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Reborn E19 Battle Music Pack (updated for v19.5)


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8 hours ago, Fayt_Bouleouve said:

The game requires .opp audio files.  When I converted some of the .mp3 files that came with the ep18 battle music pack and renamed them to get properly referenced, they didn't play at all.  I was wondering if there's a proper way to get audio files into compatible .opp format for Reborn.

That's strange, it shouldn't matter which tool you use to convert the files. As long as the extension of your file is '.ogg' (even if it's actually an mp3 file with just the extension changed), the game should recognise it. Maybe it's because you were using the wrong extension ('.opp' instead of '.ogg')?

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The idea is excellent.
I don't necessarily like everything, but it's normal that some combos don't appeal to me.
Tastes and colours.


I had some very good surprises, like Victoria's theme, which suits her quite well, or Ace and Radomus.


If I can make some suggestions :


Fern - https://youtu.be/-X0KRhyBfaU

The theme you gave him, Silver's, might have suited him if he had been less, uh, himself.

Silver had less ego, even was humble in the end game. He wasn't trying to do wrong.

That's not really Fern if you ask me lol.

As Fern thinks of himself as a street thug, let's give him a street thug theme with that of the incredible Guzma.


Amaria - I think the theme for Jetsam Amaria suits her well.
For floatsam Amy, I think this one would fit better : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ4R_S_zZh8
A calmer theme, with a bit of rain at the beginning, but with a certain tension. We feel that we are facing a powerful gym leader.

I really like this theme, it's a real favorite.

This one is good too for a fight like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20Yfuf2ZOh8

It's the non-slowed down version of the gym diving theme.

You could even use both, for both forms of Amy. (One less undertale theme, cheers ahah ! I can't take it anymore uh.)


Julia - BOOM !

Not a fan of the theme used, although I understand why it was used.
I can suggest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63tERgejR3o

cuz we need pep.

And Julia is a cheerleader, what could be better for her than a music straight out of a Galar stadium?


El - If the beginning of the theme he has is perfect, the rest is less fitting, especially for the first fight against El 


against Ditto-Arceus


I think this fight needs something more... stellar.





Solaris - I know it already has Cynthia's theme. Small reference to her Garchomp, who ate trainers at breakfast.

But I think he deserves a somewhat sacred, dark, and tortured theme.





Our sassy queen, Charlotte -

For her, I see something more flamboyant, more energetic but not too much, and a bit quirky and offbeat.






I think that's all I have in mind for now.
Maybe I'll have other ideas, but for now I'm dry.
The rest is good, and even among those I mentioned, some are good choices, just not to my taste.

Maybe a little too much Undertale, I'm overdosing on it.
I will maybe make my own pack with what I quoted.

I'm not going to bother you for personal choices, but I thought you might be interested if I posted it here.


Do what you please with it !




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So I modified the files to add some of those I mentioned above (8 in total).

I have, in addition to those mentioned above, added a theme for Shelly too.
This one: https://youtu.be/ml6ajlfDyLE

I thought it suited her pretty well.


I would have posted the folder here, but given that the vast majority of the folder comes from you, that it's your post, and that you plan other updates, I prefer to ask your opinion.

I don't want to appropriate anything, I just want to bring another stone to the edifice.

If you want the file, I can give it to you, along with the list of changes I made to it.


I may have other music ideas.
I was hesitant to go for remixes of the fights against the legendaries for their respective fights in Reborn.
The OSTs of the original games are good, but have aged.
Renewing them might be a good idea.

I might do it when I have a little more time, and if the remixes go well with the game.



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4 hours ago, Vilrose said:

I was hesitant to go for remixes of the fights against the legendaries for their respective fights in Reborn.

The OSTs of the original games are good, but have aged.
Renewing them might be a good idea.


That's a good idea.  How about using the latest OSTs from the latest games? Like the gen 3 and 4 remakes, and/or Legends Arceus? 

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On 8/17/2022 at 10:21 PM, Vilrose said:

I would have posted the folder here, but given that the vast majority of the folder comes from you, that it's your post, and that you plan other updates, I prefer to ask your opinion.

I don't want to appropriate anything, I just want to bring another stone to the edifice.

If you want the file, I can give it to you, along with the list of changes I made to it.

Sorry it took me a while to reply.


As you might know, this pack is based on an earlier one, which has been around since 2017. Most of the character themes have been taken from there, and I'm not too keen on changing the ones that have been there since the start. Your suggestions are all good, but I don't think they are all really necessary, because I'm not sure if other people will also prefer them over the current ones.
This goes for suggestions in general. I can't make the changes unless I think they are really needed. Everyone has different preferences, so I'm mostly just aiming for 'good enough' anyway.


That said, you are of course free to change the tracks for yourself. If you are making substantial changes to the pack (especially with the legendary themes) AND think those changes would be preferred by many other people too, I have no problem with you posting your own version of the pack here or in a new thread. The only trouble with that is that it might cause people to be conflicted with which of the packs they should install.


Btw one thing I will say is, you shouldn't think too much of the themes in terms of the characters they were originally meant for (cuz otherwise we'd be trying to find an analogous video game character for every major character in Reborn).


On 8/17/2022 at 10:21 PM, Vilrose said:

I was hesitant to go for remixes of the fights against the legendaries for their respective fights in Reborn.
The OSTs of the original games are good, but have aged.
Renewing them might be a good idea.

It's true that the legendary themes don't exactly fit in with all the remixes used in the rest of the game, and some might say they're aged, but I think it's more about the nostalgia value. I thought about using remixes instead too, but I feel like that misses the whole point of using their own themes for them. (Also finding ~20 more remixes sounded like much work.)

On 8/18/2022 at 2:26 AM, Fayt_Bouleouve said:

That's a good idea.  How about using the latest OSTs from the latest games? Like the gen 3 and 4 remakes, and/or Legends Arceus?

I am already using tracks from ORAS. Maybe I'll include the ones from BDSP too. (Though other than that, I don't like the idea of having to update the themes whenever they get remixes in future games.) Battle themes in Legends Arceus have a different vibe than ones from the other main series games, I'd say.

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2 hours ago, Karvanha said:

Sorry it took me a while to reply.


As you might know, this pack is based on an earlier one, which has been around since 2017. Most of the character themes have been taken from there, and I'm not too keen on changing the ones that have been there since the start. Your suggestions are all good, but I don't think they are all really necessary, because I'm not sure if other people will also prefer them over the current ones.
This goes for suggestions in general. I can't make the changes unless I think they are really needed. Everyone has different preferences, so I'm mostly just aiming for 'good enough' anyway.


That said, you are of course free to change the tracks for yourself. If you are making substantial changes to the pack (especially with the legendary themes) AND think those changes would be preferred by many other people too, I have no problem with you posting your own version of the pack here or in a new thread. The only trouble with that is that it might cause people to be conflicted with which of the packs they should install.


Okay, no problem !

I think I'll keep making some changes, and if I'm happy with the rendering, and see that I've strayed far enough from this pack, I'll post it.
If not, I'll keep it to myself.
For the moment, they are too similar.

Anyway, I'm not here for any competition, I just want to have the best game environment possible, for me, and for others, and to be able to expose my vision of OSTs in Reborn.

I think having several different visions can only be beneficial. It will bring different vibes.


2 hours ago, Karvanha said:

Btw one thing I will say is, you shouldn't think too much of the themes in terms of the characters they were originally meant for (cuz otherwise we'd be trying to find an analogous video game character for every major character in Reborn).


It's true that the legendary themes don't exactly fit in with all the remixes used in the rest of the game, and some might say they're aged, but I think it's more about the nostalgia value. I thought about using remixes instead too, but I feel like that misses the whole point of using their own themes for them. (Also finding ~20 more remixes sounded like much work.)

I am already using tracks from ORAS. Maybe I'll include the ones from BDSP too. (Though other than that, I don't like the idea of having to update the themes whenever they get remixes in future games.) Battle themes in Legends Arceus have a different vibe than ones from the other main series games, I'd say.


I totally understand the way you see things.

What I said for Fern and Silver might be confusing, but I chose Guzma's theme for Fern more for its vibes than anything else.

I like to draw parallels between the characters, like a reference to the official games.
But I won't feel obligated to do it every time.

For the legendaries, I understand. Some OSTs like Palkia/Dialga, I would have a hard time changing them, too much nostalgia haha.



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There's another update! The main change in v1.7 is that I have converted all the legendary themes to looping versions! This means that when played in-game, the legendary themes will now play the intro only once and then loop over the main part seamlessly, as they do in the official games. (This also allows me to cut on file sizes because now there is no need for extra loops within the audio files.) If you still don't know what I'm talking about, play one of the updated legendary themes from your Pokegear's Jukebox, and try to find where the track ends (you won't be able to (hopefully)).


I learned that this was possible because of @TheTGU's Looping Battle Music Mod, so much thanks to them!


The reason I converted only the legendary themes is because, since all of them are tracks that were made to be played in-game, they all have clear points where they are supposed to loop. Not all the character themes have this, and converting only some of them would make the others feel out-of-place. But most of the character themes are quite long anyway, so it's not as much of an issue for them as it was for the legendary themes. Not to mention, doing this does take me some time, and 40 more themes would be quite a lot for me lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey so idk why but the mod for me isn't working, like in-battle there is no music at all. This only happens when I manually replace the music with something else. The way I did this is simply take a different .ogg file, rename it to the theme I want it to replace and place it in the game files. The .ogg file i'm using plays fine outside of the game, but it won't play in-game for some reason. I tried replacing the one I want with another .ogg file, and it suddenly works. Is there some behind the scenes audio manipulation causing this to happen? (the only thing i can think of is the fact that the audio file is initially quiet, but starts playing music shortly afterwards idk)


The theme i'm trying to replace is Cain's battle theme with this music:

This theme doesn't seem to work at all, but when I tried replacing it with this theme:

It suddenly does work in-game.

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On 9/2/2022 at 11:26 PM, Pemseles said:

Hey so idk why but the mod for me isn't working, like in-battle there is no music at all. This only happens when I manually replace the music with something else. The way I did this is simply take a different .ogg file, rename it to the theme I want it to replace and place it in the game files. The .ogg file i'm using plays fine outside of the game, but it won't play in-game for some reason. I tried replacing the one I want with another .ogg file, and it suddenly works. Is there some behind the scenes audio manipulation causing this to happen? (the only thing i can think of is the fact that the audio file is initially quiet, but starts playing music shortly afterwards idk)

They both work fine for me. My guess is that your software couldn't convert the .wav file to .ogg properly (that might also explain why it is quiet at the start for you). I'll share you the working file for the first song.
If what I said is actually the case, for future .wav conversions, you can use an audio editor like Audacity (or just any non-shady Android app haha)

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Hey !

Little feedback from me after a run made with your pack ~

Good job, I loved it, it gave another dimension to my game, and made it even more unforgettable.


If I have, as explained a little earlier, made some changes (Elias, Fern, Floatsam/Jetsam Amy, Julia, Shelly, and Charlotte), I had the opportunity to enjoy the rest of the music used.
And I have to say your choices are really, really clean.
You went looking for themes, sometimes in the depths of Youtube, for a marvelous result.

To name a few, Taka, Ace, Radomus, Hardy, Eve & Lumi, Florinia, and Cal are really great choices.

And I was amazed at Anna's theme, i was really blown away.

These themes stick very well to the characters, to their fights, and I must say that these musics, mixed with the lore, the action and the field effects, give an incredible atmosphere.
Game Freak has a lot of work to get there on official games lol.

If I made my own adjustments, I think the rest of the pack is just untouchable (I even managed to accept the Undertale/Deltarune themes despite my overdose of them, because you used them so well).

You have really good taste, and we feel it in this pack.


I may be doing a little too much, but I live this kind of stuff to the fullest lol.

In short, thank you for this experience !

My playlist in the car has grown a lot ahah ~.



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I saw in another post that Solaris' theme was missing, since no one could find it. I did some digging for a few hours but sadly didn't find an exact match. What I did find, though, were some similar remixes of Asgore's theme. It's not much, but maybe one of them can serve as a placeholder until the correct one is found?  Also added another song that, although not a remix of Asgore, I thought would fit the situations you fight Solaris in. 


Asgore remixes: 

-First (Starts at 0:30)

-Second (Starts at 25:40)


-Fourth (Bulk of the song starts at 0:52)


And also Artorias' Theme, I think it fits specially well when facing his level 75 Garchomp at Pyrous


Great taste with Carvanha by the way

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On 9/15/2022 at 4:39 AM, Rockdo said:


I saw in another post that Solaris' theme was missing, since no one could find it. I did some digging for a few hours but sadly didn't find an exact match. What I did find, though, were some similar remixes of Asgore's theme. It's not much, but maybe one of them can serve as a placeholder until the correct one is found?  Also added another song that, although not a remix of Asgore, I thought would fit the situations you fight Solaris in.

Yeah originally I also thought of finding a different Asgore remix to replace the old one, but I haven't found any that actually fit Solaris (even after including the ones you shared here). The old theme was definitely the best of all these for him, but I'm not sure if it was even that fitting. I think Asgore's theme makes you feel sorry a little, but you are not supposed to feel sorry for Solaris, especially not in the situations in which he battles you.

I also listened to the other theme you suggested, but idk, it sounds kinda horror? Like, it does not convey the immediate threat that Solaris is supposed to.


Tbh I think Battle- Dramatic itself is a good fit, but I guess Cynthia's theme has also become kinda cliche over the years. Anyway, I can see that many people want to have a new theme for Solaris, so rest assured it's gonna be there in the next update. I have no problem adding back the old theme if I can't find a better one. Maybe something like Chairman Rose (as suggested earlier by @Vilrose) could work. You can suggest any others you feel are good too!


(sorry for the late reply btw, it's hard to find time outside of weekends these days)

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19 hours ago, Karvanha said:

Yeah originally I also thought of finding a different Asgore remix to replace the old one, but I didn't find any that actually fit Solaris (even after including the ones you shared here). The old theme was definitely the best of all these for Solaris, but I'm not sure if it was even that fitting. Cuz like, you are not supposed to feel sympathy for him, especially not in the situations in which he battles you.

I also listened to the other theme you suggested, but idk, it sounds kinda horror? Like, it does not convey the immediate threat that Solaris is supposed to.


Tbh I think Battle- Dramatic itself is a good fit, but I guess Cynthia's theme has also become kinda cliche over the years. I can see that many people want to have a new theme for Solaris, so rest assured it's gonna be there in the next update. I have no problem adding back the old theme if I can't find a better one. Maybe something like Chairman Rose (as suggested above by @Vilrose) could work. You can suggest any others you feel are good too!


(Sorry for the late reply btw, it's hard to find time outside of weekends these days)


Thank you! If I find something else that fills the bill I'll try to post it

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, CrystalStar said:

hi! may i ask as to how you made all these looping capable?


The ability to loop music is built-in to the RPGMaker engine. All you need to do is specify two values labelled "LOOPSTART" and "LOOPLENGTH" in the metadata of an audio file (the audio file needs to be OGG however), and RPGMaker will make it loop using the given values whenever it's played in-game.


The hard part is finding where exactly the audio should loop. I had to listen carefully to the parts around the looping points many times over to find the right ones. Initially, one track took me almost an hour, but it got faster as I got more familiar with the process, although some tracks were still harder to loop than others (I hadn't worked with Audacity before so that was probably a factor too). It was still not too hard for me since the themes I worked on were already from official Pokemon game OSTs and thus had quite clear parts where they were supposed to loop.


As I said earlier, I found out about this from the mod by @TheTGU. You can also read this page on the RPGMaker forums for a more detailed guide (it uses an older version of Audacity but is helpful nonetheless). Also if anyone else wants to do this themselves, I'd recommend learning some of the basics of Audacity before you start editing (unlike me), it'll save you a lot of time

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just want to say that this mod really changed reborn far more for me in a way I can't quite describe.


However I wanted to ask if you could at least make a separate file for Arceus, due to him being the main legendary of the game.

Currently I am using Pokemon Arceus battle theme remix for sinnoh misc legendary.

Thank you very much for this mod!

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@lookingalittlegoth Here, use this trainertypes.dat and place whichever track you want for Arceus in the BGM folder, with the name 'CLBattle- Arceus' (make sure it's an OGG file!)


Edit: Oh wait sorry I forgot the music for that battle actually can't be changed through just the trainertypes file...

Edit 2: I now know how to do it, so if anyone reading this wants this, hit me up again

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  • 3 weeks later...

v1.10! This version removes the need to replace any map files, and instead comes with a script file which can just be placed in the Mods folder. It does remove the option to switch between the default and custom themes, but it also allows me to change the music in some instances where I could not before.


For people updating from a previous version of the mod, make sure to remove the Map821, Map826, Map828 files that came with the old version of the mod, and replace them with the ones from the vanilla game. They're no longer required in the new version of the mod, so it's better to remove them to avoid any clashes

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  • 4 weeks later...

There was a bug in the previous update. Sorry about that! It has been fixed in the main download, and you can patch it easily too. Just replace the previous file with this one (in Pokemon Reborn/Data/Mods/):


[there was a patch file here]

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