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On 8/1/2022 at 11:25 PM, RestInPeaceHBK said:

Here's a copy of my save file.


I got a normal mawile form 0 out of the incubator.


But as I mentioned, it may be that i made soome changges and did not uploaad them yet

Therefore I will update the link today, so maybe this will ssolve your issue.



And yes, i am planning as to where i should add the galar birds or if i will add them as a regular encounter in the wild.

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## Updated the links quick! ##

  • Double Iron Bash implemented
  • Sinistea evolution works properly with respective forms
  • Eternatus Dynamax Form Stats  added (but not the form change with its move yet) - nvm added too
  • Added Kubfu to the Dex completion quest  (700 Pokemon) - needs testing wether all numbers work properly
  • Added a Chimpep Egg to the Chrysolia Forest Train (instead of Maractus / Cacnea)

and hopefully the breeding issue will solve itself now too!

Hopefully I didn't  forget anything, but if so please report!

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8 hours ago, Fervis said:

## Updated the links quick! ##

  • Double Iron Bash implemented
  • Sinistea evolution works properly with respective forms
  • Eternatus Dynamax Form Stats  added (but not the form change with its move yet) - nvm added too
  • Added Kubfu to the Dex completion quest  (700 Pokemon) - needs testing wether all numbers work properly
  • Added a Chimpep Egg to the Chrysolia Forest Train (instead of Maractus / Cacnea)

and hopefully the breeding issue will solve itself now too!

Hopefully I didn't  forget anything, but if so please report!

Tested. Can confirm all but the egg and Kubfu (and the breeding issue, but I never had that problem, myself, so I wouldn't really be able to confirm a fix). I'll check the egg thing with one of my monoruns around that area eventually, though. When I do, I'll update this comment. Note that Eternatus does not need a held item to Dynamax, if anyone is looking for one. Mine knew Eternabeam, though, and I don't know if that was the trigger. Regarding Kubfu, my character had already gotten every reward for the Dex, and it seems I couldn't re-trigger it to obtain it.


Also, for those interested, Chimpep is the German name for Grookey.


Edit re: Chrysolia Egg: Game crashed with a series of three messages. My guess is that Reborn defines the species as Grookey, rather than Chimpep, and the game is now trying to call up data for an invalid species. 

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Oh im  really  sorrywith the chimpep mix up! was quite in a hurry and it didn't feel german-like like other obvious names lol.will change the egg event  and add it to the download 

i think i need tio change that in the excel as well.

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Here is a quick  map-replacement download, just drag and drop it into the /data folder and the grookey issue is at least solved. The next donaload links will have it, but its faster for all who downloaaded before this post. 



Regarding eternatus, as mentioned it does not need a stone but Eternabeam as move, just like rayquaza needs dragon ascend.


Thanks a lot for the fast testing!!

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6 minutes ago, Fervis said:

Here is a quick  map-replacement download, just drag and drop it into the /data folder and the grookey issue is at least solved. The next donaload links will have it, but its faster for all who downloaaded before this post. 

Map250.rxdata 17.67 kB · 0 downloads


Regarding eternatus, as mentioned it does not need a stone but Eternabeam as move, just like rayquaza needs dragon ascend.


Thanks a lot for the fast testing!!

Thanks for the quick response; always happy to help!


Edit: Just checked, and it works fine.

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49 minutes ago, CorruptedJ98 said:

to get maneon its says apophyll island but there isn't a location named that the most i can think of is azurine island i tried there before but didn't work don't know if its a glitch or what so plz help asap or update the mod just wanted to let you know a possible issue.

Apophyll Island is the island on which Apophyll Academy is based. It's the area with the Ashen Beach field.

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32 minutes ago, CorruptedJ98 said:

I just think it might be a bug im guessing to evolve it is here in this image but i tried to it didn't work so i do think its a bug possibly.

Are you post-Restoration? There looks to be an issue with the evolution conditions regarding pre/post-Restoration. When looking at the PBS files, it says that the evolution is reliant on being at Map 15, which, from the encounter file, looks like it's pre-Restoration.


My own attempts post-Restoration failed, but pre-Restoration succeeded.

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6 minutes ago, Saslen said:

Are you post-Restoration? There looks to be an issue with the evolution conditions regarding pre/post-Restoration. When looking at the PBS files, it says that the evolution is reliant on being at Map 15, which, from the encounter file, looks like it's pre-Restoration.


My own attempts post-Restoration failed, but pre-Restoration succeeded.

yeah i was doing post restoration that sucks.

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34 minutes ago, CorruptedJ98 said:

yeah i was doing post restoration that sucks.

Fervis is pretty dang quick with updates, but if you don't want to wait and don't mind cheesing things, you can use the debug mod from Aironfaar's Mod Box to change the Eevee's species to Maneon.


For the debug menu, you need to put both the "AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb" and "AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokemonScreen_pbPokemonScreen.rb" files from the mod's zip file into your Data/Mods folder, then go to the in-game options menu and activate either "Both" or "PKMN". From there, go to the party menu, click the Eevee and go to "Debug", which should be just above "Cancel". The third option in that menu will be "Species". Click it, navigate to Maneon (way at the bottom at #907), choose that and your Eevee will magically be a Maneon now.


Note that if you keep using debug, be careful, because there are certain options that can mess up your game. Rule of thumb, if you don't know what something does or if the concept doesn't apply to Reborn (e.g. anything to do with Shadow Pokemon), don't mess with it.


Edit: Added link to imgur album for the Eevee -> Maneon transformation

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Bug delivery! I was continuing through the post-game in my monofairy run, and when I ran into an Eternatus, the battle glitched out a bit. I could choose a move, but it would only lead to the error, booting me back to my Fight/Bag/PKMN/Run screen.




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9 hours ago, arritte said:

I haven't really played gen 8 but should Scale Shot not boost/drop stats when it kills the target?

As mentioned, if should lower defense and increase speed by 1 after the multi turn hits end, so basically not necessary to kill the target.


18 hours ago, Saslen said:

Bug delivery! I was continuing through the post-game in my monofairy run, and when I ran into an Eternatus, the battle glitched out a bit. I could choose a move, but it would only lead to the error, booting me back to my Fight/Bag/PKMN/Run screen.

um that's new to me dang. is it only happening when fighting eternatus and only when you want to start a fight? (so choosing a move, or generally allowing eternatus to act in some way)

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2 hours ago, Fervis said:

As mentioned, if should lower defense and increase speed by 1 after the multi turn hits end, so basically not necessary to kill the target.


Well it doesn't work for me that way, only when  it doesn't kill the target so I guess it's bugged? Btw since I posted the last one, playing my monodragon run I found Dragon Darts not working in doubles. There's only 1 instance of damage and only on the mon I targeted. Then again is it even possible to make it work like it does in SwSh? It hits both targets once unless one is immune in which case it hits the other one twice right? 


On another note I should have said thanks for the mod first, I really enjoy it. I just finished E19 last week and here I am playing again because I really wanted a hard game with gen 8.

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