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Pokemon Reborn E19 Hall of Fame - show off your game-winning team! (Now with tier list)


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56 minutes ago, FragsBunny said:


You really defeated Elite Four and Lin with this team? In a field where weather effects and terrain do not work?

I think they overwrote the field with Toge then Excadrill sweep the rest

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Set + No items. I got lucky in the last fight and wasn't strongly committed to A-Tales but grabbed it since the opponents were laying the groundwork for me to throw up Veils. I have no shame saying I only won (Anna Smiles) because Lin's true ace came in and rolled flying type against my Dusk-Roc with his Z crystal, which was only full strength mon I had left. Mega Scizor + Honchkrow between them destroyed most of the elite 4 with some Accelrock for the bugs and some boosted Moonblasts for El.


Edited by JJM
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On 5/27/2022 at 4:18 PM, FragsBunny said:


You really defeated Elite Four and Lin with this team? In a field where weather effects and terrain do not work?

Yes,. The E4 + first Lin was very easy. I struggled a hell of a lot more with the Fern battles. For Lin2 I had to re-do all the abilities since the weather couldn't be changed. Thought I would struggle a lot more than I did in the final fight - could be that I got a bit lucky in the final fight but if I remember correctly I won on the 2nd or 3rd try.





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I had a Blaziken, Greninja, Serperior, Aegislash, Mamoswine and Naganadel. I think all of them had MVP moments, but


That GODDAMN ABRA WAS A PRICK. I only could beat it by planning the fight to have my blaziken to have accrued +4 attack and enough speed boosts to OHKO it before it auto-swept. Everything died in one hit, and nothing that could dent it could outsped it with a scarf. (I didn't have Fire Blast-TM)

That thing was way worse than the fight after, as I could beat Not-so-Brokenceus by stalling it with Aegislash. I think that one mon being in a team was one of the worst things I had to deal with in the entire game, and that includes all of the post-game content.


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Hello once again. I got hit with ransomware about a week ago, and though i managed to recover most important personal stuff, I lost my Reborn savefiles, so I had to make new runs. Anna smiles route again.


tried to use some Pokemon i never had before, but i just cannot go without Kommo-o it seems. and also yes, those are custom sprites for Kommo-o and Heliolisk made by yours truly.



First time I didn't cheese Heather with Intimidate and Dragon Dance Kommo-o. Instead I cheesed with X-Defend and Swords Dance Mega Scizor.


Laura and Bennet went like : Weavile Poison Jabbed Whimsicott Turn 1 as Kommo-o danced and then died, so Scizor came out and Swords Danced next to Kommo-o. I always let Leavanny live forever since it is quite weak.


Elias' Noivern got folded by Ice Shard, I baited his Dragonite to use Outrage on Primarina since its Banded, and then it didn't wanna switch out because whatever came in would explode. Kangaskhan got popped by Rhyperior Superpower, Drampa and Kommo-o got blasted by Primarina and Ditto hardly existed.


Anna I set up Scizor vs Ninetales, KO'd it, and Metagross, but Starmie hung on by a thread and KO'd me back. After killing it with Weavile, I used Heliolisk to Electric Terrain on Sylveon and then walled it and used X-SpAttks on it to then Sweep.


I tried to do the same vs Lin, but Foul Play on her Alolatales stopped me. Her choice scarfed Garchomp, much like Elias' Dragonite wouldn't switch out vs Primarina despite being locked into Outrage. Conkeldurr also got mostly handled by Primarina(took like 85% then picked off). Mega Gardevoir got Bullet Punted after a boost vs it, and then Delphox and Abra got mangled by Rhyperior Earthquake(lived a Flash Cannon from Full HP thanks to Assault Vest).


Against Lin 2, I gave Weavile an Air Balloon to not have my speed dropped, and then shredded through Mismagius and Flygon with it, Clefable was a huge issue for this team, so I slapped Poison Jab on Rhyperior and spammed until I died for Scizor to then pick it off. I unleashed a Gigavolt Havoc on Celesteela with Heliolisk, and I used an X-Defend on Honchkrow's Sucker Punch to not get OHKO'd by it and Thunderbolted it to dust, then Primarina just cleaned up the Hydreigon.


Then against Lin 3, I just... spammed Toxic with SpDef boosted Mega Scizor and hope it didn't become a fire type, bc then I'd have to switch out and then come back in and X-SpDef again. I missed Toxic 5 times in a row which was comical. It ended up running out of moves.



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Been like 2 weeks since I finished the game but here is my E4 team. This is the one team where i rarely switched out members for the last 4-5 gyms. The only person who was new was Excadrill who i learned fast enough was a major sweeper.




Heather was a breeze because of Lopunny not allowing her to set up Tailwind after which the only problem was Salamence which soon succumbed to Excadrill and Magnezone's Tag Duo. 


Bennett and Luara was a free win with both Serperior and Volcarona, Mostly Volcarona who just Quiver Danced and then swept through


El was a bit harder because of some moveset issues but Lopunny's Return Killed most of them. Any leftovers were taken over by Lord Wobuffet.


Anna was not much of a problem just had to kill her Metagross before Setting up Volcarona and Serperior took care of Starmie.


Now Lin is another thing. I don't remember much of how i defeated her but it sure involved T-wave, X-items and revive stalls.


Wobuffet probably saved a lot of time for me in most of the battles.


Of course, the names:

  • Furry???
  • No-U
  • Serpent
  • Ex-Man
  • Ufo-#1
  • Firefly






Item: Lopunnite


Fake Out


Ice Punch

High Jump Kick



Item: Assault Vest/Leftovers



Destiny Bond

Mirror Coat




Item: Wise Glasses


Leaf Storm

Dragon Pulse

Giga Drain

Leech Seed/Nature Power(Changed it midway through the E4)




Item: Life Orb



Rock Slide

Smart Strike

Swords Dance



Item: Metal Coat/ Zap Plate


Discharge (Forgot to change to Thunderbolt)

Electric Terrain

Thunder Wave

Flash Cannon



Item: Charcoal/ Wise Glasses



Giga Drain

Bug Buzz

Quiver Dance


Screenshot 2022-04-20 172550.png

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here's mine! names in order: Ferric, Neptune, Narukami, Valentine, Plume, Astrophel (i used this team for both the first and second elite 4 rounds)



hardest fight out of the e4 was definitely laura/bennett, which took quite a few tries and tm moveset switch ups. growth megarupt helped a lot

second hardest was elias, cause i was only able to beat his mega kangaskhan via ferrothorn rocky helmet + iron barbs bullshittery lol, but the rest of his fight was fairly easy with togekiss dazzling gleam spam

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I played the whole game in Set Mode without bag items, so I had to switch held items, TMs and Z-Moves to make my way through. Best fun I had in a Pokémon game.

  • Gliscor : Toxic, Roost, Protect and you can shut down almost everything. Other moves were Earthquake, Rock Slide and for one fight Acrobatics.
  • Greninja : A god in end-game. Ice Beam, U-Turn, Rock Slide, Acrobatics, Dark Pulse and Hydro Pump... He held Choice Scarf, Expert Belt and Z-Crystals.
  • M-Medicham : Fake Out + Bullet Punch is so powerful. And when you have a room for High Jump Kick or Zen Headbutt, you can clean everything. Telepathy is also very good sometimes when not mega-evolved.
  • Gengar : Shadow Ball, Sludge Wave, Focus Blast, Dark Pulse. I used Curse too sometimes. No Destiny Bond needed thankfully because I would have started over to relearn it. He held Choice items, Expert Belt and Z-Crystals too. Oh, and Cursed Body is a nice surprise sometimes.
  • Mostima-Wash : Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch and Hydro Pump. A shutdown machine. But I gave it the opportunity to use Z-Move Electrik.
  • Whimsicott : Encore, Encore, Encore. And Tailwind. And Stun Pore. And Nature Power sometimes when everything else was done. And Sunny Day for one fight.

Every opponent gave me trouble but with a few attempts, it turned out ok. Laura and Bennet were the hardest. Without Sunny Day and the Rainbow field, it would have been over.

Lin2 was a stolen-victory. It was my second attempt. I flinched turn 1 with Dark Pulse and then won 3 Sucker Punch duels with Bullet Punch and High Jump Kick, allowing Medicham to go wild. But mostly, I finally realised that pre-poisoned Gliscor could hold other items (it took me a while). So, I gave him the field seed. I mean, even Arceus couldn't do anything.


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Posting mine here, almost 9 years in the making, 

Having spikes stacking hyper offense was good, but I have to keep my starter in the family photo. 

Names are

Absolute Wow: Arcanine

Julia- Forretress

Raphael- Blastoise

Trolleteon- Jolteon

Majesty- Dragonite

Trolololol- Whimsicott

Hall o fame.PNG

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My team for the E4:


Heat Wave - Bug Buzz - Quiver Dance - Will-o-Wisp


Triplette - Discharge - Dark Pulse - Thunder/Thunderbolt/Psychic/Thunder Wave


Icicle Crash - Earthquake - Ice Shard - Blizzard (Only for Heather to change the field)

Heracross Mega

Pin Missile - Close Combat - Rock Blast - Bullet Seed


Meteor Mash - Bullet Punch - Zen Headbutt - Earthquake


Air Slash - Dazzling Gleam - Thunder Wave - Nasty Plot


For Heather my biggest problem was Gyarados, Proygon-Z with a Focus Sash und Thunder took care of that. The next pokemon was Nidoking, Mamoswine with a Telluric Seed (+2 Attack in Mountain Field) took one hit from Nidoking to change the field to Snowy Mountain and sweeped afterwards with Ice Shard.

Against Laura/Bennett, Anna and Lin Volcarona with Quiver Dance sweeped. The A-Ninetales lead from Anna and Lin couldn't do anything against Volcarona. Setting up Quiver Dance to stall the Aurora Vail and easy win.

Biggest problem was Elias, but a Download boosted scarfed Porygon-Z with Triplette as well as Dazzling Gleam Togekiss took care of Elias.

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Main-game HoF:




Additional notes:


Lineup: https://pokepast.es/9e6b05298979401e


Noteworthy strats:

- Weavile had Fake Out to invalidate the more-than-obvious Heather's Turn 1 Tailwind;

- Naganadel carried Poisonium-Z to mess up with Laura's field once required (another relatively obvious decision ever since the field was announced);

- Max def Skarmory managed to wall many threats, most notably Elias' Choice Band Dragonite and Lin's Choice Scarf(?) Garchomp;



X-League Post-game HoF:




Additional notes:


Lineup: https://pokepast.es/92e3402e144f453b


Noteworthy Strats:

- Bazaro (Giratina) ensures safely setting Gravity and Tailwind for field control, whenever required;

- Ferumbras (Darkrai) makes the most use out of Gravity with high accuracy Dark Void in doubles, but Ark (Groudon) loves it as well since it allows to spam Precipice Blades;

- Pal (Palkia) also benefits from Gravity with powerful STABs and coverage moves. With the added accuracy, coupled with Telepathy, it's a very threatening mon to many common enemies. Sometimes, Pal itself had Gravity instead of Fire Blast, but it was replaced for the wider coverage for the league.

- Retro (M-Gengar) runs Hypnosis for disabling fast bois, and since the field buffs Hex, it definitely hits hard.

- Tapu Lel (Tapu Lele) is the bread-and-butter Psychic Terrain setter, but it also has Psych Up for the situational setup for wrapping up the fight.


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Is a second hall of fame allowed? Like a team from a different route. If so here is the team that i used for the Anna Route.



Lin-Route Postgame has shown me the greatness of Lord Aegislash. This run I tried to use as many different pokemon as possible to experience the new Early game and Story but still had to keep my favourites in.


Mamoswine was orginally supposed to be on the team but this seemed more easy to work with. This was done in Set Mode so I had to plan accordingly.

Aegislash is definitely the MVP as he took down both Lin and Anna with just some X-Def and X-Sp.Def.

Of course Mega-Mawile came in clutch for Heather who just let me set up after which Sucker Punch and Iron Head cleaned up. Mawile provided a lot of options for pivots.

Noivern was probably the best glass cannon ever. I just revived him to defeat Mega Kanghaskan. Of course pivoting when Dragonite had been bound to Earthquake gave time to potion up.

Magnezone is just a real good pokemon with its Typings and provided great support. This time instead of E-Terrain I ran Mirror Coat on it which cleaned up the final boss.

Volcarona is just the best for Laura/Bennett. She just cleaned up with the help of Lord Aegislash's Resistance and Ultra Potion Spam.


I didn't think i would be able to cheese three of the battles. But Lord Aegislash has proven me wrong. Of course with honorary placements for Mangezone and Mawile.



Now for the names:

  • NoiNoi
  • Mr.Purr
  • MissLyla
  • Ignite
  • Final Memory (Of course he has earned the title Lord Aegislash)
  • Terrabyte






Item: Choice Scarf


Dragon Pulse






Item: Light Clay


Light Screen


Misty Terrain




Item: Mawilite


Play Rough

Iron Head

Swords Dance

Sucker Punch



Item: Wise Glasses/Chesto Berry


Heat Wave

Quiver Dance

Bug Buzz




Item: Leftovers


King's Shield

Iron Head

Shadow Sneak

Swords Dance



Item: Zap Plate


Thunder Wave


Flash Cannon

Mirror Coat


Anna Route Hall Of Fame.png

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My 1st run through the E4 was the team bellow:



Importable: https://pokepast.es/a3b9559e6612a60f
In Detail:


Kastana (Chesnaught) (F) @ Rocky Helmet  
Ability: Bulletproof  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 152 Def / 100 SpD  
Impish Nature  
IVs: 7 SpA  
- Drain Punch  
- Toxic  
- Leech Seed  
- Spiky Shield  

Bacon God (Emboar) (M) @ Choice Scarf  /  Choice Band
Ability: Reckless  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
Jolly/Adamant Nature  
IVs: 30 Def / 1 SpA  
- Flare Blitz  
- Superpower  
- Wild Charge  
- Sucker Punch  

Ribbit (Seismitoad) (M) @ Waterium Z  /  Poisonium Z  /  Groundium Z
Ability: Swift Swim  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Surf  
- Earth Power  
- Sludge Wave  
- Focus Blast  

Pella (Pelipper) (F) @ Damp Rock  
Ability: Drizzle  
EVs: 248 HP / 36 Def / 224 SpD  
Bold Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Scald  
- Hurricane  
- Roost  
- Ice Beam  

Arkhi (Archeops) (M) @ Flying Gem  /  Itemless
Ability: Defeatist  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
IVs: 28 SpA  
- Head Smash  
- Rock Slide  
- Earthquake  
- Acrobatics  

Faros (Ampharos-Mega) @ Ampharosite  /  Choice Scarf
Ability: Static  /  Mold Breaker  
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 20 Atk / 30 Def  
- Thunder  
- Dragon Pulse  
- Hidden Power [Ice]  
- Agility  


I'm so glad I managed to beat the E4 with this team. I planned to use this team and only this team since E17 until I beat the Champion and while sometimes some battles were very hard, I managed to pull through. While I expected my attacker to be the most crucial for the E4, the MVP was Kastana the Chesnaught that managed to stall out whatever problematic pokemon my team couldn't handle and be all around a stop to all physical attackers!

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Be warned, I did kinda change movesets and items up a lot.


Sylveon - Miranda

Ability: Pixilate

Item: Pixie Plate/Choice Specs/Choice Scarf/Assault Vest

Moves: Hyper Voice, Hidden Power Ice, Light Screen, Shadow Ball/Magic Coat


Hydreigon - Cassiopeia

Ability: Levitate

Item: Assault Vest/Choice Specs/Choice Scarf

Moves: Flash Cannon, Dragon Pulse, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower/Hidden Power Fairy


Metagross - Dell

Ability: Clear Body

Item: Leftovers/Choice Band

Moves: Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake/Brick Break/Rock Slide


Delphox - Almia

Ability: Magician

Item: Focus Sash/Life Orb/Choice Specs

Moves: Psychic, Fire Pledge, Psychic Terrain, Snatch/Shadow Ball/Grass Knot

Note: Snatch was specifically for dealing with Heather's Tailwind. Just having that up saved my ass so I could be sure of at least not constantly getting outsped.


Porygon2 - Hopper

Ability: Trace

Item: Eviolite

Moves: Tri Attack, Recover, two of Thunderbolt/Ice Beam/Toxic/Shadow Ball/Hidden Power Rock


Silvally - Hope

Ability: RKS System

Item: Rock Memory/Flying Memory/Dragon Memory/Ground Memory/Ground Memory/Life Orb

Moves: Multi-Attack, Ice Fang, Parting Shot, U-Turn/Rock Slide

Note: These items (although not the items of the other Pokemon on this list) are in order.

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Team Beardactyl, a team of five bears and an Aerodactyl. Movesets changed far too often to list entirely, so I will list names; abilities; and their jobs.

Maul - Ursaring: Instead of Guts I opted for Quick Feet and used her more as support toward the end by setting Rain for Beartic or setting sun to kill certain field problems. And, if the opportunity arose, Facade sweeping happened.

Bear - Aerodactyl: My team's Mega Slot, used mostly as support for setting Tailwind and Rocks; otherwise was also very useful for general sweeping and filling my crippling Fighting Weakness.

Munch - Snorlax: Honestly? Curselax.

Violence - Pangoro: Violence was just a general sweeper, didn't do much fancy other than be general coverage and my revenge killer.

Kodiak - Beartic: Typical Rain Sweeper, though I kept ability capsules around to swap to Slush Rush in Hail environments. Also typically kept Dive to get me above water while also using Waterium-Z for the huge damage and field changing.

Cuddles - Bewear: The star of the team, honestly. Assault Vest and Fluffy ensured she was basically immortal, a very bulky force of raw power and not much else.


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So here's the team I used. They had good but not perfect IVs:


Moveset: Heat Wave, Air Slash, Solar Beam, Tailwind
Item: Charizardite Y




Moveset: Shadow Sneak, Sacred Sword, Swords Dance, King's Shield

Item: Leftovers



Garchomp (Shiny)

Moveset: Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Rock Slide, Swords Dance

Item: Leftovers




Moveset: Giga Drain, Venoshock, Leech Seed, Toxic

Item: Black Sludge




Moveset: Poison Jab, Megahorn, Swords Dance, Protect

Item: Black Sludge




Moveset: Knock Off, Ice Punch, Ice Shard, Power-Up Punch

Item: Air Balloon


Side Notes: I was considering replacing Silk (The Weavile) with Squark (Alolan Raichu) or Fluffles (Cincinno), but I opted to go with the Weavile instead for better type coverage. Especially since otherwise the team doesn't really hit dragon types too well. Still, it covers what I needed.




Strategy wise, Caliburn handled a lot of it himself. Get him against an enemy he can king's shield stall, swords dance, then sweep. Toughest fight was actually vs Laura+Bennett, I thought Ixen+Ternesj could heat wave/rock slide sweep them but they were faster, plus with the rain+sun made it a rainbow field, which isn't terrible to work with but their team outspeeds mine unless I get a tailwind up. 


Speed boost Scolipede can run some cleanup especially vs fairy enemies or things which the Aegislash can't.


Vs Anna and Lin round 1, I lead with Ixen. They try to start with an Aurora Veil alolan ninetales, but the Charizard Y transformation cancels the hail and then causes the Aurora Veil to fail. Used tailwind then heat wave to start, but having the tailwind set up means you can sweep more easily.


One last thing, for the Lin round 2 fight, any grounded pokemon /need/ to have an air balloon or the field effect will hose their speed. (I got Silk to down 2 of her team that way, would have been 1-hit-KOed otherwise) Her team is built around that, but yours probably isn't. 


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My last experience going through E19 was with a mono grass team, which was horrifically painful. This time, I decided to do another theme team that was a bit less stressful, so I went with Melia's team from Rejuvenation! For this run I played on set mode, didn't use items in battle (the password was not enabled, so the opponents could still use items), and had Nuzlocke mode on until the Glass Workstation. The gauntlet just kinda broke me.


The Mons

Hapi (Togekiss)


Choice Scarf

Air Slash
Dazzling Gleam

Serene Grace,Timid,0
EVs: [0, 0, 0, 252, 252, 6]
IVs: [31, 20, 31, 31, 31, 31]


Hapi might be Melia's ace, but it certainly ain't mine. Here he is rocking an extremely utility heavy scarf set. The fast flinching only mattered twice, the first against Heather to make sure Crobat can't set up Tailwind, and the second against Puppy, where Air Slash did negative damage but the flinch did buy time for Toxic damage to rack up. Tailwind actually didn't get used more than once surprisingly, but I never swapped it out because it's a tutor move that I couldn't get back mid league. The third moveslot got switched up constantly. Thunder Wave against Heather, Sunny Day was run against Laura and Bennett, and Toxic for the rest.

Serenity (Meganium)


Meganium Crest

Leech Seed
Giga Drain

EVs: [252, 0, 252, 0, 0, 6]
IVs: [31, 7, 31, 31, 31, 31]


My starter for both this run and the mono grass run, it's Serenity! I managed to port over the Meganium Crest from Rejuvenation as well, which helped immensely. It functions just like it does there; incoming damage for Meganium and its ally is reduced by 20%, and both restore 6.25% of their max HP every turn.  I made it accessible after the Water Treatment Plant.

That still doesn't fix the complete lack of offensive presence, so here we are with a dedicated stalling set. She still managed to accomplish literally nothing against Heather, and got wrecked by my own abuse of Laura and Bennett's field, but really shined against Elias and more importantly Lin. In the most anticlimactic end imaginable, Puppy, after ravaging my team down to the last, got stalled to death by Leech Seed and Toxic. It's boring, but I'm very happy with it given how much I love Meganium.

Hope (Gardevoir)


Choice Scarf

Focus Blast

EVs: [6, 0, 0, 252, 252, 0]
IVs: [31, 16, 31, 31, 31, 31]


Two scarf users on one team seems a bit bold, but with the team being as slow as it is something had to give. Hope was the MVP for basically the entire run. There's just a massive amount of Fairy-weak mons running around in this league, a ton of field effects that buff Moonblast to monstrous levels, and not a lot of things that can handle a Fairy type that's hitting that hard with that amount of speed.  Trace is also just a ludicrously good ability. Copying Laura's Venusaur's Chlorophyll lead to an easy win. Getting El to bring out Kangaskhan early to copy Parental Bond did the same, but then I had to win a speed tie against Ditto. Lin's Celesteela was also the only thing on her team that could stand up to the field boosted Moonblasts.

Fortitude (Zoroark)


Life Orb

Dark Pulse
Grass Knot

EVs: [0, 0, 0, 252, 252, 6]
IVs: [31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31]


Fortitude, my dearest friend, you carried me extremely hard through the early game until I finally managed to mine up a Shiny Stone for Hapi. You were still incredibly good up until around Charlotte, when even the random route trainers had perfect IVs and are EV trained. You're still solid, but... this is not the league for you. He still got to contribute a bit. He got to use the Firium-Z which was the only reason I beat Bennett and Laura. Field boosted Dark Pulses really hurt Anna and Lin, but he got used exactly 0 times against Heather and Elias, and died to Venusaur after destroying the flower garden. I honestly should have looked at the League more beforehand, because Grass Knot hits exactly 0 things and Sucker Punch would have been nice.

Patience (Snorlax)


Figy Berry

Belly Drum
Heavy Slam

EVs: [252, 252, 0, 0, 0, 6]
IVs: [31, 31, 31, 10, 31, 31]


We live in a Gen VII world before the pinch berries were nerfed so I'm obviously going to abuse that fact. Just like with Fortitude I really should have looked at the League more thoroughly before going in, because Crunch was useless and Recycle would have been wonderful. He still put in a metric ton of work. There's loads of scary special attackers, and Snorlax beats scary special attackers. There's a surprising amount of Steel-weak mons, and obviously none of them are fat enough to make Heavy Slam anything less than max power. He didn't really have any major clutches, but he just a fantastic, consistent performer. Heather didn't really give him a chance to work with all her strong physical attackers, but every other match he he did his job and he did it well.

Unity (Hydreigon)



Nasty Plot
Flash Cannon
Dark Pulse

EVs: [0, 0, 0, 252, 252, 6]
IVs: [31, 9, 31, 31, 31, 31]


Another beneficiary of my tampering, with me updating learnsets to Gen VIII, Hydreigon gets Nasty Plot. For all the fights she showed up in, she didn't need it. Holy hell, what an inconsistent mon. Thanks to Hapi's Tailwind she ravaged Laura and Bennett, completely dunked on Elias once Kangaskhan and Noivern were disposed of. Against Anna and Heather her best contributions were being sac fodder. But then she wrecked Lin#1 (Her Gardevoir is Modest. Don't run Modest Mega Gardevoir. Garchomp is Adamant too. Don't do that either. It's Scarf so it still revenge killed me, but still

). Lin#2 got wrecked even harder, once I realized there's a route split and she has two different teams she can bring. There's a Flygon there in the Anna route that's not present in the Lin route. I brought her in against Celesteela after sac'ing Fortitude to it, set up a Nasty Plot, and then won. Black Hole Eclipse OHKO'd Celesteela (It even kills when unboosted. I had to reset this fight a few times to make sure I had enough going into Puppy), Flash Cannon OHKO'd her Hydreigon because Lin is allergic to +Speed natures, and then OHKO'd the Unaware Clef too.


For this challenge I also had Aegislash, Mimikyu, Azumarill, and Yanmega available. They never show up evolved, but I also had the option of including Lopunny and Bewear. I never actually used any of them. The first three are actually good mons, and I can't have that. I guess after mono grass I've just awakened masochistic tendencies that had previously been buried deep within my subconscious. I also didn't end up using any Megas for this team. I had two potentially, in the form of Gardevoir and Lopunny. I could have also stuck closer to canon and ported over Mega Snorlax. Lopunny was out, because I didn't end up using the base form at all. I could have used Gardevoir. I went through the hell of that puzzle in the basement of Devon Corp and everything. But I just kinda forgot about it? I'll justify me being an airhead by saying that Scarf Gard was incredibly useful

Edited by KenzieEmm
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Drip (Pelipper) (M) @ Damp Rock  
Ability: Drizzle  
EVs: 112 HP / 252 Def / 144 Spe  
Bold Nature  
- Defog  
- Roost  
- U-turn  
- Scald  

Kipkip (Swampert) (M) @ Swampertite  
Ability: Damp  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Waterfall  
- Ice Punch  
- Stone Edge  
- Earthquake  

Tomimi (Rotom-Wash) @ Leftovers  
Ability: Levitate 
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spe  
Bold Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Volt Switch  
- Hydro Pump  
- Will-O-Wisp  
- Pain Split  

Tequila (Gyarados) @ Flyinium Z  
Ability: Moxie  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Dragon Dance  
- Bounce  
- Waterfall  
- Earthquake  

Lumen (Toxapex) @ Black Sludge  
Ability: Regenerator  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD  
Bold Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Haze  
- Scald  
- Recover  
- Toxic Spikes  

Thule (Keldeo-Resolute) @ Choice Specs  
Ability: Justified  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Icy Wind  
- Hidden Power [Bug]  
- Secret Sword  
- Scald



yea ik Pelipper's EVs spread weird but it just simply works for me, anyways here's a brief summary

- Pelipper as usual the rain setter, and somehow that EVs spread makes it survive random hits before doing U-turn for swapping
- Toxapex being "The Pex"
- Swampert as the rain MVP
- Keldeo as my special sweeper, which recently replaced Swift Swim Kingdra for uhhhh, maybe I'd just wanna put a legendary on my team
- Rotom-W doing exceptionally good work here in pivotting and choke with Will-o-Wisp when Toxic Spikes can't touch the enemies
- Gyarados with Flynium-Z Bounce occasionally help me pulling out a lot in New World, when Pelipper becomes total pepega (curse the field tho)


Edited by Seina
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I used the max IV and Eevee starter password.

Deci the Carbink
Amplifield Rock

Stealth Rock
Trick Room

EVs: Max Att

Siren the Primarina

Dazzling Gleam
Sparkling Aria
Ice Beam

EVs: Max SpA and SpD

Premiere the Swellow (Always burnt, only use healing items and leppa berries to restore, problematic when fainted, but works most times)
Choice Band and Flame Orb( if fainted)

Brave Bird
Protect/Steel Wing
Quick Attack

EVs: Max Att and Spe

Kili the Camerupt

Earth Power
Lava Plume
Stone Edge

Solid Rock,Quiet
EVs: Max Att and SpA

Couch-Potato the Snorlax
Iapapa Berry

Belly Drum

EVs: Max Att and HP


Scarlett the Espeon (starter)
Life Orb

Shadow Ball
Dazzling Gleam
Calm Mind

Magic Bounce,Timid
EVs: Max SpA and Spe



Snorlax is a beast, It takes care of everything except levitating ghost types, which the rest of my team deals with. I'm pretty sure I've used it for every singles battle since its been on my team. Snorlax and Camerupt wrecked the Elite-4. Shoutout to Carbink for making all this possible with that Trick Room.

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13 hours ago, Seina said:
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Drip (Pelipper) (M) @ Damp Rock  
Ability: Drizzle  
EVs: 112 HP / 252 Def / 144 Spe  
Bold Nature  
- Defog  
- Roost  
- U-turn  
- Scald  

Kipkip (Swampert) (M) @ Swampertite  
Ability: Damp  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Waterfall  
- Ice Punch  
- Stone Edge  
- Earthquake  

Tomimi (Rotom-Wash) @ Leftovers  
Ability: Levitate 
EVs: 248 HP / 216 Def / 44 Spe  
Bold Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Volt Switch  
- Hydro Pump  
- Will-O-Wisp  
- Pain Split  

Tequila (Gyarados) @ Flyinium Z  
Ability: Moxie  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Adamant Nature  
- Dragon Dance  
- Bounce  
- Waterfall  
- Earthquake  

Lumen (Toxapex) @ Black Sludge  
Ability: Regenerator  
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD  
Bold Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Haze  
- Scald  
- Recover  
- Toxic Spikes  

Thule (Keldeo-Resolute) @ Choice Specs  
Ability: Justified  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Icy Wind  
- Hidden Power [Bug]  
- Secret Sword  
- Scald


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yea ik Pelipper's EVs spread weird but it just simply works for me, anyways here's a brief summary

- Pelipper as usual the rain setter, and somehow that EVs spread makes it survive random hits before doing U-turn for swapping
- Toxapex being "The Pex"
- Swampert as the rain MVP
- Keldeo as my special sweeper, which recently replaced Swift Swim Kingdra for uhhhh, maybe I'd just wanna put a legendary on my team
- Rotom-W doing exceptionally good work here in pivotting and choke with Will-o-Wisp when Toxic Spikes can't touch the enemies
- Gyarados with Flynium-Z Bounce occasionally help me pulling out a lot in New World, when Pelipper becomes total pepega (curse the field tho)


I do not understand how did you manage to sneak in Keldeo before the postgame. Until you give me a proper answer, I won't include your team while updating the tier list.

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Primarina - Very good bulk especially with assault vest and sweeper thanks to huge damage output from liquid voice hyper voice

Incineroar - I mean if you are familiar with competitive pokemon, this one is obvious but for those that aren't, honestly just shocking how much punishment he can take even from super effective hits, fake out, intimidate, overall good damage output and plays support role very well.

Gliscor - physically bulky sweeper but mainly just poked holes plus needed some speed on the team and I like gliscor. I went with a poison heal swords dance set. Unfortunately wasn't as useful as I wanted to it to be.

Aegislash - Honestly the star of the show, the ace in the hole. I mean swords dance into whatever you want and being able to adjust when needed thanks to king shield and stance change plus leftovers. Ran him max def 236 for hp and 20 for atk. Both the unstoppable force and the immovable object. He did struggle in the elias fight thanks to holy field

Dusclops - As we all know, amazing bulk thanks to eviolite. Wanted a trick room user since if you look at what I got so far, you'll notice I have literally zero speed control but a lot of slow mons that hit hard minus gliscor and the last one. Of course just a standard set with will o wisp pain split night shade and trick room.

Sceptile - My mega for the team and I know there were way better options, but I really wanted to use sceptile because sceptile gets no love usage wise and i get why. He didn't get to do near as much as the others but my idea going into it was like some pledge stuff  with primarina to bring up swamp if I needed to change the field and I tried to justify it more with lightning rod being the ability and not having much for electric types other than gliscor. 

Screenshot (5).png

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