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T2.5 Quest Battle (Postgame Spoilers)


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While I have gotten past the fight, what are the best strategies for the Umbral Radomus battle anyway? Probably the hardest fight I've done so far, though I know this is pretty much when the postgame kicks in for real. I managed to squeeze by by using stuff like Calm Mind Suicune and Keldeo along with burning the Cloyster and focusing the other side down, but it was still rough. I'm not sure how well Trick Room works due to the priority of the kings. I was trying to avoid using items or breaking the field, which I managed to do. 


Also, this is minor, but does Keldeo not change to its Resolute form properly? Mine knows Secret Sword and stays as is.


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I was running a sun team on my first go through postgame (well, early postgame) and had very little trouble with this fight. The only mon out of 12 that resists Fire is Samurott which uh, kinda sucks? Fire also naturally defensively checks the most dangerous mons on their team (Kartana, Escavalier, Aegislash) which makes it a lot easier to deal with the others. Pretty much any reasonably fast Fire type with Choice Scarf (or slow ones with King's Rock) and Heat Wave/Eruption will absolutely go to town on this fight.


It also helps to make sure the right mons on your team are getting the right boosts from the field. Changing natures can help a lot with this (e.g. Timid Entei is a Knight, while Modest Entei is a Bishop, assuming 252 EVs and perfect IVs in Spe/SpA), but some mons just aren't flexible enough for this (e.g. even Timid Gardevoir is too slow to be a Knight).


In my case, I went in with a team of Charizard-Y, Rotom-W, Entei, Weavile, Venusaur, and Kommo-o. Charizard-Y was a Pawn to guarantee Sun went up, and Rotom-W was also a Pawn as it guaranteed it could pivot once against anything. Entei was a Bishop to let it fire off +1 sun-boosted Eruptions, and it ended up paying off as it KO'd like, 6-7 mons on its own. Weavile was the King which allowed it to outspeed Mega Lopunny. Venusaur was a Bishop so that it didn't need to spend a turn using Growth to power up, and my Queen was Kommo-o as the +1 defenses both helped it set up with its Z move, and helped offset the defense drops from Clanging Scales.


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I had a Serperior on my team when I did this fight and it goes pretty well to town here. Although I did use Grassy Terrain to annul the field, Scarf would probably be very good in this situation to outspeed Lopunny and Alakazam, and many of his mons have either too low SpD or resist poorly by the time they're sent out as you stack boosts. Combine with fire-type for that Escavalier, Tsareena (and Bisharp) and that challenge becomes a lot less difficult.


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