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Pokemon Reborn E19 Hall of Fame - show off your game-winning team! (Now with tier list)


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  On 6/8/2022 at 4:58 AM, FragsBunny said:

I do not understand how did you manage to sneak in Keldeo before the postgame. Until you give me a proper answer, I won't include your team while updating the tier list.


oh wait that's the postgame one, iirc that's Magearna quest
also it was Kingdra pre-postgame with this set on Keldeo's spot

Weedy (Kingdra) (F) @ Choice Specs  
Ability: Swift Swim  
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Draco Meteor  
- Hydro Pump  
- Flash Cannon  
- Ice Beam

Edited by Seina
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First E4 clear! Went for a Trick Room strategy since Mega Abomasnow is my favorite Pokémon, and it ended up being incredibly successful.


The Team

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The Strategy

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Pride (Pidgeot)/Timid Nature/Pidgeotite/252 EV Spe/252 EV SpA

  • Hurricane/Heat Wave/Roost/Tailwind

Sloth (Gigalith)/Sand Stream/Impish Nature/Smooth Rock/252 EV Atk/Remaining EVs spread among defensive stats

  • Stealth Rock/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Nature Power/Protect/Explosion (moveset changed between Elite 4 and the Champion)

Greed (Excadrill)/Sand Rush/Jolly Nature/Steelium Z/252 EV Spe/252 EV Atk

  • Swords Dance/Iron Head/Earthquake/Rock Slide

Gluttony (Gastrodon)/Storm Drain/Calm Nature/Leftovers/252 EV HP/252 EV SpD

  • Scald/Earthquake/Toxic/Recover/Blizzard/Protect (moveset changed between Elite 4 and the Champion)

Lust (Clefable)/Unaware/Bold Nature/Leftovers/252 EV HP/252 EV Def

  • Moonblast/Calm Mind/Wish/Protect/Ice Beam/Toxic (moveset changed between Elite 4 and the Champion)

Wrath (Hydreigon)/Timid Nature/252 EV Spe/252 EV SpA

  • Draco Meteor/Fire Blast/Flash Cannon/Dark Pulse


Im proud but also a bit ashamed about having used Clef ! 


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Finally I can post my till now hardest run here:



Bonsly was just impressive as tank with Eviolite and Suckerpunch was helpful in more situations than I could count.
Magby was great with his speed and Flamebody and nice movepool.

Elekid was similar to Magby a great helper with more moves than I ever epected it could know.

Munchlax was as expected a great tank and good hiter with Bodyslam & Rockslide after I set up with either Curse or Belly drum and Leftovers healed enough to survive.

Smochoom did a good job early and midgame and even lategame with his ice & psychic moves but the most important feat was Perish Song who saved me in multiple hard battle when Quick Claw activated.

Mantyke a Pokemon I never would have respected that much before. Tailwind Ice Wind Scald and Air Slash were just the combination I needed. Tailwind helped in so many situations when I was to slow.

Riolu was useful in certain fights as well as Pantimimi.

Bonsly was useful early game and in some fights midgame. (Dont undermatimate Poison Point.)

Togepi oh Togepi my Metronom saver. I was stuck in earlygame against Shade (and a few others) forever and Metronom saved me a lot of times after over a hundred tries.

Pichu Chingling Cleffa and Igglybuff worked well early game but soon fell off and got switched out as soon as possible.

Azurill Wynaut and Happiny as well as Tyrogue never had the chance to shine.


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  On 6/11/2022 at 10:28 PM, Mia789 said:

Finally I can post my till now hardest run here:



Bonsly was just impressive as tank with Eviolite and Suckerpunch was helpful in more situations than I could count.
Magby was great with his speed and Flamebody and nice movepool.

Elekid was similar to Magby a great helper with more moves than I ever epected it could know.

Munchlax was as expected a great tank and good hiter with Bodyslam & Rockslide after I set up with either Curse or Belly drum and Leftovers healed enough to survive.

Smochoom did a good job early and midgame and even lategame with his ice & psychic moves but the most important feat was Perish Song who saved me in multiple hard battle when Quick Claw activated.

Mantyke a Pokemon I never would have respected that much before. Tailwind Ice Wind Scald and Air Slash were just the combination I needed. Tailwind helped in so many situations when I was to slow.

Riolu was useful in certain fights as well as Pantimimi.

Bonsly was useful early game and in some fights midgame. (Dont undermatimate Poison Point.)

Togepi oh Togepi my Metronom saver. I was stuck in earlygame against Shade (and a few others) forever and Metronom saved me a lot of times after over a hundred tries.

Pichu Chingling Cleffa and Igglybuff worked well early game but soon fell off and got switched out as soon as possible.

Azurill Wynaut and Happiny as well as Tyrogue never had the chance to shine.




I beg you pardon? Those are all Baby Pokemon? If you really did finish Elite Four with them, you should have uploaded everything on YouTube. You would be a legend by then!

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  On 6/12/2022 at 4:36 AM, FragsBunny said:


I beg you pardon? Those are all Baby Pokemon? If you really did finish Elite Four with them, you should have uploaded everything on YouTube. You would be a legend by then!


I probably should have but sadly I only posted endscreens of battles on my redditposts. Most of the fights were a lot of resets and I used Litemode (starting with Hardy's gym battle). 90% of the run were resets and mostly luck (and patience) not skill. Without Litemode I wouldnt be able to do it. *ashamed*

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Here's my team!


Blaziken for his speed boost shenanigans; Meganium for dual screens & terrain control through Grassy Terrain; Feraligatr for hitting things Really Hard with life orb and sheer force; Magnezone with assault vest to facetank almost any special attack; Slowbro for setting Trick Room as outside of Blaziken no-one has speed investment on my team; and Mega Steelix to become an absolute monster with Curse in Trick Room.

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Pisellone (Blaziken) 

Speed Boost
Life Orb

Hasty - 212 spe, 246 atk, 46 hp

Moveset: Flare Blitz, High Jump Kick, Protect, Bulk Up


Pequeña (Galvantula)

Compound Eyes

Focus Sash
TImd - 224 spe, 242 spa, 44 hp

Moveset: Thuder, Bug Buzz, Thunder Wave, (Protect/Volt Switch)


Razzista (Gastrodon)

Storm Drain

Modest - 200 spa, 76 hp, 162 def, 72 spd

Moveset: Surf, Earth Power, (Blizzard/Sludge Bomb), Recover


Bianca (Lilligant)

Own Tempo

Wise Glasses

Timid - 244 spe, 244 spa, 22 hp

Moveset: Petal Dance, Synthesis, Nature Power, Quiver Dance


Spazzino (Golisopod)

Emergency Exit

Rocky Helmet/Wave Incense

Naughty - 232 atk, 232 hp, 46 def

Moveset: First Impression, Leech Life, Liquidation, Protect


Theolia (Gallade)



Timid - 252 spe, 234 atk, 24 hp

Moveset: Zen Headbutt, Close Combat, Shadow Sneak, Swords Dance


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Bit late to the party but here is my group. Biggest MVP was Streamline (Who was renamed Genesis at a later date) and Silvally (Revelation) and sadly even tho he's there Scrafty (The Don) wasn't actually used. At all. Not even as a switch in. Late game Reborn really hates Dark and Fighting types : (


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My champion team is this:
All Might the Blaziken

-Flare Blitz

-High Jump Kick

-Stone Edge



Vaxxo the Mega Gardevoir

-Hyper Voice


-Focus Blast

-Calm Mind


Reckless the Staraptor

-Brave Bird

-Close Combat


-Steel Wing


Plasma the Rotom-Wash


-Hydro Pump




Icedancer the Weavile

-Ice Punch

-Ice Shard

-Knock Off

-Poison Jab


Meruem the Naganadel

-Sludge Wave

-Dragon Pulse

-Nasty Plot

-Fire Blast

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I honestly feel like I don't deserve this. I found some guy on youtube who won using ONLY Honchkrow and Blaziken.


Rag, the female Toxapex. Her toxic spikes won the day. Literally.

Yuri, the male Aloan Ninetales. His aurora veil was useful at some point, I guess.

Diarrhoea, the male Swampert. I think he got off some rock slides and earthquakes.

Pfizer the Naganadel. Its Draco Meteor (dragonium-z) was used, but I mostly want to show off that I got the Naganadel before the E4.


And, the real stars of the show:


daBirb, the shiny male Honchkrow. With moxie, a choice band, and sucker punch he did most of the work.

Sir MissALot, the shiny male Blaziken. With the blazikenite... he was still somewhat disappointing, missing very critical High Jump Kicks. He earned his name AFTER the E4.


It's silly how strong Honchkrow is. I'm leaving the pair of them in the PC until I need them, or the game will be way too easy.

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Had to stock up of items and use Whimsicott for tailwind and then the rest were mostly handled by Salamence. For the bulky ones had to toxic them and stall. Could have brought a better team if i knew what to expect earlier, but had to make due with the current team.

Screenshot 2022-06-19 100257.png

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tl;dr: Rotom-Wash, Volcarona, Mega Scizor, Dragonite, Mamoswine, Murkrow


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posted here once before, but seeing as I beat the game again from the beginning a week or two ago, might as well post my second teamimage.thumb.png.e0347e6049cf6d80fe58465d779cbeb4.png shoutouts to scizor for toxic-stalling lin-3's ace with revive spam assistance because I'm bad at this game, and to gliscor for being absolutely useless and a waste of a team slot because again, I'm bad at this game. 

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For my first run of Pokemon Reborn to win I had this team. I had trained backup mons too but these six made the cut and proved themselves worthy. It wasn't really trial and error putting this team together, it was more like using my favorite Pokemon of all time. The Elite Four was hard, but somehow I beat all of them on my first try, so yay. 

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Half of my team is in overused; amazing!

  1. Blaziken was my most common sweeper. Holding the wide lens, high jump kick and blaze kick almost never miss. There is space for additional coverage and for excellent plays using baton pass.
  2. Gardevoir was the of course the special sweeper. Once mega evolved it never stopped. On many occasions I used it to set up screens instead of wrecking havoc.
  3. Aegislash was a perfect all rounder. The stat drop from king's shield saved my butt many times.
  4. Tyrantrum was probably the 'weakest' member of this team, consistently getting ohKO'ed. However, its move pool is amazing even more so when all the fangs are accounted for
  5. Golissopod is probably the MVP of the run. The number of pokemon that fell to first impression is immeasurable. The only downside is that the only water move of the team was stuck behind a slow pokemon that would switch out if its health dropped to 50%.
  6. Toucanon was the biggest surprise. I trained it as a defensive wall, counting on its abillity to do damage. Never in my life did I think I would be counting on bullet seed to do heavy damage.


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  On 6/30/2022 at 12:44 PM, Foufoutos said:

Half of my team is in overused; amazing!

  1. Blaziken was my most common sweeper. Holding the wide lens, high jump kick and blaze kick almost never miss. There is space for additional coverage and for excellent plays using baton pass.
  2. Gardevoir was the of course the special sweeper. Once mega evolved it never stopped. On many occasions I used it to set up screens instead of wrecking havoc.
  3. Aegislash was a perfect all rounder. The stat drop from king's shield saved my butt many times.
  4. Tyrantrum was probably the 'weakest' member of this team, consistently getting ohKO'ed. However, its move pool is amazing even more so when all the fangs are accounted for
  5. Golissopod is probably the MVP of the run. The number of pokemon that fell to first impression is immeasurable. The only downside is that the only water move of the team was stuck behind a slow pokemon that would switch out if its health dropped to 50%.
  6. Toucanon was the biggest surprise. I trained it as a defensive wall, counting on its abillity to do damage. Never in my life did I think I would be counting on bullet seed to do heavy damage.



What did you use to create this layout?

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  On 6/30/2022 at 1:33 PM, Progfan_r said:

What did you use to create this layout?



After searching through many team builder websites, I choose to build the team in mypokemonteam.com, because I likes the layout best. There I could add the pokemons, abillities, items and movesets. I print screened those and pasted them in MS paint (which surprisingly received a solid makeover some time in the last few years). I added the alternate moves the same way. Finally, for the artistic touch, I pasted the image in powerpoint to add the colored boxes and that's it. The entire process took 20-30 minutes or so.

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Bit late to the party but here's the team.  I made sure everyone was EV trained, but I barely glanced at the IVs.


Honestly I don't remember much about most of my setup but

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