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Pokemon Reborn E19 Hall of Fame - show off your game-winning team! (Now with tier list)


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Final Gauntlet clear [Lin Route]:


Shalem (Feraligatr) (M) @ Life Orb  (MVP fight 1+3)
Ability: Sheer Force  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Dragon Dance  
- Liquidation  
- Crunch  
- Ice Punch 
This croc 1v6 Anamnestic Terra, finishing Tyranitar (which can oneshot +6 SpD Reuniclus with Black Hole Eclipse) and then sweep everything else until Pulse Arceus


Chaos (Reuniclus) (F) @ Leftovers (MVP fight 2)
Ability: Magic Guard  
EVs: 176 HP / 252 Def / 80 SpD  
Calm Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Acid Armor  
- Calm Mind  
- Psyshock  
- Recover  
Trick Room hard counter in fight 2, literally tanked most of Arc-Pulse's hits until it runs out of all moves

Tomimi (Rotom-Wash) @ Leftovers  
Ability: Levitate  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 SpD  
Bold Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Volt Switch  
- Hydro Pump  
- Will-O-Wisp  
- Pain Split  

Pivotting Arc-Pulse while reviving Chaos and Shalem to finish fight 3


Tequila (Gyarados) (M) @ Flyinium Z  
Ability: Moxie  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Dragon Dance  
- Bounce  
- Waterfall  
- Earthquake  


Thule (Keldeo) @ Choice Specs  
Ability: Justified  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Icy Wind  
- Secret Sword  
- Scald  
- Hidden Power [Bug]  


Lemuria (Kyogre-Primal) @ Blue Orb  
Ability: Primordial Sea  
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Calm Mind  
- Origin Pulse  
- Thunder  
- Ice Beam  



Edited by Seina
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Finally beat the League! 

My team 



Adamant nature, Mawilite

252 HP, 252 Attack, 6 SpDefense

Iron Head, Swords Dance, Play Rough, Sucker Punch



Timid nature, Grassium-Z

6 HP, 252 SpAttack, 252 Speed

Giga Drain, Dragon Pulse, Leaf Storm, Sunny Day/Nature Power



Timid nature, Life Orb

6 HP, 252 SpAttack, 252 Speed

Ice Beam, Extrasensory, Dark Pulse, Scald



Jolly nature, Never-Melt-Ice

6 HP, 252 Attack, 252 Speed

Earthquake, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Strength (yeah I forgot to change it to something useful) 



Brave nature, Leftovers

252 HP, 252 Attack, 6 SpDefense

King's Shield, Swords Dance, Iron Head, Shadow Sneak



Timid nature, Leftovers

6 HP, 252 SpAttack, 252 Speed

Heat Wave, Toxic, Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz

The battles


The fight against Heather was an Aegislash sweep. 


In the battle against Laura and Bennett I went in intending to get a Volcarona sweep, but their Chlorophyll pokemon stopped that plan. Managed to pull the win anyhow. 


The battle against El was a team effort, Mamoswine with its Ice Shard was MVP. 


Against Anna my two steel types went crazy. 


First battle against Lin

Also a team effort, shoutout to Aegislash who managed to KO the Pulse Abra from almost full health with a boosted Shadow Sneak. 


Second battle against Lin 

Only taught Volcarona Toxic for this fight. For that damn Clefable. The only thing that knocks out that thing ought to be a z move I think, and my Aegislash was slower while my Mawile really needed its mega stone. In the end I beat it with heal spam, not particularly proud of that one. The Arceus wasn't a problem after all the boosts the Volcarona had gotten against Clefable. 



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I first did a white and Anna route with this teamimage.png.fbb669ebccb6b6c67d1b767c5c769dd8.png


I do not remeber its sets


On the black Lin route I have used this team




  Light Clay, Bold, Prankster

  Light Screen, Reflect, Misty Terrain, Toxic



  Leftovers, Bold, Water Absorb

  Aqua Ring, Heal Bell, Scald, Baton Pass



  Black Sludge, Careful, Speed Boost

  Protect, Substitute, Iron Defense, Baton Pass



  Leftovers, Modest, Pixilate

  Calm Mind, Stored Power, Hyper Voice, Baton Pass



  Leftovers, Bold, Unaware

  Toxic, Recover, Soak, Baton Pass



  Leftovers, Careful, Intimidate

  Swords Dance, Fake Out, Power Trip, Snarl


Unaware pyukumuku with aqua ring and boosted defenses is nearly unbeatable (except for taunt which nearly no npc uses).


P.S. It was really funny how my aqua ring pyukumuku with boosted defenses defeated Hardy. I let all of my other pokemon faint and then it was 1 v 6 in doubles. After all of his pokemon were poisoned, Hardy just staid for 2 rounds and then switched while he can not do nearly any damage to my pyukumuku.

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Finally finished the main game!





Gasper (Reuniclus) (M) @ Amplified Rock 
Ability: Magic Guard  
Bold Nature  
- Psychic
- Grass Knot
- Trick Room
- Recover  


Sonic (Yanmega) (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost
Modest Nature  
- Protect (Sunny Day on 2nd Fight)
- Bug Buzz
- Air Slash
- Giga Drain


Levis (Shiny Dragalge) (M) @ Choice Specs (Iron Ball on 3rd fight to get slower than Drampa)
Ability: Adaptability
Modest Nature  
- Sludge Bomb
- Draco Meteor
- Hydro Pump
- Toxic


Dante (Mimikyu) (M) @ Mimikyum-Z  (also Ghostium-Z and Magical Seed in some of the fights)
Ability: Disguise 
Jolly Nature  
- Shadow Claw
- Shadow Sneak
- Play Rough
- Swords Dance


Crater (Camerupt) (M) @ Cameruptite
Ability: Solid Rock
Quiet Nature  
- Yawn
- Earth Power
- Lava Plume
- Eruption


Shaggy (Shiny Mamoswine) (M) @ Assault Vest 
(I changed the shiny sprite to it's original color)
Ability: Thick Fat
Adamant Nature  
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard 
- Stealth Rock
- Icicle Crash


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I used a team that is pretty unconventional even as far as Trick Room teams go.  I saw very few of these being used and I was wondering if anyone else used a similar team or strategy.  Everyone was pretty balanced in use.  Bronzing setup trick room and stealth rock plus did occasionally throw a Gyro Ball.  Didn't use many items other than healing between fights.  Everyone was EV trained but I didn't bother with IV breeding.




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My first ever save file of the game that was super bootleg when i was too stubborn to catch more pokemon than the ones I liked (roserade and salamence).


Main team strategy: Tspikes Bulky Offense + a lot of protect stalling between pert and aegis








Swampert had random ev's and iv's, so did arcanine, I actually did have to at some point during the water gym get rid of my roserades EV's and invest her specifically to tank certain attacks so she could 6-0 the water gym because i struggled alot with that (you can see how slow my team is in general LOL)



Early: Mudkip best starter Budew line best pokemon line ever created not taking questions

Early-mid: Swampert, Arcanine just because of intimidate and being a bulky fire, fire/water/grass core was OP at this stage of the game

Mid game: Used to have a flygon and an alakazam that was ESSENTIAL to my team for speed tiers and it learned good moves leveling up (had a bronzong too that just literlaly just used as a pivot and for confuse / hypnosis hacks)

Mid-Late: Swampert, Arcanine intimidate is too broken

Late: Excadrill, Aegislash, Mega-Salamence, Surprisingly Roserade..

Mence was really bad until it received its mega and it became the hard carry through the rest of the game, literally 6-0'd most of the e4 + champion. Every fight in the game can be trivialized by Aegislash kings shield shenanigans + being able to live every hit. When I first obtained excadrill it was SUPER GOOD until the e4 where everything was just faster and stronger. Roserade was ESSENTIAL for a lot of fights I had problems with, especially the final fight where she HARD CARRIED.


Honorable mention: Had a volcarona that I put over arcanine and it CLEANED UP alot of late game fights I would have normally struggled with. I ended up putting arcanine back in over volc because after I obtained Mence's mega I felt I just needed a bulkier fire type as a pivot so Mega-Mence could shine more and it gave good intimidate/wil-o-wisp support my team desperately wanted.


My first playthrough of this game was a really rough one I'd like to say because at the very start I didn't know what to expect from the game and wasn't accustomed to the "meta" of the game of switching your team up, after doing a few runs in rejuvenation before coming back to this game I definitely learned better but this save file was just too far in I had to complete it with the 6 boys LOL


Bashed my head against every boss with these 6 until I found the strat that won, so you know I had a ROUGH one but it made me really happy when I was able to do the elite 4 with them.


Love this game and the people who made it, I'm definitely going to do a second playthrough on hard mode now that all these cool passwords are in (last i played there weren't any) and the overall QOL of the game has improved with the update (probably the main reason I hated the idea of getting new team members was grinding without xp candies LOL) and just so I can experience the full, uninterrupted story <3


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm glad to post in this thread -- glad to have beaten the League (Lin route, Samson, shift mode). I went in basically blind, and save-scumming -- and I got out. Somehow. 

My team was: 


Tenor (Primarina)


He was mostly useless for the E4, except as a sack. But he was very useful against both Lins (though perhaps more if I hadn't been blind and updated my team more after my defeats), with a clutch Moonblast crit against Clefable and a few interesting Encores. 


Maeve (Weavile)


Probably the team's MVP, all in all. She's fast, strong, and deadly with Scarf. She tore through Heather, did her chunk against B&L, destroyed El's dragons... you get the point. 


Conina (Mienshao)


Not as useful as I expected. But she has great coverage and got a few interesting kills with and without Scarfs (El's mega, notably).


Shear (Pinsir-M)


The team's Mega. I don't think he was extraordinary, but he pitched in. 


Xor (Haxorus)


The Lin 1 Dragon Dancer (if only I had Dragon Claw instead of Outrage, I'd probably have managed to sweep her). It pitched in at various points, typically helping kill Anna's fairies and cleaning up B&L, surviving (some) Arceus Judgements to give me time. 


Harry (Delphox)


Handled a few things here and there (rather suboptimally for some, but never mind). Nidoking, Heat Wave for B&L, Kommo-o, M-Metagross and maybe Jirachi. Also, for some reason, the Arc-PULSE Toxic-setter.


 All in all, I think I'd keep Weavile and Primarina for sure if I re-did this, but I would need to think some more about the others. 

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Finally beat the game for the first time, with this team: not an optimized one, mostly ones I got attached to, but all fully EV-trained (obviously).




Khensu/Umbreon: Protect, Toxic, Wish, Foul Play; Synchronize; Leftovers


Yuki-Onna/A-Ninetales: Blizzard, Freeze-dry, Moonblast, Aurora Veil; Snow Warning; Light clay,  and a Focus Sash for the final Lin battle


Jörmungandr/Steelix: Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Gyro Ball, Earthquake; Sturdy; Steelixite when sturdy wasn't needed, metal coat when it was


Sekhmet/Arcanine; Flame Blitz, Wild Charge, Extreme Speed, Close Combat; Flash Fire; Fire plate or Firium-Z when Kappa didn't hold it's own Z.


Kappa/Swampert: Ice Punch, Waterfall, Earthquake, and Brick Break in case of barriers; Torrent, as Damp isn't really useful here; Waterium-Z or Focus Sash for the last Lin battle.


Siegfried/Gallade: Psycho Cut, Close Combat, Leaf Blade, and Night Slash switched to Light Screen for the second Lin battle: Justified; Choice Band, and Light Clay for the second Lin Battle



Steelix/Jörmungandr was the clear MVP for Heather, especially with Stealth Rock


Arcanine/Sekhmet practically soloed Bennett & Laura after setting the field on fire


El was a team effort and probably the toughest E4, with special thanks to Swampert/Kappa's Ice punch, Arcanine/Sekhmet's extreme speed, and Gallade/Siegfried's Close Combat, all made possible with the help of Ninetales/Yuki-Onna's Aurora Veil


Anna was an easier team effort than El: again Aurora Veil, followed with a few Gyro Balls and Night Slash. Umbreon/Khensu took care of the Starmie with Toxic, a bit of stalling with protect/wish, and foul play.


The first Lin battle was tough, but doable: had to think about my switchouts and got blindsided by the PULSE abra for a moment, but I had a good team for it. Second battle though..... Lot harder, made it impossible for me to use Aurora Veil, which I often relied on, and I only had 5 Full restores and a single max revive left. Should've known the "normal" preparatory purchases wouldn't suffice.


Literal step-by-step planning to beat it, and a single unexpected crit would throw the planning out. Umbreon first to take out Mismagius with Foul play, Toxic the Clefable and stall until knocked out, have Gallade set up Light screen and get knocked out, then Steelix with Gyro Ball to weaken the bastard enough for toxic to kill it off before Lin cures it. Arcanine one-shots Celesteela with Z-fire, Ninetales one-shots Hydreigon with Moonblast and can do so with the help of a focus sash. Then came the fun part.


Lure out Honchcrow's Z-move on focus sash swampert, then hit it with Ice punch. Follow-up by letting Swampieboy go down to heal Steelix, switch it in, and finish off Honchcrow with Stone Edge.


Then see Arceus get switched in, shit your pants a bit, and see what you can manage with your scraps. Umbreon really shone here, once I used my max revive: gave arceus Toxic two or three times, and tanked it with wish/the few protects I had left, using Foul Play/Wish whenever I got lucky on type to ration the protects against the problematic ones. Steelix and Arcanine finally finished it off in the end, as the only other 'mons who could either get priority or take a hit from it.


If I were to re-do this with a more competitive team, I'd probably switch out Gallade; Steelix and Arcanine were too fitting given the E4 and champ's teams, Umbreon's practically a competitive stall at this point (really proud of that one), Aurora Veil's a huge aid, and i just love Swampert too much. Maybe switch in my Galvantula (Anansi) for Sticky Web. But I'd have to give it a proper pondering.


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originally posted in the now archived hall of fame discord channel back in like april



mega was charizard-X for most of the game. swapped to charizard-y just so i could set up sun on the laura/bennett fight and sweep with hyper voice sylveon. then switched to metagrossite specifically for the anna battle.


lanturn worked as a slow pivot that i would switch to and soak up damage, and so i could safely volt switch into others (was playing on set + no items). also thunder wave is great. also i just love lanturn


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my 2nd team for anna route




Battle 1 (Wind Maiden Heather) was lead aegislash and stall tailwind and KO crobat. Cryogonal had scarf and swept most of the team with ice beam and freeze dry on gyarados. aegislash KO'd gengar with shadow sneak

Battle 2 (Tag Team Laura and Bennet) Added Naganadel and Silvally to the mix. Naganadel used Acid downpour to reset the field when it reached stage 5 for an easy time

Battle 3 (Agent Elias) Cryogonal took out Noivern and Kommo-o. Gallade beat Drampa and Kangaskhan. Ditto was beat with a mix of before and Aegislash. Dragonite was also beat with Cryogonal after breaking multiscale while exploiting its choice band

Battle 4 (Starcrosser Anna) Cryogonal OHKO'd Ninetales with Flash Cannon. Aegislash dealt with Gardevoir and Sylveon. Starmie was OHKO by cryogonals Freeze dry.  Metagross and Jirachi were dealt with by a tag team by naganadels flamethrower, Cryogonals HP ground, Silvally, Aegislash and Gallade

Battle 5 (Lin 1) Specs sludge wave OHKO,d Ninetales, Garchomp was OHKO by scarf ice beam, Conkeldurr was dealt with quickly by Gallade's Zen headbutt, Gardevoir was Dealt with by Aegislash's Iron head, Delphox was OHKO'd by Primarina's Oceanic Operetta, PULSE Abra was dealt with Aegislash's Sacred Sword, Shadow sneak and Gallades Shadow Sneak. This was the first that took me multiple trys

Battle 6 (Lin 2) Shadow Ball from Aegislash dealt with Mismagius, Silvally had magical seed to boost all stats and protect to try to get the type i want and dealt with multiple pokemon, Naganadel Dropped Hydreigon with draco meteor, Cryogonal OHKO'd flygon with ice beam, Honchkrow was dealt with by using Primarinas moonblast whilst holding a focus sash to ensure survival

Arc-PULSE: Snarl on silvally dropped its special attack while i used potions to ensure survival then i took it down. switched primarina in to take Z move as it only had 1hp at the time


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This was my team for my first run through of the league (hardcap, set mode, no items).


Weavile (Rami) - Choice Scarf/Black Glasses, Pressure, 252 Atk 252 Speed

-Icicle Crash

-Ice Shard

-Knock Off

-Brick Break


Excadrill (Nia) - Iron Gem, Sand Rush, 252 Atk 252 Speed


-Rock Slide

-Swords Dance

-Iron Head


Lycanroc-Dusk (Spokesperson) - Lycanium-Z, Tough Claws, 252 Atk 252 Speed

-Rock Slide

-Stone Edge


-Fire Fang


Aegislash (Durandal) - Life Orb, Stance Change, 252 HP 252 Atk

-Shadow Sneak

-Iron Head

-Sacred Sword

-King's Shield


Salamence (Valkyrie) - Salamencite, Intimidate, 252 Sp.Atk 252 Speed

-Dragon Pulse


-Hyper Voice

-Dragon Dance


Azumarill (Trident) - Life Orb, Huge Power, 252 HP, 252 Atk

-Aqua Jet

-Belly Drum

-Play Rough

-Aqua Tail



Fun fact: Mega Salamence sweeps the entirety of Laura and Bennett with removal of flower garden and weavile ice shard support. The rest is just general play, and honestly the 2nd lin fight came down to luck on whether or not arceus perfectly switched types to counter my remaining team


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My first run in the game completed! I actually bred my entire team to have optimal IVs and they're all shinies, and they're all EV trained! (Except Ditto, Ditto is just soft-reset until Shiny without a regard for IVs) Took forever to do so but it was cool. When the pokemon was available, I added them to my team!

Edit: I wanted to stick with a team I don't normally use with the exception with Serperior cuz I like them, it was a difficult but wild ride lol. Wanted to mention I think I got Anna Smiles route? Not sure. Lin was hard though, took me a few tries with soft-resetting to do it all without losing. I also wanted to say the breeding process took days of straight breeding if it tells you anything


Zoroark (Arbiter) - Amulet Coin, Illusion, Timid, 252 Sp.Atk 252 Speed 6 Sp.Def

-Dark Pulse



-Nasty Plot


Dusclops (Oracle) - Eviolite, Pressure, Bold, 252 HP 252 Defense 6 Speed


-Sleep Talk

-Night Shade



Mawile (Judicator) - Mawilite, Intimidate, Adamant, 252 Atk 252 Speed 6 HP

-Play Rough

-Brick Break

-Sucker Punch

-Swords Dance


Serperior (Sibyl) - Leftovers, Contrary, 252 Sp.Atk 252 Speed 6 Sp.Def

-Leaf Storm

-Hidden Power (Fire)

-Giga Drain

-Leech Seed


Ditto (Prophet) - Choice Scarf, Imposter, 252 HP 252 Speed 6 Def (not that the speed and def EVs matter anyways)



Dragalage (Druid) - Black Sludge, Adaptability, 252 HP 252 Sp.Atk 6 Speed

-Sludge Wave

-Dragon Pulse

-Hydro Pump

-Focus Blast

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First League victory in a single typed mono normal run on set mode.




Blissey (Fat Egg) - Leftovers. Natural Cure, Bold, 252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SpD
- Seismic Toss
- Soft-Boiled
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock


Porygon-Z (DESTROYER) - Normalium-Z, Adaptability, TImid, 6 DEF / 252 SP.ATK / 252 SPEED

- Dark Pulse

- Thunderbolt

- Blizzard

- Conversion


Snorlax (Mr.Thicc) - Aguav Berry, Gluttony, Careful, 228 HP / 252 DEF / 30 SP.DEF

- Return

- Recycle

- High Horsepower

- Belly Drum


Kecleon (KEK) - Assault Vest, Protean, Adamant, 6 HP / 252 ATK / 252 DEF

- Shadow Sneak

- Drain Punch

- Sucker Punch

- Fake Out


Ambipom (SAVAGE) - Life Orb, Technician, Jolly, 252 ATK / 6 SP.DEF / 252 SPEED

- Return (swapped for Cut vs Laura)

- Aerial Ace

- Power-Up Punch

- Fake Out


Kangaskhan (Big Chungus) - Kangaskhanite, Scrappy, Jolly, 6 HP / 252 ATK / 252 SPEED

- Return

- Rock Slide

- Earthquake

- Power-Up Punch

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Second team here predictably Elite 4 was much easier this time. I still played on set and noitems mode. 


Greninja: Scald, Ice Beam, Extrasensory, Dark Pulse


Scizor: Swords Dance, Bug Bite, Acrobatics, Bullet Punch


Hawlucha: Roost, Swords Dance, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics


Dragonite: Roost, Dragon Dance, Extremespeed, Wing Attack (Z Crystal)


Weavile: Knock off, X-Scissor, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard


Mega Gengar: Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Thunder, Destiny Bond


Heather was easier than she should have been. Not sure why, but she went for a kill on Weavile, who had a sash, instead of setting up tailwind. Mega Gengar swept the entire rest of the team until Mega Mence and Greninja dropped it with Ice Beam


Laura and Bennett were tricky actually and the only reason Weavile had X-Scissor was to cut down the field but I waited too long to send him out the Chlorophyll mons outsped and killed it. Flying Gem-Unburden Hawlucha got a couple of kills and Scizor plus Dragonite cleaned up the rest


A couple of tries on El actually as his Ditto was causing issues. I had it turn into Weavile and bullet punched it and was ok after but was left 1v1


Anna was a joke. Bullet punch scizor to prevent the veil. Mega Gengar basically swept after. 


Lin 1 wasn't much different than Anna. No veil and Mega Gengar decimated most of the team. Pivoted Dragonite in to get some free switches on Delphox and Garchomp.


Anna route so different here but Hawlucha 6-0'd Lin 2. This was the entire reason I brought it along. Ability Capsule to make it mold breaker and put on a sash. Her team isn't fast. Free SD with the dash. Get a second one when Honch tried to sucker punch me and AI usually won't spam priority. Mold Breaker specifically for the Clefable. It ignores Unaware so just wrecked it like all the rest. Plan was to outspeed and destiny bond Arc-Pulse with Mega Gengar but that didn't work. Scizor was packing an assault vest and got lucky with a fairy then rock multitype roll so did a lot of the work. 




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I thought about my team a lot and this team was trying to do some swamp gimmicks since pledges hang around for a couple turns, but it didn't work out but here they are. The idea was to be able to set up trick room if I needed to or for when swamp was up but in case I couldn't Sceptile and Gliscor were my fast mons. My mvps were incineroar, primarina, and Aegislash

Primarina (special wall, deals a lot of damage)

Ability - Liquid Voice

Item - Assault Vest

Moves - Hyper Voice/Dazzling Gleam/Psychic/Water Pledge

Incineroar (Tried and true tanky intimidate support with decent damage output thanks to flare blitz)

Ability - Intimidate

Item - Rocky Helmet (thinking about it, I should've went with safety goggles)

Moves - Flare Blitz/Darkest Lariat/Fake Out/Will o Wisp

Gliscor (weak link of the team. didn't deal with special threats very well. Was supposed to take advantage of swamp with poison jab)

Ability - Poison Heal

Item - Toxic Orb

Moves - Earthquake/Swords Dance/Rock Slide/Poison Jab

Aegislash (I think we know what this one's about. )

Ability - Stance Change

Item - Leftovers

Moves - Iron Head/Shadow Sneak/King Shield/Swords Dance

Sceptile (I now know why no one uses mega sceptile. Still was able to do some stuff though due to it being really fast with high sp atk and gave me the fire water grass synergy, stopped electric type moves since I didn't a lot for special electric types)

Ability - Unburden/Lightning Rod

Item - Sceptilite

Moves - Grass Pledge/Dragon Pulse/Hidden Power (water)/Frenzy Plant

Dusclops (trick room setter, super bulky disruptive set)

Ability - Frisk

Item - Eviolite

Moves - Night Shade/Will o Wisp/Trick Room/Pain Split


First Hall of Fame.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

3rd reply, probably last one too, but I had to show off this mess. I was doing a playthrough where I could only use single stage pokemon, so my options were limited, and this was what I came up with. image.thumb.png.e56d133f3186f3dfd5ac1ec9eaa9885c.png



Mawile: Trick room sweeper and sucker punch abuser. mega (obviously) and deals with most pokemon. Play rough, Iron head, Brick break, Sucker punch. Held a Mawilite because mega.


Throh: Elias is a dingus, and Throh deals with his normal types under trick room, even ditto. He also was used to break Aurora veil in the Lin 1 and Anna fights. Body slam, Rock slide, Superpower, Brick break. Held item was a black belt, but a chocie band would have been better had I remembered to grab it off of Heracross.


Ditto: Ditto. imposter choice scarf. amogus. killed Lins Clefable and Celesteela. ditto things.


Dhelmise: secondary trick room sweeper, bodies bennet and Laura when combined with Mawile and stealth rocks. Gyro ball, brick break, shadow claw, power whip. Held a wide lens because I forgot to swap it for a more useful item, like a muscle band.


Lunatone: trick room setter. Has insanely good matchups against every lead except Laura and Bennet's, so finding a way to set up trick room was usually super free. Also set up rocks after trick room, because free rocks are great. Trick Room, Stealth rock, Moonblast, Explosion. Held an amplified rock for maximum trick room turns.


Griafarig: God this was such a stupid idea, but it worked so damn well. Girafarig gets mirror coat through breeding, and with life orb recoil, and near max HP investment can one shot PULSE Arceus. So I gave it a sash, and turns out it also one shots every other special attacker in the league. It did in fact do this on every fight, killing Heathers Nidoking, Bennet's Galvantula, Elias's Drampa, Annas Sylveon, Lin 1's PULSE Abra, and of course, Lin 2's PULSE Arceus. Mirror coat, Trick room, Psychic, Stomp. Held a focus sash because Girafarig is not surviving a judgement from PULSE Arceus.


Throh and lunatone were both Lvl 99 for the final in fight btw, just found that kinda funny. Never used items in battle, but I did play on switch mode because cmon, I brought a griafarig to the godamn elite 4. 




important members who didn't make it to the final team include Basculin, Aerodactyl, Heracross, Torkoal, Rotom-W, Smeargle, Skarmory, Khangaskhan and Klefki. 

fr tho why do you only get pachirisu and delibird before the first gym the amount of trauma I suffered through trying to get the rat and bird to beat Julia. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't usually post in forums, but wanted to cap off our adventure. Reborn is one of my favourite games of all time, and top Pokémon one.

I didn't want to steamroll through all the new content at once, so I only finished the postgame yesterday.


Played on set mode with no items used in battle, but in the end I couldn't clear the final Lin route gauntlet without full healing team for anomaly Arceus.

First picture is E4+champion team, second picture is winning Lin route gauntlet team. I can't work out how to move them, so they're both at the bottom.


Moves and items changed as needed for battles of course, but...


Sheer Force Feraligatr - No dragon dance, decent bulk investment. My starter, of course.

Prankster Meowstic M - I think this is a common pick, very useful screen setter and status spreader for enabling the team. Met him in a shack in Peridot.

Compound Eyes Galvantula - Webs weren't as useful in this game as you'd think they'd be. Met him in a building in north Peridot.

Early Bird Dodrio - Swords dance sweeping every single major battle for me, GOATdrio. Met him along the Beryl cliffside.

Mega Banette - No destiny bond, spread will-o-wisps and came with gunk shot egg move. Met him in the Beryl cemetery.

Skill Link Cinccino (*) -  Avoided using king's rock in almost every battle, but there may have been some para flash flinch debauchery against pulse Arceus 1... Met her from an egg after Chrysolia forest.


These 3 came about much later to help out.

Prankster Whimsicott (*) - Full special investment blowing things up with mostly nature power, heinous damage from blessed field pixie plate priority judgement. Also solo defeated God. Met her from an egg when I decided I wanted more friends before Titania.

Victory Star Victini - This thing was probably too OP to use, especially with the 50% damage boost in new world. Didn't do anything against anomaly Arceus though.

Magician Hoopa-Confined (*) - Never unbound, it stops being cute. Only team member who doesn't get a photo reel below. To be fair, it was rarely very useful.


we did it!.png

Lin takedown squad.png

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For my E18 save:




Marcel/Swampert @ Swamperite. Ability: Torrent. Moves: Brick Break, Earthquake, Waterfall, Rain Dance

Switch/Magnezone @ Bright Powder. Ability: Sturdy. Tri Attack, Toxic, Flash Canon, Thunderbolt

Durandal/Aegislash @ Leftovers. Ability: Stance Change. Move: Sacred Sword, Gyro Ball, King’s Shield, Shadow Claw

Pyra/Volcarona @ Shell Bell. Ability: Swarm. Flamethrower, Bug Buzz, Quiver Dance, Hurricane

Tinky Winky/Nagandell @ Choice Scarf. Ability: Beast Boost. Flamethrower, Sludge Wave, Thunderblot, Dragon Pulse

Croaky/Toxicroak @ Life Orb. Ability: Dry Skin. Poison Jab, Bullet Punch, Sucker Punch, Drain Punch


I changed their items and moves around so those are the ones I had for the final boss.


Anyway, time to do it my E19 save, so I'll come back soon.

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And here's the second:




If you try to use this team, please remplace Haxorus by something that can takea lot of hits, like Ferrothorn. This team handles the Elite 4 well, but gets destroyed by Lin second round and Haxorus was the weakest link overall.


Myga/Galvantula@Focus Sash. Ability: Compound Eye. Sticky Web, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Signal Beam.

Sin/Silvally@Fairy Memory. Ability: RKS System. Toxic, Multi Attack, Parting Shot, X-Scissor

Lit/Chandelure@Choice Scarf. Ability: Infilitrator. Toxic, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball.

Medhi/Medicham@Medichamite. Ability: Pure Power. Zen Headbutt, Protect, High Jump Kick, Fake Out.

Skoopy/Drapion@Focus Sash. Ability: Sniper. Crunch, Toxic, Cross Poison, Toxic Spikes.
Alexia/Haxorus@Focus Sash. Ability: Mold Breaker. Stomp Tantrum, Dragon Claw, Poison Jab, Dragon Dance.

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Zilla (Tyranitar)

Sand Stream

Adamant – Assault Vest

252 HP/160 Atk/96 SpD

Rock Slide


Brick Break



Paarthurnax (Salamence)


Jolly – Salamencite / Expert Belt

44 HP/252 Atk/214 Spe

Dragon Claw


Rock Slide

Fire Fang


Squidward (Gastrodon)

Storm Drain

Bold – Iapapa Berry / Magical Seed

252 HP/192 SpA/64 SpD


Earth Power

Icy Wind



Aires (Ampharos)


Relaxed – Choice Specs / Leftovers

252 HP/4 Def/ 252 SpA


Dragon Pulse

Power Gem

Volt Switch


Prime (Metagross)

Clear Body

Adamant – Expert Belt / Metagrossite

98 HP/252 Atk/160 Def

Meteor Mash

Zen Headbutt

Bullet Punch

Thunder Punch/Ice Punch


KlipKlop (Dusklops)


Sassy – Eviolite

4 Atk/252 Def/252 SpD

Night Shade

Confuse Ray

Willow Wisp

Pain Split



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