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Hello! Thank you for the mod, I love it so far (I'm in the second part of the postgame)


I found a couple of minor bugs on new item/abilities, I might as well tell you if you plan to fix them at some point:

  • Neutralizing gas seems speed-based. My Grassy Surge took place before the Gas against a wild Koffing, while Neutralizing Gas is supposed to be faster than other abilities
  • My Covert Cloak prevented Arc's Skeledirge from boosting its special attack on Torch Song
  • My Gholdengo made non-Ghost Curse fail (due to Good As Gold)
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Hello, I have a question. Is this mod compatible with your other mod radiation reborn? I'd love to be able to play reborn with both gen 8-9 pokemon and the pokemon from uranium but I'm unsure if the two mods can be used at the same time. Sorry if the answer to my question was already answered elsewhere and I missed it. 


Edit: Nevermind, I just found out about reatomized and that in implements both mods. 

Edited by Amtomus
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  On 8/14/2024 at 11:16 PM, Sei Azuuul said:

 Question, the Pre restoration tuttors just Banish After the restoration? Because I want to teach my weavile Triple axel and my Kangashkan Seismic toss, But now I cant teach them that moves 


Just opened up one of my post-restoration saves and the tutors are still there. Triple Axel can be found at the Agate Circus (there's a guy in glasses at the same stand as a guy in a red shirt on the left; that glasses guy teaches it). Seismic Toss can be learned from a girl in Apophyll Cave; she's the one running in place next to a rock along the upper left part of the first floor.


Edit: If you have any more questions like this, the mod download should come with an Excel document called "AllGen Reborn Guide". This document has a section for TMs and move tutors, between the section for new items and the section for move and ability changes.

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  On 8/15/2024 at 6:06 PM, Saslen said:

Just opened up one of my post-restoration saves and the tutors are still there. Triple Axel can be found at the Agate Circus (there's a guy in glasses at the same stand as a guy in a red shirt on the left; that glasses guy teaches it). Seismic Toss can be learned from a girl in Apophyll Cave; she's the one running in place next to a rock along the upper left part of the first floor.


Edit: If you have any more questions like this, the mod download should come with an Excel document called "AllGen Reborn Guide". This document has a section for TMs and move tutors, between the section for new items and the section for move and ability changes.


Thanks for answer , but still i cant find them , all red shirts are alone and in the cave the girls dont teach me anything , Also the bee Quest dont give me Kubfu as a reward but I show her 600 entries 

The mod Is installed because I have gen 9 mons soo I dont know whats Is going on




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  On 8/16/2024 at 12:11 AM, Sei Azuuul said:

Thanks for answer , but still i cant find them , all red shorts are alone and in the cave the girls dont teach me anything , Also the ver Quest dont give me Kubfu as a reward but I show her 600 entries


I'm afraid I don't know what the issue is, then. Sorry I can't be of more help.

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So im on the newest version of all gen and reborn and currently on tier 4 but for some reason ogerpon hasn't spawned for me in ametrine the old man tells me that theres a silhouette near the hotel but there is nothing spawning also for some reason I was table to do the zacian quest while I was on tier 3 but it is meant for tier 6 is there any solution to this problem? Sorry for the big paragraph 

Edited by detrus
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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you very much for creating this mod!
I would like to report a bug: The move "Electro shot" for the Pokémon Archaludon does not activate instantly under rainy weather conditions, and it still requires two turns of charging. This is not in line with its move description.
This issue currently exists in version v7.2a. If possible, I hope it can be fixed in the future.

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  On 9/26/2024 at 12:33 AM, saltwing said:

Im not sure if im being stupid or not but just wanted to let you know that "mycelium might" ability might not be working properly. used supersonic against ferns rowlett and the attack missed :)


It's not that those moves can't miss, it's that opponents' abilities can't alter the effect. From Bulbapedia:

"When a Pokémon with Mycelium Might uses a status move, it always moves last within its priority bracket, and the effects of all Pokémon's ignorable Abilities are ignored for the execution of that move. (Ignorable Abilities are most Abilities that could potentially negatively affect the success, damage, or effects of a move if possessed by the target of a move or its allies.)


"For example, a Pokémon with Mycelium Might that uses Screech will move last in its priority bracket, but can affect opponents that have Big Pecks, Clear Body, or Soundproof."

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I was playing AllGen earlier, and then suddenly it gave me a notice to update the game to 19.17. After looking through the forums, I found that 19.17 doesn't exist, neither here nor in the base game. And after updating, it essentially turns it into the base game, creating a save folder for Pokemon Reborn instead of AllGen, which was what the mod normally uses; so, it basically uninstalls the mod. I'm wondering why this update randomly showed up and does not go away, I uninstalled the game completely and reinstalled the mod which has the game in it, and I still get this update notice; literally nothing changed up to this point. Any ideas? Thanks

Screen Shot 2024-09-29 at 2.05.29 PM.png

Edited by renneis
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  On 9/29/2024 at 6:09 AM, renneis said:

I was playing AllGen earlier, and then suddenly it gave me a notice to update the game to 19.17. After looking through the forums, I found that 19.17 doesn't exist, neither here nor in the base game. And after updating, it essentially turns it into the base game, creating a save folder for Pokemon Reborn instead of AllGen, which was what the mod normally uses; so, it basically uninstalls the mod. I'm wondering why this update randomly showed up and does not go away, I uninstalled the game completely and reinstalled the mod which has the game in it, and I still get this update notice; literally nothing changed up to this point. Any ideas? Thanks

Screen Shot 2024-09-29 at 2.05.29 PM.png


same thing happened to me a few minutes ago



  • Hmm 1
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  On 9/30/2024 at 12:02 AM, YUKI0701 said:

OK so I figured out why, the Admin of Reborn just dropped a new version which is 19.5, and the savefile cannot be transfered, now I guess we have to wait for the all-gen mod to update. 


Given that I can just hit "Ok" on the prompt and keep playing without updating, could you just redownload the AllGen mod and ignore the prompt when it comes up?

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