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Possible softlock? (V19)


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Obviously this is my own fault for messing with the debug, but I followed the guide on what to change in order to get the 'good' ending of the game - which involves changing to not having fought Taka at the sewers. I'm currently in the postgame and my 'mons are around lv115, but when I headed to the desert via train I was met with Taka and let him go with me, my first mistake.
As I've already done the train puzzle, I can't seem to find another train to get me to the scrapyard. I also can't fly out of the situation to escape it. Am I just stuck in the desert now?

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10 hours ago, Gentleman Jaggi said:

Have you tried taking the train back to Peridot?


That worked! Thank you, I hadn't thought of that.


9 hours ago, Cobra said:

It sounds like you've somehow mixed up main game stuff with postgame stuff. I'm not sure if you can fix that, so I'd suggest just using a backup save to go to before you did that.


Haha, yeah. Luckily Gentleman's suggestion worked so I'll just adventure with Taka whenever I go to the desert, I guess.

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