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Get Good IVs without breeding, with mod


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Hi, I'm new to the forum (and I'm also Italian, so I have to use a translator). 


1) I am using the Ev Overflow mod, I was wondering if there was a way to increase the IVs earned when it gets to 252 EVs. (10 instead of 1 for example) by modifying the mod.


Edit: It would be even better if instead of bringing the Evs back to 0 every time 252 is reached, it would bring it to, like, 244 (-8) or 236 (-16).


2) Also, is there a way to go about modifying the effect of vitamins so that they increase IVs instead of EVs? Maybe by going to touch the scripts in the appropriate folder, or via mod? thank you all!

Edited by Fiemery
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You can open the EvOverflow.rb file in Notepad, or any text editor.  Line 26 is the part of the code that updates the iv of your pokemon.  You can either change it from +=1 to +=10 or something else.  Or you should be able to just change it to =31, and then it will set the value to 31 directly.

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12 hours ago, D0ublesh0ts said:

You can open the EvOverflow.rb file in Notepad, or any text editor.  Line 26 is the part of the code that updates the iv of your pokemon.  You can either change it from +=1 to +=10 or something else.  Or you should be able to just change it to =31, and then it will set the value to 31 directly.

Yep, and beyond that by editing the mod file I was able to reset the EVs to 236 every time I exceeded 252 EVs in a stat. Now I want to change the vitamins to give IVs.

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