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Lin... kinda sucked as a villain? (SPOILERS)


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Okay, I've been lurking here for long enough, waiting for the game to be completed at last. And now that E19 is done, I thought I might as well give my opinion.


And my opinion is... that Lin was actually written terribly as a villain.



You don't build up a character as evil, hateful, cruel, sadistic and loathsome as Lin, to the point where the player DEMANDS and ANTICIPATES her head to be served to them on a silver platter... and then fail to deliver.


And you sure as hell don't try to redeem her or excuse her actions!


I'm sorry, but that right there is a major deal breaker for me.


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 I don't like to nitpick on other people's writing, but I get where you're coming from. The problem, in my opinion, is that Lin was getting so overpowered as a villain that it was really difficult to get rid of her once and for all. But, on the other hand, I don't see anythign that happened to her as a redemption/excuse attemp; more like an explanation about why she went off the rails.

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Yeah, her OP-ness was a major problem as well. No matter what the good guys did, they never even managed to so much as annoy her until the very end.



Besides, I think her tragic past was tacked on at the absolute last moment as a cheap attempt to make the player sympathize with her.

Sorry, but even after getting to know what happened to her, she gets zero sympathy from me.


So yeah... I'm not gonna like Lin or feel sorry for her, and no one can make me.

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