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Turnabout {6th gen RMT}


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okay !

scarf ditto depends... if its in good hands and the opponent can predict it can be trouble unless your predict your opponent to predict if that makes any sense. Lucario does not set up so usually the opponent will try to cc lucario with scarf ditto in which case i can go to gliscor who will "eat it up" so to speak. If you think lucario will ice punch thinking your opponent will think will switch to gliscor or zapdoes than stay in with lucatio and cc. Zapdoes can also usually tank a cc at full health and finish it off with heat wave. If ditto copies gliscor it cant do anything and if it copies celebii well celebii can still beat it but zapdoes can usually tank all the moves. if it copies zapdoes go to gliscor and if it copies genesect than go to zapdoes.

luc job is to 1hitko pokemon and cc does like way more damage if you take into consideration adaptability as well.

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weak to freeze dry mamoswine.

btw for those who don't know freeze dry is an ice attack that hits water types super effectively, so since your rotom-w doesn't have special bulk, it has a 21.5% chance to 2HKO after leftovers recovery.

that being said that only poke that doesnt get hit super effectively by mamoswine is genesect, which still takes massive damage from earthquake

other than that its alright i guess also has nothing to stop charizard-y but w/e

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ahh ye mamo is a threat but when isn't he? amirite . rotom-w can usually deal with him i havent seen too many people running the dry freeze version but ye its a threat

Charizard y is a huge problem i have to play with perfect prediction to beat it by making zapdoes volt switch on it with full hp (can live a fire blast in the sun) and than going to genesect to finish it off with e-speed

thanks for rate

also this is old team ?_? i don't use it anymore in PO since luc was banned

edit: oh i also i changed celebi ----> Keldeo since manaphy is still banned and it can deal with mamoswine pretty easily

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