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Queenie's Dark Type Mono-Run (Last Defeated: Radomus)

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Hello, everyone! 

So, with ep19 being released I decided to do a playthrough of sorts, and thought I'd update as we go along! I have some experience with Reborn already - mainly the earlier versions, however. That said, I have played a decent chunk of the newer versions too! 


As you can see, we're gonna try and do a mono-run with only dark types. I've done some mono-runs before, and gotten decently far with each of them! Now, the question is, which starter do I go for? Froakie of Litten? Both are available much later game, from what I'm aware and around the same point (give/take a gym leader). 


The earliest fire/water I can get would be Houndour/Carvanah, with Corphish right after. I think with that, I'll go with Froakie. It'll make the first two gyms a little more hard, but I would prefer to get a Houndoom than a Sharpedo. 


I will also be using some mods (aka passwords) for this too. Obviously, the monodark one, as well as the nohms one. And a few other ones too hehe. I won't be doing the hardcap one however. Also, if anyone knows if there is a password for the sharedpc mod, please let me know! 


Oh! I will also be naming each member after a set of Deities. If you can guess the theme, then drop it below! With that said, lets begin!




Part One:



Welcome to Reborn City!


Our Protagonist:

Geshti, named after the Goddess of Rural Agriculture and occasional Dream Interpretation, Geshtinanna. 




Our Starter:

Ishkur, the Froakie. Named after the God of Storms and Rain, Ishkur is SPA+ and D-, with Protean as his ability. 

And yes, this took a lot of resets, but it was needed. I would have preferred an attack drop, but not much I can do with it. My only other choice was a speed drop and that was a huge NOPE. 


The rival fights against Victoria and Cain were easy peasy, so now its time to gather our next three teammates. A Stunky, Poochyena and Purrloin. Below are our new recruits!


Eresh, the Poochyena:

Named after the Goddess of the Underground, Ereshkigal, she was our first new teammate. An interesting ability, but that's about it. 



Anshar. Nergal, the Stunky:

One of the two twins, this little guy was our second new teammate. Again, not the best stats, but could be much worse. 


Funny thing here, I almost ended up with a shiny Stunky, who I would have named Nergal. Alas, we ran out of poke balls. That said, I am going to try and get a shiny Stunky before we leave to the second gym. 


Anshar's name has been changed to Nergal, God of Disease, Death and War. 




Ninurta, the shiny Poochyena:


Okay, so yes we have a repeat. Honestly, I don't mind. I think it's good to have a few more options this early on and I didn't say I couldn't use repeats in this mono-run. Do I see myself keeping them both in the end? Unlikely, but we'll wait and see. The nature isn't great, same with the ability, but what can you say, ay? Oh and I saw two shiny Poochyena's while grinding levels. Kinda funny there. 



Kishar. Ninatta, the Purrloin:


Ah, here is our second of the twins. Not the best nature with that speed drop, but a decent ability? That may come in use, we'll see. Pretty bad IV's though.



Kishar is now called Ninatta, one of the two Goddesses who were always together as Handmaidens to the Goddess Shaushka.  




That is our current team. Ishkur is currently level 14, and will probably evolve soon -  I'll show that when it happens. We have also defeated Fern - granted that was a very hard battle. Almost whited, so we'll have to be careful there in the future. 


That said, it's now time to complete the factory. Oh and fyi - I love the little updates to the beginning of the game which has been added since the last episode. The factory looks so much nicer now too!


Ishkur has evolved!


So, we're right before the gym. Everyone is between 14-16 in levels, but I'm going to grind them up to 18-20 instead. I think that's a safer alternative, as there's no way we're winning in this condition. 


Hoping to get x2 Mightyena's and possibly Liepard as well. We'll see how the the grinding goes first and foremost. 

Update: The dude just gave me the candies with no fight so that was even easier! Everyone is now between 18-20. 


Ninurta has Intimidate, which will be quite useful as the story progresses. 



However, Eresh has Moxie and that will really help with sweeps!image.png.462ecea2561000e07883819b24d47327.png


Gym #1: Julia


This fight wasn't too hard. I soft-resetted a total of four times. I probably could have done it in 2 soft resets, but I let my Mightyena's die too soon. No items were used, but don't expect that in the future. I just forgot to buy healing items ^^''

That said, a combined effort of Eresh, Ninurta and Ishkur defeated Julia with little difficultly, as seen below: image.png.9d2ab1e0c0e2645c10d042497f7c26b9.png


The squad after: 



And that is the first gym over and done with! 

If you have any tips or suggestions, please lemme know! For now, I think I'll call it a night. 


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Part Two:



The Journey for our Second Gym Badge:


So, we are now entering the Obsidia Ward. There is a lot we can do here, but not many new team members we can pick up. Pancham will be useful in the gym fight against Florinia's Cradily, but until it becomes a Pangoro there is only so much use it can have. 


Defeated the "fake" day-care couple - have yet to save the real ones however. It is now time to deal with the slums. I have to admit, I love the update to this area too! It's shocking so much has been updated. 

Oh, while on the hunt for a Pancham, we came across a shiny Yungoos, who I did catch. He's gonna be living in the box for eternity, however. We also beat Victoria again. 


Kishar also evolved as well!



Everyone on the team is now level 20+. We have still yet to find our wanted Pancham. We'll look for him after we beat up the group of Scraggys ft. Scrafty. 


That fight was actually pretty difficult, but we got through it with just under half our team alive. Oh, we have also caught our next teammate!


Marduk, the Pancham:

A national God to his people, Marduk ends up paralleling Enlil as the Chief of the Gods. That said, our Pancham hasn't got the best nature or IV's. Least the ability is good?



We are free of the slums, woo! Time to move ourselves to the Coral Ward and find Amaria. But first things first, the egg....




Yeah, its Drowzee. I usually get Drowzee here, so nothing exciting. 


Onto the fight against Cain. Pretty easy and Marduk got a few hits in too!

Now onto the Tangrowth. This is going to be an issue, indeed. 

First things first, the area looks beautiful and the music is super awesome! I'm excited to explore!


Okay, so that Tangrowth fight wasn't too bad. Like, at all. Double Mightyena is coming in clutch right now. Normally I have more difficulty with that fight. 


One ZEL defeated! Onwards to the Onyx Ward and one Florinia!

Update: the egg we got was a Frillish. 



Now time to clear the trainers school. This shouldn't be too difficult, but I'll update if anything major happens before the Fern fight. 

Nothing big happened before the Fern fight - although I was pleasantly surprised by the slight changes. The tutor moves look interesting! Lemme know if I should try one on any of our teammates! 

The fight against Fern was easy-ish. Lost both the Mightyena's but wasn't as bad as the first one. Still, not looking forward to some of the later ones, that's for sure. Now, the gym leader. 

Gym #2: Florinia

Honestly, I thought this would be harder. One soft reset and two super potions. I only soft-resetted the first one as I lost my Eresh to a one-hit ko (thanks x5 pin missile). When I soft-resetted I also lost Eresh, but I decided to continue on and we won without too much issues. Could of been much worse, especially given how I lost Anshar early on too, which made Cottonee a little more difficult. Overall, easier than Julia, which is funny, as I've always found Florinia hard. 




And our team afterwards:



Poor babies did take a bit of a beating, but they'll be alright after a quick trip to the Pokemon Center. 


For now, that's this part over and done with! As you've noticed, each part is cut into Gym Segments, so please keep your eyes out for the next part. It should be coming shortly after this one! Give or take a few hours. 


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Part Three:



Corey and Heather:


First things first, I absolutely love that the second you enter Jasper you're introduced to Heather. I think that's a lot better than her randomly appearing at the end of Tangrowth 2.0. I also like that we've been seeing Corey around a lot more too. I'm not gonna say much - as I don't wanna spoil the story for those who haven't played it - but it's a real nice change. Makes what happens later have a bigger impact, if ya get what I mean. 


Now, I will be finding all the Police Officers - won't say where they are, but there are loads of guides out there showing where. I'm hoping we can get either Pawniard or Sneasel from the Growlithe event. Not sure which one I'd prefer; both are really gonna help us out, so I'd take either. Hoping that monodark password at the start comes in clutch for us. Fingers crossed. 


Gotta say, the revamp on the forest is lovely! Surprised to see a gym there tho. I wonder who's it is?


So, the fight with Taka. Eresh defeated the Exeggcute and got Chatot to half hp. Kishar cleaned up what Eresh started. Leaving just Tangrowth. Ninurta did some good damage, as did Kishar, but they both went down. Anshar came in and lowered both its physical and special defence. Marduk finished off the job with a few Slashes. Was getting a little nervous, not gonna lie. Only Marduk and Ishkur weren't knocked out. 

So, the second Tangrowth is down and out. Only one more to go. Oh, we're also 2/5 on the police officers. Remember to save the girl in the flat before moving on so you can get the department sticker later on. 


Entering Beyrl, and the Jungle. 


Okay, so we still get locked up in a cage by Nuzleaf's...kinda. After refusing to bed for Fern's help in getting out of said cage, Chatot saves the day. Yayy, thanks Chatot! I did not expect to find Cain in a cage tho. 


Another officer saved from a cave with cages. Very fascinating cave btw. And another officer...located. 4/5 officers down. Oh and I'm getting very lost in this jungle. We also took quite a battering, but we're fully healed again now! 


Finding the last officer took some time, but we finally located him! That's 5/5 officers. Four are in the usual area, and one is in a "new" area. 


Now, the Meteor fights. Ace is hard. I've whited once already, thanks Roselia, but hoping second times the charm! Edit: it wasn't. Attempt 3 was a failure. Tangrowth swept us. Attempt 4 was cheap. Swept the first few Pokemon, poisoned the Tangrowth and let the poison do its damage. 


Vs. Corey "Borealis":


So, we don't really have any good options here. There was a serious amount of resets here. Like, a crazy amount. Honestly, I was at a dead end, so I decided to check what level Stunky and Pancham evolved at and well, I evolved them both. That saved me big time. Anshar basically swept with assistance from the others. Thanks Flamethrower!






With that fight down, we can now go grab our mystery egg. I wonder who we'll get?





Part Four:




Onwards to the next Gym Leader, Shelly!


As you can see, we got blessed with Sneasel. I'll hatch this lil guy asap and update the post with our new team member below!




Update: Enlil. Mummu, the Sneasel:


So, the egg hatched! Not the best stats or nature, but we'll work with it. Nothing some EV's won't fix...I hope. Enlil is one of the Triad of Heaven, Enlil is the God wind, air, earth and storms, as well as the main chief to all Gods. He is thought to as a "fatherly figure" by the people, who looks after and cares for them. Lets see if our Enlil can live up to that, ay?



Enlil's name has been changed Mummu, Primordial God of Crafts and Technical Skill. 




Onwards to more teammates!


Dumuzid. Ninkilim, the Alolan Rattata:


Brother to Geshtinanna and the God of Shepherds and Agriculture. IV's aren't great, but for a Physical set, should be good. Might have decent special defence too, with that ability? We'll see. Maybe I'll be surprised. 


I have since changed Dumuzid's name to instead be Ninkilim, as it suits better. Ninkilim is the God of Vermin, which suits Ratticate as its a huge-ass rat. 




Nammu. Kulitta, the Alolan Meowth:


Named after one of the Primordial Goddesses, Nammu is said to be an important mother goddess. She is said to have birthed both An and Ki and is believed to be the mother to Enki as well. Sadly, Nammu doesn't seem like she'll be very useful. Bad stats all around, as well as a mediocre ability. Pickup will be useful, but not in battle. Still we'll try and see if she's better than we think. 



Name updated to Kulitta, the other Goddess who was a handmaiden to Shaushka. 




So, after stealing an old ladies ponyta, we have now successfully saved Victoria and defeated Aster and Eclipse again. 


Vs. Victoria (3):


I'm going to try and screenshot the defeat of each rival battle and important "boss battle" from now onwards. Victoria was pretty easy to beat this time as well!



Vs. Fern (3):


Oh no. Here we go. We actually lost the first time - as I didn't have my "proper team" but we won the second time. With some trouble mind you. Both Ishkur and Anshar went over the level cap. But we can rectify that easily enough!



Ishkur evolved!



Gotta say, I was genuinely surprised to be forced into a fight with Cal. Only needed one soft-reset and a few healing items and we barely got through. Also Ishkur is above the level cap again. Fun. 


Now that we've dealt with Cal, and know where to go next - really don't think Shelly should see a doctor, especially THAT doctor, but suresure game - we also was able to snag up our next teammate!


Enki, the Zorua:


Zoroark is my all time favourite Pokemon (granted there's a few who come in close second!), so I'm really happy to be able to use the lil fox again for this playthrough! Ability is the usual and nature is pretty good. Nice Sp+, Sd-. IV's aren't the best but we're going for a special attacking Zoroark anyway, so all's good there. 


Enki is the second of the Triad of Heaven, and is a unique figure indeed. He is said to helped humanity survive the Great Flood and is known as the "God of the subterranean freshwater ocean". However, he is also said to be linked to magic, incarnations and more. Honestly, I'm excited to use Zorua (and Zoroark) in this mono-run!



Evolutions before the gym fight!



Gym #3: Shelly


Second reset and we won. Almost won first try, but lost to her last Pokemon knocking ours out before poison could take her down. Ishkur was a staple in this fight, with everyone else being support. Lots of healing done via our second member. 



Our team after:



As you can see, we took quite a beating, but survived! 


Onwards to our next gym battle, Shade! 



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Part Five:



An Orphanage and a Ghost? Let's Beat Shade!


Vs. Cain (3):


Was easy enough. Not much else to say really. 



With that rival fight over and done with, its time to break into an orphanage and beat up some bad guys! The orderlies are basically easy pickings, but Sigmund is another thing. I actually wasn't prepared for the fight - I don't believe there was one in the previous versions - but we were able to scrape through a win, just barely. Used my only cotton candy tho, so ouch. 



Now, for a small sidetrack. Instead of going straight to the railroads, like we should, we're gonna explore some areas we unlocked with rock smash, destroy some rocks and hopefully get some new team members too!


First thing we're gonna do is fight the Nuzleaf gang (ft. Shiftry). This was a difficult fight, but we did get it done. Out of the five Nuzleaf's we got, say hello to our two new teammates!


Ki and Gil. Ninsar and Dumuzid, the Nuzleaf's:


These were the two who had the best mix of stats, natures and abilities, to me at least. Both do have an Sp+ nature, however. 


Gil is named after Gilgamesh, a King during a specific period. He was thought to be 2/3rds God, and 1/3rd human. (Anyone who knows at least their basic world history on ancient civilizations should be able to guess what the naming theme is now XD). Ki, on the other hand, is a Goddess who personifies the earth. She is another of the Primordial deities.  


I'm unsure if we'll use both, but I'll flit between and see which one is better as time goes on. 


Both have been renamed. Ninsar is the Goddess of Plants and Dumuzid is the God of Shepherds and Agriculture and brother to Geshtinanna. 






Back to the caves and exploring. We came across an interesting item! This will def come in handy later on!



There are still a few things we need to do before beating Shade, such as beating up the Venipede gang (ft. Scolipede) to get that other sticker and also finishing the second Aqua mission. I keep being swept, however. So we'll get to them later on. For now, let's get some more team members. 


New arrivals!


Lahamu, the Skorupi:

Not much to say here. Lahamu is a minor deity and the counterpart of Lahmu. Both were born from the chaos spread by Tiamat and Apsu merging. I've used a Drapion occassionallyin other POkemon games, so this should be somewhat interesting. 



Ianna (Ishtar), the Scraggy:


Named after the Goddess of Love and War, Ianna is one of my more known deities of this period. Linked to the planet Venus, she is the daughter of Nanna and Ningal in most stories, but occasionally the Enki and an unnamed mother as well. Utu is her twin brother.

I've used Scrafty quite a lot and with Moxie and a speed boosting nature, I can see Ianna coming in handy quite well. 


We have changed Ishtar's name to Ianna, which is just another name she is known by. 




Oh, also evolution time! Fyi, the ability (Fur Coat) may be useful for becoming a physical tank down the line:



With that done, we levelled everyone up to 35+, and then decided to take on the 2nd Aqua mission and barely won. Now, from what I'm aware, in previous versions a Houndour would spawn there as an event Pokemon after you defeat them, but I'm not sure if that's still plausible. Edit: Seems not. It's after Luna from what the wiki says. Annoying, as Houndoom would help against Serra, but least we get Sharpedo right?


Nanshe, the Carvanha:


I haven't used Sharpedo often in playthroughs, so this'll be a nice change. Speed Boost will be very useful indeed. Nanshe is the daughter to Enki and Ninhursag and is the Goddess of prophecy and fishing, to name a few. Stats aren't great but they'll do. Granted, she has Destiny Bond which may be very useful in certain fights. 



More Evolutions!



Gym #4: Shade


This fight was a mixture between easy and hard. On one hand, we cleared it with little difficulty, we just needed a few attempts and some good luck. Still, our team took a battering, as you'll see below. 



Now, all that's left to do is go and collect that second department store sticker before locating Cain. 


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Part Six:



Kiki and Victoria:


Okay, first things first, I wasn't expecting that twist when we met up with Cain in the Police Station. I still don't know if I trust Ace, but I'm curious to see where this goes. We'll catch up with them at the other factory a little later. For now, we need to go pick up our next teammate. 


Shala, the Murkrow:


Shala is the Goddess of Weather and Grain, wife to Adad, the Weather God. I resetted quite a few times with Murkrow. Originally I wanted Perosh Song, but decided to stay with this Murkrow. Ability should become Moxie, and the nature is nice too. Plus, we have Brave Bird which will be nice later on. I believe I can evolve our new feathered friend right now, but I won't. We'll wait a little bit first. Time to level her up. 



With Shala on our side, its time to enter Mosswater Factory and see what they have in store for us. Firstly, I wasn't surprised by the little "trick" with Ace. Like I said above, didn't really trust them. It was interesting tho. 


The grunts weren't too hard to beat, but ZEL? ZEL was another story. As was PULSE Muk. Actually, its kinda funny. So the team I was using kept losing again and again at the Muk. So I decided to switch Liepard for Scrafty and then swept the whole team. Scrafty, with Moxie and High Jump Kick? Easy. We did have decent luck with the confusion and not missing attacks however. And had to use a few Lemonades, but still, a wins a win. 




Onwards to Apophyll, and our new teammate!

Abzu, the Corphish:


Named after the Primordial God who is the consort to the Primordial Goddess Tiamat, he is one of the personifications of the subterranean primeval waters. 

I've never used a Corphish or Crawduant before, so I'm interesting in trying Abzu out! The ability looks interesting, and stats aren't terrible. 


After exploring the back cave and mining a lot of items, we are now ready to talk to Kiki!


So, we're left with a choice to fight either Victoria or Cal...we chose Victoria. Got a feeling we'll have to fight Cal anyway, but if not, I'd rather deal with Victoria's team. 


Before fighting either, however, we got some evolutions!



(I forgot to screenshot Ninsar's evolution, apologises!)


Vs. Victoria (4):


This. Was. Pain. Lots and lots of pain. But we did it. After many resets. image.png.6fc008828950bc420262a5b1c9ed0234.png


Now, onto the next fight. Kiki. 


Vs. Kiki:


This fight is a nightmare. Everything has to go a specific way, and if it doesn't, I get swept. Machamp is easy. Two Extrasensories off Zoroark and it's down. It always goes for Meditate and never gets a hit in. Lucario is always next and this is where issues arise. Ianna has to survive an Aura Sphere AND hit a High Jump Kick to One-hit KO it. When Lucario does go down, Gallade is right up after and that can also sweep us. Nergal has to poison it and survive until poison takes it down. That's where things get tricky again. Hitmonlee needs to miss High Jump Kick so a Brave Bird off Shala can knock it out and survive. If not, Shala goes down as well, which can cause issues later in the fight. If I'm lucky enough to get past all of those mons, Medicham will then come out and Drain Punch everything to death. Only a Quick Claw Destiny Bond of Nanshe can deal with it. That still leaves one annoying member left, a Toxicroak, who can still hurt us. That's why we need Zoroark alive to One-hit KO it with Extrasensory. 


We. Did. It. After, so many defeats, we beat her! If only this was our last time against fighting types...



Only Enki made it out, unscathed...



We'll pick up with the aftermath of this in the next part!




Part Seven: 



A Volcano and Wasteland? Aya, the Fifth Gym Leader!


So, with Kiki resting and Victoria taking over, its time to get a move on to Azurine Island and save Cain! (I'm assuming he's there). We can't get either of our new teammates yet sadly, but that's okay. We'll get them after dealing with the problems atop the Volcano. For now, we head to the island!


While exploring we came across a Shiny Foongus. Nice!


Also evolved our second Nuzleaf too!



And we also beat Aster and Eclipse again! This is the third time we've fought them, I think? The fight was a little hard, I will admit, but we got it done on our second attempt. Marduk basically swept XD



Vs. Taka (2):


Now, Taka was a little difficult but we beat him first try. Alolan Exeggutor really caused us some pain though. 



Now onto one active volcano!


So, the Garchomp fight. Honestly, I usually lose it, but with Nanshe and Destiny Bond, it's pretty easy. Quick Claw activated on our second reset, and byebye Garchomp. 



So, with that depressing part of the story over - and no fight against Cal, interesting - it's onto the Wasteland! There are two teammates we can get here: Inkay and Spiritomb. Both can be really good additions, so I'm excited to use them both! But for now, we explore. 


Vs. Ace (2):


Honestly, wasn't too hard. I beat them first time but forgot to take a screenshot, so I redid the fight. 



Further exploring lead us to our next teammate, Inkay!


Tiamat, the Inkay:


Named after the Primordial Goddess of the Ocean, Tiamat is seen as a disastrous figure to some. I've used a Malamar once or twice, but not often. That said, I'm excited to use one here! No idea how we evolve her though. Plus, her stats aren't terrible. 



EDIT: She's evolved. You have to cancel the evolution to evolve her. Pretty interesting evolution method. 



Vs. Fern (4):


I hate Roserade. So much. Now, don't get me wrong, I actually love Roserade. But not when it's being used against me and killing my Honchkrow- That said, if I can somehow get the Roserade down, then it's pretty easy going. 

I forgot to screenshot the end fight scene, and I've already saved, apologises!


Gym #5: Aya


So, I always have trouble with Aya and this time was no different. But, we won first try. I did have to use up one Revive, all three of my Hypers and my Ultra Potion however, which sucks. Still, a wins a win. Oh, I also remembered to screenshot it this time! Yayy me!



Normally, I'd end of the part here and now, but there's still a few things I needa do in this area before we can move on. Like, get our good 'ol friend Spiritomb! 


Ukar, the Spiritomb:


Another God of the Underworld is here! I've used Spiritomb a few times and its also been useful, so I'm excited to use one yet again!



We also came across yet another shiny!



Vs. Cain (4):

Guess who forgot to screenshot again? Sorry! ^^'' The fight was pretty hard though. Primarina can basically outspeed and oneshot everyone if I'm not careful. I don't want to try my luck at the fight again just for a screenshot, apologises. 


That said, time to go save the kids! In the next part, that is!



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Part Eight:



Saving our Friends and heading to the Chrysolia Region to fight Serra! 


So, there is a lot we have to do. First and foremost, a few small side-quests. 

Shamash, the Houndour:


I actually thought this was later on - another guide said it was post-Luna, but when I checked the Pokemon after Aya and before Serra, I saw Houndour there, so I checked and there he was! Shamash, otherwards known as Utu, is the Sun God. He is the twin to Ianna (Ishtar). 



And evolved:



I also decided to finally level and evolve Abzu:



Now, when we finally head to Chrysolia, there are a few Pokemon we can get before beating Serra. Cacnea (from an egg if we're lucky), Eevee (to become Umbreon), and a Sandile (from Tanzan Mountain). All three can be very good future team members. 



For now, we have some kids to save!


Vs. Sirius:


This. was. hard. Like, really, really hard. But somehow we won and I'm not sure how.



With the kids saved, the first thing I did was locate the House Key and head straight to the Move Relearner for some new movesets. After that, it was onwards with the story!


So, while on the hunt for a Sandile, we came across another shiny! Nice anime reference too. 



We finally did catch our Sandile, however. 


Ma, the Sandile:


Named after the Primordial Goddess of the Earth, we have Ma. She should be very useful, with Moxie and that Attack boosting Nature. The Defence drop is a little annoying, but nothing we can do with it. We'll level her up soon enough!



Into the forest we go!


First things first, Umbreon!


Nanna, the Eevee Umbreon:


Yeah, I forgot to screenshot Eevee before I evolved, but doesn't matter. Nanna is the God of the Moon. Obviously it fits Umbreon perfectly. I've used Umbreon before, in a dark type mono and it really helped to have a physical tank. That said, I'm not sure how useful Umbreon will be in this playthrough, but I'm happy we have him anyway!



We still need to locate the egg, but we can do that later. For now, we have the Bennett fight. It's not fun, at all. Luckily, the way we won was by levelling up Shamash, obtaining Flamethrower and outspeeding and burning through everything. 



Gym #6: Serra

I've always had trouble with this gym, and this time was no different. But, we were able to make it through...somehow. Don't ask me how, as I honestly don't know. We just had decent luck I suppose? Shamash carried us, although we wouldn't of gotten far if Ianna hadn't hit her High Jump Kicks, Lahamu hadn't set up the Toxic Spikes, Nergal hadn't chipped down Ninetales and Ukar and Ishkur came in for quick finishes. Honestly, it was a team effort, once again. 

That said, 6th Gym Badge obtained. Woo!



The Team After:



Well, that's this part over and done with! See you in the next part!




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Part Nine:



Nostra and Nomos: The Normal Type Gym Leader!


First things first, egg! We'll get this hatched asap, and add the info below! Onwards for medicine!



Quick evolutions before we fight the Doctor!

Screenshot (574).png

Screenshot (575).png


So, the fight wasn't too hard. Nearly won first time, but lost cause I only had 5 Pokes instead of my usual 6. We won second time though, as seen here:



So, after choosing to stop the doctor, we have to go and save Saphira! Now, we had some trouble with some of the Meteor grunts, but we made it through. Of course, before we could actually do anything, we get teleported away, and stuck in this maze-like chasm. Now, here's where the problem occurs. We have to fight this super powerful Steelix. Thing is, there is a way to basically beat it easily. It's called, Umbreon. Nanna has access to Sand Attack and Tail Whip still and setting up around x3 of each is really useful. Of course, you still needa be able to dodge certain attacks, but Earthquake and Heavy Slam doesn't seem to have high accuracy down here anyway. Once Nanna gets knocked out, Marduk can come in and do some extra damage with Sky Uppercut and that's one lv.75 Steelix down. 



Vs. ZEL (2?):


Now, if you find that difficult, we now have to deal with a Lv.75 Abra who loves to spam Hyper Beam and one-shot everything. For once, being mono-dark is helping us here. Still, its easy enough if you choose who gets one-shot first. image.png.07914593f6502fe723d12345b8b9f342.png


So, with Saphira....MIA, there's not much more we can do. So, lets get our next gym badge! 


Gym #7: Noel


So, just cause Noel is a normal type gym leader, doesn't mean he's a pushover. This fight is absolute pain. Like in previous fights, we need things to go a specific way or we get swept. The first thing we needa do is not be flinched by Cinccino and hit our Sky Uppercut. That, however, is its own problem. Lets say every 10 resets, 3 will pass this point. If we're lucky. Oh and don't think it'll miss. It hardly ever does. When we finally pass that point, Bewear is out next. Two Psycho Cuts makes it easy prey however. After we beat Bewear, here comes the first big threat: Swellow. This thing can sweep us with Guts, Brave Bird/Facade. Destiny Bond will defeat this with ease however...if it actually works. After that, we either get Porygon-Z or Clefable. Both can also sweep us. Porygon-Z can be easily dealt with by two High Jump Kicks, if they both hit, we don't get crit AND we don't get any status conditions, like being frozen or paralyzed. For Clefable, unless wse destiny Bond it down, it will sweep us. Problem is, it loves to set up Calm Minds, so I have to tempt it to strike when I want it too, not when it wants too. Girafarig is actually a cakewalk. 

This fight took me HOURS. I've been at it since 4 and its now 6. Over 100 resets and FINALLY, we did it! Only had to get TWO DESTINY BONDERS, but it's over and done now. I'm taking a well deserved break, so there may not be another update until tomorrow ^^''


The Squad may look like they didn't suffer much, but they did:



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Part Ten:



The journey to Vanhanen Castle and the 8th Gym Leader!


So, we did a few things before we started on our journey to Vanhanen Castle. First, a new team member is finally with us!


Ningikuga, the Cacnea:


Named after the Goddess of Marshes and Reeds, Ningikuga may be an interesting addition. 



Oh, also we were doing a little EV training and found two shinies:







Now, let's continue with some story!


Vs. Fern (5):


Starting off with a DD Haxorus is hard to deal with, but Ukur can take it down with a little luck. The rest of his team isn't too hard, with the right Pokemon. Once Haxorus was down, we beat him with little difficulty.  Oh! And I remembered to screenshot this time!image.png.aaa36025a0d7c626e78367a9e7f05cae.png


So, we just beat a guy with four Flareons and I don't even know what to say. There wasn't much else to do on Route 1 currently, so we made our way straight to Vanhanen Castle instead. 


Vs. Cain (5):


Having two fairy types is hard to deal with, but it wasn't too difficult. Second attempt and we won. 



Now, onwards to save Gossip Gardevoir! I had forgotten about the "Arceus" fight, but luckily I remembered as we continued on. We also had good old Spitirtomb with us, who Destiny Bonded the fake God down. image.png.44cd406571176a3719ae34ef9ac0d658.png


Gym #8: Radomus


This fight isn't as bad as you may think it could be. On one side, we're lucky being a dark-mono run as Psychic can't hit us, but that doesn't make it a walk in the park either. Gardevoir can easily sweep if we're not careful, and if Trick Room is set up too early, then it's all over. The key to this? Zoroark. With Illusion in set (put a fighting or poison at the back of your party), and Taunt and U-turn you're basically set. As long as you Taunt the Malamar and then make sure to two-hit KO the Renuiclus, it's pretty simple thereafter. Another badge down!



That said, this part is now completed! See you in the next one!






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Part Eleven: 



Let's save Luna and get our Ninth Badge!


Getting access to 7th Street isn't very hard (just talk to your old leader boss and they'll let you in), but when we're down there, we have a lot we can do. 7th Street has always had some...interesting Pokemon available down there in a normal run, but what can we get? A Type: Null. Now, I'm not sure where the darkness memory is, but Type: Null is a fave of mine, so being able to use it (and then  Silvally after) sounds great! The quest itself isn't too hard. All you need to do is give the lady a Carvanah, Unfezant and Luxray. Do be cautious, however, you have to fight and catch it. 


Gil, the Type: Null:


Now, if someone could tell me where the Dark Memory is located, I would be eternally grateful ^o^image.png.22d0add159fef0da9226eb15e4a36edf.png


With Type: Null now on our side, its time to deal with a cult. Great. I remember when I first played this part on my original save, I was so unsettled and also really annoyed that I constantly got caught while trying to escape- Now that I'm older, I find it pretty cool, and also not as hard as it was when I was younger. Tbf, I don't even know how I got so far on my first save. I still needa finish that save though. Maybe once this playthrough is finished?


That said, my poor Pokemon are taking a beating in this place. This is what I get for not bringing my "main" team. 


Vs. Ace (3):


Like usual, Ace was hard to beat. From the few Fairy types, to the field we fought them on, it took quite a few resets and some extremely good luck. 



Luna is next, but we won't fight her until tomorrow. For now, we call it a night. 






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