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Reborn E19 Speedrun


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Notes: https://pastebin.com/E9LLZeaf

this took a minute, but i finally did it. execution wise the run was pretty on point outside of a couple mistakes, but overall still a good time. there were a couple of fights that trolled me but that's bound to happen in a game like this over the course of hundreds of battles. my sum of best is ~4:30, so there's about 5 minutes of resets that happened due to some miscellaneous bullshit. will try to get this down to at least sub 4:35, but just wanted to showcase the run in its entirety for anybody interested. this is a very execution heavy speedrun that's reliant on muscle memory for the most part but anybody can do this if you just follow the notes/video and you'd probably average 4:45-4:50 for a first time. when i get a run i'm satisfied with ill post a public video (i'm slightly embarassed by my performance in this one)

notable instances of time loss:

-maxwell trolled me 40:00

-let sharpedo faint to togedemaru, was supposed to switch to nidoqueen 1:11:30

-bad reset vs double before sirius, evs would be screwed up otherwise 1:16:08
-accidentally fought this hiker and went over the ledge, cost me my hjk pp which made the other hiker fight slower 1:54:35

-charlotte crit me which changed her behavior, tried to adapt but costly reset 2:08:40

-mantine crit me, didnt have revives to so had to improvise vs the trainer after with no blaziken 2:26:25

-fern+blake kept trolling me, walrein is cringe 2:35:05

-slightly screwed up this fight 3:36:25
-fought the knight first, was supposed to fight zoroark first and menu after for the knight but zoroark likes to take its sweet time sometimes 3:52:05

-forgot to protect vs haxorus woops 4:26:45

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playlist for postgame speedrun




postgame speedrun notes




this is just to showcase the routing and serves as a reference to myself once I eventually do this in a single segment run. granted i won't be attempting this any time soon and will do so whenever the new patch drops since they will have ng+ shards i will need for certain sections of the game, but just thought i'd post here if anybody is interested. the postgame is approximately 4 hours which is almost as long as the main game speedrun is. we do also use 2 new members to help us get through these postgame fights more easily. i'm not going to spoil who they are, but they were chosen based on their viability, team synergy and overall convenience in getting (there were a lot of good options). there's too much to say in regards to all this, so ill just let my notes and sample route speak for itself. if ya'll have any questions or anything feel free to shoot since i left a lot of stuff unclear but yeah enjoy!

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