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Feature suggestion: MASS RELEASE


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Hey, I would like to request the team to think about a mass release functionality in the PC.


I have accumulated 48 semi- to completely full boxes just past the E4 (and would've filled it up earlier hadn't I already been hampered by space).

Especially considering that breeding is accessible, fun (egg moves) and also necessary in hardmode, a challenge exists to capture hundreds of mons (e.g. for Scizorite), and sorting boxes makes life much easier (by stats, moves, teambuilding), it would be very handy to be able to mass release eggs, breedjects and frankly unwanted mons.
It could be as simple as adding a new PC mode (next to Move, Deposit, Withdraw) named Release, so as to prevent people from accidentally releasing when in the PC for other tasks.

Also, perhaps the ability to re-order boxes falls under the same QOL improvement section. It would be silly to account for 10+ boxes of high IV Pokémon at the start of the game, but later that makes a lot of sense. So shoving around boxes would be very helpful.


I don't know the slightest about the feasibility/technical difficulty of implementing these 2 suggestions, so please forgive me for asking in case it is a mountainous task.

However, I hope to hear the community's thoughts on especially a mass release feature, and whether the devs consider implementing this.


Regards, an avid player.

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Hello! The first request you mentioned about mass release is already an included feature with the multi-move function I believe unless I'm missing something. Box moving does sound like a nice QoL feature though.






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Oh my god! Was this text "Hold CTRL" always there? I can't believe that after spending days upon days of breeding. I suppose I always used the Multi-Move tool to move to empty spots and never noticed!


Thanks for demonstrating.

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No problem! And I think the "hold ctrl" prompt was added in a recent update since we had a couple PC bugs where it would crash when retrieving an item from a boxed mon or accidentally using the multi select prompt on an empty slot.

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