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  On 10/2/2022 at 9:18 AM, Fervis said:

You can edit them withint PokemonItems, jut look at other pokemon coded there and you should know what to do! Generally you allow pokemon there to either learn or not learn specific moves. (Importantly look at the form numbers, H Typhlo would be 1, H. Sneasel form 2 etc.)

The H Typlosion one was actually intended, as H Typhlo does not learn eruption in Legends Arceus. But i possibly forgot to remove eruption from Cal's one, as i wasn't sure if I ultimately change it to Hisuian or not. I'll give it another move!



Alright thanks a lot, I’ll update here if I find any other inconsistencies!

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  On 10/3/2022 at 1:17 AM, Oregano118 said:

Any way to get this to work with the sandbox mod so i can get the items and pokemon from there?


I don't think it will.

Just use the modpack from Aironfaar or SWM modpack (i dont kknow which one has it) and use the debug! it works perfectly fine and you can debug everything in. 

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ok so a couple of questions, I am new to this so I have no Idea on how in install this at all, so if some one could help me out with that that would be awesome. Another question is hisuian growlithe and decidueye included in this mod? Or galarian zigzagoon? Thanks for the help :)


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  On 10/4/2022 at 12:13 AM, Thrath said:

ok so a couple of questions, I am new to this so I have no Idea on how in install this at all, so if some one could help me out with that that would be awesome. Another question is hisuian growlithe and decidueye included in this mod? Or galarian zigzagoon? Thanks for the help :)



Download the folder directly under Downloads and Installations from Google Drive. Then unzip the folder and find the executable called "Game". Double click that to run it. Any additional mods you want to add go under Eeveelution Reborn/Data/Mods.


Regarding the available Pokemon, H. Growlithe can be found wherever normal Growlithe can, same with G. Zigzagoon and regular Zigzagoon, and H. Decidueye can be obtained by evolving Dartrix during the day. If you want location data for all of the alternate-form Pokemon, you can check the Excel file found in the folder. It's called "Gen 8 + Eeveelution Guide".

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  On 10/8/2022 at 3:01 PM, Liam192 said:

can i get some help, where do you get spectrier im in the post game but i can't find it.


You know the New World area in the basement of the Mirage Tower, where you go back and forth into and out of a mirror world? It's in the mirror side of there as a random encounter.


Edit: It's the Lugia quest, which is Tier 6 of the post-game, in case you're not at that point yet.

Edited by Saslen
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  On 10/12/2022 at 2:31 PM, Liam192 said:

can eternatus dyna max in this version ?


Yes. It needs to know Eternabeam.


Edit: Also, for Fervis, I came across what I believe is a bug. The move tutor in the Neo-Beryl Library refused to teach Scorching Sands, despite the fact that I had in my inventory the Custap Berries he was asking for. However, after I went on a berry-buying binge in the mall, he accepted. As such, I'm assuming he actually requires some other berry for the tutoring.

Edited by Saslen
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Big Update ~

  • Some minor fixes like the ones above (Typhlosion can learn Hex by TM, Granpa Tutor Berry fix etc.)
  • Added Kubfu Evolution method!
  • In Azurine Cave (Post Restoration a bit north from Apophyll, on a small Island)
  • You can find an NPC there that struggles with the Techniques of Urshifu to learn
  • If you bring a Kubfu (first party slot) she will give you one of the scrolls needed to evolve Kubfu (only one! Single-Strike is Dark Type; Rapid-Strike is Water Type)
  • Afterwards, if you show her Urshifu, she will give you the appropriate Dynamax Stone.


  • Added animationss to all new moves (mostly copies from other moves, better than nothing)
  • Added a move Tutor to Neo Peridot: Extreme Speed, Sucker Punch, Ice Ball and Megahorn (post-Hardy)


Experimentals (please give opinions wether some of these are OP or bad etc.)

  • Move-Terrain interactions
  • Mountain Gale - Acc 100% on Icy Field
  • Wave Crash - Dmg boost x2 on Water Surface, x1.5 on Murkwater Surface
  • Coaching - Sharply raises stats of partner on Ashen Beach
  • Rising Voltage - Switches Field from Short Circuit to Factory (like Discharge)
  • Steel Beam +Electric type on Short Circuit
  • Meteor Beam +Dark type in Starlight Arena
  • Tar Shot - quadruples damage of the next fire move on Burning Field (instead of double)
  • Snipe Shot + Ice type on Icy Field / + Poison type on Wasteland
  • Triple Axel 100% Acc on Big Top
  • Triple Axel, Skitter Smack, and Body Press x1.2 dmg on Big Top
  • Overdrive - bonus x1.5 dmg on Electric Terrain
  • Drum Beating - bonus x1.5 dmg on Forest Field


  • General Move Adjustments (mostly very unused moves)
  • Poison Sting 30BP
  • Rage 50 BP
  • Arm Thrust 20 BP
  • Bind and Wrap 35 BP
  • Constrict 30 BP and 100% Speed drop
  • Kinesis, Rock Throw and Submission 100% Acc
  • Quash additional Accuracy drop
  • Barrage 25 BP and 100% Acc
  • Slam and Megapunch 90% Acc
  • Megapunch 90 BP
  • Mat Block now Priority +1
  • Lands Wrath 110 BP
  • Freeze Shock and Ice Burn no charge round on Icy Field
  • Abilities: Plus and Minus also boost electric Type moves by 30% at all times

Tell me what you think about it and please, as always, reports are appreciated!

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  On 10/18/2022 at 12:48 AM, Hakimblue99 said:

Is it a bug, or is it intentional?


that is a bug. I'll throw in a download. Just drag and Drop this into the /Scripts folder. It's quicker than to download the whole game / patch again. Will be added with the next update to the download links.

PokeBattle_MoveEffects.rbFetching info...



  On 10/17/2022 at 2:18 PM, Axelyx said:

Heyya just confirming does the mod work on Mac?


I had a conversation with someone trying to play it on mac yesterday. Unfortunately I have no experience in that matter, so they downloaded a Windows simulator or something which worked.


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