Popular Post Fervis Posted July 4, 2022 Popular Post Share Posted July 4, 2022  AllGen Reborn 19.17   Hi Everyone!~  This is the Forum Thread from the previously named "Eeveelution mod"! This mod contains all Pokemon from all generations over time (and the Eevees). The story is almost entirely unaltered, so you get the usual Reborn experience story-wise with the opportunity to encounter new Pokemon.  NOTE FOR SELF-MODDERS If anyone wants to make changes for themselves by compiling, eventing, or similar: The PBS File comes directly with the download! I take no responsibility for self-modded bugs.  Features: All Pokémon up to Generation 9 Gigantamax forms introduced as Mega forms A separate save folder to easier distinguish between your saves Newer Abilities distributed to suitable Pokemon from older Generations (Docs) Custom Pokemon Forms (e.g. Male Salazzle, Furfrous, Partner Pikachus /Eevee) Custom Movelist for all Pokemon and ability touch-ups (https://docs.google.com/document/d/104adyPqa-gHhMjCkOADQSF3N2JwgLfSQ_nhlX-1_u6g/edit?tab=t.0)   Sunkern Switchers: Change your experience by switching between altered trainer teams whenever you want!       You will encounter Sunkerns in every Poké Center and sometimes in front of Story Events.       You can choose between "Vanilla", "AllGen", and "Anything Goes"       While Vanilla is active, all Trainers your encounter have their original Reborn Teams.       While AllGen is active, Trainers have their Teams include newer Generation Pokemon.       While Anything Goes is active, Teams will include custom content and Legendary Pokemon!   Changes and features below are entirely optional, and you won't possibly encounter them in your run unless you really look for them. (Including AnyGo Switch)   Optional Custom additions:  Custom Megas: They are all listed in the docs! Custom Mega Stones can be purchased from a Gentleman in Calcenon City after Amaria's Badge. Some also get signature Moves and Abilities      2. Ability Changes: These can be activated by talking to an NPC in Grand Hall (WIP for 19.5) A handful of Abilities got buffed, mostly moves that are heavily underused/underperforming      3. Eeveelutions: Eevee has now custom Eeveelutions for all types (see end of this post) They also are not considered necessary for Pokedex completion or similar achievements You may encounter these when evolving eevee under very specific circumstances (evolution methods are listed below and in the docs)   Things to do: Terastalization (will not be added) more Custom Megas/Pokemon 19.5 Update (A version is in testing phase)   NOT compatible with these mods: Pokemon Nightmare Mod Pokemon Memeborn Reborn Sandbox mode Pokemon Reborn Yang / Reatomized / other full-overhaul mods Other mods that change ingame scripts Mods for version 19.5!!   Compatible mods (should work 99%): Aironfaar's Mod Box SWM Modular Modpack Pyrolusitium's UI Overhaul Ash-Greninja Mod Pristine Accuracy mod  Doublebattle mod If anyone wants to play this mod with Vilrose's Doublebattle mod you can use this modified version! Please read the ReadMe file thats in the download!! There is a certain bug that softlocks you during the Rayquaza Quest - remove the mod during that time! Take the Backup files if you want to revert them at any point! They are in the ZIP as well. AllGen Doubles mod.zip   Extended NG+ Mod Instead of a separate compatible file replacement, I added NG++ mod by Stardust into AllGen! Infos can also be found within the Main Folder in the NG++ Info.txt. So if you already have a safe file with a certain puzzle completed that's been included in the NG++ mod, you will be able to skip it.   Downloads (Current Version v8.0 - NOT compatible with 19.5!) (Last Updated: 12/12/24) AllGen Reborn: Optional Custom Content. They won't be required for the dex and are only encountered with specific Sunkern Switches enabled (or if you search hard enough). https://mega.nz/file/n1h1mAgY#H87nh27pfda86-TrVwF_Ql0cXpT3O18YVWyP2POvZu8  Patch (Current Version v8.0 - NOT compatible with 19.5!)  (Last Updated: 12/12/24) DO NOT patch 19.5 version of Reborn! ONLY use the Legacy version of Reborn. If you are not certain, ideally download the Full Mod instead, https://mega.nz/file/T4o3XSxJ#NA9sLxiyflkPkLlLhlE_EIXWJQ_3SsS-hpqhIg-yKlw   Google spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13zK8pho6M66nM94uaOWu_l3S_xVFiWGn/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117014621059890777493&rtpof=true&sd=true You can also find the spreadsheet in the Main Folder.  Changelog: Spoiler -- Changelog -- v8.0 -changed Mr.Rime's evolution condition to Celestinine Mountain, instead of Route 4 -Mystery Egg Event (Growlithe and Onys Ward) overhaul for switches -> Mystery Eggs are now vanilla unless AllGen/AnyGo switch is activated (docs) -added more Pokemon to early events for monotype runs (docs) -Custom Mega Stone acquisition is now post-Adrienn (was post-Amaria) -fixed Fiore Mansion Raid freeze  v7.5 -updated to 19.17 (NOT 19.5) -integrated NG++ Mod by Stardust -New Custom Megas added -> Butterfree Heatmor, Probopass, Luvdisc, Delcatty -Some changes to other Custom Megas -Eeveelutions Overhaul! (different Sprites/theme, first page on forums updated) -added NEW Eeveelutions (also Forum post) -fixed Electro Shot not skiping charge during Rain -added Applin to Neo Obsidia Ward (morning) -changed Mr.Rime's evolution condition to Celestinine Mountain, instead of Route 4 -Mystery Egg Event (Growlithe and Onys Ward) overhaul for switches -> Mystery Eggs are now vanilla unless AllGen/AnyGo switch is activated (docs) -added more Pokemon to early events for monotype runs (docs) -Custom Mega Stone acquisition is now post-Adrienn (was post-Amaria) -fixed Fiore Mansion Raid freeze v7.2a (in testing) -Third Sunkern Switch implemented (Anything Goes/AG - Currently testing) -Re-distributed some stats from custom megas -Minor AI bug fixes -Added Snowy Field - created by the move Snowscape -Several bug fixes v7.0a -Added Movepool Compilation by Gelius (Link for reference in docs) -Added Furfrou type additions for every haircut -Added Sandstorm Form Castform -Added more Abilities to Pokemon -Added Loaded Dice to Dep. Store F9 (was Vanhanen Castle) -Added Blunder Policy to Vanhanen Castle (was Dep. Store F9) -Added new Slakoth evo line (Dawn Stone) to get ToughClaws Vigoroth / SlowStart Slaking (Docs) -New Tutor Moves added -New TMs added (Docs) -Eeveelution abilities, movesets and some stats changed; Docs updated for learnsets! -Fixed Scale Shot making contact with target (it shouldn't) -Fixed Eject Pack -Fixed an issue with the Treasures of Ruins quest not initiating -Fixed TM Avalanche not appearing in Citrine Mountain -Fixed an issue with Taka not giving relationship point in AllGen switch -Changed Peridot Ward Nacli chance to Roggenrola -Changed Tandemaus location to Agate Circus -Pushed Arctibax back to Dratini Area (Rock Climb) v6.5a -Fixed some error pop-ups -Fixed a bug that lets you get a random Basculin form from Onyx Egg (should always be White-Striped) -Fixed Rising Voltage not dealing increased damage on Electric Terrain -Fixed Tarountula not showing up in Lower Peridot Ward -Pulled Tarountula earlier into Peridot Ward (Headbutt) -Changed Cyclizar in Arcades to Cetoddle -Changed Jasper Mystery Egg Cetoddle to G-Darumaka -Added a Gentleman to Opal Ward Grand Hall that rewards Player with an Egg 2nd, 4th, and 6th Badge -Added G-Weezing evolution locations (Citae Astrae, Post-Resto Coral Ward) -Added Syrupy Apple to Pre-Restoration Lapis Ward -Increased stats for Castform in its special forms (+10 Defenses, +40 Sp.Atk, +40 Speed) -Added Ogerpon Event (+Loyal Three + Pecharunt) -Fixed Chilly Reception not switching during active hail -Added Eeveelution movelist to the docs -You can now get two Meltan after finishing the Melmetal Quest (choose from the cells) -Retouched the surges nerf, changing them from 2/6 to 3/8 (normal / with item) v6.0a -Adjusted some Trainer teams when AllGen switch is enabled -Added Upper Hand move -Added an option to choose between both Sinistcha forms in the event -Added secondary types to the Partner Pikachu formes -Fixed an Supersweet Syrup error pop-up -Fixed Blood Moon error pop-up -Fixed Gouging Fire interaction in Paradox area -Fixed Mighty Cleave and Hyper Drill not ignoring protection -Fixed Duraludon bug not evolving -Added Enamorus to the Genies quest -Added Zacian/Zamazenta + Zarude Event to Rhodochrine Jungle (Tier 6) -Fixed Farfetch'd evo method (evolves after battle when critting 3 times) -Adjusted Pokemon availability and abilities for balancing purposes:  Primeape learn Ragefist at lvl 57  Pushed Basculin's Wave Crash to lvl 50  Greavard pushed back to post restoration  Added Galarian Linoone to Iolia Valley  Finizen pushed back to Mirage Tower (Super Rod)  Changes Pikachu Libre's Ability to Moxie (was Huge Power)  Reduced Surges' terrain durations to 2 turns, 6 with Amplifield Rock (was 5 / 8)  Reworked stats for many "Dynamax" Megas (docs are updated) v5.5a -Added Indigo Disc content (Terapagos, Pecharunt debug only WIP) -Implemented Opportunist and Cud Chew! -Added Mirror Herb! -Reworked Protosynthesis / Quark Drive to work properly -Wind Rider activates upon entry in Tailwind -Room Service activates upon entry in TR -Made Charge wear off only when an Electric move is used -Fixed Syrup Bomb effect -Fixed some Heat Generator effects -Fixed base game Life Orb bug -Fixed Glaive Rush giving the debuff longer than it should -Fixed/Added some (shiny) sprites -Added Indigo Disc's Pokemon, Moves, Abilities -Overhauled Pokemon Location Docs -Added Purple Sunkern section for all changed battles -Added Egg Icon/Sprites for Gen 8/9 -Corrected Zacian and Zamazenta Form change and move change in battle v5.0a -Fixed Chewtle Mystery Egg in Onyx Ward -Fixed Tidy Up bug and added a tiny animation -Added / Fixed (shiny) sprites and positions -Added several new custom effects to (mostly unused) abilities - listed in excel -Added more purples sunkern switches -Added Ursaluna (Evolve Ursaring with Peat Block at night on Teknite Ridge) -Updated missing (back-)sprites v4.5a -Added Madame Meganium fight (morning in 7th street post-restoration) -Added more changes to abilities to older Pokemon (docs) -Added more purple Sunkern battles -Added Mega-Stone for second Kubfu to the same Event -Added Mega Cacturne -Adjusted TV show dialogue to respective sunkern switches -Overhauled Florinias Team -Overhauled Mega Barbaracle -Changed and added Pokemon prizes in Onyx Arcades -Fixed ZELs battle having P-Avalugg -Rearranged the Debug window v4.0a (big thanks to Karvanha for many scripts) -Removed Eveelutions (this version) -Removed Custom-Mega Stone locations and added a Vendor for all the stones (Calcenon City, lower right corner, the Gentleman after 16th Badge) -New Megas:Typhlosion, Meganium, Feraligatr, Emboar, Serperior, Samurott, Nidoking Y, Claydol, Lanturn, Torkoal,Sandslash -> Some of them do not have Gen 5 Backsprites (yet) -Added new Save Folder specifically for the AllGen Mod! /Saved Games/Pokemon AllGen -> Either copy paste your "pokemon reborn" save folder and rename it to "Pokemon AllGen" OR start a new game and "Open Save Folder" -Added new AllGen mod Trainer battles -Added all alternative forms of Pokemon to look at in the Pokedex -Added second Kubfu -> After you got the first Urshifu, find a Kubfu right next to Apophyll Academy, have Urshifu 1st Party slot (must have all Badges to appear) -Added a Rufflet event in Iolia Valley for early-access H-Braviary (Pokesnax) -Added an Event for Sinistcha in Meganium's Medicine Market: Talk to the girl and look for Matcha Powder on 7th Street and give it to her (upper right room, hidden) -Added Pokemon from the DLC (Loyal Three and Ogerpon only debug available yet) -Added changes from DLC: Empoleon = Competitive; Shiftry = Wind Rider; Grassy Glide = 55 BP (was 70 BP) -Added the new TMs from the DLC to the Vendor in 7th Street (Charge, Haze, Lunge) -Updated Google docs with a page for Trainer battle changes (mostly "finished" teams of each NPC as overview) -Updates to some Gen 9 Shiny sprites (Reborn Discord Sprite-Edits Channel) -Dragon Darts is now functional -Commander implemented -Revival Blessing implemented -Fixed an issue for Mystery Eggs and Mono-Passwords -Fixed Eject Pack -Fixed Toxtricity form changing issue after mega evolution v3.5a -Fixed Eeveelution evolution issues -Added / Changed Mystery Egg rewards and some Events (Docs) -Adjusted Ability / Move text to fit into boxes -Adjusted Coreys Pokemon to also found with respective mod switch -Added Custom Mega-Nidoking and Mega-Nidoqueen (Gen4 Backsprites) v3.0a -Updated all remaining Backsprites! -Fixed Population Bomb's hit chance issue -Peat Block can only be found Post-Restoration Azurine Island (Hiker Vendor unchanged) -Added move additions from Gen 9 to older Pokemon -Added missing Sunkern battles (Fern and Victoria North Obsidia Ward) -Fixed Treasures of Ruin abilities -Added TM vendors to Post-Game for potential missing TM-pickups: -Knights in Titanias Castle -> Draining Kiss, Aura Sphere, Mystical Fire -Bookworm in Subseven Sanctum -> Beat Up, Assurance, Imprison, Endure -Added Move Tutor in Neo-Peridot Ward -> Soft Boiled, Poltergeist, Mimic -Tackle Tutor in Peridot Ward now teaches Double-Edge instead of Mimic -Added Grafaiai to Rhodochrine Jungle encounters (only Morning) v2.5a -Fixed Hail issue -Added Voidstone (Void Gardevoir Mega Evolution) -> Glasswork Station, enter the Black Hole after beating Hardy -Increased the level for Annihilape to learn Rage Fist to 42 for early game balance -Fixed an issue with Return always missing -Fixed Triple Arrows Animation -Fixed an issue with Hail -Greavard can now only be encountered with Soul candle at night in Beryl cemetery, by interacting with one of the tombstones -(Houndstone still available Post-Restoration) -Fixed starting issue for Treasures of Ruin quest v2.0a -Booster Energy now one time use, and can be bought infinitely from the Hiker (thanks to Valentine @discord) -Triple Arrows now has an Animation (Sinister Arrow Raid) -Aura Wheel properly increases Speed now -Fixed some positionings of Sprites during battle -Fixed Tidy Up -Added 50% defense boost for Ice Pokemon during Hail weather -Fixed an issue that prevented Pikachu to evolve into Alolan-Raichu -Gigaton Hammer fixed when used by AI -Partner Pikachu order has been adjusted to allow it to evolve normally -> all forms were pushed by 1 -Pika Papow and Veevee Volley added + Animations (Parnter Pokemon signature moves) -Partner Pokemon can now be chosen as Starters via Passwords: partner, lgp, lge, partnerpoke -Added Events for Treasures of Ruin Pokemon -> Talk to Elias after finishing Victini Quest to initiate the Event -Randomizer partly functional -> Moves show issues when choosing type randomizing for moves v1.0a -Fixed Dr Connal's team in the Orphanage -Added Sunkern switchers -> change battles between vanilla and modded teams of NPCs (mostly story related battles) -Added Regidrago and Regieleki as Event rather than normal encounters -> Behind Regirock and Registeel respectively -Added Mega Corsola and Mega Arbok -Corsolite: Byxbysion Grotto, Beldum area / Arbokite: Celestinine Mountain B3F, Heatran entrance -Added Mega Banette Y -> Old Mega Banette renamed to Mega Banette X -Banettite Y: Glasswork station inside the black hole'd room -Implemented LGP/LGE content -Partner Pikachu / Eevee added -Specific Partner Moves added -Added Nyu battle to get Partner Pikachu / Partner Ribbon -Ribbon is usable on Max friendship Eevees / Pikachus to turn them into Partner forms -Nyu's House can now be targeted with Fly for Convenience -- Previous updates -- April 2nd, 2023 -Implemented Paradox Event -> After defeating all Victory Road Spirits, talk to the Hiker again to start the quest -Changed Galarian feather location -> Talk to Lumi after you caught the birds -Changed Sirfetch'd Evolution method -> land 3 critical hits in one battle and level up -Fixed Steel Roller -Fixed some Salt Cure issues -Fixed Mortal Spin -Fixed a stat issue for Galar Darmanitan and Mega Dugtrio March 30th, 2023 -Skwovet added to early game locations (same as Greedent in Post-Resto) -Added Zero to Hero Ability -Fixed Sprigatito Event -Fixed Meltan evolution item Quest -Kowtow Cleave has 85 BP -Fixed Illuminate bug -Tangled Feet boosts Evasion by 1 stage on Big Top Arena -Added Heavy Duty Boots to the Treasure Hunter vendor -Lilligant Sprite fixed -Added early game Blakc Augurite (Grand Stairway) -Adjusted Bee's dex quest to higher Pokedex number -> get Kubfu as a reward -Added Hand Mixer to Post-Resto candy vendor -Fixed Mega Milotics Ability -Added Walking Wake and Iron Leaves Paradox -Added Sprigatito to Rhodochrine Jungle Giga Drain Tutor -Fixed Mega Mothim issue -Fixed Life Dew February 21st, 2023 -Added a small chance to get a different-form Dunsparce and Tandemaus to get the alternative forms Dudunsparce / Maushold -Added Charcadet Event -> Hide and Seek Charcadet in Titanias Castle after beating her -Added vendor for Auspicious / Malicious Armor -> Knights at the first Hall in Titanias Castle -Fixed an issue with Good as Gold -Added Grookey to Rhodochrine Jungle Giga Drain Tutor -Fixed some Sprite issues for Indeedee and Basculegion -Added Scale Shot (thanks to Sapphiada @discord) -Added Mega Kingdra -> Kingdranite: Route 4 (Rock Climb area) -Fixed an issue when picking up Chimechonite -Fixed Scraftinite and Xatutite pick up error February 7th, 2023 -Fixed Dialge / Palkia / Zacian / Zamazenta encounter issue -Fixed Mirror Armor -Implemented Supreme Overlord -Implemented Quark Drive / Protosynthesis -Fixed Ursaluna evolution method -Added Applin to the rubbish bin in Obsidia Ward -Added breeding mechanic for Paldean Tauros -> have the parent hold Mystic Water / Black belt / Charcoal respectively -Fixed an issue on Starlight Arena -Added Rellor and Pawmo alternate Evolution Method -> Hold Psychic Gem and lvl up / use Thunder Stone -Fixed Grassy Glide -Added Fuecoco Event -> after beating Blake, give Blue Moon Ice Cream to Fuecoco in Ametrine Pokemon Center -Added Quaxly Event -> Post-Resto below Blacksteam Factory, Defeat the Crab Gang to get Quaxly (need Rock Climb) -Revavroom can be found in Celestinine Cascade Area -Fixed an issue with the Ability Wind Rider January 30th, 2023 -Added missing Sprites -Added Gimmighoul Event -> visit the Desert at least once, afterwards talk to the Hiker at the station -Added Tinkatuff early game Event -> after Serra you can catch a Tinkatuff in Grand Stairway (where the Black belt was) -Buffed the Gem damage increase to 50% (was 30%) -Iron Fist and Punching Gloves buffed to 40% (was 20%) -Tangled Feet activates on Big Top Arena -Added more Custom Mega Stones (Google Docs) -Added Onyx Arcade prizes January 17th, 2023 -Enamorus can now change forme via Revealing Glass -Implemented Gen 9 Pokemon, Items, etc -Added Tm Vendor to 7th Street -> Ice Spinner, Chilling Water, Pounce, Trailblaze, Snowscape -Fixed Rage Fist issue Updates Prior to January 17th -Added Meltan Event -> after Magic Square Puzzle, pick up the Rusty Metal Box there and bring it to Silph Co. -Added Kubfu Evolution Method -> Azurine Cave (small island), show the NPC Kubfu and you will get one of the scrolls -Added animations to moves -Added Hisuian Pokemon -Adjusted Move updates to Gen 8 -Several Bug fixes for Moves, Abilities, Items etc. -Added Gen 8 Pokemon, Moves, Abilites, Items etc -Added Custom Megas and Eeveelutions  Bug Report: Please report all bugs you can find related to abilities, incompatibilities, crashes etc. in the comment section or by contacting me in the Reborn Discord in #Reborn-Mods Channel!  Have fun!   For the Eeveelutions: Quick overview of how they look like, stats, and abilities! You can also check their Movesets and everything else in the docs on the Eeveelution slide!  Eeveon - Normal Type Credits to Starwolff  Spoiler               Name: Eeveon Height: 1.2 Weight: 27.0 Type: Normal Stats: 130/95/65/110/65/60 Abilities: Rattled, Protean, Unburden Dex Entry: It is able to adapt itself easily to its surroundings, always having a trick up its sleeves for every situation.   Braveon- Fighting Type Credits to Starwolff  Spoiler            Name: Braveon Height: 1.1 Weight: 28.0 Type: Fighting Stats: 65,130,110,60,65,95 Abilities: Sheer Force, Scrappy, Moxie Dex Entry: Braveon is an excellent fighter, always seeking out greater opponents to test its own strength.   Nimbeon - Flying Type Credits to Starwolff  Spoiler         Name: Nimbeon Height: 1.4 Weight: 9.1 Type: Flying Stats: 110/60/65/95/65/130 Abilities: Drizzle, Snow Warning, Cloud Nine Dex Entry: It glides effortlessly through the air, often mistaken for a cloud on sunny days. It is said that Nimbeon's fur can store and release static electricity in stormy weather.   Dusteon - Ground Type Credits to Starwolff  Spoiler         Name: Dusteon Height: 1.0 Weight: 24.0 Type: Ground Stats: 65/95/65/60/110/130 Abilities: Arena Trap, Skill Link, Sand Stream Dex Entry: It uses its brush-like tail to carve intricate paths in the sand, marking its territory. It can also sense tremors long before they happen.   Basaleon - Rock Type Credits to Starwolff  Spoiler        Name: Basaleon Height: 1.0 Weight: 34.0 Type: Rock Stats: 110/130/95/60/65/65 Abilities: Rocky Payload, Earth Eater, Sand Rush Dex Entry: This Pokémon is often found in volcanic regions, where it blends seamlessly into the environment. The heat from magma seems to energize it.    Titaneon - Steel Type There were no names associated with this design, if anyone may know from where please tell me! Front Sprite Credit goes to Badman#6291 form our Reborn Community (Back by me)  Spoiler         Name: Titaneon Height: 1.1 Weight: 25.3 Type: Steel Stats: 65/110/130/60/65/95 Abilities: Mold Breaker, Sharpness, No Guard Dex Entry: A formidable fighter using its sharp blade-like tail and claws. Its body is armored with very light but sturdy metal for both offensive and defensive.   Ephemeon - Bug Type Also no associated name for credit, however I found it here  Spoiler        Name: Ephemeon Height: 0.8 Weight: 17.2 Type: Bug Stats: 60/110/65/95/65/130 Abilities: Speed Boost, Technician, Tinted Lens Dex Entry: A swift and fierce hunter. They can vibrate their wings at supersonic speeds. Their Stinger-shaped tails are used to battle or intimidate foes.    Toxeon - Poison Type Credits: Dazed Flame Sprite Credits go to The archived Eeveelution Thread  Spoiler        Name: Toxeon Height: 1.0 Weight: 27.2 Type: Poison Stats: 95/130/65/65/60/110 Abilities: Corrosion, Poison Point, Merciless Dex Entry: The poison it emits can even melt steel. The tails are used to prevent prey from escaping.    Kitsuneon - Ghost Type Awesome Design Credited to OnyxBlock Sprite Credits: Kriyanceldt  Spoiler       Name: Kitsuneon Height: 1.3 Weight: 27.0 Type: Ghost Stats: 60/65/65/110/130/95 Abilities: Cursed Body, Prankster, Magic Guard Dex Entry: Kitsuneon are gifted with high intelligence and strong spiritual powers. They are notorious of playing pranks, but also punish those who derserve judgement.   Drekeon - Dragon Type Design by Mykel Ryan (Sprites by me)  Spoiler           Name: Drekeon Height: 1.3 Weight: 26.0 Type: Dragon Stats: 95/60/110/130/65/65 Abilities: Unaware, Swift Swim, Multiscale Dex Entry: Drekeons scales are as hard as a diamond. It is said that its scales contain magical powers to create miracles.  2 NEW additions to the Eeveelution Family! Eevee Deities~ Published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Found on Deviant Art  Abysseon - Underworld Deity Sprite: Dracoyan Artwork: Eysselia Concept: Eysselia  Spoiler         Name: Abysseon Height: 0.9 Weight: 12.0 Type: ??? Stats: 130/65/110/65/110/65 Abilities: SINISTERBLAZE (Burn restores HP and instead hurts all other Pokémon in battle) Dex Entry: It thrives in darkness, drawing energy from the cold, silent void. The flames on its body burn with an eerie, unholy light, capable of consuming both matter and hope.    Divineon - Heavenly Deity Sprite: Dracoyan Artwork: Eysselia Concept: Eysselia  Spoiler          Name: Divineon Height: 1.0 Weight: 22.0 Type: ??? Stats: 65/110/65/130/110/65 Abilities: ASCENDANCE (Gains "STAB" to all move types and ignores immunitie of the Type Chart) Dex Entry: It is said to radiate pure, celestial light that warms even the coldest hearts. Tales speak of it descending in times of great peril, illuminating hope.   Credits go to the respective creators/artists/designers.  Credits (contact me for missing names, they are all appreciated): Spoiler ########## Pokemon property ########## GameFreaks, Nintendo ########## RPG Maker ########## Enterbrain and contributors ########## Pokemon Essentials Scripts ########## Maruno      Poccil      Flameguru      --Additional contributors-- AvatarMonkeyKirby      MiDas Mike      P.Sign      Boushy      Near Fantastica       Brother1440      PinkMan    FL.      Popper      Genzai Kawakami      Rataime      Harshboy    SoundSpawn help-14      the__end   IceGod64   Venom12      Jacob O. Wobbrock Wachunga   KitsuneKouta      xLeD      Lisa Anthony ########## Pokemon Reborn Team ########## Amethyst Andracass Ikaru                  Autumn                  Marcello GlitchxCity Smeargletail VulpesDraconis Dragon-Tamer795      O Colosso      RichViola      Toothpastefairy Crim Azzie Darius All Supporters and contributors (Original Readme file) Special thanks to BlueTowel for introducing me into modding ########## Pokemon Rejuvenation Team (associated to Reborn) ############ Janichroma Marcello Mysticalmew24 Alistair Clara-WaH Pyrolusite StargazerSammie Ekat SacredDragonair ChaoticCherryCake PrincessPhoenix ########## Pokemon Reborn Discord ############ --Scripts/Codes/Bug fixes/Writing-- cecceccu Belverk TrainGhidoran Shaderyus TGuilerr --Spritework-- Omar Blazing Nova j3ksanshehim AZzy Someonesoul Fervis badmanrhys123 Carmanekko Fenix fractal OldSoulja Jordanos Yana Trainer Omni Ace Effelon ########## Collaboration with Reatomized Mod Team ############ --Scripts/Codes/Writing-- Karvanha Maxxetto Sapphiada --Ideas/Concepts/Writing-- Gelius Indigo Legionities --Additional Mentions-- Wolfry Babouine Holly CrimsonZephyr SilverTotodile Skylar Rajy ########## Generation 8, Legends:Arceus, Generation 9 ########## --Sprites-- Smogon Sprite Project leParagon G.E.Z. Blaquaza TheAetherPlayer KingOfThe-X-Roads InvoluntaryTwitch RadicalCharizard Crocovyle Cynda WolfPP Travis Hematite Katten Z-nogyroP PumpkinPastel mjco conyjams Smeargletail zlolxd EventHorizontal Khrona Andracass Amethyst Janichroma Zumi(Honnojis) SageDeoxys TheyMadeMeMakeThisAc Wolfang62 RetroNC (Youtube) DegelAlex (DA) --Hisuian Sprites-- Smogon Sprite Project SpheX KingOfThe-X-Roads G.E.Z. KattenK Hematite Travis --Audio (Cries)-- Pokecommunity REALMUGEN WolfPP Smogon DaWoblefet Zeak6464 Fervis --Icons-- Ulithium_Dragon LuigiTKO Ivy Ezerart Azria Fervis --Scripts, PBS, coding, writing-- Janichroma Marcello Mysticalmew24 Fervis ElijahZx360 --Generation 8 Project / Pokecommunity (Essentials)-- Zerokid Golisopod User Maruno Vendily TheToxic HM100 Aioross WolfPP MFilice lolface KyureJL DarrylBD99 Turn20Negate TheKandinavian ErwanBeurier Silverlime ########## Generation 9 implementations ########## Pokemon Essentials Gen 9 Resource Pack Fervis Caruban PorousMist Karvanha Mangalos810 PokeFarm Q (Egg Sprites) ########## Custom Eeveelutions ########## --Pokemon Reborn-- Bazaro - Pokemon Reborn Eeveelution thread Fervis - Icons, Spriting (mostly Backsprites) Badman - Titaneon Sprite (Design unknown) Eeveelution Community/Aminoapps - Ephemeon (Design unknown) Dazed Flame - Toxeon MirthfulArtist - Eeveon Eleanor Brick - Hawkeon Kiiro-Nee san (Deviant) - Bristleon Off-ColorDarkrai (Deviant) - Zirconeon OnyxBlock, Kriyanceldt (Deviant) - Kitsuneon Mykel Ryan (Design - Youtube) - Drekeon StarWolff(Eeveeexpo)- Braveon, Flufeon, Cloudeon, Sandeon, Boulderon, Mega Delcatty, Mega Probopass, Mega Luvdisc, Mega Heatmor ########## Additional references - Sprites/Custom Megas ############ Oroshibu/VersekrDark - Nidoking, Raticate, Cradily ,Sandslash, Reuniclus, Crobat EndlessTGX - Froslass, Dusknoir, Milotic, Chimecho, Tsareena, Breloom, Ninetails, Dugtrio, Roserade, Empoleon, Exploud, Starmie, Vespiquen Mucrush - Typhlosion, Granbull ShadeFalcon - Cacturne KFWeagz - Rhyperior, Hydreigon, Feraligatr, Meganium, Vileplume, Shuckle, Emboar, Samurott, Torkoal, Jumpluff(Fluffy), Drifblim FYTYNo1 - Serperior,Nidoking Othienka - Nidoqueen,Nidoking Y Mak's Defiance Resource pack (Relic castle) - Bronzong, Jumpluff, Victreebel, Torterra, Xatu tienminh160498 - Luxray XD010DX - Gourgeist abeshoken - Zangoose, Hypno, Bruxish LimitDistortion - Infernape Diegotoon20 - Marowak Lunhala (Reddit) - Typhlosion SunnyLedian - Claydol Design Beastiarex (DeviantArt) - Sandy Castform DelgAlessio (IG) + Kriyanceldt-WWTT (DA) - Male Salazzle JacobBasque (Discord) - "Void" Gardevoir Back Sprite - NocTurn's Festival Resource Pack (Relic Castle) - JWNutz - Quagsire(Axolava), Goodra BiggusWeeabus - Aromatisse KajiAtsui - Dudunsparce(Dunspear), Delibird(Lootbird), Noctowl, Sunflora(Sunnydra) AnonAlpaca - Mismagius, Arcanine, Scrafty Nuclear Omega & PurpleZaffre - Barbaracle PrincessPheonix - Mothim(Firomenis) Jess Jackdaw - Jess Jackdaw Corsola (Solacor) - Designs / Arts - Smiley-Fakemon - Cradily, Sandslash, Crobat Badafra - Nidoking Phatmon - Rhyperior PheonixSong - Zangoose SilentGPanda - Raticate WaterTrainer - Torkoal(Tormine) XXD17, plzgaiasrebirth - Serperior, Emboar - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License -   https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Dracoyan(Sprites) - Rampardos, Butterfree, Luxeon(Divineon), Souleon Eysselia(Artwork) - Rampardos, Butterfree, Luxeon(Divineon), Souleon SplittingJaws(Concept) - Rampardos, Butterfree       23 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wikiwojtek2 Posted July 4, 2022 Share Posted July 4, 2022 how can I use this mod with Pokemon Radiation Reborn? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fervis Posted July 4, 2022 Author Share Posted July 4, 2022 i will add the eeveelutions later to the radiation mod! this here is mostly gen 8 with the addition of eevees Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wikiwojtek2 Posted July 4, 2022 Share Posted July 4, 2022 okay  Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SilverAngelus Posted July 4, 2022 Share Posted July 4, 2022 These Eeveelutions are amazing 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Global Mods Dred Posted July 4, 2022 Global Mods Share Posted July 4, 2022 4 hours ago, Fervis said:  Pokemon Generation 8 + Eeveelution Mod   Hi Everyone!~  This is gonna be my second Mod so far! Maybe you have already heard of my Uranium Mod here, but that's not what I'm here for!  This time it's gonna be a fairly simple mod! Generation 8 with additional Eeveelutions!  I generally put most of the uranium mod out of it to create a whole mod focusing on generation 8 Pokemon implementations (and eevees) until a more comprehensive Gen 8 mod is available! (I heard there is one WIP)  This means: All Generation 8 Pokemon, Moves, Abilites and so on. Gigantamax made into Mega-Evolutions More TMs and Move Tutors Legends of Arceus Hisuian Pokemon inclusive!  There are minor changes to battles, mostly having one Pokemon switched for a Gen 8 one. Otherwise there were no deeper changes than this!   There will be an Excel file within the downloaded folder with a rather rough overview of all Gen 8 Pokemon Locations, Items, Move Tutors and so forth!   For the Eeveelutions: In my previous thread here I more or less gathered all ideas I found and published them there. However, it became a bit rough to look at so I'll redo it here for a better overview!   First: Eeveon - Normal Type Design Credits go to MirthfulArtist! (Sprite by me)   Reveal hidden contents               Name: Eeveon Height: 1.2 Weight: 27.0 Type: Normal Stats: 130/95/65/110/65/60 Abilities: Adaptability, Protean Dex Entry: It is able to adapt itself easily to its surroundings, always having a trick up its sleeves for every situation.   Level-Up Moves:  Reveal hidden contents Evo. - Tail Slap 1 - Work Up 1 - Helping Hand 1 - Tackle 1 - Tail Whip 3 - Sand Attack 6 - Growl 9 - Quick Attack 11 - Bite 16 - Covet 20 - Fire Fang 20 - Ice Fang 20 - Thunder Fang 22 - Charm 28 - Baton Pass 32 - Tail Slap 35 - Last Resort 38 - Trump Card 40 - Agility 44 - Assist 49 - Tri Attack 53 - Slackoff 57 - Thrash 60 - Earth Power 64 - Extreme Speed 73 - Stored Power    Second: Maneon - Fighting Type Sprite and Design Credits go to Cachomon!   Reveal hidden contents            Name: Maneon Height: 1.1 Weight: 28.0 Type: Fighting Stats: 110/130/95/60/60/65 Abilities: Scrappy, Stamina Dex Entry: Maneon is an excellent fighter, always seeking out greater opponents to test its own strength.  Level-Up Moves:  Reveal hidden contents Evo. - Low Sweep 1 - Rock Smash 1 - Helping Hand 1 - Tackle 1 - Tail Whip 1 - Bite 5 - Sand Attack 9 - Stomp 14 - Double Kick 17 - Endure 20 - Takedown 25 - Storm Throw 28 - Meditate 32 - Submission 33 - Crunch 37 - Bulk Up 41 - BlazeKick 45 - Bounce 52 - Play Rough 60 - CloseCombat 73 - High Jump Kick    Third: Hawkeon - Flying Type Design Credits: Eleanor Brick (Sprite by me)   Reveal hidden contents         Name: Hawkeon Height: 1.4 Weight: 19.2 Type: Flying Stats: 110/60/65/95/65/130 Abilities: Serene Grace, Gale Wings Dex Entry: With its wing-like ears it is able to create strong gusts of wind and can stay in mid-flight for hours.  Level-Up Moves:   Reveal hidden contents Evo. - Gust 1 - Air Cutter 1 - Helping Hand 1 - Tackle 1 - Tail Whip 6 - Swift 11 - Charm 14 - Gust 17 - Agility 20 - Icy Wind 26 - Air Slash 30 - Whirlwind 36 - Roost 42 - Body Slam 47 - Brave Bird 53 - Tailwind 59 - Hurricane 62 - Feather Dance    Fourth: Bristleon - Ground Type Design and Sprite Credits go to Kiiro-Nee san   Reveal hidden contents         Name: Bristleon Height: 1.0 Weight: 24.0 Type: Ground Stats: 65/95/65/60/110/130 Abilities: Guts, Sand Stream Dex Entry: The dark brown part of its brush-like tail can be hardened. With a quick, fast stroke, it can cut rocks.  Level-Up Moves:  Reveal hidden contents Evo. - Sand Tomb 1 - Mud Slap 1 - Helping Hand 1 - Tackle 1 - Tail Whip 1 - Sand Attack 9 - Baby-Doll Eyes 13 - Quick Attack 17 - Sand Storm 20 - Dig 25 - Tail Slap 29 - Earth Power 33 - Bone Rush 38 - Magnitude 43 - Shore Up 49 - Bulldoze 54 - Iron Tail 60 - High Horsepower    Fifith (half way through!): Zirconeon - Rock Type Credits for Design: Off-ColorDarkrai   Reveal hidden contents        Name: Geodeon/Zirconeon Height: 1.0 Weight: 34.0 Type: Rock Stats: 130/60/65/95/65/110 Abilities: Lightning Rod, Wonder Skin Dex Entry: The crystals on its head radiates in various colours depending on its mood. They will glisten softly if it is content and relaxed.  Level-Up Moves:  Reveal hidden contents Evo. - Accelerock 1 - Helping Hand 1 - Tail Whip 1 - Tackle 3 - Sand Attack 6 - Growl 9 - Quick Attack 12 - Bite 14 - Ancient Power 17 - Rock Polish 20 - Sand Storm 26 - Shock Wave 30 - Stealth Rock 36 - Signal Beam 47 - Power Gem 53 - Dark Pulse 62 - Aura Sphere    Sixth: Titaneon - Steel Type (My favourite!) There were no names associated with this design, if anyone may know from where please tell me! Sprite Credit goes to Badman#6291 form our Reborn Community!   Reveal hidden contents         Name: Titaneon / Battaleon Height: 1.1 Weight: 25.3 Type: Steel Stats: 65/110/130/60/65/95 Abilities: Defiant, No Guard Dex Entry: A formidable fighter using its sharp blade-like tail and claws. Its body is armored with very light but sturdy metal for attack and defense.  Level-Up Moves:  Reveal hidden contents Evo. - Metal Claw 1 - Helping Hand 1 - Tackle 1 - Tail Whip 1 - Sand Attack 6 - Metal Sound 12 - Bullet Punch 16 - Bite 21 - Hone Claws 26 - Take Down 30 - Autotomize 35 - Crunch 41 - Iron Tail 45 - Double Edge 50 - Swords Dance 54 - Play Rough 60 - Iron Head    Seventh: Ephemeon - Bug Type Also no associated name for credit, however I found it here   Reveal hidden contents        Name: Ephemeon Height: 0.8 Weight: 17.2 Type: Bug Stats: 60/110/65/95/65/130 Abilities: Technician, Tinted Lens Dex Entry: A swift and fierce hunter. They can vibrate their wings at supersonic speeds. Their Stinger-shaped tails are used to battle or intimidate foes.  Level-Up Moves:  Reveal hidden contents Evo. - Twineedle 1 - Bug Bite 1 - Helping Hand 1 - Tackle 1 - Tail Whip 1 - Infestation 8 - Fury Attack 14 - Rage Powder 19 - Fury Cutter 23 - Silver Wind 28 - Pin Missile 34 - Dual Chop 41 - Bug Buzz 46 - Signal Beam 50 - Sticky Web 56 - Lunge 62 - Quiver Dance 68 - Fell Stinger    Three left! Eighth: Toxeon - Poison Type Credits: Dazed Flame Sprite Credits go to The archived Eeveelution Thread   Reveal hidden contents        Name: Toxeon Height: 1.0 Weight: 27.2 Type: Poison Stats: 95/130/65/65/60/110 Abilities: Poison Touch, Corrosion Dex Entry: The poison it emits can even melt steel. The tails are used to prevent prey from escaping.  Level-Up Moves:   Reveal hidden contents Evo. - Poison Tail 1 - Helping Hand 1 - Tackle 1 - Tail Whip 1 - Sand Attack 9 - Acid 14 - Quick Attack 19 - Bite 25 - Poison Fang 29 - Acid Spray 34 - Poison Gas 39 - Cross Poison 41 - Toxic 45 - Poison Jab 49 - Venom Drench 54 - Acid Armor 60 - Gunk Shot    Ninth: Kitsuneon - Ghost Type Awesome Design Credited to OnyxBlock Sprite Credits: Kriyanceldt   Reveal hidden contents       Name: Kitsuneon Height: 1.3 Weight: 27.0 Type: Ghost Stats: 60/65/65/110/130/95 Abilities: Prankster, Magic Guard Dex Entry: Kitsuneon are gifted with high intelligence and strong spiritual powers. They are notorious of playing pranks, but also punish those who derserve judgement.  Level-Up Moves:  Reveal hidden contents Evo. - Ominous Wind 1 - Helping Hand 1 - Tackle 1 - Tail Whip 1 - Sand Attack 6 - Baby-Doll Eyes 12 - Shadow Sneak 16 - Lick 21 - Grudge 26 - Draining Kiss 30 - Will-O-Wisp 35 - Hex 41 - Curse 45 - Night Daze 50 - Destiny Bond 54 - Shadow Ball 60 - Nasty Plot    And the last one! Drekeon - Dragon Type Design by Mykel Ryan (Sprite by me)   Reveal hidden contents           Name: Drekeon Height: 1.3 Weight: 26.0 Type: Dragon Stats: 95/60/65/130/110/65 Abilities: Marvel Scale, Multiscale Dex Entry: Drekeons scales are hard like diamond. It is said that its scales contain magical powers to create miracles.  Level-Up Moves:  Reveal hidden contents Evo. - Dragon Rage 1 - Helping Hand 1 - Tackle 1 - Tail Whip 1 - Sand Attack 6 - Baby-Doll Eyes 12 - Dragon Tail 16 - Swift 21 - Recover 26 - Dragon Breath 30 - Calm Mind 35 - Scale Shot 41 - Wish 45 - Dragon Pulse 50 - Glare 54 - Dragon Dance 60 - Clanging Scales   Disclaimer: Those who were reachable I got their permission to use their designs! If anyone, for whatever reason, may change their decision, I naturally will replace them with other design as long as I can find them!  Downloads and installation: Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sq8VdsHgRbx5jxp40XcJ9mmX2sYjXZVa/view?usp=sharing   PBS Files for personal use: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EajDnRAWCp0ZO3gGHN9K79Wi1u1vTfQM/view?usp=sharing   Bug Report: Please report all bugs you can find related to abilities, move incompatibility, crashes etc. in the comment section or by contacting me in the Reborn Discord in #Reborn-Mods Channel!   Have fun!   Credits (notice me for additional mentions):   Reveal hidden contents Contact me for any missing credits given! "Pokemon Essentials": Flameguru Poccil (Peter O.) Maruno and all its contributors. ############################################################### 8th Gen Cries Pokecommunity - Zeak6464, WolfPP, REALMUGEN Meltan & Melmetal Sprites Smogon - G.E.Z., leParagon Meltan & Melmetal Icons Smogon - Ivy 8th Gen Sprites leParagon, conyjams, RadicalCharizard,EventHorizontal, G.E.Z., KingOfThe-X-Roads, Crocovyle, InvoluntaryTwitch, mjco, Cynda, zlolxd, Blaquaza, PumpkinPastel, Smeargletale, Khrona, Andracass, Amethyst, Janichroma, Zumi(Honnojis) 8th Gen Icons Smogon - RadicalCharizard, leParagon, Kalalokki Hisui Sprites KingOfThe-X-Roads (Deviant Art) https://www.deviantart.com/kingofthe-x-roads/art/Hisui-Pokemon-Sprites-889273130 Carmanekko - DeviantArt (Typhlosion Front Sprite) Fenix#6592 - Discord Community (Typhlosion Back Sprite) Party Sprites Arclart (Deviant Art) https://www.deviantart.com/kingofthe-x-roads/art/Hisui-Pokemon-Sprites-889273130 Gigantamax Team Icons "Someone Dead#0222" - Reborn Community Gen 8 Scripts (Mirror Armor, Alcremie Evolution) BlueTowel ################################################################ Eeveelution Ideas, Designs, Sprites etc.: Eeveon - MirthfulArtist Maneon - Cachomon (Deviant Art) Hawkeon - Eleanor Brick Bristleon - Kiiro-Nee san (Deviant Art) Zirconeon - Off-ColorDarkrai (Deviant Art) Titaneon - Design unknown, Sprite by Badman#6291 (Discord Community) Ephemeon - Design unknown (found at Aminoapps - Eeveelution Community) Toxeon - Dazed Flame (Reborn Forum - Archived Eeveelution Thread) Kitsuneon - OnyxBlock (Design), Kriyanceldt (Sprite) (Deviant Art) Drekeon - Mykel Ryan (Youtube) ################################################################ Special Thanks to Amethyst and Andracass and all other developers!  Trying to evolve an Eevee into Drekeon, I have it holding a Dragon Scale, like the spreadsheet says, however, it's only evolving into Umbreon, any advice for this? Edit: NVM it needed a link stone to evo. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fervis Posted July 4, 2022 Author Share Posted July 4, 2022 Immediate testing for bugs! perfect :D If there are any issues whatsoever I appreciate the report! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Global Mods Dred Posted July 4, 2022 Global Mods Share Posted July 4, 2022 Partner sprites (so far only the sneasel) will be facing you, rather then the opponent. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DerpyDragon Posted July 5, 2022 Share Posted July 5, 2022 It seems like the ability 2 for Toxeon is Merciless, not Corrosion. (I don't mind it tho) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hakimblue99 Posted July 5, 2022 Share Posted July 5, 2022 Another Reborn gen 8 mod? Awesome! After I finished playing the other version, I definitely need to give this one a try. The eeveelutions look gorgeus....  Just a question, and sorry if this is a dumb one, but what does the "PBS files for personal use" means? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fervis Posted July 5, 2022 Author Share Posted July 5, 2022 14 hours ago, DerpyDragon said: It seems like the ability 2 for Toxeon is Merciless, not Corrosion. (I don't mind it tho) whoops! Loooks like i didnt update the previous thread! It is supposed to be merciless! :> I'll change that later  19 hours ago, Dred said: Partner sprites (so far only the sneasel) will be facing you, rather then the opponent. I don't have any back sprites for them yet! I will update it once i got them, most hisuians should be affected.  7 hours ago, Hakimblue99 said: Just a question, and sorry if this is a dumb one, but what does the "PBS files for personal use" means? PBS contains all the data for pokemon, moves, items etc. and you can for example change moves base power, or pokemon stats as you desire. so you could have a magikarp with 2000 attack o.o. but that's why its for personal use. youo just add it to the game folder, change waht yoou want in the text files and compile it in game (ideally with the debug mod) 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hakimblue99 Posted July 5, 2022 Share Posted July 5, 2022 That's...interesting. is there any guide on how to do that? For my personal use, of course Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fervis Posted July 6, 2022 Author Share Posted July 6, 2022 if you are on discord you can ask in #reborn-mods channel! for starters i can recommend the pokemon essentials website  https://essentialsdocs.fandom.com/wiki/Defining_a_species  here an example for pokemon stats, moves etc. if you want to change something there you actually just have to replace, for example, GRASS to GHOST, and bulbasaur would be ghost poison.  1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hakimblue99 Posted July 6, 2022 Share Posted July 6, 2022 I see. Thank you very much. Another question(I seem to have a lot of these) I notice in the included excel file, it details how to evolve the gen 8 pokemon, the eeveelutions, and hisuian forms. Except for a few, like Hisuian Lilligant and Basculegion. How do you evolve those two? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fervis Posted July 6, 2022 Author Share Posted July 6, 2022 Seems like i missed a lot. Thanks for the questions though! Lilligant is sun stone at apophyll, for basculegion you will need a white striped basculin that has learned wave crash the white striped form shares the same locations as the usual ones 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pfraider Posted July 6, 2022 Share Posted July 6, 2022 I love Gen 8, so giving this a try. Thanks so much for your mods. I have a few questions or observations: 1. Is one of the grooky sprites missing? It appears fine in battle, but from menu it only shows an egg. Thwacky appeared fine, however. 2. Blipbug should be in Peridot Ward, but I looked everywhere and can't find it. Am I just being foolish? 3. Do the gen 1-7 pokemon get moves that they would only actually learn in gen 8, or are old learnsets unchanged.  Thanks again  Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fervis Posted July 6, 2022 Author Share Posted July 6, 2022 1. Oh yeah, the grookey team sprite is missing. Thanks! I'll add it with the next update. 2. Ahh yeah it should be Jasper ward insstead of Peridot Ward. Sorry! 3. I'm on it! I at least try to have the new gen 8 moves implemented, but some old moves (like blastoise with shellsmash) I'll do later! 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shinrushi Posted July 6, 2022 Share Posted July 6, 2022 thank you man Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hakimblue99 Posted July 7, 2022 Share Posted July 7, 2022 It apeears I have more questions...How do you evolve Sliggoo into Hisuian Goodra? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Digger Posted July 7, 2022 Share Posted July 7, 2022 Very nice! Started a new game to give it a go. Does this have the new gen 8 held items, or is it pokemon only? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fervis Posted July 7, 2022 Author Share Posted July 7, 2022 1 hour ago, Hakimblue99 said: It apeears I have more questions...How do you evolve Sliggoo into Hisuian Goodra? sorry for that >.< you have to level up goomy in the water treatment center to get hisuian sliggoo. afterwards evolce ot the usual way while raining. 50 minutes ago, Digger said: Very nice! Started a new game to give it a go. Does this have the new gen 8 held items, or is it pokemon only? if you mean like throat spray and such, yes! though some of them were not tested yet but they should be all implemented. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Digger Posted July 7, 2022 Share Posted July 7, 2022 great, I checked the spreadsheet and didnt see anything about them so I wasn't sure. There are some cool new consumable ones, and Boots in particular could be more useful than usual if they also protect against certain field effects.   Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EyesOnKindred Posted July 7, 2022 Share Posted July 7, 2022 This happens when I hold magnetic lure in new world regi's map. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fervis Posted July 7, 2022 Author Share Posted July 7, 2022 Updated the download link! Grookey now has a team sprite On Regi's map, Regidrago and Regieleki should now work and not cause the issue above! Updated the Excel sheet with additional infos for Evolution methods Added gen 8 items to vendors: - Throatspray (Agate circus) - Heavy duty boots, Utility Umbrella, Eject Pack, Blunder Policy (Department store) - Roomservice (Spyce Restaurant)  (Looks like i forgot to add them to vendors whoops)  Reins of Unity (Calyrex Fusion) and the Rusted Sword/Shield will be added later! Though they SHOULD work, you can debug them if you want! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pfraider Posted July 7, 2022 Share Posted July 7, 2022 Sorry to bother you, but where in Jasper Ward is Boltund? I have ran around with the magnetic lure morning,, day, and night, but it hasn't appeared. Thanks! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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