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some questions


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1. Does water resist rock in this game. Whenever I use a rock move against water it always says that it's not very effective


2. Why do I hit like a wet noodle? A stone edge from my lycanroc should have one shotted the opposing mamoswine but it didn't even do half. I EV trained my mon 252 in attack

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Also who were you fighting that had a mamo, and where?

14 minutes ago, Requiem said:

1. Does water resist rock in this game. Whenever I use a rock move against water it always says that it's not very effective


2. Why do I hit like a wet noodle? A stone edge from my lycanroc should have one shotted the opposing mamoswine but it didn't even do half. I EV trained my mon 252 in attack


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1 hour ago, Requiem said:

1. Does water resist rock in this game. Whenever I use a rock move against water it always says that it's not very effective


2. Why do I hit like a wet noodle? A stone edge from my lycanroc should have one shotted the opposing mamoswine but it didn't even do half. I EV trained my mon 252 in attack

are you fighting on an icy (or snowy mountain) field? rock attacks are part-ice there making them resisted by both Water and mamoswine's Thick Fat


(also mamoswine has really good physical bulk I definitely wouldn't be expecting most neutral attacks to ohko)

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