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  On 10/19/2022 at 2:32 PM, Sterrard8 said:

Hey.. are there any changes made to the abilities of the Hisuian forms?


There shouldn't be any iirc.


  On 10/19/2022 at 7:31 PM, arritte said:

Um, isn't there a Megahorn TM to be bought in the same place already? Before Adrienn at that.


I actually saw that the moment after I implemented the tutor... I will add a different move :D

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  On 10/20/2022 at 5:42 AM, Jackcat said:

During the first fight with Arceus (where ditto turns into Arceus) I get a message saying "item 'ATOMICPLATE' is not valid. Please add the item". Do you know what is causing the error? Is this an item from one of your other mods?


Possible from the radiation mod, whne dittoceus tries to use judgement, and due to the crystal cave area randomizing its type it's not findning the item.

Does it always happen or only sometimes? Or did you perhaps downloaded the radiation mod before at some point?

I'll look into that issue later and see for a fix.


Edit: sadly the issue is not happening for me, is anyone else having the same issue?

If not i recommend you re-downloading the mod, at least if you don't have the most recent yet. Maybe that helps already!

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A small hotfix  is out, sorry for the inconvenience! Links are updated.


  On 10/20/2022 at 12:18 PM, Jackcat said:

I found that the issue only occurs when using the new Pokebattle_MoveEffects.rb  file you uploaded recently. Perhaps you uploaded one from the Radiation mod by mistake?


That is absolutely true! I did mix them up this time (I usually work on my mods simulateously). I properly did the changes for the right file with the new update.


  On 10/20/2022 at 7:13 PM, epicduck6282 said:

big oof, no urshifu I guess


I can read Agate Circus in the first error. These were the previous "placeholder" for the Stones. I forgot to remove them after adding the Urshifu Event. You will get the right stone(s) from the Event in Azurine Cave appropriately.

Regarding the other two Errors, I hope the new update will fix them, please report if they still happen afterwards! I tried it before uploading, The Event worked for me (got the scrolls and the stone).



  • The new Move Tutor now gets Mimic rather than Megahorn
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Hi, the mod is really cool. I've been trying to breed Toxtricity though without success (the game says the pokemon can't be bred, with ditto or with male/female). I think Rejuvenaiton had the same issue with low key form unavailable where you had to modify the PBS file, using the debug mode or something like that.


I did want to ask though if you were planning to fix that at all from your side or not.

Thanks in advance.

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  On 10/24/2022 at 10:31 AM, Fervis said:

sure! I'll see what i can do about that! Is it generally not working or jsut when it is in its non-original from?



Generally not working. I think it comes from the fact that they are registered as "undiscovered" in the egg group or something. In both forms it's saying that they can't breed.

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Hey, sorry that this isn't exactly about the mod itself but I've been trying to find an answer to this question for the past couple days.
How did you manage to change or add encounters in certain areas? I've been trying to do so myself to no avail and I'm pretty lost

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  On 10/26/2022 at 12:05 AM, Alazir said:

How did you manage to change or add encounters in certain areas? I've been trying to do so myself to no avail and I'm pretty lost


its all managed via the PBS file 'encounters.txt'

all maps that contain pokemon you can encounter (grass, caves, etc) are listed there, with each pokemon that is located. 

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taking apophyll beach 

first, name of the map with the number

next are numbers that determine the probability of an encounter for each type (a bit unsure about those)

then, the specific type of how to encounter the pokemon listed below it (all of these types have a certain amount of slots)

then the pokemon with level-range you may encounter them

if you want to make a new one, you have to look at the map's name and add these steps accordingly.


lastly, of course you need to compile data for these changes to take effect. 


I hope that helps!



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  On 10/26/2022 at 10:25 AM, Fervis said:

its all managed via the PBS file 'encounters.txt'

all maps that contain pokemon you can encounter (grass, caves, etc) are listed there, with each pokemon that is located. 

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taking apophyll beach 

first, name of the map with the number

next are numbers that determine the probability of an encounter for each type (a bit unsure about those)

then, the specific type of how to encounter the pokemon listed below it (all of these types have a certain amount of slots)

then the pokemon with level-range you may encounter them

if you want to make a new one, you have to look at the map's name and add these steps accordingly.


lastly, of course you need to compile data for these changes to take effect. 


I hope that helps!




I had figured out the PBS compiling stuff, though I was lost on the numbers so that helps

I'm having a couple problems though, as when I tried to compile encounters in a given area (Opal Ward) to all be Bulbasaur as a test, it said it compiled fine but nothing changed

Also, how do I open the Map file in order to add encounters? Every time I try RPGXP says "unexpected file type"

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  On 10/26/2022 at 4:57 PM, Alazir said:

Also, how do I open the Map file in order to add encounters? Every time I try RPGXP says "unexpected file type"


for adding encounters, the encounters.txt file should be sufficient. I expect you did, but did you look at the time (morning/day/night)? and by chance, did you compile it while being on that map without refreshing (leaving map once)? Also, specifically for Opal Ward, did you change the Post-restoration Opal Ward or the pre-restoration one?

To know which map has what number, I open the project via rpg maker and in the bottom right corner there is the respective number of the currently opened map.

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  On 10/27/2022 at 11:53 AM, Fervis said:

for adding encounters, the encounters.txt file should be sufficient. I expect you did, but did you look at the time (morning/day/night)? and by chance, did you compile it while being on that map without refreshing (leaving map once)? Also, specifically for Opal Ward, did you change the Post-restoration Opal Ward or the pre-restoration one?

To know which map has what number, I open the project via rpg maker and in the bottom right corner there is the respective number of the currently opened map.

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Yeah I thought I refreshed the map but I guess not, that's that issue solved. TY! I do still need to figure out how to change the chance you have to encounter each mon if you have any insight there.

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the encounter rate for each individual pokemon on a map is defined by the place you put them into the list.

I'm not quite sure what the percentages were exactly, but it the first on the list should be ~50 -40%. this goes down to the last pokemon on the list with 1% encounter rate.

With the apophyll beach example, you would find palossand at a level of 37 to a ~1% chance, the previous one at level 36 ~5%

Sandygast would have the highest chance then of around 50%

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  On 10/30/2022 at 2:05 PM, Kavi said:

uh... I'm sorry if I sound stupid but... where can I find a hisuian zorua? cause I checked where I can find regular zorua and all I found was an event so... is it just not available?



In the southeasternmost part of Calcenon, there's a gentleman who is willing to trade any Pokemon in exchange for his H.Zorua. Additionally, H.Zoroark can be found in one of the rooms of Victory Road (if I recall correctly, it's a puzzle room with both ice and lava).

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Hey Fervis, Danke Schon (yes, you are beautiful) I love your mod! The Eeeveelutions are really cool and I have never played with Gen 8 Pokemon before. I am having issues evolving Eevee to Titaneon. I've given my Eevee a Metal Coat and tried levelling him up but it's not working :( Is there something I am missing? 

  • Thanks 1
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