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Can't pick a starter + Team Suggestions


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Let me exemplify my thought process when I tried to select a starter an hour ago:


" I like both Tochic and Froakie. Who to choose... I'll go with Torchic, bcs I like him a lot. Speed Boost is great. But people said he's kinda OP, and I don't want my game to be too easy, so maybe Froakie. But mid-game he doesn't get any good moves, and I used him in the last playthrough, so maybe Torchc? But I used him a lot older playthroughs, so maybe Chimchar or Snivy? I picked Chimchar the very first time I played this game, so why not. But idk, I don't really want to choose Chimchar, I can get him later. Contrary Snivy is also cool. But I'm not really that fond of grass types, so ... [ repeat ad nauseam for an entire hour + resets after being uncertain ] "


Bottom line : I can't choose between Torchic or Froakie. Torchic gets Speed Boost, can learn Bulk Up for more stat increase, and I just like him. Froakie got Protean, so he can switch types, but the scarcity of moves for Froakie is troublesome, especially mid-game. I'm more and more inclined towards Torchic ( even more so after typing this goddamn essay, lmao ) but I still dk. And it probably doesn't help it's 01:30 AM.


Second problem, I am god-awful at team building. Usually, I just add my favorites on the team, thus no utility, and pure power through any battles, and a LOT of save scumming. And that got me boned heavily in previous runs in certain battles.


I plan to add Volcarona, Aegislash, maybe Gardevoir, Eevee ( for Extreme Evoboost with Batton Pass ) and Krookodile ( to recieve the boosts and use Power Trip, I saw a video with it and it rocked ). Maybe switch between to add the Rotom appliances. 


Any suggestions I welcome dearly and greatly.

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2 hours ago, MadHappy said:

Let me exemplify my thought process when I tried to select a starter an hour ago:


" I like both Tochic and Froakie. Who to choose... I'll go with Torchic, bcs I like him a lot. Speed Boost is great. But people said he's kinda OP, and I don't want my game to be too easy, so maybe Froakie. But mid-game he doesn't get any good moves, and I used him in the last playthrough, so maybe Torchc? But I used him a lot older playthroughs, so maybe Chimchar or Snivy? I picked Chimchar the very first time I played this game, so why not. But idk, I don't really want to choose Chimchar, I can get him later. Contrary Snivy is also cool. But I'm not really that fond of grass types, so ... [ repeat ad nauseam for an entire hour + resets after being uncertain ] "


Bottom line : I can't choose between Torchic or Froakie. Torchic gets Speed Boost, can learn Bulk Up for more stat increase, and I just like him. Froakie got Protean, so he can switch types, but the scarcity of moves for Froakie is troublesome, especially mid-game. I'm more and more inclined towards Torchic ( even more so after typing this goddamn essay, lmao ) but I still dk. And it probably doesn't help it's 01:30 AM.


Second problem, I am god-awful at team building. Usually, I just add my favorites on the team, thus no utility, and pure power through any battles, and a LOT of save scumming. And that got me boned heavily in previous runs in certain battles.


I plan to add Volcarona, Aegislash, maybe Gardevoir, Eevee ( for Extreme Evoboost with Batton Pass ) and Krookodile ( to recieve the boosts and use Power Trip, I saw a video with it and it rocked ). Maybe switch between to add the Rotom appliances. 


Any suggestions I welcome dearly and greatly.

An alternative suggestion to your dilemna would be to just use the random starter selecter and roll with whatever you get from there?

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