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Looking for Ice Stone and Datachip

Restless Lullaby

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I'm looking for an Ice Stone as well as a Data chip. I can't access any of them due to being locked out of reborn for now and Terra is kind of kicking my butt lol. So I need the ice stone to evolve my A. vulpix and try to bring her down, but I'd still like a data chip in case I can't manage to win and I get too frustrated to enable litemode (at least for this battle... my current team is kind of suffering through this right now).
I don't have that much since I don't have access to a lot of the game, but I have a few shinies I found while playing, and some mons I bred prior to that, like A. Vulpix, or Riolu, or even Popplio (can offer a shiny of those). Otherwise I have other evolution stones and maybe some star pieces if it can be any good.


Side note, does anyone know the best way to xp without XP candies? I don't have access to them either because I didn't stock up enough before leaving the town. So I'm trying to xp off wild pokemon and well, it's a bit grindy, so I'm wondering if there isn't a better way to do that. ^^"
Thanks in advance!

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I can get you both of those items, just give me like 5 mins to update my game. Also, regarding XP, if you add the "pinata" password, you can just interact over and over with the clown at the right outside the circus that has a random team every time you challenge him to get 5 xl exp candies every time. Of course, you can also just battle him normally, and you'll get the same reward.

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Hi there, you could also battle the trainer in the Grand Hall too. The trainer can get tough but it's decent exp as well (plus extra money too)

if ur on now, message me for the trades and I dnt mind which pokemon o/

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Wait you mean there was a trainer I could battle all along? Well, at least I haven't grinded all the way to lvl 75 yet haha! That's gonna save me a lot of time, thank you for the tip!

Thank you both for the help!! I could set up a trade with each of you if that's okay? I like to get pokemons from every trainer for the lottery so! If that's okay, Cobra could get me the Ice Stone and NeoBolt the datachip? ^^

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7 minutes ago, Restless Lullaby said:

Wait you mean there was a trainer I could battle all along? Well, at least I haven't grinded all the way to lvl 75 yet haha! That's gonna save me a lot of time, thank you for the tip!

Thank you both for the help!! I could set up a trade with each of you if that's okay? I like to get pokemons from every trainer for the lottery so! If that's okay, Cobra could get me the Ice Stone and NeoBolt the datachip? ^^

Sure that's fine, my ID is Cobra03, just send me a request whenever.

Also, for reference, this is the trainer that gives you exp candies upon beating him:

Screenshot (23).png

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4 minutes ago, Restless Lullaby said:

Alright! My trade username is the same as here - Restless Lullaby. Feel free to send the request!
edit because of ninja : Thank you Cobra!! Can't believe I missed that, oh well. Now I know!

Dw about it lol. I wasn't sure either because that trainer used to give shards as rewards on e18 and I never had to battle him again on e19, so now I know as well xD

Anyway, you might actually be able to use that Treecko I sent you over as a team member as well since it has almost perfect ivs 😉

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2 minutes ago, Restless Lullaby said:

Thanks so much for the Stone and the Treecko! I might use him yeah, could come in handy! Especially with Terra's team :')
And thank you NeoBolt for the Snivy!! That's one of my favorite starters actually, could also use that lil guy in battle!

It's a pleasure lullaby :)

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