothorn was just a catch-all GOAT defense mon, it played big parts in every battle except Heather especially big vs Anna and Elias, and sitting there vs Bennet/Laura.

Araquanid was my screeching halt to Special Attacks with Assault Vest, and I'd use it to either bombard with Liquidation or speed drop with Icy Wind.

Krookodile was... okay so it was good during most other parts of the game, but had a dreadful time in the E4, mostly used for Intimidate to allow the others to work better.

Rotom-H was a late addition to my team bc i sucked vs Flying Types, it was quite crucial for its defensive profile and Z-Overheat. Dual status moves on it for the situation.

Gengar was added super late and the only mon that was full 252/252 in 2 stats. though most its usage was for Destiny Bond, except for vs Elias and Anna where it went crazy.


all my guys were EV trained well rounded(except for gengar) with EVs everywhere except for the secondary Attacking stat and for Araquanid and Ferrothorn who had no speed EVs.


there were so many other mons I wanted to use, like Hydreigon, Garchomp, Blaziken, Salamence, Greninja, Magnezone, Metagross, Scizor, Tyranitar, but conflicting types with Kommo-o, Ferrothorn and Krookodile who had been some of my major driving forces throughout the game stopped me from using them.

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Sati the Primarina - Primarium Z

Liquid Voice - 252 Spatk - 252 Spe - 6 Spdef - Modest

Misty Terrain - Psychic - Sparkling Aria - Moonblast

Dani the Cinccino - Choice Band / Scarf

Skill Link - 252 Atk - 252 Spe - 6 Spdef - Jolly

Tail Slap - Bullet Seed - Rock Blast - U-Turn 

Akiza the Roserade - Choice Specs

Technician - 252 Spatk - 252 Spe - 6 Def - Timid

Magical Leaf - Sludge Bomb - Shadow Ball - Dazzling Gleam

Sylvie the Mismagius - Life Orb

Levitate - 252 Spatk - 252 Spe - 6 Spdef - Timid

Shadow Ball - Mystical Fire - Power Gem - Destiny Bond

Mizenda the Ninetales - Light Clay

Snow Warning - 252 Spatk - 252 Spe - 6 Spdef - Timid

Freeze-Dry - Aurora Veil - Moonblast - Hail

Lily the Gardevoir - Gardevoirite

Telepathy - 252 Spatk - 252 Spe - 6 Spdef - Timid

Psyshock - Hyper Voice - Focus Blast - Misty Terrain


I swear that Cinccino is one of the most powerful pokemon in Reborn, she single handedly destroyed half of the elite four and champion all on her own.

Shoutouts to Destiny Bond for being a fair and balanced strategy~

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It's also been a hot minute since I did the E4 on my last run (and by now I've finished postgame and moved onto a new run lol) so may not be 100% accurate but...


Monsoon (Pelipper) - Damp Rock 


Calm - 252 HP/ 6 SpA / 252 SpD

Hydro Pump / Hurricane / Tailwind / U-Turn


Depth (Golisopod) - Assault Vest

Emergency Exit

Naughty - 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 SpD

First Impression / Aqua Jet / Leech Life OR X-Scissor* / Sucker Punch


Sea Roomba (Kabutops) - Choice Band

Swift Swim

Jolly - 252 Atk / 6 SpD / 252 Spe

Liquidation / Rock Slide / X-Scissor / Brick Break


Styx (Swampert) - Swampertite OR Assault Vest**

Damp (Swift Swim)

Adamant - 252 Atk / 6 SpD / 252 Spe

Earthquake / Waterfall / Rock Slide / Ice Punch


Samba (Ludicolo) - Choice Specs

Swift Swim

Modest - 252 SpA / 6 SpD / 252 Spe

Giga Drain / Hydro Pump / Ice Beam / Focus Blast


Geist (Rotom-Wash) - Choice Scarf


Timid - 252 SpA / 6 SpD / 252 Spe

Hydro Pump / Thunderbolt / Hidden Power Ice / Volt Switch



*X-Scissor for that nightmare of a Flower Garden doubles. Had to keep it down somehow or I'd just crumple on Water Mono lol.

**Swapped over for Arc-PULSE fight since Swift Swim is blanked.


Now, a LOT of my team strats got blanked on Arc-PULSE but by the time I got there I was not about to go back and do the Laura/Bennet fight again with team members swapped around for a non-rain strat so I ended up brute forcing it and spamming revives to let the Arceus kill itself on Life Orb chip...


Other than Flower Garden and Arc-PULSE tho this team steamrolled the E4. Shoutouts to Kabutops, who I raised just for this after getting to Laura/Bennett and getting stuck. Actually stayed on my team basically the rest of the postgame until the final battle... which, to be fair, Mega Slowbro soloed 1v18 on that so...


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For me Heather was hard because of Tailwind. But when I made it to wear off and started my own Tailwind, It quickly swept the rest of her team.


Laura and Bennet were downed on first try after rain was replased with Hail and Flower Garden was burned.


Elias was quite a challenge, but with my own Dragon moves I managed to persevere somehow.


Anna took the most attempts, as I frantically struggled to keep both Hail and Aurora Veil to keep her off the field advantage. Jirachi took the longest te to take down, but with 6 stacks of Snarl I could keep the damage control.


For the first battle with Lin it was important to abuse the fact that two of her pokemon were choiced. The final battle... I chose to give Seeds to my team, but somehow managed to set-up with my secret weapon - again with Snarl and sme battle item boosts.

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I was underprepared and it took me many attempts to beat the last boss to the point where I had to change some movesets just for the last boss.

My team 

1. Lvl 61 Meowstic Ability: Prankster, Moves: Misty Terrain, Fake Out, Light Screen, (Was Reflect First)Thunder Wave

2. Lvl 100 Gardevoir Ability: Trace Moves: Moonblast, Thunder Wave, Destiny Bond, (Was Psychic First)Taunt

3. Lvl 100 Silvally I switched between Electric, Steel, and Fairy memory and mostly used Multiattack

4. Lvl 100 Charizard with Charizardite X, Moves: Power-Up Punch, Flare Blitz, Dragon Claw, (Was Brick Break First) Flame Charge

5. Lvl 100 Swampert with Leftovers, mostly just Earthquake spammed but used Ice Punch sometimes too

6. Lvl 100 Garchomp with Dragon Fang, Outrage or die, with a few Iron Heads and a Stomping Tantrum


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Everyone likes to boast! Here I go:


All EVs were pretty much random, I cared about IVs only to the point I decided they are decent - around 20 or more in the most important values satisfied me.


Delphox - amplified rock; main trick room + light screen setter, I kept mystical fire and shuffled the last move between shadow ball, psychic or dark pulse, depending on the opponent.

Volcarona - quiver dance, bug buzz, fiery dance, roost.

Azumarill - belly drum, aqua jet, play rough, last one shuffled.

Hydreigon - darkinium z; dark pulse, dragon pulse, flamethrower, flash cannon.

Tyranitar - stone edge, earthquake, dragon dance, crunch

Metagross - meteor mash, earthquake, zen headbutt, stealth rock. I shuffled the moves on this one the most though.



With trick room I breezed through the E4 with ease, I lost once to Heather only bcos I made a stupid switching mistake. Larua and Bennet were disappointingly easy, again trick room, focus on one "side", done on the first try, rain and the field were almost completely irrelevant to me. Elias's Drampa posed first real threat, but after few (5?) tries I figured out how to switch in correct order to set up my Azumarill with belly drum so the trick room ends exactly when he releases Drampa, which was slower than anything I had. On both Anna and Lin it was super easy to set up the leading Volcarona with quiver dances against their Ninetaleses. 6-0 in both cases.


In short, Volcarona and Azumarill were MVPs, Delphox was crucial to set the trick room. I used mega tyranitar or mega metagross when needed, but otherwise they were suprisingly low effective. Hydreigon was crucial in few moments OHKOing this and that mon that I had no better answer to.


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These 6 goons are all that was needed, but they changed moves and items here and there for different occassions. I wanted to try Mega Metagross over Aegislash and then a special Infernape, but I didn't manage to get Vacuum Wave on the Infernape, so I gave up (if it's possible, pls tell me how - it's only available in past gens I think).

Aegislash is such a beast vs non human players... And Sharpedo took down every single pulse + a certain Garchomp + a certain false God - I'm never siding with Team Magma.

And then there's "Perfection", who never failed to disappoint... but she's still a cute one and patched up the issues the team had, so she was allowed to stick around - and then she stepped up and basically single handedly beat El with Nature Power turned Judgement and an Icicle Plate




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blaziken - bulk up, brave bird, blaze kick, sky uppercut ability is speed boost with wide lens, max attack and sp defense evs

gardevoir- calm mind, moonblast, physic, destiny bond, cant remember ability but holds gardevoirite max sp attack and speed

metagross - meteor mash, bullet punch, physic and zen headbutt. ability was clear body and held leftovers max attack and sp defense

silvally- parting shot, multi atack, iron head and x scissor, ability was obviously RKS system and held mix of different memories. max attack and speed

gengar- hypnosis, shadow ball, thunderbolt and sludge wave can't remember ability but held ghostium-z. max speed and sp attack

garchomp- outrage, dig, iron head and crunch. ability was rough skin and usually held choice scarf max ev speed and attack.


Have a box and a half of other mons which helped as well especially crygonal and luxuray

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Completed with "fullevs", "hardcap", "noitems" (not "stopitems"), completely blind without adaptation after Victory Road. Was lacking quite some TMs and items (e.g. Assault Vest and Shadow Ball).

All stats, items and moves have been changed numerous times throughout the gauntlet but the most common are shown.


Lv100 Tyranitar "The Rock" / Sand Stream

252 HP / 252 DEF / Impish / Smooth Rock

Stone Edge / Payback / Dragon Tail / Stealth Rock

*Sometimes Mega Evolved


Lv96 Dragonite "Proto Drake" / Multiscale

252 SPA / 252 SPE / Modest / Weakness Policy

Draco Meteor / Hurricane / Fire Blast / Extremespeed

*Sometimes Choice Specs or Focus Sash


Lv100 Krookodile "B1 Renekton" / Moxie

252 ATK / 252 SPE / Jolly / Choice Band

Earthquake / Knock Off / Beat Up / Stone Edge


Lv100 Rotom-Wash "Pizza" / Levitate

252 HP / 252 SPA / Modest / Choice Specs

Hydro Pump / Thunder / Volt Switch / Electroweb

*Sometimes Focus Sash or Sitrus Berry+DEF


Lv100 Scizor "Schizor" / Technician

252 HP / 252 ATK / Adamant / Scizorite

Bullet Punch / Bug Bite / Swords Dance / Knock Off

*Sometimes Choice Band or coverage


Lv100 Garchomp "Garchomo" / Sand Veil

252 ATK / 252 SPE / Jolly / Plate items

Outrage / Earthquake / Iron Head / Swords Dance

*Sometimes Choice or Focus Sash



Heather was a walk in the park with this team, relying on revenge kill setups with Moxie.


Laura/Bennett was quite challenging but beaten by KO-ing Galvantula before Sticky Web and carefully calibrating one shots with Stone Edge until Grass types remained. Then, full firepower was needed to burst through Giga Drain alongside predicted Protects. The fullevs password was very annoying here, giving mons much more tankiness than they would have otherwise.


Elias felt like it had many variations/randomizations. It took some hours. Noivern was killed by Tyranitar while putting up Rocks turn 2 and then, he soaks a Z-Clangs by Kommo-o. Interestingly, I put 30 EVs into Scizors speed to outspeed Drampa. From there, 1-for-1 trades are made until Scarfed Garchomp can 2-HKO M-Kang with Outrage. Playing around Ditto was interesting, but ultimately he was too squishy to survive much.


Anna was free with a Scizor lead, OHKO Ninetales. Scizor was saved for Gardevoir and Sylveon later. Banded Garchomp could snowball from Metagross into Jirachi quite handily. Sand Stream helped a lot in weakening Anna's moves.


Lin 1 was a first try one shot. Very good match up for my team and kept trading 1 for 1 after securing a free first kill with Bullet Punch. In the end, Abra was easily 2 shotted by everything.


Lin 2 starts with a 1 for 1 win by Tyranitar with Iron Ball Fling. I keep him in reserve and tank a Giga Drain with Rotom. Dragonite with Sash finishes Celesteela, kills Hydreigon and dishes an Extremespeed in a high value spree. Trading happens until Clefable, that annoyingly runs Unaware. There, Scizor can transition to Arceus, whom I Protect or Toxic depending on his type. When he would roll a resisted type, he uses Dark Pulse, so that gives me a window to Toxic. Then, I widdle him down by predicting his move according to his type and by predicting his Full Restores with another Toxic. Finally, he drops to his Life Orb.


The hardest fights were 2, 3 and 6 for sure, with Laura/Bennett probably taking the #1 spot because of the poor team matchup. A Torkoal would have looked much different there.



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Took a couple of runs to get the strats right. Metagross was always the mega and the evs are predictable for all mons except 252hp 252 atk Meta. Tar was av, rotom was physdef with lightscreen. For Heather I led Mamo and would z-ice to change field. Laura/Bennett were very easy because I would lead chandelure and z-fire to change field and tar to set sand over rain. Elias wasn't particularly notable but rotom did a lot of work. I ran lead brick break meta for Anna and demolished her; z-fire the jira. Lin 1 I honestly don't remember at all. However, I did Lin 2 when arceus' Judgement crashed the game. Luckily, the ai always dark pulsed chandelure and meta so I ran trick room mimikyu with z-mimikyu, fire gem chandelure to ohko the celesteela/honchkrow (if it doubled in), and weakness policy metagross. I can't run mega meta because my speed is garbage and base meta outspeeds clef in trickroom, while mega does not. I basically did a sequence where I went from mamo -> meta on clef so it clicked the fire move and gave me weakness policy. After that, I hoped that my mash got a boost and would basically ohko the arceus or allow mimikyu to z move afterward. I honestly enjoyed the e4; it was really hype when I saw I was fighting both Laura and Bennett at the same time. E4 music is a banger without a doubt. 


reborn first clear team.PNG

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I didn't care about natures and ev and iv spread..so my natures and ev spread are random 


Alolan ninetails "Aurora" - Snow warning with light clay

Aurora veil, ice beam, blizzard, moonblast


Volcarona "Bugsy"- flame body with focus band

Fiery dance, quiver dance, heat wave, bug buzz


Dusk lycanroc "hardy" - tough claws with lycanium z (z move breaks the field)

Accelrock, Crunch, brick break, stone edge


Gardevoir "luna" - telepathy with gardevoirite

Psychic, moonblast, calm mind, thunderbolt


Lucario "Anubis" - justified with fist plate

Extreme speed, aura sphere, dragon pulse, meteor mash


And my starter

Greninja "Sasuke" - protean with expert belt

Water shuriken, extrasensory, dark pulse, surf


(Everyone is almost a glass cannon mon..but i won the league😅)

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Name: Iori

Species: Greninja

Ability:  Protean

Item: Life Orb


- Ice Beam

- Dark Pulse

- Extrasensory

- Surf




Name: Chandra

Species: Volcarona

Ability: Flame Body

Item: Firium-Z


- Heat Wave

- Quiver Dance

- Bug Buzz

- Morning Sun




Name: Suzuhime

Species: Gardevoir

Ability: Telepathy

Item: Gardevoirite


- Psychic

- Moonblast

- Calm Mind

- Shadow Ball




Name:  Masamune

Species: Scizor

Ability: Light Metal

Item: Scizorite


- Bullet Punch

- Aerial Ace

- Swords Dance

- Roost




Name: Holloway

Species: Gliscor

Ability: Poison Heal

Item: Toxic Orb


- Earthquake

- Facade

- Roost

- Swords Dance

*Certified MVP award*



Name: Guinevere

Species: Aegislash

Ability: Stance Change

Item: Leftovers


- Shadow Sneak

- Sacred Sword

- Swords Dance

- King's Shield





Holloway carried me not only through most of the E4. but also pretty much yhe entire episode. EVs and IVs are pretty standard stuff with maxes being in the usual spots. I mauled every fight except for Elias' ditto. That thing gave me a lot of trouble before I figured to just switch out my sweeping mon. Besides an occasional Flamethrower or Fireblast, the large majority of te E4 doesn't seem equipped to deal with really bulky steel types... or a Gliscor who can tank the world. Seriously, it is WAY bulkier than it has any right to be! Scirzor and Gardevoir would swap between who got the mega *Whichever Z-Move I needed more* but it typically went to Volarona for Firium-Z.



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Initial Team:
I first beat the E4 with this team. I decided to get all shinies, and they all had perfect IV's as well because breeding is very easy in this game. I went into the Elite Four completely blind with no items and playing on set mode, and played Anna Route. I ended up beating all of the battles on my first attempt and never had to soft reset. 

- Hydreigon ran Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Earth Power and Flash Canon, and served as my Choice Scarf Revenge Killer. It also absolutely destroyed Lin 2 on New World. 
- Mega Gengar knew Shadow Ball, Sludge Wave, Disable and Destiny Bond. It served as yet another revenge killer, and I wanted a fast Destiny Bond user as a last resort, which ended up being useful against Arceus. 
- Azumarill served as my Choice Band user with Liquidation, Play Rough, Superpower and Aqua Jet. It was my main Fire and Dragon check, and a strong priority Aqua Jet came in very useful. 
- Aegislash was the uncontested MVP of this team. I ran a bulky Swords Dance set with Leftovers, Shadow Sneak, Iron Head and King's Shield. Due to it's excellent bulk, typing and King's Shield, the combination of Swords Dance and Shadow Sneak swept Heather and Anna's entire teams.
- Volcarona ran a bulky Quiver Dance set. I decided to run 252 HP 252 Defense, which along with Leftovers and Roost recovery gave it plenty of set up opportunities. I temporarily taught it Sunny Day in place of Roost to counter the permanent rain in Laura & Bennet's room. It ended up completely sweeping that fight with Fiery Dance and Bug Buzz alongside Gengar. 
- Serperior was my main Water type counter and terrain control. I ran a standard set with Leaf Storm, Glare, Protect and Grassy Terrain with an Amplified Rock. I planned to use Grassy Terrain on any fight where I got overwhelmed by the field, but the Elite Four was easier than I expected and I never ended up using it. Serperior mostly pulled off some mini-sweeps with Leaf Storm against Lin 1 and El. For El I also taught it Nature Power and gave it a Draco Plate, which OHKO'd a great deal of his team with Judgment. 

All and all, this team was very good for the Elite Four (evidently considering it only took 1 try). I could have made a better team in hindsight, especially with Mega Gengar and Serperior pulling a bit less weight than they could have. Gengar specifically ended up fulfuilling a very similar role to Aegislash in terms of type synergy. Hydreigon and Aegislash were the stand-out picks, and they stuck with me through various post-game teams. 

End of Gauntlet Rematch Team: 
This is the team I brought for the last gauntlet of the game, as well as my first run of Elite Four Rematches, both of the Night Club Boss Rushes, and all of the Dev fights. For the final gauntlet, I played Anna route and battled Shade, Anna and Arceus on Glitch Field. I didn't go into this one blind, but I still played on set mode and did not use items, which made the gauntlet a lot harder since there is no healing between fights. I did certainly not beat this on my first attempt, but I most likely could've had my planning been better. Again, they were all Shiny due to Glitter Balls existing, and I used Cell Imprints to get them all perfect IV's. 

- Tapu Lele was the centerpiece of this team. It's main function was to set up Psychic Terrain for the rest of the team, since Psychic Terrain is in my opinion the strongest and most versatile of the 4 original terrains. On its own, it did well with doing incredible damage with Terrain-boosted Moonblasts and Psychics, as well as a doubled Calm Mind. However, I mostly just switched it out, or used Ally Switch, which works like Gen 8 Teleport, to bring in one of my other Pokémon as fast as possible. Since there was also no healing in the gauntlet, I had to be careful to not let Tapu Lele take too much damage in the earlier fights.
- Darkrai was mainly on the team to deal with the fact that I had 3 Ghost weaknesses. It abused the fact that Hypnosis is 90% accurate in Psychic Terrain, which allowed it to set up +3 Nasty Plots and sweep. I initially ran a Focus Sash set with Sludge Bomb to cover for Fairy types. However, I realised that a Leftovers set with Substitute, not only allowed for more reliable set-up opportunities, but it was also a lot more sustainable in the final gauntlet since I couldn't heal it normally. Substitute also allowed me to spam Hypnosis to chip down Pokémon that were too bulky with Bad Dreams. 
- Giratina ran 252 HP 252 Defense with Leftovers, Calm Mind, Will-O-Wisp, Hex and Aura Sphere. It was designed to specifically take advantage of Psychic Terrain, since its Speed is doubled during it with Telepathy. It provided an insane amount of physical bulk with its high natural stats, fast Will-O-Wisps and its defensive EV Spread, and it was very bulky on the special side as well since it outsped everything and set up Calm Minds which have their effect doubled in Psychic Terrain. While its damage output was mediocre on its own, due to how quickly it could boost its Special Attack with Calm Mind, along with Hex and Aura Sphere providing perfect neutral coverage and recieveing a 50% boost from Psychic Terrain, along with Hex potentially being boosted even further by Will-O-Wisp, it ended up killing several Pokémon in every single fight it was used, and was by far the best Pokémon on this team (besides Tapu Lele I guess). There was a funny interaction where Shade only had his Aegislash left, and I had no way to safely set up Psychic Terrain. Since we both only had Ghost and Fighting type moves, and Ghost type moves becoming Normal type on Glitch, I just had to stall it out with Will-O-Wisp since we couldn't touch each other. 
- Palkia was my second Telepathy sweeper. It doesn't get access to Calm Mind like Giratina, so I wasn't able to run a bulky set in the same way. I instead just went with a fast Life Orb set with Spacial Rend, Hydro Pump, Aura Sphere. These moves were all boosted by either STAB or Psychic Terrain, and provided nearly perfect neutral coverage. Psych Up was useful to copy some omni-boosting Pokémon like the Geomancies in the Dev Fight, but the main reason I chose it was because it additionally boosts the users Special Attack by 2, practically turning it into a Nasty Plot sweeper. It also allowed for some great Double Battle strategies where it could copy Giratina, Tapu Lele or Darkrai's stats as they were setting up. I initially wanted Dialga here for the better resistances, but Palkia provided better offense and Speed, as well as not overlapping with Necrozma. Overall, Palkia did its job well, but was probably the weakest link on the team, mostly due to the other Pokémon just being too good. 
- Dusk Mane Necrozma served as a fast Swords Dance sweeper upon Ultra Bursting, with Photon Geyser, Sunsteel Strike and Earthquake for its attacks. I mainly wanted this because in its Dusk Mane form it gave me a much needed Fairy-type counter. Photon Geyser and Light that Burns the Sky also did incredible amounts of damage in Psychic Terrain, and it enabled a lot of sweeps by taking out particular defensive checks. I did however find myself with the issue that if I ever Ultra Bursted it, I ended up leaving my team EXTREMELY weak to Fairy types, so I had to take a bit of caution before doing so. Ultra Necrozma also appreciated Psychic Terrain blocking various priority moves, including Sucker Punches, Shadow Sneaks and Ice Shards. 
- For my last slot, I wanted 3 things: a Ground immunity, a priority user and a Pokémon that could function well without Psychic Terrain. I narrowed it down to Mega Rayquaza and Yveltal, and settled for the former due to wanting weather control. I ran Life Orb with Dragon Ascent, Earthquake, Extreme Speed and Dragon Dance. Even without Dragon Dancing, Rayquaza was able to OHKO most of its Opponents with Dragon Ascent, and was able to take out weakened/frail opponents with Extreme Speed. Earthquake offered coverage for Steel, Rock and Electric types, and synergised well with my 2 Telepathy users in Double Battles. While I usually didn't actually use Dragon Dance, there were still plenty of opportunities to set up due to Rayquaza losing plenty of weaknesses upon Mega Evolving. Air Lock and Delta Stream were very useful to stop weather teams, and notably prevented Aurora Veil set-up. Mega Rayquaza was also extremely strong on the New World field, which was crucial since I couldn't override that with Psychic Surge. There was a bit of poor synergy with Extreme Speed being blocked by Psychic Terrain, but it rarely ended up being an issue. 

All and all, this team was phenomenal. Psychic Terrain is pretty broken on its own, yet alone with a team of legendaries designed specifically to abuse it. As far as a Hyper Offensive Psychic Terrain team goes, I don't think you can do much better than this. The main problem with this team is that Hyper Offense is generally a lot harder to use in a gauntlet with not healing, so for the final gauntlet specifically a defensive team would probably be more effective.

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  • Blaziken @ Speed Boost
  • Item: Scope Lens
  • 5 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
  • High Jump Kick, Blaze Kick, Shadow Claw, Protect

My starter, with me until the very end! Aside from priority moves and choiced 'mon, one protected Speed Boost usually let him outspeed a good portion of 'mons, so I just gave him coverage moves and let him wreck house whenever. That being said, he is one of the more frail of the team, so 




  • Aggron @ Sturdy
  • Item: Stone Plate
  • 5 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
  • Bulldoze, Metal Burst, Iron Tail, Stone Edge

My good girl tank who let me get some heals in while she was holding the fort. Not only that, but Sturdy-Metal Burst was a lifesaver in a few battles, and I'm not going to say I abused it, but, well, when I was backed into a corner (which was more often than I care to admit)......yeah. Aside from that though, she hit like a truck beyond that, and her usual cause of death wasn't an enemy attack but rather chip damage (which was, more often than not, Valentine's fault haha oops).




  • Togedemaru @ Sturdy
  • Item: Amplifield Rock
  • 5 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
  • Spiky Shield, U-Turn, Zing Zap, Electric Terrain

My beautiful darling Field Wrecker :) most teams in the E4 heavily relied on their fields (pretty much everything except the Arceus fight), so I ended up leading with Torta to disrupt their plans and then U-Turn out of there to live another day. Add Spiky Shield for chip damage and Zing Zap if I knew she could take on an enemy (i.e. a lot of Heather's team). Absolutely indispensable, I will no longer doubt the power of Hedge-achu.



  • Shiny Altaria @ Natural Cure
  • Item: Altarianite
  • 5 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
  • Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Bulldoze, Rest

BABYYYYY I actually barely caught her before the E4 and knew I had to train her up and add her to the team so I may or may not have boxed my Ditto to give her the spotlight. She was a serious sweeper when she had to be, and it was fun to switch her in and see an enemy go for a dragon-type move right after she mega-evolved into fairy and set up with DDance :) Just like my other sweepers, she only came in during certain battles, and cleaned up whenever she did.



  • A-Ninetales @ Snow Warning
  • Item: Icicle Plate
  • 5 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
  • Blizzard, Aurora Veil, Hail, Dazzling Gleam

My only special attacker for whatever reason, even though I really didn't plan for it. She was very much Torta's special helper, coming in with Snow Warning Aurora Veil after a good U-Turn to boost the whole team's survivability. Aside from that, no-accuracy check Blizzard hit like a truck, especially when 2/5 of the Elite Four (Heather and Laura) were weak to ice.


(She was also often the reason Torta and Affirmative got knocked out after surviving on Sturdy, but don't worry. No hard feelings there. I think.)



  • Rhydon @ Lightning Rod
  • Item: Eviolite
  • 5 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def
  • Drill Run, Megahorn, Stone Edge, Earthquake

A general bulky powerhouse and literally the only other guy on the team aside from Tyrant, there's not much else to say about Rhodocrine except he was the cleaner-upper whenever we had something that nobody else could handle. It wasn't often, but it was often enough that he pulled his weight as much as the rest of the team. Not to mention he was the physically and specially bulkiest pokemon on the team, even outperforming Affirmative when he had his trusty Eviolite on.


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Star the Primarina
Sparkling aria----Moonblast----Hyper voice----Psychic


Lucifer the Roserade
Magical leaf----Hidden power ice----Sludge bomb----Toxic


Sunstrike the Talonflame
Gale wings
Brave bird----Flare blitz----Tailwind----Me first


Guardian the Meowstic (male)
Reflect----Light screen----Misty terrain----Dark pulse/Psychic


Sherf the Magnezone
Thunderbolt---- Flash cannon---- Electric terrain---- Hidden power ghost


Dessi the Flygon
Earthquake----Rock slide----U-turn----Dragon claw

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We're back with another mono run reaching postgame, this time on Anna route~


Doggo (Manectric) - Manectite

Lightning Rod

Timid - 252 SpA / 6 SpD / 252 Spe

Thunderbolt / Flamethrower / Hidden Power (Ice) / Volt Switch


Geist II (Rotom-Mow) - Choice Scarf


Timid - 252 SpA / 6 SpD / 252 Spe

Leaf Storm / Thunderbolt / Hidden Power (Fire) OR Dark Pulse / Volt Switch


Charles (Raichu-Alola) - Choice Specs

Surge Surfer

Timid - 252 SpA / 6 SpD / 252 Spe

Thunderbolt / Psychic / Hidden Power (Ice) / Volt Switch


Chimera (Silvally-Electric) - Electric Memory

RKS System

Jolly - 252 Atk / 6 SpD / 252 Spe

Multi Attack / Iron Head / X-Scissor OR Explosion OR Toxic / Swords Dance


Joel (Galvantula) - Focus Sash OR Life Orb

Compound Eyes (Didn't matter, Basically just here to set webs for most of this)

Timid - 252 SpA / 6 SpD / 252 Spe

Sticky Web / Bug Buzz / Giga Drain / Volt Switch OR Toxic


Beep Boop (Magnezone) - Amplifield Rock


Timid - 252 HP / 252 SpA / 6 SpD (Forgot to change nature when I swapped it to bulky terrain setter, whoops)

Flash Cannon / Hidden Power (Fire) / Electric Terrain / Volt Switch OR Toxic



PULSE2 Conkeldurr is still a mistake and should never exist. Also shoutout to Charles Entertainment Cheese for carrying this entire run thus far. Can't wait to eventually have Koko so I don't have to keep manually setting terrain. ;)


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Lycanroc (Day) - "Rocky"
Ability: Tough Claws

Item: Rock Gem

Moves: Swords Dance/Rock Slide/Accelrock/Brick Break


Arcanine - "Lillie"

Ability: Flash Fire

Item: Assault Vest

Moves: Crunch/Flare Blitz/Flamethrower/Dragon Pulse


Torterra - "Aerin"

Ability: Shell Armor

Item: Rocky Helmet

Moves: Earthquake/Seed Bomb/Leech Seed/Nature Power


Clefable - "Cleo"

Ability: Magic Guard

Item: Leftovers

Moves: Moonblast/Minimize/Wish/(Shadow Ball/Psychic/Charge Beam/Toxic)


Aegislash -



Ability: Stance Change

Item: Scope Lens

Moves: Sacred Sword/Shadow Claw/Iron Head/Swords Dance



Ability: Unburden

Item: Seeds

Moves: Baton Pass/Amnesia/(Shadow Ball/Weather Ball)/(Sunny Day/Thunder/Psychic/Will-O-Wisp/Psych Up)




Heather was a little hard to manage at first, but it really did come down to killing Crobat asap and stalling out Tailwind on Nidoking by switching into immunities (Torterra for electric, Aegislash for poison, Drifblim for ground. rinse/repeat until tailwind died haha.)


Laura/Bennett were swept as long as somebody managed to set up Sunny Day/take out their rain dancer and boosted weatherball was essential (replaced it right after, though)


El was. I honestly don't remember. Drampa gave me the most trouble, but it was relatively straightforward. His field is easy to leverage against him. Make sure ditto transforms into a team member you have a lot of counters for.


I swept Anna, haha. Amnesia x3 with Drifblim, baton pass to Aegislash, Swords Dance x3, profit.


My general strategy involved a lot of set-up, mostly with Drifblim and passing on to Aegislash. Lycanroc took out a lot of set-up threats outright but otherwise was a glass canon. Torterra rocked for defensive switch-ins, and Arcanine was a specially defensive beast with the assault vest. And when in doubt...evasion buff Clefable. It's a cheap strategy, but I have no shame xD


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