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Looking for spiriting programs

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I have one question, only one. 


Do you know any freeware program which can be used to spiriting in Pokemon and Pokemon-like games? I'd appreciate especially those which are friendlt for complete amateurs like myself. For all options I'm thankful! 

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Technically speaking, anything can work.


Personally, I've just always used Photoshop and Aseprite. It ultimately doesn't really matter, as the learning curve is going to spike you hard, irrespective of whichever program you decide to use.


I'd say Aseprite is probably the best if you're looking for free/cheap programs that has the basic functions that you'll need for a game; you can compile it for free, iirc. But even if you have to drop the money, it's not particularly expensive on Steam.


Tl;dr: It doesn't really matter, pick 1 and practice so you can produce quality work in whichever program you're using.

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like the above comment stated, asesprite it's probably your best bet. if you've got 20 bucks to spare, it's definitely worth it. though i haven't used photoshop before, (i'm unsure if it has anything like a spriting tool) i'd stray away from using regular art programs for spriting, since they usually aren't made with it in mind. i used paint tool sai for spriting for like, a year, and it was ridiculously tedious and not worth it at all. do yourself a favor and just go for asesprite lol

and yeah, asesprite does have a learning curve if you aren't familiar with art programs in general, but practice will pay off 

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