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11 hours ago, KingDeku1 said:

Is there another way to get a focus slash before facing garchomp the one I had disappeared.

Welp you'll have to use quick claw instead. Or a prankster murkrow with perish song. Which I think has been moved back so I guess you'll have to trade for it, or for another focus sash. Both carvanha and drifloon can come with destiny bond and with the help of quick claw can beat it. Don't remember where you get quick claw, but I had it and used it for that fight, so it must be available before Garchomp. 

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If you don't want to 'cheese' it, raising a Bold Cofagrigus with Power Split, Will-o-Wisp and Pain Split with Max HP and Defense is very reliable. At level 45 Garchomp does about half with its strongest move, and by then you have already reduced its power by over half. Pain split is a tutor move you should have access to, the others are level-up. It does great against Kiki too if you haven't beaten her yet, as it is a great physical counter.

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12 hours ago, Sirrobert said:

If you want to cheese it easily, and don't have the Murkrow, catch 3 Sturdy Gravelers. Buldoze 3 times will cause the cave to collapse, KOing all active pokemon

they asked about the Garchomp fight, not Ditto-Ceus

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