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Regarding the Update, there will also be an "overhaul" to the eeveelutions:

Some eeveelutions will get new visuals (Sprites), and some also get their movesets changed (5 in total). Also, 2 New eeveelutions will be added. You can read the changes on the first forum page when the next update comes out.


I don't know how many people will affect this that use Eeveelutions, but I apologize in advance for anyone loosing their "favourite" eeveelution if its been changed in the next update, though I hope you will like the new designs even more. I have thought about some overhauls for a long time and with new sprites available I will take the shot.



A little sneak peak on a visual (and mechanical) change for the Rock Type Eeveelution, and one of the new Eeveelutions that will be added (By StarWolff and Dracoyan respcetively (proper credits later on first page):


image.png.5e049018f029a3036187b9270f967859.pngBasaleon and



ALSO, since many seem to have issue with opening the Link within the docs that lead to the custom Moveset changes made by Gelius, I added a Link to the First Forum Page, maybe that works better for some.

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With that said, New update is out! All changes can be checked in the Changelogs as well.


Main points of the newest update:

  • NG++ integrated, rather than a separate mod!
  • eeveelution overhaul (all changes documented in the docs and front page spoilers)
  • some bugfixes that were mentioned
  • new custom megas (docs)
  • and updated to 19.17, so you don't get asked to update every time you open the game

Please again, don't forget that this is NOT YET 19.5, the patch won't work with 19.5 Reborn, and if you are unsure about patching, download the Full Mod instead!

If there are some game breaking bugs coming out of nowhere, I will see to them. Otherwise I will be concentrating on the new Coding format of 19.5 (as mentioned already) and will wait until some time has passed, patches become less frequent, and ideally, Gen 9 Support is released until then!


Have Fun!


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teralisation is cancelled

😔there goes my idea for all gen anything goes mono normal and cheesing with teralisation

so looking at the sheet


why is galarian meowth so late into the game?

its not even a good mon, at least perserkzer is pretty mid

goijng by reju standards

also isnt rage fist like level 70+ now?

sheet still says lvl 58


so butterfree has 2 mega now? one custome and one g max




error here lol


also can we change wooloo in the jasper megg

cause its the only dud of the new eggs




all in all great work!


love the new changes(tho ill wait for 19.5 update to do a playthru)

already exicted for it

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thanks for the report, i'll go check  and update the errors~


Rage Fist is still 58. If Gelius' Movepool compilation says otherwise you can first follow the docs, since i did some adjustments myself which were documented there.

I see what i can do to g-meowth~

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Excited for the new update!


So if my save is on the version of allgen that was most up to date as of a few days ago on the old version of base reborn, I should just be able to apply the patch and be good to go, right? I want to make sure I don’t break my save file. Thanks!

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On 12/4/2024 at 7:06 PM, Fervis said:

i'll take that to my notes, thanks! 

regarding Bennett's vanilla team though, his scyther wouldn't count to lepidoptera anyways, no?

Yeah! That's indeed true! I forgot the scyther, mantidae. But Frosmoth fits him perfectly too.

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@Fervis i have a question regarding the new update! I have installed the previous version 7.2.a it in my steam deck and I am unsure if I could just "overwrite" the files with the new update or I would need to change the Reborn Version (as you say that it is not compatible with 19.5)

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If you have a previous version of the mod you should be able to use the patch and hit overwrite/replace when asked. If you have a 19.5 Reborn version you will need to download the whole mod separately.


7.2 Is / was 19.16, and 7.5 is now 19.17, so there shouldnt be any issues! 

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tangent question

ofc i dont expect it to be implemented but like

how practical is the idea to make teralisation

tied to z crystals

you give the z crystal to a mon and theres a seperate option to turn them to the type


it also solves a small issue of being able to tera and still hold an item

so is abit more balanced


ofc if its too difficult then yea ignore it

but just spitballing some ideas


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I think the implementation wouldn't be much of an issue, BUT it would take eons on how to add it properly.

The main reason that i am against terastalization is, even if only subjectively, for balance reasons. I know that AllGen isn't a gem regarding balance, but terastalization would need one hell of work so that the AI can even handle it. It would mostly benefit the Player and would not spike the difficulty of the game but rather makes it way more unbalanced (as it already is, the AI cannot even handle some of the new gen8/9 additions)

If another mod comes up with adding Terastal, like reatomized, yang or some mods in the future, I'd rather look at how that affects the game first and how much coding it would require.


I am very happy that AllGen works the way it is now since i am not a coder by far, thus I'm rather distant to adding very new concepts to the game (dynas were made megas, so its nothing new to the game fortunately)


While I'm at it, i am very happy that so many still play AllGen! Thanks a lot everyone just for enjoying the mod ❤️


As a tease, there will be another update for some QoL stuff before 19.5, which will also include e.g. the Mystery Egg Events. Mystery Eggs will get the Sunkern Switch treatment!
Meaning if you have another switch than "Vanilla" activated, you will get different options of the possible Mystery Egg - If you play on vanilla the Egg rewards will stay the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there.


Does it work with the music mod? Should do but i think i am still asking.


And with the  SWM mod Pack. Because it seems(?) Like it got updated for 19.5 while you say mods for 19.5 dont work.


I can't test it out at the moment so i just wanted to know before i will try soon and wonder why it does not work XD

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yes, no mater which mod, if its 19.5 it won't work for this one. Maybe the SWM mod still has a legacy download for 19.17.

The music mod should work, that's only replacing music files in the folder.


Which features do yo intend to use with the SWM mod? some may still work but I wouldn't recommend it yet.

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sadly i don't know about item radar or TypeBattleIcons, but Learn Egg moves incidently is in the AllGen mod because i use that very often myself~
meaning the Mod comes with a compatible version of the SWM Learn Egg Moves mod.

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Hm? That has been separated since version 4.0

Pokemon AllGen creates a new Save folder named 'Pokemon AllGen', if you play Vanilla Reborn your save files are in the 'Pokemon Reborn' folder withint /savedgames.

If you mean you don't want to separate them, then you can edit a certain script file yourself so the save location is the same for vanilla and allgen.

I can guide you through that for your own game folder, but I won't change the location back to being the same folder for the mod in general.

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Hi Fervis, I like the effort you put through the game, its very good. I was also not good in coding part, Im trying to make Terastrilization function, but i need help.

For Terastrilization to work in Pokemon Reborn,

1. Can we Use how Arceus Works. (Since Arceus is a Normal Type, but has access to all types, So We Can use Same logic toother pokemon's as well, We can give all pokemons 18 different forms. (This requires effort)

2. This will be simplest way compared to no 1. We can use Terrastrialization logic through Tera Blast (We will Store all 18 types of terrablast). We will make a Tutor to teach ,Tera blast of desired type. (Here If the User Uses the move Tera Blast of a type then it will change to that type. (Like Protean).

So Instead of triggering the logic based on held items, we can use the logic from move. Also we can set Restrictions to Tutor that , Not more than 1 pokemon allowed to learn tera blast.  So only one pokemon can Terastrialize.

Edited by AK 47
Forgot to add a point
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On 12/20/2024 at 9:17 PM, PARCB said:

Now I am at Victory Road. Sirius new ace is?

He said: Tyantrum intercept!! And it was a Haxorus sprite

for AnyGo Switch he got a Haxorus in this animation, I will update the text! It's very easy to overlook a part in the dialogues. 

Where exactly in Victory Roads was the event with his Haxorus?

It's not his ace though, it's just a mon he uses in this specific event.


17 hours ago, radidiance said:

Been trying to download this, but it's not letting me and it keeps showing me this. Any reason as to why I can't download it?


hmm Mega is having some issues for a while it seems. I updated the links, try it out


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1 hour ago, Fervis said:

for AnyGo Switch he got a Haxorus in this animation, I will update the text! It's very easy to overlook a part in the dialogues. 

Where exactly in Victory Roads was the event with his Haxorus?

It's not his ace though, it's just a mon he uses in this specific event.


hmm Mega is having some issues for a while it seems. I updated the links, try it out


It still says the same thing for me :/

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