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Thought experiment: build an all-terrain team


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When doing a particular sidequest in a certain path in E19-related content, it became rather apparent to me that I had to noticably shift team members to handle some of the battles in certain fields. Unlike when you had a gym to prepare yourself, being caught off-guard and then being stomped due to your team getting wrecked in some unexpected field condition, and running back and forth to switch teammates is a lot of effort if you don't use password codes. Then, in another randomised field thingie also E19, this became even more noticable.


So I was wondering if one could build a team of 6 that can stand its ground in any field, or at least long enough to alter the field in their favour and win that way.

Some thing I did notice in this were quirks regarding certain terrains. Namely, New World and Underwater don't get overwritten by terrain moves, but every other one does. New World only converts by Gravity, whilst Underwater only changes in a single turn through Dive, Fly, Bounce, Sky Drop and Poisinium-Z. So unless a team is or has mons built to work on these fields, one would need these moves to even allow changing the terrain to a more favourable one.

I also think members obtainable before E19-content, that is everything non-legendary bar a particular Needle Boi, would be rather valuable in forming this. Swapping items in between is permitted, but bonus if not required.


So, my question is: what mons do you think would be very useful to build such a team? And what would they need support with?


An example of this:

Serperior is a great mon, but in Reborn it is even better because of the fields. This is because besides its known Contrary-storm shenanigans, it also gets Grassy Terrain (Egg move). This not only overrides most fields (and thus disrupts quite a few teams), but also boosts Leaf Storms and HP Fire if used. Having access to Leech Seed also helps dealing with pesky bulky mons abusing fields for defensive buffs and...'damage avoidance shenanigans' you might encounter here and there. Or you can use Glare to enforce speed control.

Its main downsides are that it doesn't handle fire- and poison-types well as they change the terrain further, and quite a few dragon- and flying-types can be annoying if you didn't get enough boosts yet. Smack a Choice Item, Amplifield Rock or Leftovers on it depending on the need and you have something that saved my ass a surprising amount of times, even at the end of postgame.


Screw the Primals, I HAVE FOLIAGE


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