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Pokemon Reborn E19 Hall of Fame - show off your game-winning team! (Now with tier list)


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I beat the first and second e4 run with this team I started back in episode 15 I think when you still could get Magnezone & Ralts relatively early better side before they got transfered after the Cricus arc. My Flemmli was a shiny from the start of the game same as ralts. Larviatar & Hydropi I breed for them to be shiyn and Poipole I wanted to shinyhunt but was shiny on my first try recieving it as well. So I think I used nearly all my shinyluck early with gettign most of them on the first time. Naganadel was  great help with his variable movepool and Magnezone & Swampert are incredible good tanks. Blazekin recieved the megastone and most of the type sweeped enemies with his power. Guardevoir had Telepathy so in double battles it never got hit. Nearly everyone of my team had protect as well and Magnezone had toxic to rub some salt in the wounds of the enemies. MY team may not be the best but they are all my favorite pokemon and the first team I ever started reborn many many years ago. (Zekrom Path)

Most of the team is invested in Attack/spA and speed beside Swampert who recieved HP.



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Second time beating on a different save file, Anna Smiles route this time.


Kommo-o and Rotom-Heat are here again with the same sets bc yeah they're good and very useful, you can see them on my earlier post here.


anime    - Greninja       - Life Orb        - Scald, Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, Extrasensory                    - Protean, ofc

dababy  - Mamoswine - Assault Vest - Earthquake, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Stomp Tantrum(all these double battles man damn) - Thicc Phat

BIRD UP - Staraptor     - Sharp Beak   - Brave Bird, Close Combat, Quick Attack, Final Gambit - Intimidate

knife       - Aegislash    - Leftovers       - Flash Cannon, Shadow Ball, Toxic, King's Shield          - yes. the quirky part of this Aegislash was that i built it super SpDef invested bc just look at the rest of my team.



much like in my first run, i beat Heather by lowering Crobat's Attack to -3, an XDefend, and Dragon Dance Kommo-o(hlaklaklakya).


and same with Laura Bennet, eliminated Whimsicott and THEN Dragon Dance with Kommo-o, and Taunt the Sleep Powderers.


Elias gave me some trouble with Kommo-o and Kangaskhan, i ended up abusing the Ditto with dababy and Rotom(FRY), using Will-o-Wisp until he switched to something else. knife, my Aegislash put it hella work here despite the terrain harming it.


BIRD UP did more work than expected vs Anna, outspeeding and OHKOing the Gardevoir with Brave Bird, and then dodging a Meteor Mash and using Final Gambit to KO Megagross even tho i was just sacking it for Intimidate for Rotom to live a Zen Headbutt and Will-o-Wisp it, after that Aegislash just went crazy and undisturbed.



Overview of the team : is that a physical attacker? what type? don't matter, enough Will-o-Wisps and Intimdates will let Kommo-o set up.

or alternatively: if it can be Toxic'd, Aegislash will beat it.

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Blaziken (Helios):  Life orb/ Left overs

Ability: Speed Boost

Nature: Adamant/6 Hp/252 Atk/252 Sp

Moves: Protect/ Sword Dance, Rock slide, Hi Jump Kick, Flare Biltz


Salamence( Tempest): Salamenite

Ability: Intimidate

Nature: Jolly/6 Hp/252 Atk/ 252 Sp

Moves: Dragon Dance, Return, Outrage, Roost/Earthquake


Tyranitar(Everest) : Assault Vest

Ability: Sand stream

Nature: Careful/ Hp: 248/14 Atk/252 Spdef

Move: Crunch, Earthquake, Ice punch, rock slide


Rotom-Wash(Havoc): Leftovers

Ability: Levitate

Nature: Bold/252 Hp/200 Def/58 Sp

Move: Willow wisp, Hydro pump, pain split, Thunderbolt/ Volt switch 


Gardevoir (Bella): Choice Scarf 

Ability: Trace 

Nature: Timid 6 Def/252 SpAtk/252 Sp

Moves: Moonblast, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball/Focus Blast 


Aegislash (Saber): Leftovers 

Nature: Quiet 252 hp/252 Sp Atk/6 Def

Ability: Stance change 

Moves: King Shield, Shadow Ball, Flash cannon, sacred sword











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This save was a former randomizer, so most of my pokemon were super illegalimage.thumb.png.f15d026da8165bbf67ab51c28d88ff4d.png

Brought Frosslass to deal with heather (before I learned I could just unga bunga it with my quiver dancing swampert) and set up hail for bennet and laura to get rid of the rain.

Brought Umbreon because I needed a dark type for coverage and another tank if fini had a bad type matchup. Oh, It also had ice hammer and fiery dance.
Brought Blaziken to deal with Laura and Bennet.
Tapu fini was my starter, and it made Elias a cakewalk. It also knew oblivion wing thanks to randomizer.
Forretress was invaluable for taking out both anna and lin's alolan ninetails.
And swampert, due to randomizer, had quiver dance. every fight essentially boiled down to finding a spot to quiver dance and sweep.

I would like to give an honorable mention to weavilcopter, a weavile that knew fly for some godforsaken reason. Not very good in a fight, but a hilarious party member I had with me for most of the game.

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with alot of tries and alot of luck i managed to trick room my way to victory. 


Two trick room setters, banded aegislash, specs porygon, and Meganium were working out great until anna onward where i only won cause rng was on my side 


I foolishly thought i could use the remote pc in the elite 4, so duck? wasn't supposed to be in the team but they came in super clutch with hyper beam, especially in the second lin fight where i only won cause it tanked hydreigons draco meteor 


Special mention to my noivern, Emet Selch, who was supposed to be in duck?'s spot but ended up sitting out the elite 4 after carrying my entire run

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This is the first completion of my first ever run, started back in 2018 2016 or so. Had I been to set to graduate this spring, I could make the claim that I started Reborn entering college and finished it as I graduated, but life sometimes has other plans. My memory is terrible and I based this off of the timestamps of the oldest savefiles I could find, ignoring the fact that there is a gigantic list of saves on my old computer before I switched to my laptop.




I will admit that this team isn't technically legitimately obtained: Debug mode was used to significantly cut down on grinding and breeding efforts before the EP19 release, however, explicit care was made to follow the Gen 7 learnsets alongside TM and tutor limitations such that every team member could be obtained in a legitimate playthrough. Restrictions included the standard stuff, noitems and set mode. The team is as follows:


Shinji (Golisopod) (M) @ Choice Band                               Blaise (Arcanine) (M) @ Choice Specs                               Cordy (Salamence) (F) @ Salamencite

Ability: Emergency Exit                                                       Ability: Intimidate (shuffled to Flash Fire for L+B)             Ability: Intimidate

EVs: 252 Atk / 6 Def / 252 SpD                                           EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe                                          EVs: 6HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Brave Nature                                                                      Timid Nature                                                                      Timid Nature

IVs: 31/31/31/21/31/31                                                      IVs: 31/29/31/31/31/31                                                     IVs: 31/1/31/31/31/31

- First Impression                                                               - Burn Up                                                                           - Hyper Voice

- Liquidation                                                                      - Will-O-Wisp                                                                     - Draco Meteor

- Aqua Jet                                                                          - Heat Wave                                                                       - Hydro Pump

- Sucker Punch                                                                  - Snarl                                                                                 - Roost


Hail Hydra (Ninetales-Alola) (M) @ Choice Scarf             Baneblade (Aegislash) (M) @ Leftovers                              Aegis (Lucario) (M) @ Lucarionite

Ability: Snow Warning                                                      Ability: Stance Change                                                        Ability: Inner Focus

EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe                                         EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 2 SpD / 8 Spe                                EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 2 SpA / 252 Spd

Timid Nature                                                                    Adamant Nature                                                                 Jolly Nature

IVs: 31/12/31/31/31/31                                                    IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31                                                      IVs: 31/31/31/18/31/31

- Dazzling Gleam                                                             - Sacred Sword                                                                    - High Jump Kick

- Blizzard                                                                          - Swords Dance                                                                   - Ice Punch

- Aurora Veil                                                                     - King's Shield                                                                     - Bullet Punch

- Freeze-Dry                                                                     - Shadow Sneak                                                                  - Swords Dance


I could spend days on the meaning of each team member or individual moments/runs, but for the sake of brevity I'll keep it to things of note:


- The MVP of the E4 to Finale gauntlet would have to be Golisopod. Had Lin not existed, then the title would go to Aegislash/Arcanine, but this giant mecha bug absolutely ruins Lin's day with the absurd power of banded First Impressions and Sucker Punches, and has the honor of landing the finishing blow on her true ace. Also had a huge role against Anna and served as the most dangerous pivot on the team with enough bulk and typing to make my life far easier.


- The SMVP thus goes to Aegislash, AKA the most busted sword/shield combo in human history. Aegislash literally solos Heather with 100% consistency, and is a valuable pivot --> setup killer on Elias (more chip damage then actual sweeper), a strong member against Lin, and very valuable against Anna.


- The TMVP would have to be Arcanine. If Golisopod ruins Lin's day, and Aegislash has a death warrant against Heather, then Arcanine basically gives Laura and Bennett PTSD. I got completely stonewalled by the duo on in their garden until I vaguely remembered you could do this cool little thing where you light their flowers on fire. Specs Heat Wave + Hail + Flash Fire is the world's easiest recipe to produce a war crime and a clean sweep of the duo in three turns. Arcanine also holds the dubious honor of almost accidentally stealing a victory against Lin's true ace through the power of Specs Burn Up into a lucky weakness. Key word being almost. Still, Arcanine was a reliable and consistently bulky enough pivot and effectively was a staple for how easy it was to play around.


- Ninetales was a key member for setting up rapid Aurora Veils in a panic, for pivoting into dragon type moves, and for surprising the AIs that would carry scarves themselves. Seriously, go try yourself a scarved Alolan Ninetales, it's far more versatile and fun to use than it's more standard Light Clay variant, especially in doubles.


- Lucario wasn't actually on the first team I tried in gameplay, even though like 80% of the teams I built centered around using his mega as a priority/raw power wallbreaker. Then I ran into Anna and Lin and realized just how much I absolutely despise fairy types. The cool thing is that my therapy for these freaks of typing is the glorious combo of Adaptability+Bullet Punch. Lucario didn't get any use for the first three members of the E4, but he earned his role for fairy removal in aisles 4 and 5, and also for dear god how strong is Adaptability Hi-Jump Kick? I didn't realize it at the time, but it would have instantly deleted Anna's Metagross and it came in clutch in removing Lin's Delphox when it had absolutely no right to.


- Salamence makes me a little sad. For how strong this mega has the ability to be, and just for the fact that it is scientifically proven that Salamence is the coolest Dragon type in all of Pokemon, I really struggled to make use of her ludicrous stats and moves. Salamence was a strong member against Elias and an extremely valuable pivot against Lin and Anna, but I couldn't turn that into a consistent sweep or more than a few matchup based OHKOs. Which, don't get me wrong, was very valuable in its own right, but for being a mega-pseudo legendary, I should have been able to get more done.

And that's basically it. I haven't gotten around to the postgame, and I am almost certain to not try restarting EP19 from the beginning, just because holy shit it took me nearly 500 hours to get this far,  not counting countless resets. Maybe after college. I'll get to it some day.


While this isn't the thread for this, it bears repeating anyway in the case that maybe one of them sees this: To Amy and all the devs, you all are amazing. I'm truly proud to have had the privilege to watch this game grow from the days where the gym leaders got to use Glitch's iconic Johto Champion theme to the refined and highly tuned experience that it is today. For all the games out there who have developers that might not appear to be in it for love of their work, I'm so glad I managed to stumble onto this jewel of a game and community. Y'all are awesome. Remember that.

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Sorta unbalanced team, but I couldn't be bother to train any new Pokemon asides the ones I've used in EP. 18 (Though Mence was new) another member of keep grinding until all stats except the unwanted ones are 31 or perfect any movepools. I even forgot to finish on EV training Primarina...


Silvally's mainly for a the laughs against PULSE Arceus, but Megamence finished the job because Arceus rolled Dragon Type on the switch-in. When in doubt, drop the Draco.


And yes, I've actually the whole Elite 4 w/o using Items with a couple attempts and luck.


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Here's my team with set mode and noitems. Every member of the team has their moments to shine, but Cosmic Power + Stored Power Clefable is probably the MVP.



For Heather I used Gliscor (with pre-toxic) to stall out Crobat's tailwind before killing it. Kommo-o with Kommonium-Z ended up sweeping her after a lucky miss from Gyarado's bounce.


For Laura, since Kommo-o, Gliscor and Mega Scizor can all learn X-Scissors from TM I ended up spamming X-Scissors to keep the field level down. Shoutout to my bulky M-Scizor living through Volcarona's fiery dance under rain.


For El I think I used Clefable to sweep. It can outstall Ditto!Clefable provided its ability isn't Unaware.


For Anna I set-up Swords Dance with M-Scizor on A-Ninetails and proceeded to 1v6.


For Lin her first battle doesn't feel that notable. For the second battle after taking care of Mismagius with Clefable I switched to Toxapex for Lin's own Clefable and toxic-ed it. After taking care of Celesteela with a Destiny Bond from Aegislash (in hindsight a Flamethrower from Clefable might also be able to handle it) Flagon is a setup fodder for Clefable, who proceeded to sweep. And for Pulse-Arceus Toxapex toxic-stalled it out. 



Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 20.32.23.png

Edited by qorder
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Having just cleared the game for the first time I felt like I should celebrate, and this thread feels like the perfect place for it. I'm using a pic from the Hall of Fame 3 as it's the latest, but the team has been the same ever since I got access to them. I put everything in spoilers for ease of scrolling through.





Ninja the Greninja. M. Timid, Protean. Scald, Dark Pulse, Extrasensory, Ice Beam. Wise Glasses.

This was my starter, and my fast killer in situations where priority was not an option. Born Adamant, but still pretty good at striking hard and fast in the early game. Definitely the MVP of my team, he got me off trouble so many times it's ridiculous. Used to share my nickname, but I felt like it wasn't fully appropriate after registering here. And I'm terrible with names.


Robin Hoot the Decidueye. M. Impish, Long Reach. Leaf Blade, Spirit Shackle, Low Sweep (False Swipe for event captures), Sucker Punch. Decidium-Z.

As I said, I'm bad at nicknames. Still, Decidueye was my Z-Move user, and with his signature one he was pretty reliable. Impish was what he was born with, and I debated changing it, but decided against it after a few tough survivals at like 10HP from physical attacks. Good utility, Tailwind is great, but he was amazing especially for Legandary hunting. Loved False Swipe for that, immunity to Normal and Fighting helped a lot too. Sucker Punch is a nice addition, but I didn't use him for priority that often. Happened to get two Rowlets off wonder trade pretty early in my playthrough, bred them together, got this little gem. Very satisfied.


Patience the Dragalge. F. Calm, Adaptability. Dragon Pulse, Venoshock, Toxic Spikes, Toxic. Black Sludge.

My full time special wall, with Toxic Spikes and Toxic support to help wear down the opposition. Saved me in the final fight, with a bit of lucky random type changes from "you-can-probably-figure-out-what" against "you-can-probably-imagine-who". 


King Monkey the Infernape. M. Jolly, Iron Fist. Fire Punch, Close Combat, Thunder Punch, Mach Punch. Muscle Band.

He was my first priority user and my physical nuker, meaning my physical attacker who would either oneshot things or get mangled. Not my favourite tactic, but he saved me a fair bit of times. Like Robin Hoot, got two Chimchars off wonder trade, bred them together, got this champion. About at the same time as him. Pretty consistent. Great vindicator.


Kindness the Togekiss. M. Bold, Serene Grace. Dazzling Gleam, Air Slash, Heat Wave, Flash. Leftovers.

My physical wall, very powerful and extremely tanky. Saved me more than once. Also great at capturing legendaries, thanks to Flash. Struggle can't cause recoil if the enemy can't hit you. Got me a few very much needed turns that ended up allowing me to capture eveyrthing on my first attempt - not counting the retries at the anomalies and Umbrals. I know, I was surprised too. Saved me in harsh fights too, with that. Got it early by breeding two Togepi I got off wonder trade a few days after the other two couples. Had to evolve them, which took a bit of time, but it was worth it. Got exceedingly lucky. I know.


Dreadnought the Metagross. X. Adamant, Clear Body. Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Ice Pinch, Bullet Punch. Mega Stone.

Yeah, shiny. Got him after the pretty tough quest to capture it, first actual attempt. Got some great stats too. He was my Mega, and my revenge killer. Situationally better as non-Mega, but most often got to nuke survivors of the opponents' teams after they were softened enough by the rest of the team. Also my second priority user. Bullet Punch actually oneshot every A-Ninetales I got him to fight against, saving me from Aurora Veil most of the time. Awesome. 


Items are your friends, but a nice team helps a lot. I was very lucky I got some nice members on my own, but I gotta also thank the people who traded me the random bred Rowlet, Chimchar and Togepi. Unfortunately as I was checking my boxes to see the trainer names, I realized I must have traded those guys off wondertrade at some point or released them by mistake, as I couldn't find them... So, thank you to whoever it was that sent me those Pokémon. Being able to breed to have those three made it very satisfying to stick to the team throughout the game. Legendaries felt unnecessary, never actually used any.

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Conclusion to an absolutely magical first playthrough. Set mode, no items. The MVP of the run was absolutely Shenanigans, the Sableye: she single-handedly dismantled half of the Elite Four with prankster Taunt and Will-o-Wisp. Honorable mentions go to Dustox the Volcarona, AC-130 the Scarfed Togekiss, and Dinner Plate the Aegislash, who were each responsible for their own rampages throughout the E4 -- in that order.

Edited by Timber Hearth
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I waited just until I beat post-game to truly post here, and yesterday I did so, here is my team!

Fortune (Emboar) - Brick Break/Assurance/Flamethrower/Head Smash - Reckless/Black Belt

Midnight (Persian) - Power Gem/Cut/Knock Off/Fake Out - Technician (used to be Unnerve)/Quick Claw

Opal (Meowstic-Male) - Fake Out/Light Screen/Psychic/Reflect - Prankster/Light Clay

Precious (Garbodor) -  Stockpile/Toxic/Sludge Bomb/Toxic Spikes - Stench/Black Sludge

Floral (Ampharos) - Signal Beam/Thunder Wave/Discharge/Dragon Beam - Static/Ampharosite

Lavender (Mawile) - Crunch/Flamethrower/Iron Head/Play Rough - Intimidate/Mawilite

Great job to everyone else who beat the champion!

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Thank fo the submit, everyone! Based on what you have submitted, I have created a tier list on what kinds of Pokemon has been used so far to defeat the Elite Four in the main story.


You might fight the results suprising! Check out the top post after I update it - and I will keep updating it as long as you keep submitting your teams!

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I was literally crying in tears and shaking uncontrollably as I finished Lin 2. I completed my first monotype (ice), no-item, set mode, run in one of the most difficult Pokémon fangames I have ever played. I can truly say that my knowledge of this game exponentially expanded due to the SHEER amount of weakness the ice type have. I am proud to present my champion team of six. (I am also currently taking Japanese classes in university, so I went with a Japanese naming scheme for my Pokemon! I just wish Reborn had East Asian letters installed. Meh, romaji will do. Click the spoiler below the picture for the rough translations!)





1. Shibuya is a city in Japan that houses Harajuku—a district known for its unorthodox fashion cultures! If I remember correctly, Jynx was inspired by the Harajuku culture, so I named her that way!
2. Yuki (snow) + Onna (woman). Of course, it's more grammatically correct to say "Yuki no onna" for "Snow woman" but I omitted the "no" particle most of the time since... why not? :P 
3. Doro (mud) + Kami (god). I attach the ~kami name IF these Pokemon house god-tier IV spreads. Safe to say, I got insanely lucky with the IV's of my other Pokemon.

4. Kori (Ice) + Ki (tree). Remember my rule for number 2? Yeah, I just added no to made it syllabically aesthetic.

5. Panchi is the "Japanglish" for "Punch"! In more correct terms, it's the "Katakanization" of it.

6. Hagane (Steel) + Kami (god). Busted Alolan Sandshrew with Slush Rush and 31 ATK IV's that carried me about 80% of the game.


I am willing to post a Q&A session on how I managed to pull off this godforsaken run! Do I recommend this to anybody?

...NO. The ice type has a bunch of weaknesses that require a lot of skill and planning to triumph. In the worst of battles, (Kiki, Samson, Titania, Anna, Lin 2), I had to memorize the switching patterns, micromanage held items, and choreograph EVERY SINGLE move to ensure my victory. I do not recommend it for beginners.


Plans for post-game? I might just drop my rules. Yes, Articuno and Kyurem might be there, but I seriously do not want to push with the monotype anymore! It's mentally, and sometimes, emotionally exhausting. As long as I have beaten the Elite Four, I have technically won the game, so that concludes my first mono-ice run!

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Well it was a journey and a half

Trick Room was an interesting run to try

MVP has gotta be Silvally and Chestnaught - Leech Seed Spiky Shield and Toxic Protect Parting Shot really helped neuter and stall out most of Lin's team

Mega Scizor and Primarina with Z Moves were my main damage dealers, while Oranguru was essential in the E4 fights, and one of the better Trick Room setters.



Chesnaught @ Rocky Helmet  
Ability: Bulletproof  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def  
Impish Nature  
- Leech Seed  
- Wood Hammer  
- Spiky Shield  
- Spikes  


Silvally @ Leftovers  
Ability: RKS System  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD  
Careful Nature  
- Multi-Attack  
- Toxic  
- Protect  
- Parting Shot  


Rhyperior @ Assault Vest  
Ability: Solid Rock  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD  
Adamant Nature  
- Rock Slide  
- Earthquake  
- Counter  
- Hammer Arm  


Scizor-Mega @ Scizorite  
Ability: Technician  
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD  
Adamant Nature  
- Swords Dance  
- Bullet Punch  
- Bug Bite  
- Knock Off  


Oranguru @ Amplifield Rock 
Ability: Telepathy  
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpD / 252 Def  
Relaxed Nature  
- Psychic
- Trick Room  
- Toxic  
- Instruct


Primarina @ Primarium Z  
Ability: Torrent  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Sparkling Aria  
- Moonblast  
- Ice Beam  
- Psychic  


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I usually never play with rotation mons/teams in a pokemon game and try keep some of my early favorites up until the very end, filling slots as I progress even if I don't have a team of six fully trained pkmn. I also don't care about EV/IVs. In a regular game it is manageable but for my first reborn run starting with e14 that was an unnecessary added difficulty (Kiki, Charlotte and Samson made me regret it). So I almost beat main reborn with a single team : Swampert, Ampharos, Arcanine, Roserade, Mismagius, and Eelektross. During the hiatus before the e19 beta I decided to train a lot of pokemon that were waiting and wasting their potential in my pc.


For the E4 I decided to switch 3 of my regulars for Dragonite, Gardevoir and Mimikyu.

Disguise and Trick Room were a huge game changer

Mega-Swampert and Dragonite with Multiscale were my MVP

Shoutout also to my stock of Revival Herbs and Max potions because without them that horrendous second battle would have been the end of me.


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I used Blaziken (Flare blitz, Protect, High jump kick and Earthquake), Garchomp (Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Stone edge and Iron head), Reuniclus (Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow ball and Flash cannon), Porygon-Z (Tri attack, Thunderbolt, Ice beam and Dark pulse or Hyper beam), Leafeon (Leaf blade, X scissor, Sunny day and Knock off) and Yanmega (Ancient power, Air slash, Bug buzz and Protect)

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This was my team :) 


Sword Dance/Shadow Sneak Aegi and Return Mega-Salamence were definitely the MVPs, while Volcarona swept Bennet and Laura.

The hardest fight was against Elias with the Noivern, where I had to reset until i could OHKO it with my Ninetales through Quick Claw :D

Arceus went down because Choice Scarf Silvally could get a Toxic on it before it died, so then it was just a Revive Spam. Maaaybe not the most graceful victory, but a win is a win :P


Screenshot 2022-05-24 210757.png

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Pokemon Name: Ability Move 1/Move 2/Move 3/Move 4 (Item)

Gothitelle: Shadow Tag Trick Room/Mirror Coat/Charm/Thunderbolt [After having trouble with Blake's Gyarados]  (Amplifield Rock)

Meowstic: Prankstar Light Screen/Fake Out/Psychic/Reflect (Light Clay)

Lycanroc: Steadfast Rock Slide/Stealth Rock/Accelerock/Brick Break (Zoom Lens)

[The last move was Roar before Victory Road, I don't remember why this has become Brick Break]

Greninja: Protean Dark Pulse/Extrasensory/Water Pledge/Surf (Z-Crystals)

[The Z-Crystals changes through out the Elite four battles]

Silvally: RKS System Iron Head/Metal Sound/Multi-Attack/Parting Shot (Memory/Normalium-Z)

[Same as Greninja, the memory changes between battles. For fields nullify Silvally's ability, the holding item will be Normalium-Z]

Abomasnow: Snow Warning Wood Hammer/Blizzard/Grass Whistle/Ice Shard (Abomasite)


Overall strategy: Meowstic: Barrier setup/ Fake Out in double battles.

Gothitelle: Trick Room setup/ Charm + Shadow Tag to buy some turns to heal my team.

Lycanroc: Zoom Lens + Rock Slide for double battles. Brick Break in case the opponent had barrier setup.

Protean Greninja + Silvally: Type coverage to deal with mons which Abomasnow weak to.

Mega-Abomasnow (-Speed nature) with Trick Room + Snow Warning + Blizzard, it sweeps. If not, this at least take down 2-3 mons.


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  1. Magnezone  +SpAtk / -Speed
  2. Gardevoir     +SpAtk / -Speed
  3. Charizard     +SpAtk / -Atk
  4. Heracross    +Atk / -Speed
  5. Typhlosion  +SpAtk / -Speed
  6. Bronzong    +SpDef / -Speed

Bronzong and Gardevoir are the 2 Trick Room setters. 3 Mega options in Heracross, Gardevoir and Charizard Y (my starter) . Easiest E4 member was the second one with weather control & Trick Room and hardest one was the third one. Everyone had decent IVs but nobody was bred to perfection.


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This sandstorm team is by far the easiest playthrough I've had. Only place I struggled a bit was solo vs Blake and Fern-battles until I got surf for Heliolisk.

Gigalith for obv reason, Togedemaru to set electric field.


Gigalith - Sand Stream

Togedemaru - Sturdy

Heliolisk - Sand Veil

Gliscor - Sand Veil

Stoutland - Sand Rush

Excadrill - Sand Rush



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3 hours ago, adamsky said:

This sandstorm team is by far the easiest playthrough I've had. Only place I struggled a bit was solo vs Blake and Fern-battles until I got surf for Heliolisk.

Gigalith for obv reason, Togedemaru to set electric field.


Gigalith - Sand Stream

Togedemaru - Sturdy

Heliolisk - Sand Veil

Gliscor - Sand Veil

Stoutland - Sand Rush

Excadrill - Sand Rush




You really defeated Elite Four and Lin with this team? In a field where weather effects and terrain do not work?

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