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Crest Ideas!


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As someone who adores the idea of crests and making less viable Poke'mon a little bit more niche, I came up with a few crest ideas just for fun. I don't expect these to be added to the game in any way, but I think that some of the changes on the list could be really interesting. I tried to not make any crest too busted and keep them as simple as they can be, while playing into the Pokemon's strength.


Arbok Crest- Coil at the end of every turn. Biting attacks drain 25% HP.


I think that because Sandslash got a regional form, Arbok needs some love too. Free coils could make Arbok a really solid support Pokemon in Doubles as it already has access to Intimidate and Glare/Acid Spray. 


Venomoth Crest - Poison Attacks always Lower enemies Sp. Attack by 1, Bug attacks lower attack by 1


I actually really love this crest because it pairs pretty well with tinted lens. It would allow Venomoth to do some decent damage and have a bit more utility.


Kingler Crest - First hit is multiscale (maybe 30% reduction instead of 50%) and gives a speed boost


Kingler would probably still drop to any electic attack that is thrown at it, but at least with this crest it would have an opporunity to get a sweep going somewhat.


Octillery Crest- Beam Moves have +2 crit chance, heal 1/8 hp each turn


I wanted to lean more into Octillery's sniper abillity rather than moody, as I feel moody is more of a gimick. In a way it is pretty similar to the Claydol crest.


Tropius Crest - Increase raw defenses by 1.3x and do damage based on how much HP Tropius has remaining. (at 100% HP damage is 1.5x scales down linearly to 1.0x at 1%)


Tropius needs some love. I think this Crest pairs well with Harvest, or even Chlorophyll. Either way, this would maybe encourage a few more players to sneak Tropius onto their sun teams.


Emboar Crest- Has effect of a held metronome, successive uses of moves grant speed boost that is lost when move is changed.


Samurott got a crest, and Serperior is actually good, so Emboar kind of got left in the dust. This crest could hopefully help him charge his way out of a slump.


Zebstrika Crest- all attacks use physical attack


We all know that physical electrical types are quite pitiful. Perhaps the solution is not to make more physical electric moves, but rather make all moves physical! This will make Zebstrika extrmely unqiue as it will be able to hit physical thunders and even spam physical overheat that does not lower it's attacking stat.


Elektross Crest- When switched in the opponents speed is lowered and Elektross speed is increased


For being a big scary eel, Elektross really underperforms. The ability to sap speed on entry I think could really swing some momentum into Elektross' favor.


Slurpuff Crest- Defense incease by 1.5x and Safeguard on Entry


Leans into a supportive roll. Any pokemon would benefit from defense boost, but here it allows Slurpuff to really excel in doubles, perhaps as a sticky web setter.


Salazzle Crest - Poison Type attacks are super effective against steel types


I know that Salazzle has fire type stab for steel types... but it's signiture abillity is called Corrosion for a reason. I think this is maybe the most niche, but also one of the coolest crests on this list.

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I don't remember all crests, so I'll try to make some:


Magnezone Crest: - Activates Magnet Rise permanently on Magnezone.


This is due to it always using Magnet Rise or a temporary Air Ballon as item. Moves like Gravity will negate its effect, but it will return back if the "Gravity's effect" is over.


Grimmsnarl Crest: - Prankster works against Dark Types and Spirit Break has +1 in priority, but the move's power is decreased.


I personally think that Prankster is the best ability to use with Grimmsnarl and it can be a little bit more helpful if it works even against Dark Types. Spirit Break, Grimmsnarl's signature move, lowers Sp Atk and I think it can be useful if it has more priority, since the mon has not a "good" speed.


Hatterene Crest: - Speed is increased by 1,5% and Physical moves will be dependent on Sp Atk stat.


Hatterene's speed is so low that often it will punish badly the Pokèmon itself.  I think she should get a boost in this, since some crests are completely broken. Plus, the mon can use many physical moves, so the use in SpAtk will help her.


Gardevoir Crest: - Physical moves will be dependent on Sp Atk stat.


Gardevoir can learn many Physical moves, so players can use Physical builds with this.


Regirock Crest: - Physical moves will use be dependent on Def stat.


If legendaries will be something in a possible post-game, why not create a crest for them? Regirock has an incredible defense stat, but a low speed. so this buff can help it.


I'm not good, but I tried.

Edited by NerfCaulifla
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2 hours ago, NerfCaulifla said:

Regirock Crest: - Physical moves will use be dependent on Def stat.


If legendaries will be something in a possible post-game, why not create a crest for them? Regirock has an incredible defense stat, but a low speed. so this buff can help it.

The same can be made for other Regis as well, like

  • Registeel Crest - Physical and Special moves will use Defense and Special Defense stats respectively in damage calculations
  • Regice Crest - Special moves will use Special Defense stat in damage calculations
  • Regieleki Crest - Special moves will use Speed stat in damage calculations
  • Regidrago Crest - Physical moves will use HP stat in damage calculations

Although in Regidrago case, some adjustments would have to be made, mainly because of how HP stat is calculated. Maybe making all moves work like Dragon Energy - their power being based on user's HP, and with maximum HP, all of Regidrago's Physical moves would have their base power be x3

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I don't know about you, but I had an idea for a Drifblim crest a long while back, though I don't remember if the balancing was right. But hey why not, I'll slap it here.


Drifblim Crest: Have burn during battle, powers up speed and takes no burn damage.


This one is more or less meant to go with Flare Boost because hot air balloons and all. Though if coding it weren't a potiental mess, I would have it work with Aftermath as well, saying that on faint it deals more damage to pokemon that are weak to fire (typed Aftermath when applicable) and either a chance to burn or a free burn on the opponent on faint.


It's not the best crest idea, but it was one I thought of a few times.

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Got one for Heliolisk I've been thinking about for a bit.

Heliolisk Crest: Summons weather based on its ability.

For those not aware, all of Heliolisk's abilities are based on weathers (in a way), Dry skin (Rain), Solar Power (Sun), Sand Veil (Sandstorm). Could also give a small stat increase if you'd like.


Instead of summoning a weather effect it could double down on needing a weather effect.

Heliolisk Crest: Adds an ability based on its current ability.  Dry Skin (Swift Swim or Rain Dish), Solar Power (Chlorophyll or Leaf Guard), Sand Veil (Sand Rush or Sand Force? (Sand force doesn't really work because Heliolisk doesn't get any steel/ground moves but I needed SOMETHING to put as an alternative otherwise it'd be weird.)


Instead of those we give it the last weather effect it was missing

Heliolisk Crest: Changes Heliolisk's ability to Ice Body/Snow Cloack/Slush Rush during Hail.

If it wasn't obvious Heliolisk is one of my fav pokemon and I love the idea of adding more weather effects to it.

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On 6/13/2022 at 6:19 PM, Oscarus said:

The same can be made for other Regis as well, like

  • Registeel Crest - Physical and Special moves will use Defense and Special Defense stats respectively in damage calculations
  • Regice Crest - Special moves will use Special Defense stat in damage calculations
  • Regieleki Crest - Special moves will use Speed stat in damage calculations
  • Regidrago Crest - Physical moves will use HP stat in damage calculations

Although in Regidrago case, some adjustments would have to be made, mainly because of how HP stat is calculated. Maybe making all moves work like Dragon Energy - their power being based on user's HP, and with maximum HP, all of Regidrago's Physical moves would have their base power be x3

And how about Regigigas?


  • Regigigas Crest - Halves the user’s damage taken and restores 1/8 of maximum HP at each turn. Doubles Attack and Speed stat after first 5 turns.
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21 hours ago, Oscarus said:

The same can be made for other Regis as well, like

  • Registeel Crest - Physical and Special moves will use Defense and Special Defense stats respectively in damage calculations
  • Regice Crest - Special moves will use Special Defense stat in damage calculations
  • Regieleki Crest - Special moves will use Speed stat in damage calculations
  • Regidrago Crest - Physical moves will use HP stat in damage calculations

Although in Regidrago case, some adjustments would have to be made, mainly because of how HP stat is calculated. Maybe making all moves work like Dragon Energy - their power being based on user's HP, and with maximum HP, all of Regidrago's Physical moves would have their base power be x3

Yeah they are good and since we are talking about legendaries...


Mesprit Crest: - Boost Attack, Special Attack, Defense, Special Defense and Speed by a little percentage, plus Mystical Power does normal damage to Dark Types.


Azelf Crest: - Boost Defense and Special Defense, plus Mystical Power does normal damage to Dark Types.


Uxie Crest: - Boost Attack and Special Attack, plus Mystical Power does normal damage to Dark Types.


Explanation: we know that this trio does not have high stats for legendaries, so I wanted to balance them. Mesprit is the one with balanced stats with even lower speed. so it has major boost, meanwhile Azelf and Uxie go boost where "they don't excel". Plus, giving Mystical Power a boost, despite it already can raise stats, was an optional input.



Arceus Crest: Speed is increased by a little; Judgement is super effective on every type; plus the user is immune to Dark, Fighting, Dragon, and Fairy Type moves.


Explanation: if Arceus will be something in the endgame and since Intense Mode will be not be included in Rejuv, I thought that Arceus should obtain something completely broken. Speed increased, Judgement has similar effect to the Legend Plate from LA and it will get immunity from "its creations" (Dragon Types), "obscure beings" (Normal is already immune to Ghost), weaknesses and "light creatures".


Zygarde Crest: - Activates 100% form at the start of the battle, plus all Zygarde's signature moves got boost in damage.


Since Zygarde is the first legendary Pokèmon the player can obtain, I wanted to give him a Crest. This could be obtained if the player caught a certain number of cells, if a crest for it will be ever existed. Activates his perfect form since the start like the Primal duos.

Edited by NerfCaulifla
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/13/2022 at 7:56 AM, NerfCaulifla said:

Hatterene Crest: - Speed is increased by 1,5% and Physical moves will be dependent on Sp Atk stat.


Hatterene's speed is so low that often it will punish badly the Pokèmon itself.  I think she should get a boost in this, since some crests are completely broken. Plus, the mon can use many physical moves, so the use in SpAtk will help her.

Personally I don't think this is a good Crest Idea for Hatterene, mostly since a 1.5 times boost to speed to a base 29 speed Pokemon won't do a thing for it, it just hurts possible strategies with Trick Room and outside of it most if not all Pokemon that aren't Trick Room centric will straight up outspeed Hatterene, still this gave me two ideas for a Hatterene Crest catering to a fast sweeping role or an all-out Trick Room abuser; TLDR: Balance isn't a main consideration of mine for the first Crest idea, though the second Crest might be viable but redundant since it got a Mega

Hatterene Crest: - Speed is now based of Sp. Atk and all special Fairy & Psychic moves become physical with a 1.3X boost, furthermore, ability is replaced by moxie

This turns Hatterene into a beast that outspeeds anything, can snowball into a huge physical threath with it's boosted move changes and moxie for a replacement to it's abilities. A broken Crest for sure 

Hatterene Crest: - Applies a 5 turn Trick Room on switch-in, furthermore Hatterene gets a boost to it's highest atacking stat
This shifts Hatterene into an all out offensive Trick Room abuser that may be comparable to Genesect in my mind due to its abysmal speed stat that allows for a superb Trick Room abuser w/a Download boost paired with its relatively high offensive stats (Great 136 base Sp. Atk and decently good base 90 Atk)


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1 hour ago, Johanne said:

Personally I don't think this is a good Crest Idea for Hatterene, mostly since a 1.5 times boost to speed to a base 29 speed Pokemon won't do a thing for it, it just hurts possible strategies with Trick Room and outside of it most if not all Pokemon that aren't Trick Room centric will straight up outspeed Hatterene, still this gave me two ideas for a Hatterene Crest catering to a fast sweeping role or an all-out Trick Room abuser; TLDR: Balance isn't a main consideration of mine for the first Crest idea, though the second Crest might be viable but redundant since it got a Mega

Hatterene Crest: - Speed is now based of Sp. Atk and all special Fairy & Psychic moves become physical with a 1.3X boost, furthermore, ability is replaced by moxie

This turns Hatterene into a beast that outspeeds anything, can snowball into a huge physical threath with it's boosted move changes and moxie for a replacement to it's abilities. A broken Crest for sure 

Hatterene Crest: - Applies a 5 turn Trick Room on switch-in, furthermore Hatterene gets a boost to it's highest atacking stat
This shifts Hatterene into an all out offensive Trick Room abuser that may be comparable to Genesect in my mind due to its abysmal speed stat that allows for a superb Trick Room abuser w/a Download boost paired with its relatively high offensive stats (Great 136 base Sp. Atk and decently good base 90 Atk)


I didn't think about TR with her, I dunno why actually.

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On 6/14/2022 at 9:04 AM, SolareSupremo said:

And how about Regigigas?


  • Regigigas Crest - Halves the user’s damage taken and restores 1/6 of maximum HP at each turn. Raises Atk stats and Speed stats by two stages after first 5 turns.

I prefer 1/8 or something, since it has already the half damage, but I think the boost in Attack and Speed is...well...368 or something x 2.

Edited by NerfCaulifla
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9 hours ago, SolareSupremo said:

Why not? I edited it. I hope I didn't make a mistake.

No no, I mean...like 736 or something in speed is insane, it's like Regigigas goes mad again and towes again the continents like in its "dex description" lol, I dunno why I thought about it.

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4 hours ago, VMeemes said:

Still a bit funny to me how this is the third crest related discussion on the rejuvination side that I am aware of. Just humouring to me that's all.

Welcome to the community lol

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So I decided to make some more Crest ideas for my favorite mons or ones need something to make them viable or deserved something and never got it or Pokemon that would be quite good with a slight boost- Decided to edit some things here since some crests are stupid as they are

Flygon Crest: - Grants STAB on Bug & Flying type moves, doubles highest Atk stat in Sandstorm or sandy terrains

Everyone wanted a Mega-Flygon that was given some bug tupe addition, so I delivered, giving a needed boost to it's ok but not great atacking stats and a decently good extra stab since bug's still kinda trash makes Flygon a great cleaner or breaker on sand teams even if 4 STABS is a bit ridicoulus 


Lycanroc Crest: - Boosts speed & atack by X1.2 in sandstorm or sandy fields, additionally heals for 1/12th of the hp every turn

This adds a bit of recovery for Middnight Lycanroc and a boost in sand, a power boost for midday in sand or makes it an imposible to outspeed cleaner, for Dusk Lycanroc it makes it an incredible pokemon for the added power with tough claws in sand or the near imposibility of out-speeding it. That said the crest was made for Midnight Lycanroc rather than the other two forms


Mimikyu Crest: - Disguise no longer deals damage when broken, when broken speed and atack are raised by one stage

This eliminates any chance of Mimikyu not being able to get something for free with it's Disguise bar a multi-hit atack while also raising it's offensive potential, since this is a once per battle effect itself it can be used only once for cleaning or breaking teams, just a neat boost


Roserade Crest: - All special moves base power is reduced to 60 (Weaker moves unafected), weaker moves are boosted by 1.5X

Remember how Technician is a good choice for Roserade? Well, let's allow for it to always be active with any good move it chooses to run and adds another boost to make it way stronger while allowing Roserade to divert EVs to make it bulkier and letting the now powerful moves and quite good base Sp. Atk do some heavy lifting, this too helps with A-Roserade's lack of good technician moves to be boosted


Exploud Crest: - All sound based moves get a 1.3X boost and ignore imunities, makes special moves sound based

The crest is a buffed Punk Rock that just makes you able to spam sound based moves with impunity and allows for the coverage moves Exploud gets to be buffed in some ways


Archeops Crest: - Deafitist activates at 30% HP, defeatist now boosts Speed, Atack & Sp. Atk by 20%

This now makes Archeops biggest weakness it's biggest strength, it now benefits it and makes Archeops able to destroy you harder, this basically fixes the issue it had with it's ability completely, this is just a stupidly broken crest for the sake of it


Milotic Crest: - When Marvel Scale is active boosts both defenses, recovers 1/8th HP per turn

This is a Crest designed for Milotic and not Aevian Milotic, this makes Milotic a wall that can just sit on you with a pre-applied burn or just absorb a status for the Marvel Scale boost, recovery also helps to off-set status damage


This Crests aren't by any means supposed to be the end all, be all of balance though I'd like to think I did at least a decent job of balancing them (In hindsight I clearly didn't but still) and giving them decent effects

Edited by Johanne
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  • 3 weeks later...

Bellossom Crest: Dancing moves have priority.

Bellossom's main weakness is its low Speed, so this would let it get a few Quiver Dances in, or become devastating with Petal Dance. Balanced by self-inflicted confusion from Petal Dance, but would likely still make Bellossom a more viable Pokemon.


Florges Crest: STAB on Grass moves and gains Grass resistances.

Because seriously, why isn't it a Grass type?


Golduck Crest: STAB on Psychic moves and increases Sp. Attack by 25%.

Same for Golduck and Psychic type, plus it needs more love.


Gothitelle Crest: STAB on Dark moves and gains Dark resistances.

Seems to be a common thing in fan games to associate Gothitelle with the Dark type, for good reason. It'd make Dark Pulse hit pretty hard, and get rid of two of its weaknesses.


Kricketune Crest: Increases Attack and Speed by 25%, applies held Metronome effect.

Kricketune's design and cry are awesome, it's a shame how utterly non-viable it is.


Liepard Crest: If Liepard moves before the target, 1.5x boost to slashing moves and increased crit chance.

Plays to Liepard's role as a fast sweeper.


Reuniclus Crest: Physical attacks use Sp.Attack stat.

Some of its dex entries say it can crush boulders, and it can learn a fair few physical moves, but can't make good use of them.


Shedinja Crest: Applies Focus Sash effect once per battle, 2x Speed.

Shedinja's concept is so cool, it needs to become more than just a gimmick Pokemon. This would turn it into an actual sweeper.


Victreebel Crest: Poison type attacks lower opponent's Defense or Special Defense by 1 stage, depending whether the move is physical or special.

Since it's an acidic Pokemon and all, and a rarely used one. 


Vileplume Crest: Grass type attacks may cause poison, paralysis or sleep.

Like Effect Spore, but caused by attacking rather than taking hits. If Vileplume doesn't have ES, this is one way to make up for it, and if it does, that's guaranteed status effects all over the place.


I'll post more if I think of any!

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I've modded my own crests into my own file, though I don't typically use most of them and wanted to share the mod eventually, but I've been roadblocked on more crests I want to create but don't know how to. Regardess, this is what I have made currently:


Dragonair Crest
- Increase Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed x1.6
- Everstone Effect


Furret Crest
- Attack and Special Attack scale off Speed
- Neuroforce Effect (increases damage dealt by super effective moves by x1.25)


Girafarig Crest
- Attack scales off Special Attack
- Defense scales off Special Defense
- Parental Bond effect


Masquerain Crest
- Water STAB & Resistances


Flygon Crest
- Bug STAB & Resistances


Chimecho Crest
- Increases Defense and Special Defense x1.2
- Activates Heal Bell when switched in


Meowstic Crest M  
- Lowers the opposing team’s Special Attack on Switch in
- Screens last 10 turns

Meowstic Crest F 
- Lowers the opposing team’s Special Defense on Switch in
- Psychic moves are super effective against Dark-Type Pokemon


Aurorus Crest 
-Triggers Aurora Veil when switched in regardless of weather.


Frosmoth Crest
- Resists Fire and Rock

There were more I wanted to make but can't quite figure out how to do, for example I really want to give Dewgong a crest that worked like Iron Barbs but for special attacks, but I can't figure it out.

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