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Pokemon Reborn: Nightmare Edition


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42 minutes ago, KenzieEmm said:

Bayleef,Meganium - Now Grass/Fairy type. Ability2 Leaf Guard->Triage, Hidden Ability None->Regenerator. Meganium learns Calm Mind at level 35, Dazzling Gleam at level 37, Draining Kiss at level 57


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15 minutes ago, DerogatoryTrainer said:

Do the NPCs take advantage of these new features as well? Are their teams any different?

I've only touched some of the bosses for now. For example, Kiki uses Mega Machamp, and Corey has a Crest Seviper. Some of the trash mobs might accidentally take advantage of some changes, like the replaced abilities. If there's popular support I'll go through and change more trainers.

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3 hours ago, KenzieEmm said:

What happens when you have ambition that's so far beyond your talents and skillset that it's difficult to quantify? This does!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Reborn: Nightmare Edition; where Dragonite is RU and Meganium belongs in Triple Ubers. This is ostensibly a balance overhaul, focusing primarily on bringing up several underperforming Pokemon up to the standards that this game demands. To do this, many Pokemon have had their typings, base stats, and abilities altered, and new moves and abilities have been added in and others have had their functionalities changed or added to. To add to the chaos, Crests from Pokemon Rejuvenation have made their return! These powerful items are tied to specific species and grant their wielders a variety of effects. Most of them function just as they do there, but a few that were too strong or weak (or just difficult to code...) have been changed.



Crests! All of the crests from the V13 Rejuvenation appear here, more or less functional. They are scattered throughout the world, but if you're willing to wait an NPC on the upper floors of the Silph Department Store will sell them to you.

New Mega Evolutions! Gigantamax forms for fully evolved Pokemon that didn't already have Megas have been implemented as entirely new Mega forms! Mega Stones for these new forms can be purchased from the ghost haunting the staff area of the Grand Hall.

Generation VIII! All of the Galarian forms and species introduced in Gen VIII have been implemented. Crown Tundra and Isle of Armor are not complete at the present time.

Changes to earlier boss fights: While not the main focus of this nonsense, many of the earlier boss trainers have had their teams tweaked a bit to make them more difficult.


And finally, the Pokemon changes:

Base Ability Changes:

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Illuminate - Now also boosts accuracy for the user and its doubles partner by 20%

Frisk - Now also increases the chance for wild Pokemon to have held items (like Compoundeyes and Super Luck)

Illusion - Also boosts damage dealt by 30% for as long as the disguise remains active

Defeatist - Threshold for activation reduced to 33%

Iron Fist - Power boost increased to 30%

Rivalry - No longer decreases power against the opposite gender

Mega Launcher - Now also boosts the power of Flash Cannon, Octazooka, Flame Burst, and Snipe Shot

Water Compaction - Also reduces incoming damage from Water-type moves by 50%

Strong Jaw - No longer affects Fishious Rend

Pickup - Now generates an item after every battle it can

Power Spot - Now benefits Stonjourner as well


New Abilities:

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Bull Rush - Boosts Attack and Speed by 50% for the first turn a Pokemon is out

Blazing Soul - Grants +1 priority to Fire-type moves while the user is at full health (It's a Fire-type Gale Wings)

Striker - Boosts the power of kicking and stomping moves by 30%. Affects the following: Blaze Kick, Jump Kick, Hi Jump Kick, Triple Axel, Triple Kick, Stomp, Mega Kick, Low Kick, Rolling Kick, Trop Kick, Pyro Ball, High Horsepower, Double Kick, Stomping Tantrum

Blademaster - Boosts the power of cutting and slashing moves by 20% and gives them +1 Crit Rate. Affects the following: Secret Sword, Sacred Sword, Psycho Cut, Smart Strike, Cut, Slash, X Scissor, Fury Cutter, False Swipe, Leaf Blade, Solar Blade, Razor Shell, Shadow Claw

Prowess - Doubles the user's Sp.Atk stat. (It's special Hidden Power)

Sage Wisdom - Boosts the user's Sp.Atk by 50%, but locks them into the first move they choose when sent out (It's special Gorilla Tactics.)

Lethality - Supereffective moves used by the user are 50% stronger and ignore Accuracy checks

Coalesce - Restores 1/12th of the user's max HP every turn.

Prismatic Core (Aevian Lapras signature ability) - Boosts the power of beam moves by 50%. Meteor Beam, Solar Beam, Hyper Beam, and Prismatic Laser don't need to charge.

ORAORAORAORAORAORA (Mega Machamp signature ability) - Punching moves hit 8 times for 18.75% damage each hit for a total power boost of 50%

Cataclysm (Mega Coalossal signature ability) - Fire-type moves are twice as strong, and always inflict a burn (even if the move had no chance to burn to begin with).

Harrowing Dirge (Mega Lapras signature ability) - Sound moves are twice as strong and become Dragon type.


Base Move Changes

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Attack Order - Base Power increased to 120 from 90

Charge Beam - Accuracy increased to 100 from 90, now has a 100% chance to raise Sp.Atk.

Low Sweep - Nerf was reverted; Base Power reduced to 60 from 65 so it now works with Technician again

Rock Smash - Base Power increased to 60 from 40

Arm Thrust - Base Power increased to 25 from 15

Triple Kick - Base Power increased to 20 from 10

Blast Burn/Frenzy Plant/Hydro Cannon/Hyper Beam/Giga Impact - Base Power increased to 180 from 150, Accuracy increased to 100 from 90, now bypasses the effects of Protect and similar moves

Fly - Accuracy increased to 100 from 95

Drill Peck - Now has a high critical hit chance

Chatter - Base Power increased to 80 from 65

Shadow Claw - Base Power increased to 80 from 70

Needle Arm - Base Power increased to 95 from 60

Egg Bomb - Base Power increased to 120 from 100, Accuracy increased to 100 from 75, now a Special move rather than a Physical move

Cut - Base Power increased to 75 from 50, now Steel-type rather than Normal-type, and has a high critical hit chance

Tail Slap - Accuracy increased to 100

Barrage - Base Power increased to 35 from 15, now a Special move rather than a Physical move, and is now Grass-type rather than Normal-type

Lovely Kiss - Accuracy increased to 85 from 75

Poison Fang - Base Power increased to 75 from 50

Ally Switch - Now a damaging Special Psychic-type move with Base Power 60 that forces the user to switch out into an ally (Essentially a Psychic U-turn)

Head Smash - Accuracy increased to 85 from 80.

Gear Grind - Accuracy increased to 100 from 85

Razor Shell - Base Power increased to 85 from 75, and now has a high critical hit rate.

Octazooka - Base Power increased to 95 from 65, Accuracy increased to 100 from 85, and is now affected by Mega Launcher

Dragon Hammer - Base Power increased to 100 from 90

Ice Hammer - Accuracy increased to 100 from 90, no longer lowers Speed after use

Smart Strike - Base Power increased to 80 from 70.

Toxic Thread - Now a damaging Physical Poison-type move with Base Power 100 that damages both opponents in a double battle, in addition to its other effects.

Snipe Shot - Now affected by Mega Launcher

Jaw Lock - Now a Fighting-type move with Base Power 90

Snap Trap - Base Power increased to 110 from 35, now Steel-type rather than Grass-type, Accuracy reduced to 85 from 100, PP reduced 5 from 15 (Now a Physical Steel-type Magma Storm)

Scorching Sands - Base Power increased to 80 from 70


New Moves:

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Aqua Fang - Base 80 power physical Water type move, boosted by Strong Jaw

Zippy Zap - Base 50 power physical Electric type move with +1 priority that always crits

Bouncy Bubble - Base 80 power special Water type move that heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt

Sonic Slash - Base 85 power physical Flying type move that doubles in power if the user moves first (Flying type Fishious Rend)

Shell Tackle - Base 100 power physical Water type move that uses the user's Defense to calculate damage (Water type Body Press)


Crest Changes:

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Rampardos Crest - New functionality; Getting a KO restores 50% of Rampardos's max HP and boosts Attack and Speed by 1 stage

Bastiodon Crest -  New functionality; Physical attacks use the Defense stat to calculate damage, and Bastiodon heals for 1/8 of its max HP each turn

Darmanitan Crest - Now also applies the effects of Sheer Force to the user

Cofagrigus Crest - Sp.Def boost replaced with a flat 20% damage reduction

Thievul Crest - New functionality; Now adds 50% of the target's Attack stat to the user's when calculating damage with physical moves.

Druddigon Crest - Now also gives Fire-type resistances

Noctowl Crest - Now also grants a 20% boost to Accuracy

Samurott Crest - Also grants +1 Critical Hit rate (So a Blademaster Samurott will always crit with an affected move)


Gigantamax Megas

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Machamp - Ability: ORAORAORAORAOROAORAORAORA, Base Stats: 90,160,105,105,70,65

Butterfree - Ability :Tinted Lens, Base Stats: 60,45,50,120,140,80

Kingler - Type2: Steel, Ability: Sheer Force, Base Stats: 55,169,135,116,60,60

Lapras - Type2: Dragon, Ability: Harrowing Dirge, Base Stats: 130,55,115,65,135,135

Snorlax - Type2: Grass, Ability: Coalesce, Base Stats: 160,140,135,20,25,160

Garbodor - Type2: Steel, Ability: Neutralizing Gas, Base Stats: 80,135,127,45,60,127

Corviknight - Ability: Magic Bounce, Base Stats: 98,122,145,67,53,110

Orbeetle - Ability: Prankster, Base Stats: 60,75,130,105,95,140

Dreadnaw - Ability: Strong Jaw, Base Stats: 90,155,110,94,48,88

Coalossal - Ability: Cataclysm, Base Stats: 110,135,150,35,80,100

Flapple - Ability: Sheer Force, Base Stats: 70,130,105,90,110,80

Appletun - Ability: Thick Fat, Base Stats: 110,95,110,20,140,110

Sandaconda - Type2: Flying, Ability: Aerilate, Base Stats: 72,127,125,91,105,90

Centiskorch - Ability: Adaptability, Base Stats: 100,140,75,110,90,110

Hatterene - Ability: Psychic Surge, Base Stats: 57,107,115,25,166,130

Grimmsnarl - Ability: Duskilate, Base Stats: 95,145,105,80,75,105

Alcremie - Ability: Coalesce, Base Stats: 65,80,105,74,130,141

Copperajah - Type2: Fighting, Ability: Sheer Force, Base Stats: 122,195,84,40,94,65

Duraludon - Ability: Magic Guard, Base Stats: 70,95,130,110,150,80


Mega Changes

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Houndoom - Ability2 -> Dark Aura (If its base form has Flash Fire, it will have Solar Power, otherwise it will have Dark Aura)

Absol - Ability2 -> Blademaster (If the base ability is Pressure, it will have Magic Bounce, otherwise it will have Blademaster)

Audino - Ability Healer-> Regenerator

Gallade - Ability Inner Focus -> Blademaster

Ampharos - Ability Mold Breaker -> Thick Fat


Pokemon Changes:

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Bulbasaur line - Learns Sludge in place of Sweet Scent at level 21/23, learns Sludge Bomb at levels 31/36/39

Charmander line - Learns Fire Lash as an egg move

Blastoise - Learns Shell Tackle at level 65, Shell Smash at level 82

Butterfree - Sp.Atk 90->110

Pidgey line - Learns Boomburst, Hyper Voice as egg moves

Raticate/A-Raticate - Atk 81->101/71->91

Spearow line - Ability1 Keen Eye->Super Luck, Hidden Ability None->Technician; Fearow learns Double Hit on evolution and Brave Bird at level 48

Arbok - Hidden Ability Unnerve->Strong Jaw, learns Jaw Lock at level 44

Raichu - Atk 90->100, Sp.Atk 90->100

Sandslash/A-Sandslash - Atk 100->110, Def 110->120, learns Spiky Shield on evolution and Spikes at level 30

Ninetails - Now a Fire/Fairy type, learns Moonblast as an egg move and Dazzling Gleam on evolution

Wigglytuff - Hidden Ability Frisk -> Sheer Force, learns Moonblast at level 50

Zubat line - Ability1 Inner Focus-> Sniper, Hidden Ability None->Super Luck

Oddish line - Learns Strength Sap at level 54, Apple Acid at level 72

Parasect - HP 60->80, Atk 95->115, Def 80->100, learns Crabhammer at level 48

A-Dugtrio - Atk 100->110

Persian - Atk 70->80, Ability2->Prowess

Golduck - Ability1 Damp->Neuroforce, Spd 85->105, Sp.Atk 95->105, learns Nasty Plot at level 52

Primeape - Hidden Ability Defiant -> Gorilla Tactics

Tentacruel - Atk 70->50, Def 65->85, Sp.Atk

Golem - Learns Head Smash at Level 65

A-Golem -  Learns Head Smash at level 65, Volt Tackle at level 72

Rapidash - Ability1 Run Away->Reckless, Speed 105-> 125, learns Fire Lash at evolution instead of Fury Attack

Farfetch'd - Ability1 Keen Eye->Blademaster

Dodrio - Ability1 Run Away->Rock Head, learns U-turn from TM

Seel line - Ability2 Hydration->Ice Scales, learns Scald from TM

Grimer line - Ability1 Stench->Regenerator

Cloyster - Learns Shell Tackle on evolution

Gengar - Ability2 None->Levitate

Hypno - Hidden Ability Inner Focus->Psychic Surge

Kingler - Learns Aqua Jet at evolution, Meteor Mash at level 69

Voltorb line - Hidden Ability Aftermath->Galvanize, Electrode Sp.Atk 80->100, learns Tri Attack on Evolution

Koffing - Evolves into Galarian Weezing when levelled up while holding a Pixie Plate

Cubone - Learns Head Smash as an egg move

K-Marowak - HP 60->80, Sp.Atk 50->30

Hitmonlee - Learns Pyro Ball at level 69, Ability1 Limber->Striker

Kangaskhan - Learns Seismic Toss as an egg move

Seaking - Speed 68->108

Lapras - Learns Hyper Voice and Boomburst as Egg Moves

Flareon - Learns High Horsepower at 50, Sacred Fire at 70



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Bayleef,Meganium - Now Grass/Fairy type. Ability2 Leaf Guard->Triage, Hidden Ability None->Coalesce. Meganium learns Calm Mind at level 35, Dazzling Gleam at level 37, Draining Kiss at level 57

Quilava,Typhlosion - Now Fire/Ground type. Learns Scorching Sands on evolution, Scald by TM, Ability2 Flash Fire->Blazing Soul, Hidden Ability None-> Sheer Force

Totodile line - Hidden Ability None->Strong Jaw, Feraligatr learns Jaw Lock on evolution, Aqua Fang at level 36, and Fishious Rend at level 82

Furret - Atk 76-86, Ability1 Runaway->Adaptability, learns Extremespeed at level 56

Noctowl - HP 100-110, Sp.Atk 86-116, Sp.Def 96-116, learns Oblivion Wing at level 55

Ledian - Atk 35-75, learns Powerup Punch at evolution, Drain Punch at level 40

Ariados - Atk 90->110, Spd 40-70, Ability1 Swarm->No Guard, learns Megahorn at level 56

Lanturn - Learns Parabolic Discharge at level 43 instead of Takedown

Xatu - Speed 95->105, Sp.Atk 95->105

Ampharos - Learns Tail Glow at level 75

Bellossom - Now a Grass/Fairy type. HP 75->95, Hidden Ability None->Dancer, Learns Moonblast at level 1, Fiery Dance at level 64

Sudowoodo - Now a Rock/Grass type. HP 70->110

Hopip line - Ability2 Leaf Guard->Aerilate

Sunflora - HP 75->95, Speed 30->50, Sp.Atk 105->135, Hidden Ability Early Bird->Drought

Quagsire - HP 95->115

Girafarig - Ability2 Early Bird->Parental Bond, learns Boomburst at level 56

Forretress - Learns Lunge at evolution instead of Mirror Shot

Dunsparce - HP 100->170

Granbull - Now a Fairy/Fighting type. Hidden Ability Rattled->Strong Jaw, Quick Feet->Bull Rush, learns Jaw Lock at evolution

Qwilfish - Atk 95->105, Ability1 Poison Point->Prankster

Ursaring - HP 90->100, Def 75->80, learns Sucker Punch at level 1

Slugma line - Hidden Ability Weak Armor->Simple, learns No Retreat at evolution and level 61, but no longer learns Shell Smash

Corsola - HP 65->85, Def 95->100, Sp.Def 95->100

Octillery - Speed 45->75, Ability1 Suction Cups->Mega Launcher, Hidden Ability Moody->Skill Link, learns Snipe Shot at level 58, Aura Sphere at level 64

Delibird - Atk 55->105, Hidden Ability Insomnia->Refrigerate, learns Extremespeed at level 40

Mantine - Sp.Atk 80->90

Skarmory - Atk 80->90

Houndoom - Learns Dark Pulse at level 37

Phanpy line - Ability2 Sand Veil->Technician, Donphan learns Rock Blast on evolution instead of Fury Attack, and Bonemerang at level 65

Stantler - Atk 95->100, Sp.Atk 85->100, Ability2 Frisk->Reckless, learns Horn Leech at level 33, Play Rough as an egg move



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Sceptile - Now Grass/Dragon type. Hidden Ability None->Technician

Mightyena - Ability2 Quick Feet->Strong Jaw, learns Psychic Fangs at level 1 instead of Thief, learns Jaw Lock at level 48 instead of Take Down

Beautifly - Sp.Atk 100->120

Dustox - HP 60->100, Def 70->80, Sp.Atk 50->60

Exploud - Hidden Ability None->Punk Rock, learns Overdrive at level 63

Delcatty - Ability1 Cute Charm -> Prowess

Ninjask - Learns Sonic Slash at level 55

Sharpedo - Learns Fishious Rend at level 65

Wailord - HP 170->150, Atk 90->50, Def 45->80, Sp.Def 45->80, Ability2 Oblivious->Multiscale, learns Bouncy Bubble at level 65

Camerupt - Learns Slack Off at level 63, Steam Eruption at level 66

Flygon - Sp.Atk 80->100

Claydol - Sp.Atk 70->80, learns Shore Up at evolution

Cradily - Learns Power Gem on evolution

Armaldo - Learns First Impression at level 65

Kecleon - HP 60->80, Atk 90->110

Tropius - Now a Grass/Dragon type, HP 99->110, Atk 68->98, Sp.Def 87->97

Chimecho - HP 75->90, Ability2 None->Psychic Surge

Absol - Ability2 Super Luck->Blademaster

Walrein - Hidden Ability Oblivious->Fur Coat, learns Scald by TM

Huntail - Now a Water/Dark type. Hidden Ability None->Strong Jaw, learns Jaw Lock on evolution, Fishious Rend at level 39




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Turtwig line - Ability2-> Rock Head, Hidden Ability -> Coalesce, learns Shell Smash, Grav Apple as egg moves

Piplup line - Hidden Ability Defiant->Competitive, Empoleon learns Flash Cannon on evolution

Kricketune - Atk->105, learns Pin Missile at level 23, Rock Tomb by TM

Rampardos - Learns Accelerock at level 70

Shieldon line - Ability2 Soundproof->Dauntless Shield

Vespiquen - Ability1 Pressure->Queenly Majesty

Buizel line Hidden Ability None->Technician

Electivire - Now an Electric/Fighting type. Learns Plasma Fists on evolution. Hidden Ability None->Iron Fists, learns Bulk Up by TM

Magmortar - Now a Fire/Steel type. Learns Flash Cannon on evolution and Aura Sphere at level 60, learns Dark Pulse by TM. Hidden Ability None->Mega Launcher

Probopass - Sp.Atk 75->85

Froslass - Atk 80->95, Sp.Atk 80->95, Hidden Ability None->Technician

Drapion - Learns Wicked Blow at level 60

Gallade - Ability1->Blademaster, learns Sacred Sword at level 59, Psycho Cut at 63, Shadow Claw by TM




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Emboar - Learns Jump Kick on evolution, Hi Jump Kick at level 55, Hidden Ability None->Bull Rush

Oshawott line - k, Hidden Ability None->Blademaster

Samurott - Now a Water/Steel type. HP 95->75, Atk 100->118, Sp.Atk 108->100, Spd 70->100

Watchog - Ability1 Illuminate->No Guard, Atk 85->105, learns Mega Kick at level 36

Stoutland - HP 85->-95, Atk 110->130

Liepard - Ability Limber->Moxie, Atk 88->98, Speed 106->116, Sp.Atk 88->68

Munna line - Ability1 Forewarn->Unaware

Blitzle line - Ability2 Motor Drive->Flare Boost, learns Bolt Strike at level 72

Seismitoad - Ability2 Poison Touch->Poison Heal, HP 105->125

Throh - Hidden Ability Mold Breaker->Technician, Def 85->95, Sp.Def 85->95

Leavanny - Ability1 Swarm->Blademaster, learns Sacred Sword at level 60

Basculin - Atk 92->112

Maractus - Ability1 Water Absorb->Grassy Surge

Swanna - Ability1 Keen Eye->No Guard, Atk 87->67, Speed 98->108, Sp.Atk 87->107

Sawsbuck - Atk 100->110, Speed 95->105

Klink line - Ability1/2 Plus/Minus->Steelworker/Levitate

Tynamo line - Now Electric/Poison types. Eelectrik learns Sludge Bomb on evolution. Hidden Ability None->Lethality

Elgyem line - Ability2 Synchronize->Neuroforce

Cubchoo - Learns Close Combat as an egg move

Beartic - Now Ice/Fighting type, learns Ice Hammer at level 65

Cryogonal - Sp.Atk 95->115

Golurk - HP 89->99, Def 80->90, Sp.Def 80->90

Heatmor - Hidden Ability->Lethality, learns Stone Edge by TM



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Chespin line - Hidden Ability None->Iron Barbs, learns Horn Leech instead of Mud Shot

Fennekin line - Hidden Ability None->Magic Guard

Talonflame - Atk 81->101

Meowstic - Ability1 Keen Eye->Prowess

Gogoat - Def 62->92, Speed 68->78, Sp.Atk 97->67, Sp.Def 81->91

Furfrou - Atk 90->100

Spritzee line - Ability1 Healer->Fairy Aura

Dedenne - Hidden Ability Plus->Electric Surge

Carbink - Learns Recover at level 65

Trevenant - Atk 110->120

Avalugg - Ability1 Own Tempo->Filter



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Rowlett line - Hidden Ability None->Tinted Lens, Decidueye learns Thousand Arrows at level 65

Toucannon - HP 80->100

Shiinotic - HP 60->75

Oranguru - Ability1 Inner Focus->Sage Wisdom, Atk 60->40, Def 80->110

Tsareena line - Ability2 Leaf Guard -> Striker

Silvally - All base stats 95->100

Turtonator - Hidden Ability None->Dauntless Shield

Togedemaru - Atk 98->108, learns Zippy Zap at level 55

Drampa - HP 78->108, Atk 60->50



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Eldegoss - HP 60->75, Sp.Atk 80->90

Dubwool - HP 72->92

Boltund - Atk 90->100, Sp.Atk 90->80

Drednaw - Learns Aqua Fang at level 32

Coalossal - Learns Power Gem at level 60

Obstagoon - Learns Sucker Punch at level 63

Perrserker - HP 70->90, Atk 110->130, Sp.Atk 50->20, learns Bullet Punch as an egg move from G-Meowth

Alcremie - Learns Moonblast at level 60

Falinks - Now Bug/Fighting, HP 65->75, Atk 110->120, Sp.Atk 70->50

Pincurchin - Now Water/Electric type, learns Bouncy Bubble at level 65

Sirfetch'd - Ability2->Blademaster



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Known Bugs/Other Issues

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The Darmanitan Crest is adverse to actually transforming Darmanitan, so it's just giving it Sheer Force on top of Sheer Force/Gorilla Tactics. G-Darm is now the king of Anything Goes.

Galarian Slowpoke uses the incorrect graphics. Put out a bandaid fix. Galar Slowpoke was originally form 2 to avoid weirdness with Mega Bro, but I can just have it so that it's form 1 and is forced to form 2 on evolution. This caused another bug though.

Galarian Darumaka and Slowpoke will briefly turn into their base forms while evolving. This is purely graphical.

Hisuian Zoroark exists. It was supposed to be dummied out.

Aevian Lapras will occasionally think it's a mega. It's strong enough to be one.

Garbodornite turns Garbodor into the PULSE version and not the Mega version

Mega Machamp's ability name extends far beyond the bounds of its textbox. I will not be fixing that.


It seems like the backsprites for the last bit of gen 8 pokemon are messed up; they show the front sprite of their other form instead of the backsprite of their regular form




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17 minutes ago, Archg said:

It seems like the backsprites for the last bit of gen 8 pokemon are messed up; they show the front sprite of their other form instead of the backsprite of their regular form




Well, that was embarrassing. The transition from individual files to single spritesheets was not easy for me, since I have three brain cells and they're all competing for fourth place.


Anyone who already downloaded the main file can use this to fix the issue. Just extract it into the root folder. The main download has also been updated.


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27 minutes ago, TheIsolatedWizard said:

I have to ask, but is this compatible with other mods?

It's fully compatible with everything that doesn't touch the scripts governing Pokemon data and in battle behaviors. Graphics mods are perfectly fine. The SWM and AMB modpacks are also perfectly fine out of the box, except for the additional options pickup chance which interferes with the guaranteed item from here.

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2 minutes ago, KenzieEmm said:

It's fully compatible with everything that doesn't touch the scripts governing Pokemon data and in battle behaviors. Graphics mods are perfectly fine. The SWM and AMB modpacks are also perfectly fine out of the box, except for the additional options pickup chance which interferes with the guaranteed item from here.

yeah I was about to say that I just realised the question was pointless once I saw the mods folder in the download

This will make a fun new playthrough though, so thanks for this

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[Pokemon Reborn e19.16]
Exception: ArgumentError
Message: wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1..2)
PokeBattle_Battler:1024:in `hasWorkingItem'
PokeBattle_Battler:1111:in `pbSpeed'
PokeBattle_AI_2:6615:in `block in pbAIfaster?'
PokeBattle_AI_2:6608:in `each'
PokeBattle_AI_2:6608:in `pbAIfaster?'
PokeBattle_AI_2:7857:in `block in getSwitchInScoresParty'
PokeBattle_AI_2:7719:in `each'
PokeBattle_AI_2:7719:in `getSwitchInScoresParty'
PokeBattle_AI_2:5150:in `pivotcode'
PokeBattle_AI_2:2414:in `getMoveScore'
PokeBattle_AI_2:324:in `block in buildMoveScores'
PokeBattle_AI_2:321:in `each'
PokeBattle_AI_2:321:in `buildMoveScores'
PokeBattle_AI_2:138:in `block in processAIturn'
PokeBattle_AI_2:121:in `each'
PokeBattle_AI_2:121:in `processAIturn'
PokeBattle_ActualScene:3418:in `pbChooseEnemyCommand'
PokeBattle_Battle:3762:in `pbCommandPhase'
PokeBattle_Battle:3551:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartBattleCore'
PBDebug:4:in `logonerr'
PokeBattle_Battle:3550:in `block in pbStartBattleCore'
PokeBattle_Battle:3540:in `loop'
PokeBattle_Battle:3540:in `pbStartBattleCore'
PokeBattle_Battle:3323:in `pbStartBattle'
PokemonTrainers:394:in `block (2 levels) in pbTrainerBattle'

I'm getting this error when I attack pachirisu in the first gym

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2 hours ago, TheIsolatedWizard said:

[Pokemon Reborn e19.16]
Exception: ArgumentError
Message: wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1..2)
PokeBattle_Battler:1024:in `hasWorkingItem'
PokeBattle_Battler:1111:in `pbSpeed'
PokeBattle_AI_2:6615:in `block in pbAIfaster?'
PokeBattle_AI_2:6608:in `each'
PokeBattle_AI_2:6608:in `pbAIfaster?'
PokeBattle_AI_2:7857:in `block in getSwitchInScoresParty'
PokeBattle_AI_2:7719:in `each'
PokeBattle_AI_2:7719:in `getSwitchInScoresParty'
PokeBattle_AI_2:5150:in `pivotcode'
PokeBattle_AI_2:2414:in `getMoveScore'
PokeBattle_AI_2:324:in `block in buildMoveScores'
PokeBattle_AI_2:321:in `each'
PokeBattle_AI_2:321:in `buildMoveScores'
PokeBattle_AI_2:138:in `block in processAIturn'
PokeBattle_AI_2:121:in `each'
PokeBattle_AI_2:121:in `processAIturn'
PokeBattle_ActualScene:3418:in `pbChooseEnemyCommand'
PokeBattle_Battle:3762:in `pbCommandPhase'
PokeBattle_Battle:3551:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartBattleCore'
PBDebug:4:in `logonerr'
PokeBattle_Battle:3550:in `block in pbStartBattleCore'
PokeBattle_Battle:3540:in `loop'
PokeBattle_Battle:3540:in `pbStartBattleCore'
PokeBattle_Battle:3323:in `pbStartBattle'
PokemonTrainers:394:in `block (2 levels) in pbTrainerBattle'

I'm getting this error when I attack pachirisu in the first gym

Okay, that was incredibly strange. Oricorio having a crest was somehow breaking Pachirisu.


Here's the fix, and the main file has been updated. I think it accidentally fixed the Darmanitan Crest too


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the game crashes when i choose bulbasaur and try to look at his stats



Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `empty?' for nil:NilClass
PokemonEvolution:906:in `pbGetPreviousForm'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb:126:in `block in pbGetRelearnableMoves'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb:111:in `loop'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb:111:in `pbGetRelearnableMoves'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/SWM - LearnEggMoves.rb:73:in `pbGetRelearnableMoves'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb:100:in `pbHasRelearnableMove?'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokemonScreen_pbPokemonScreen.rb:37:in `block in pbPokemonScreen'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokemonScreen_pbPokemonScreen.rb:7:in `loop'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokemonScreen_pbPokemonScreen.rb:7:in `pbPokemonScreen'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/SWM - ChooseStarter.rb:356:in `pbPokemonScreen'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:101:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartPokemonMenu'
SpriteWindow:923:in `pbFadeOutIn'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:100:in `block in pbStartPokemonMenu'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `loop'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `pbStartPokemonMenu'
Scene_Map:217:in `call_menu'
PokemonTime:177:in `call_menu'
Scene_Map:189:in `update'
Scene_Map:68:in `block in main'
Scene_Map:65:in `loop'
Scene_Map:65:in `main'
Main:45:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:26:in `mainFunction'
Main:81:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
Main:80:in `loop'



here is the error log when i choose another starter it works just fine

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8 hours ago, ololjin said:

the game crashes when i choose bulbasaur and try to look at his stats



Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `empty?' for nil:NilClass
PokemonEvolution:906:in `pbGetPreviousForm'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb:126:in `block in pbGetRelearnableMoves'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb:111:in `loop'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb:111:in `pbGetRelearnableMoves'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/SWM - LearnEggMoves.rb:73:in `pbGetRelearnableMoves'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - Misc_RelearnRework.rb:100:in `pbHasRelearnableMove?'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokemonScreen_pbPokemonScreen.rb:37:in `block in pbPokemonScreen'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokemonScreen_pbPokemonScreen.rb:7:in `loop'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokemonScreen_pbPokemonScreen.rb:7:in `pbPokemonScreen'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/SWM - ChooseStarter.rb:356:in `pbPokemonScreen'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:101:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartPokemonMenu'
SpriteWindow:923:in `pbFadeOutIn'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:100:in `block in pbStartPokemonMenu'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `loop'
C:/Users/Pero/Desktop/pokemon reborn noghtmare eddition/Pokémon Reborn - Nightmare Edition/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `pbStartPokemonMenu'
Scene_Map:217:in `call_menu'
PokemonTime:177:in `call_menu'
Scene_Map:189:in `update'
Scene_Map:68:in `block in main'
Scene_Map:65:in `loop'
Scene_Map:65:in `main'
Main:45:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:26:in `mainFunction'
Main:81:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
Main:80:in `loop'



here is the error log when i choose another starter it works just fine

What a dumpster fire this release has been.


From testing it out, it seems like the Relearn Rework mod is responsible for this. It tries to look for previous evolutions to add their level up movelists to the relearn for the current. It's trying to call a species prior to Bulbasaur, which doesn't exist since it's the first pokemon that's coded. I'll look for a fix, but for now you'll just have to uninstall that mod until Bulbasaur evolves.


@Guift From looking into it, Galarian Darm is actually coded into base Reborn, it just isn't implemented since there's no normal way of getting it. And by using debug to force in a Galarian Darm and taking it into battle, the same thing happens. I think something strange is happening with some postbattle cleanup script for Darm specifically, since other new forms like Lapras don't have that issue. I'll try to find the offender when I get the time today.

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7 hours ago, Guift said:

Galarian Darminatan is always reverting back to regular Darm after every battle


I found the offending code!


Just put that into your scripts folder and Monke will finally work and stop haunting my dreams

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  • Global Mods
8 hours ago, Shinrushi said:

would it be possible for you to add primal dialga and palkia. You can use these sprites its not mine. it would be nice if you could add other primals like how insurgence did


primal palkia.png

Those sprites are low-res and look pretty bad in game. Someone already made a mod of it.

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  • Global Mods
On 6/14/2022 at 7:39 PM, KenzieEmm said:

What happens when you have ambition that's so far beyond your talents and skillset that it's difficult to quantify? This does!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Reborn: Nightmare Edition; where Dragonite is RU and Meganium belongs in Triple Ubers. This is ostensibly a balance overhaul, focusing primarily on bringing up several underperforming Pokemon up to the standards that this game demands. To do this, many Pokemon have had their typings, base stats, and abilities altered, and new moves and abilities have been added in and others have had their functionalities changed or added to. To add to the chaos, Crests from Pokemon Rejuvenation have made their return! These powerful items are tied to specific species and grant their wielders a variety of effects. Most of them function just as they do there, but a few that were too strong or weak (or just difficult to code...) have been changed.



Crests! All of the crests from the V13 Rejuvenation appear here, more or less functional. They are scattered throughout the world, but if you're willing to wait an NPC on the upper floors of the Silph Department Store will sell them to you.

New Mega Evolutions! Gigantamax forms for fully evolved Pokemon that didn't already have Megas have been implemented as entirely new Mega forms! Mega Stones for these new forms can be purchased from the ghost haunting the staff area of the Grand Hall.

Generation VIII! All of the Galarian forms and species introduced in Gen VIII have been implemented. Crown Tundra and Isle of Armor are not complete at the present time.

Changes to earlier boss fights: While not the main focus of this nonsense, many of the earlier boss trainers have had their teams tweaked a bit to make them more difficult.


And finally, the Pokemon changes:

Base Ability Changes:

  Reveal hidden contents

Illuminate - Now also boosts accuracy for the user and its doubles partner by 20%

Frisk - Now also increases the chance for wild Pokemon to have held items (like Compoundeyes and Super Luck)

Illusion - Also boosts damage dealt by 30% for as long as the disguise remains active

Defeatist - Threshold for activation reduced to 33%

Iron Fist - Power boost increased to 30%

Rivalry - No longer decreases power against the opposite gender

Mega Launcher - Now also boosts the power of Flash Cannon, Octazooka, Flame Burst, and Snipe Shot

Water Compaction - Also reduces incoming damage from Water-type moves by 50%

Strong Jaw - No longer affects Fishious Rend

Pickup - Now generates an item after every battle it can

Power Spot - Now benefits Stonjourner as well


New Abilities:

  Reveal hidden contents

Bull Rush - Boosts Attack and Speed by 50% for the first turn a Pokemon is out

Blazing Soul - Grants +1 priority to Fire-type moves while the user is at full health (It's a Fire-type Gale Wings)

Striker - Boosts the power of kicking and stomping moves by 30%. Affects the following: Blaze Kick, Jump Kick, Hi Jump Kick, Triple Axel, Triple Kick, Stomp, Mega Kick, Low Kick, Rolling Kick, Trop Kick, Pyro Ball, High Horsepower, Double Kick, Stomping Tantrum

Blademaster - Boosts the power of cutting and slashing moves by 20% and gives them +1 Crit Rate. Affects the following: Secret Sword, Sacred Sword, Psycho Cut, Smart Strike, Cut, Slash, X Scissor, Fury Cutter, False Swipe, Leaf Blade, Solar Blade, Razor Shell, Shadow Claw

Prowess - Doubles the user's Sp.Atk stat. (It's special Hidden Power)

Sage Wisdom - Boosts the user's Sp.Atk by 50%, but locks them into the first move they choose when sent out (It's special Gorilla Tactics.)

Lethality - Supereffective moves used by the user are 50% stronger and ignore Accuracy checks

Coalesce - Restores 1/12th of the user's max HP every turn.

Prismatic Core (Aevian Lapras signature ability) - Boosts the power of beam moves by 50%. Meteor Beam, Solar Beam, Hyper Beam, and Prismatic Laser don't need to charge.

ORAORAORAORAORAORA (Mega Machamp signature ability) - Punching moves hit 8 times for 18.75% damage each hit for a total power boost of 50%

Cataclysm (Mega Coalossal signature ability) - Fire-type moves are twice as strong, and always inflict a burn (even if the move had no chance to burn to begin with).

Harrowing Dirge (Mega Lapras signature ability) - Sound moves are twice as strong and become Dragon type.


Base Move Changes

  Reveal hidden contents

Attack Order - Base Power increased to 120 from 90

Charge Beam - Accuracy increased to 100 from 90, now has a 100% chance to raise Sp.Atk.

Low Sweep - Nerf was reverted; Base Power reduced to 60 from 65 so it now works with Technician again

Rock Smash - Base Power increased to 60 from 40

Arm Thrust - Base Power increased to 25 from 15

Triple Kick - Base Power increased to 20 from 10

Blast Burn/Frenzy Plant/Hydro Cannon/Hyper Beam/Giga Impact - Base Power increased to 180 from 150, Accuracy increased to 100 from 90, now bypasses the effects of Protect and similar moves

Fly - Accuracy increased to 100 from 95

Drill Peck - Now has a high critical hit chance

Chatter - Base Power increased to 80 from 65

Shadow Claw - Base Power increased to 80 from 70

Needle Arm - Base Power increased to 95 from 60

Egg Bomb - Base Power increased to 120 from 100, Accuracy increased to 100 from 75, now a Special move rather than a Physical move

Cut - Base Power increased to 75 from 50, now Steel-type rather than Normal-type, and has a high critical hit chance

Tail Slap - Accuracy increased to 100

Barrage - Base Power increased to 35 from 15, now a Special move rather than a Physical move, and is now Grass-type rather than Normal-type

Lovely Kiss - Accuracy increased to 85 from 75

Poison Fang - Base Power increased to 75 from 50

Ally Switch - Now a damaging Special Psychic-type move with Base Power 60 that forces the user to switch out into an ally (Essentially a Psychic U-turn)

Head Smash - Accuracy increased to 85 from 80.

Gear Grind - Accuracy increased to 100 from 85

Razor Shell - Base Power increased to 85 from 75, and now has a high critical hit rate.

Octazooka - Base Power increased to 95 from 65, Accuracy increased to 100 from 85, and is now affected by Mega Launcher

Dragon Hammer - Base Power increased to 100 from 90

Ice Hammer - Accuracy increased to 100 from 90, no longer lowers Speed after use

Smart Strike - Base Power increased to 80 from 70.

Toxic Thread - Now a damaging Physical Poison-type move with Base Power 100 that damages both opponents in a double battle, in addition to its other effects.

Snipe Shot - Now affected by Mega Launcher

Jaw Lock - Now a Fighting-type move with Base Power 90

Snap Trap - Base Power increased to 110 from 35, now Steel-type rather than Grass-type, Accuracy reduced to 85 from 100, PP reduced 5 from 15 (Now a Physical Steel-type Magma Storm)

Scorching Sands - Base Power increased to 80 from 70


New Moves:

  Reveal hidden contents

Aqua Fang - Base 80 power physical Water type move, boosted by Strong Jaw

Zippy Zap - Base 50 power physical Electric type move with +1 priority that always crits

Bouncy Bubble - Base 80 power special Water type move that heals the user for 50% of the damage dealt

Sonic Slash - Base 85 power physical Flying type move that doubles in power if the user moves first (Flying type Fishious Rend)

Shell Tackle - Base 100 power physical Water type move that uses the user's Defense to calculate damage (Water type Body Press)


Crest Changes:

  Reveal hidden contents

Rampardos Crest - New functionality; Getting a KO restores 50% of Rampardos's max HP and boosts Attack and Speed by 1 stage

Bastiodon Crest -  New functionality; Physical attacks use the Defense stat to calculate damage, and Bastiodon heals for 1/8 of its max HP each turn

Darmanitan Crest - Now also applies the effects of Sheer Force to the user

Cofagrigus Crest - Sp.Def boost replaced with a flat 20% damage reduction

Thievul Crest - New functionality; Now adds 50% of the target's Attack stat to the user's when calculating damage with physical moves.

Druddigon Crest - Now also gives Fire-type resistances

Noctowl Crest - Now also grants a 20% boost to Accuracy

Samurott Crest - Also grants +1 Critical Hit rate (So a Blademaster Samurott will always crit with an affected move)


Gigantamax Megas

  Reveal hidden contents

Machamp - Ability: ORAORAORAORAOROAORAORAORA, Base Stats: 90,160,105,105,70,65

Butterfree - Ability :Tinted Lens, Base Stats: 60,45,50,120,140,80

Kingler - Type2: Steel, Ability: Sheer Force, Base Stats: 55,169,135,116,60,60

Lapras - Type2: Dragon, Ability: Harrowing Dirge, Base Stats: 130,55,115,65,135,135

Snorlax - Type2: Grass, Ability: Coalesce, Base Stats: 160,140,135,20,25,160

Garbodor - Type2: Steel, Ability: Neutralizing Gas, Base Stats: 80,135,127,45,60,127

Corviknight - Ability: Magic Bounce, Base Stats: 98,122,145,67,53,110

Orbeetle - Ability: Prankster, Base Stats: 60,75,130,105,95,140

Dreadnaw - Ability: Strong Jaw, Base Stats: 90,155,110,94,48,88

Coalossal - Ability: Cataclysm, Base Stats: 110,135,150,35,80,100

Flapple - Ability: Sheer Force, Base Stats: 70,130,105,90,110,80

Appletun - Ability: Thick Fat, Base Stats: 110,95,110,20,140,110

Sandaconda - Type2: Flying, Ability: Aerilate, Base Stats: 72,127,125,91,105,90

Centiskorch - Ability: Adaptability, Base Stats: 100,140,75,110,90,110

Hatterene - Ability: Psychic Surge, Base Stats: 57,107,115,25,166,130

Grimmsnarl - Ability: Duskilate, Base Stats: 95,145,105,80,75,105

Alcremie - Ability: Coalesce, Base Stats: 65,80,105,74,130,141

Copperajah - Type2: Fighting, Ability: Sheer Force, Base Stats: 122,195,84,40,94,65

Duraludon - Ability: Magic Guard, Base Stats: 70,95,130,110,150,80


Mega Changes

  Reveal hidden contents

Houndoom - Ability2 -> Dark Aura (If its base form has Flash Fire, it will have Solar Power, otherwise it will have Dark Aura)

Absol - Ability2 -> Blademaster (If the base ability is Pressure, it will have Magic Bounce, otherwise it will have Blademaster)

Audino - Ability Healer-> Regenerator

Gallade - Ability Inner Focus -> Blademaster

Ampharos - Ability Mold Breaker -> Thick Fat


Pokemon Changes:

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

Bulbasaur line - Learns Sludge in place of Sweet Scent at level 21/23, learns Sludge Bomb at levels 31/36/39

Charmander line - Learns Fire Lash as an egg move

Blastoise - Learns Shell Tackle at level 65, Shell Smash at level 82

Butterfree - Sp.Atk 90->110

Pidgey line - Learns Boomburst, Hyper Voice as egg moves

Raticate/A-Raticate - Atk 81->101/71->91

Spearow line - Ability1 Keen Eye->Super Luck, Hidden Ability None->Technician; Fearow learns Double Hit on evolution and Brave Bird at level 48

Arbok - Hidden Ability Unnerve->Strong Jaw, learns Jaw Lock at level 44

Raichu - Atk 90->100, Sp.Atk 90->100

Sandslash/A-Sandslash - Atk 100->110, Def 110->120, learns Spiky Shield on evolution and Spikes at level 30

Ninetails - Now a Fire/Fairy type, learns Moonblast as an egg move and Dazzling Gleam on evolution

Wigglytuff - Hidden Ability Frisk -> Sheer Force, learns Moonblast at level 50

Zubat line - Ability1 Inner Focus-> Sniper, Hidden Ability None->Super Luck

Oddish line - Learns Strength Sap at level 54, Apple Acid at level 72

Parasect - HP 60->80, Atk 95->115, Def 80->100, learns Crabhammer at level 48

A-Dugtrio - Atk 100->110

Persian - Atk 70->80, Ability2->Prowess

Golduck - Ability1 Damp->Neuroforce, Spd 85->105, Sp.Atk 95->105, learns Nasty Plot at level 52

Primeape - Hidden Ability Defiant -> Gorilla Tactics

Tentacruel - Atk 70->50, Def 65->85, Sp.Atk

Golem - Learns Head Smash at Level 65

A-Golem -  Learns Head Smash at level 65, Volt Tackle at level 72

Rapidash - Ability1 Run Away->Reckless, Speed 105-> 125, learns Fire Lash at evolution instead of Fury Attack

Farfetch'd - Ability1 Keen Eye->Blademaster

Dodrio - Ability1 Run Away->Rock Head, learns U-turn from TM

Seel line - Ability2 Hydration->Ice Scales, learns Scald from TM

Grimer line - Ability1 Stench->Regenerator

Cloyster - Learns Shell Tackle on evolution

Gengar - Ability2 None->Levitate

Hypno - Hidden Ability Inner Focus->Psychic Surge

Kingler - Learns Aqua Jet at evolution, Meteor Mash at level 69

Voltorb line - Hidden Ability Aftermath->Galvanize, Electrode Sp.Atk 80->100, learns Tri Attack on Evolution

Koffing - Evolves into Galarian Weezing when levelled up while holding a Pixie Plate

Cubone - Learns Head Smash as an egg move

K-Marowak - HP 60->80, Sp.Atk 50->30

Hitmonlee - Learns Pyro Ball at level 69, Ability1 Limber->Striker

Kangaskhan - Learns Seismic Toss as an egg move

Seaking - Speed 68->108

Lapras - Learns Hyper Voice and Boomburst as Egg Moves

Flareon - Learns High Horsepower at 50, Sacred Fire at 70



  Reveal hidden contents

Bayleef,Meganium - Now Grass/Fairy type. Ability2 Leaf Guard->Triage, Hidden Ability None->Coalesce. Meganium learns Calm Mind at level 35, Dazzling Gleam at level 37, Draining Kiss at level 57

Quilava,Typhlosion - Now Fire/Ground type. Learns Scorching Sands on evolution, Scald by TM, Ability2 Flash Fire->Blazing Soul, Hidden Ability None-> Sheer Force

Totodile line - Hidden Ability None->Strong Jaw, Feraligatr learns Jaw Lock on evolution, Aqua Fang at level 36, and Fishious Rend at level 82

Furret - Atk 76-86, Ability1 Runaway->Adaptability, learns Extremespeed at level 56

Noctowl - HP 100-110, Sp.Atk 86-116, Sp.Def 96-116, learns Oblivion Wing at level 55

Ledian - Atk 35-75, learns Powerup Punch at evolution, Drain Punch at level 40

Ariados - Atk 90->110, Spd 40-70, Ability1 Swarm->No Guard, learns Megahorn at level 56

Lanturn - Learns Parabolic Discharge at level 43 instead of Takedown

Xatu - Speed 95->105, Sp.Atk 95->105

Ampharos - Learns Tail Glow at level 75

Bellossom - Now a Grass/Fairy type. HP 75->95, Hidden Ability None->Dancer, Learns Moonblast at level 1, Fiery Dance at level 64

Sudowoodo - Now a Rock/Grass type. HP 70->110

Hopip line - Ability2 Leaf Guard->Aerilate

Sunflora - HP 75->95, Speed 30->50, Sp.Atk 105->135, Hidden Ability Early Bird->Drought

Quagsire - HP 95->115

Girafarig - Ability2 Early Bird->Parental Bond, learns Boomburst at level 56

Forretress - Learns Lunge at evolution instead of Mirror Shot

Dunsparce - HP 100->170

Granbull - Now a Fairy/Fighting type. Hidden Ability Rattled->Strong Jaw, Quick Feet->Bull Rush, learns Jaw Lock at evolution

Qwilfish - Atk 95->105, Ability1 Poison Point->Prankster

Ursaring - HP 90->100, Def 75->80, learns Sucker Punch at level 1

Slugma line - Hidden Ability Weak Armor->Simple, learns No Retreat at evolution and level 61, but no longer learns Shell Smash

Corsola - HP 65->85, Def 95->100, Sp.Def 95->100

Octillery - Speed 45->75, Ability1 Suction Cups->Mega Launcher, Hidden Ability Moody->Skill Link, learns Snipe Shot at level 58, Aura Sphere at level 64

Delibird - Atk 55->105, Hidden Ability Insomnia->Refrigerate, learns Extremespeed at level 40

Mantine - Sp.Atk 80->90

Skarmory - Atk 80->90

Houndoom - Learns Dark Pulse at level 37

Phanpy line - Ability2 Sand Veil->Technician, Donphan learns Rock Blast on evolution instead of Fury Attack, and Bonemerang at level 65

Stantler - Atk 95->100, Sp.Atk 85->100, Ability2 Frisk->Reckless, learns Horn Leech at level 33, Play Rough as an egg move



  Reveal hidden contents

Sceptile - Now Grass/Dragon type. Hidden Ability None->Technician

Mightyena - Ability2 Quick Feet->Strong Jaw, learns Psychic Fangs at level 1 instead of Thief, learns Jaw Lock at level 48 instead of Take Down

Beautifly - Sp.Atk 100->120

Dustox - HP 60->100, Def 70->80, Sp.Atk 50->60

Exploud - Hidden Ability None->Punk Rock, learns Overdrive at level 63

Delcatty - Ability1 Cute Charm -> Prowess

Ninjask - Learns Sonic Slash at level 55

Sharpedo - Learns Fishious Rend at level 65

Wailord - HP 170->150, Atk 90->50, Def 45->80, Sp.Def 45->80, Ability2 Oblivious->Multiscale, learns Bouncy Bubble at level 65

Camerupt - Learns Slack Off at level 63, Steam Eruption at level 66

Flygon - Sp.Atk 80->100

Claydol - Sp.Atk 70->80, learns Shore Up at evolution

Cradily - Learns Power Gem on evolution

Armaldo - Learns First Impression at level 65

Kecleon - HP 60->80, Atk 90->110

Tropius - Now a Grass/Dragon type, HP 99->110, Atk 68->98, Sp.Def 87->97

Chimecho - HP 75->90, Ability2 None->Psychic Surge

Absol - Ability2 Super Luck->Blademaster

Walrein - Hidden Ability Oblivious->Fur Coat, learns Scald by TM

Huntail - Now a Water/Dark type. Hidden Ability None->Strong Jaw, learns Jaw Lock on evolution, Fishious Rend at level 39




  Reveal hidden contents

Turtwig line - Ability2-> Rock Head, Hidden Ability -> Coalesce, learns Shell Smash, Grav Apple as egg moves

Piplup line - Hidden Ability Defiant->Competitive, Empoleon learns Flash Cannon on evolution

Kricketune - Atk->105, learns Pin Missile at level 23, Rock Tomb by TM

Rampardos - Learns Accelerock at level 70

Shieldon line - Ability2 Soundproof->Dauntless Shield

Vespiquen - Ability1 Pressure->Queenly Majesty

Buizel line Hidden Ability None->Technician

Electivire - Now an Electric/Fighting type. Learns Plasma Fists on evolution. Hidden Ability None->Iron Fists, learns Bulk Up by TM

Magmortar - Now a Fire/Steel type. Learns Flash Cannon on evolution and Aura Sphere at level 60, learns Dark Pulse by TM. Hidden Ability None->Mega Launcher

Probopass - Sp.Atk 75->85

Froslass - Atk 80->95, Sp.Atk 80->95, Hidden Ability None->Technician

Drapion - Learns Wicked Blow at level 60

Gallade - Ability1->Blademaster, learns Sacred Sword at level 59, Psycho Cut at 63, Shadow Claw by TM




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Emboar - Learns Jump Kick on evolution, Hi Jump Kick at level 55, Hidden Ability None->Bull Rush

Oshawott line - k, Hidden Ability None->Blademaster

Samurott - Now a Water/Steel type. HP 95->75, Atk 100->118, Sp.Atk 108->100, Spd 70->100

Watchog - Ability1 Illuminate->No Guard, Atk 85->105, learns Mega Kick at level 36

Stoutland - HP 85->-95, Atk 110->130

Liepard - Ability Limber->Moxie, Atk 88->98, Speed 106->116, Sp.Atk 88->68

Munna line - Ability1 Forewarn->Unaware

Blitzle line - Ability2 Motor Drive->Flare Boost, learns Bolt Strike at level 72

Seismitoad - Ability2 Poison Touch->Poison Heal, HP 105->125

Throh - Hidden Ability Mold Breaker->Technician, Def 85->95, Sp.Def 85->95

Leavanny - Ability1 Swarm->Blademaster, learns Sacred Sword at level 60

Basculin - Atk 92->112

Maractus - Ability1 Water Absorb->Grassy Surge

Swanna - Ability1 Keen Eye->No Guard, Atk 87->67, Speed 98->108, Sp.Atk 87->107

Sawsbuck - Atk 100->110, Speed 95->105

Klink line - Ability1/2 Plus/Minus->Steelworker/Levitate

Tynamo line - Now Electric/Poison types. Eelectrik learns Sludge Bomb on evolution. Hidden Ability None->Lethality

Elgyem line - Ability2 Synchronize->Neuroforce

Cubchoo - Learns Close Combat as an egg move

Beartic - Now Ice/Fighting type, learns Ice Hammer at level 65

Cryogonal - Sp.Atk 95->115

Golurk - HP 89->99, Def 80->90, Sp.Def 80->90

Heatmor - Hidden Ability->Lethality, learns Stone Edge by TM



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Chespin line - Hidden Ability None->Iron Barbs, learns Horn Leech instead of Mud Shot

Fennekin line - Hidden Ability None->Magic Guard

Talonflame - Atk 81->101

Meowstic - Ability1 Keen Eye->Prowess

Gogoat - Def 62->92, Speed 68->78, Sp.Atk 97->67, Sp.Def 81->91

Furfrou - Atk 90->100

Spritzee line - Ability1 Healer->Fairy Aura

Dedenne - Hidden Ability Plus->Electric Surge

Carbink - Learns Recover at level 65

Trevenant - Atk 110->120

Avalugg - Ability1 Own Tempo->Filter



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Rowlett line - Hidden Ability None->Tinted Lens, Decidueye learns Thousand Arrows at level 65

Toucannon - HP 80->100

Shiinotic - HP 60->75

Oranguru - Ability1 Inner Focus->Sage Wisdom, Atk 60->40, Def 80->110

Tsareena line - Ability2 Leaf Guard -> Striker

Silvally - All base stats 95->100

Turtonator - Hidden Ability None->Dauntless Shield

Togedemaru - Atk 98->108, learns Zippy Zap at level 55

Drampa - HP 78->108, Atk 60->50



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Eldegoss - HP 60->75, Sp.Atk 80->90

Dubwool - HP 72->92

Boltund - Atk 90->100, Sp.Atk 90->80

Drednaw - Learns Aqua Fang at level 32

Coalossal - Learns Power Gem at level 60

Obstagoon - Learns Sucker Punch at level 63

Perrserker - HP 70->90, Atk 110->130, Sp.Atk 50->20, learns Bullet Punch as an egg move from G-Meowth

Alcremie - Learns Moonblast at level 60

Falinks - Now Bug/Fighting, HP 65->75, Atk 110->120, Sp.Atk 70->50

Pincurchin - Now Water/Electric type, learns Bouncy Bubble at level 65

Sirfetch'd - Ability2->Blademaster



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Known Bugs/Other Issues

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The Darmanitan Crest is adverse to actually transforming Darmanitan, so it's just giving it Sheer Force on top of Sheer Force/Gorilla Tactics. G-Darm is now the king of Anything Goes.

Galarian Slowpoke uses the incorrect graphics. Put out a bandaid fix. Galar Slowpoke was originally form 2 to avoid weirdness with Mega Bro, but I can just have it so that it's form 1 and is forced to form 2 on evolution. This caused another bug though.

Galarian Darumaka and Slowpoke will briefly turn into their base forms while evolving. This is purely graphical.

Hisuian Zoroark exists. It was supposed to be dummied out.

Aevian Lapras will occasionally think it's a mega. It's strong enough to be one.

Garbodornite turns Garbodor into the PULSE version and not the Mega version

Mega Machamp's ability name extends far beyond the bounds of its textbox. I will not be fixing that.


Is there a possibility to have content such as Aevian mons, and crests (up to gen 7) separate, rather then having it all together in one mod? Understandable if that's no possible as it would probably mean changing a lot, figured I'd just toss that out there.

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1 hour ago, Dred said:

Is there a possibility to have content such as Aevian mons, and crests (up to gen 7) separate, rather then having it all together in one mod? Understandable if that's no possible as it would probably mean changing a lot, figured I'd just toss that out there.

Good idea! I edited the main topic with an extra link for that version. I did it the lazy way, though. Everything is still there in the data, but every Crest was removed from the maps, the Crest vendor was removed, and every trainer that used one of those or an Aevian mon not named Mismagius had them replaced.

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13 minutes ago, KenzieEmm said:

Good idea! I edited the main topic with an extra link for that version. I did it the lazy way, though. Everything is still there in the data, but every Crest was removed from the maps, the Crest vendor was removed, and every trainer that used one of those or an Aevian mon not named Mismagius had them replaced.

I do apologize for the confusion. What I had been suggesting was having the Aevian Mons/Crests be a file on their own, excluding the Gen 8 Content, customs moves/abilities, etc. Sorry!!!  (essentially what you did but reversed) 

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1 hour ago, Dred said:

I do apologize for the confusion. What I had been suggesting was having the Aevian Mons/Crests be a file on their own, excluding the Gen 8 Content, customs moves/abilities, etc. Sorry!!!  (essentially what you did but reversed) 

No need to apologize! I have a tendency to rush off to get work done without fully thinking things through. I've added a download for that as well.

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Loving your edition so far, thanks for making this; I understand that an ash-greninja mod already exists, but was wondering if you can perhaps please make another variation of ash-greninja in the game - where, any greninja can evolve into ash-greninja prior it reaches max happiness and perhaps even accomplish a certain amount of battle wins, just to "cement" that bond.  The greninja will activate battle bond not after finishing a mon, but at the start of the battle, and it will still have access to Torrent and Protean, while being able to transform using Battle Bond.

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