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39 minutes ago, Dred said:

I'm going to point something out.
Blue is not telling Fervis to not make mods.
He is telling him to make his mod, using his own scripts, and not PoA scripts. There is nothing stating that he cannot make mods at all. 

Is it the scripts or the graphical effects (I thought it was just the graphical effects of the moves)? I mean if it is the scripts, then there is only so many ways to remake them. After all, Nintendo said what the effects are and what they do, not BT or Fervis, and the effects need to follow what Nintendo laid out (at least to be canon they do anyway). For example, the ability Dragon's Maw, I think there are only so many ways to program that, especially in Reborn. Also, aren't the scripts made, or mostly made, by the folks who made the Generation 8 Pack for Essentials, which are open for everyone to use?


Also, I think Fervis has tried to do this, or did do this, but he just wants BT's approval on the changes before they repload, but that is kind of hard to do as BT left.  @Dred

Edited by Jackcat
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11 hours ago, SapphireLucario said:

I'm sorry you've struggled with your mental health. However, I'm not a fan of your attitude. I guess you use autocorrect or type fast going by how random words in your posts are capitalized?


My phone uses german autocorrect so some words like "not" are regarded as the german word "Not". The word "THATS" is intentionally written capitalized.


11 hours ago, SapphireLucario said:

Mental health can drive folks to do questionable things. I've certainly had incidents like BT's. Like them, I've made myself leave communities to protect everyone from further harm. If I take down work? Well... Sorry, I'm not as strong as BT is in allowing it to stay up, thus increasing the chances I return to continue hurting myself in public. Our mental issues don't excuse folks from bashing us regardless or not we're around to see the bashing. Perhaps we don't deserve any Gen 8 or Gen 9 mods- Be it from replacement/re-approval from BT or the PoA team, or Fervis bringing them back as they were before- If this is how folks treats who struggle with their mental health and lash out because they lack sufficient outlets.

I read similar things under official gamefreak posts when they decided to cut the dex. Some people were disappointed due to dex cut and people said "we don't deserve the whole dex". So if we complain about a decision regarding a game, a mod or anything, we don't deserve it anymore? It was never against his mental health.



Hell, why get this mad over freaking mods?! I love my Skeledirge as much as the next guy, but it's not worth crying and screaming about if there's no further updates. If you're than desperate for Gen 8/Gen 9 stuff, why not reach out to the PoA team or keep watch of what Fervis is doing?


Why get this mad using assets from some freaking mods if I leave the forum forever?


And I never cried. And I never screamed (how can you read any "scream" from my post? Or did you hear me?). It was a simple critique. I am disappointed because in the past many projects (not mods) were taken down or deleted because there was one person complaining about using their work they just provided. They made something, it was used and later they said "its mine! Dont use it! Take it down!" and the project was ruined. It happened too often and some really cool projects are now deleted and abandoned just because of this. I dont "cry" about a freaking mod, I "cry" about the mentality which prevents cool and innovative projects. (Please note the quotation marks around the word "cry")




I'm done here. Sorry if I don't make sense or am in the wrong for not having all the details. I simply thought Train came on too strong and reared like a damn horse before grabbing a hatchet and swinging. How stupid of me. And I'm more sorry myself that my first post here is getting upset with someone for being like that. I mainly made this account because these forums won't let you download certain files without an account and look what I got myself into :/

Complaining about a gen 8 asset being used before leaving the forum: Ok.


Complaining abouth that decision: "Rearing like a damn horse before grabbing a hatchet and swinging".


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i understand your discussions right now, but please refrain from any more argument.

as mentioned i DO intent to upload my mod again, and i'm almost completely done with it. also as mentioned, blue just wanted his gen 8 additions taken out of my mods, not entirely restricting me on making mods.

this is my / our direction for now:

  • I am collaborating with maxxetto and others (gelius and Saphiada) , and we will make i big mod with all things (uranium, maxx's project, and other ideas)
  • depending on feedback and suggestions (and possibility in coding), we may bring up a switch in game to have heavy changes be reverted (most likely similar to PoA, where you could turn of the altform iirc).
  • i / we will bring up a very simple gen 8/9 mod that only has these two implementations, with 99% being the same otherwise (MAYBE very very few trainer battle changes with one new mon)

as we are literally only 4 persons right now (and before that alone >.>), there will again be bugs!


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3 hours ago, Fervis said:

i understand your discussions right now, but please refrain from any more argument.

as mentioned i DO intent to upload my mod again, and i'm almost completely done with it. also as mentioned, blue just wanted his gen 8 additions taken out of my mods, not entirely restricting me on making mods.

this is my / our direction for now:

  • I am collaborating with maxxetto and others (gelius and , and we will make i big mod with all things (uranium, maxx's project, and other ideas)
  • depending on feedback and suggestions (and possibility in coding), we may bring up a switch in game to have heavy changes be reverted (most likely similar to PoA, where you could turn of the altform iirc).
  • i / we will bring up a very simple gen 8/9 mod that only has these two implementations, with 99% being the same otherwise (MAYBE very very few trainer battle changes with one new mon)

as we are literally only 4 persons right now (and before that alone >.>), there will again be bugs!


Sounds pretty cool to me. Will there be  a new topic/thread for the new big mod (if there isn't one already)? Also, can't wait for your mod to be back. @Fervis

Edited by Jackcat
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5 hours ago, Fervis said:

i understand your discussions right now, but please refrain from any more argument.

as mentioned i DO intent to upload my mod again, and i'm almost completely done with it. also as mentioned, blue just wanted his gen 8 additions taken out of my mods, not entirely restricting me on making mods.

this is my / our direction for now:

  • I am collaborating with maxxetto and others (gelius and Saphiada) , and we will make i big mod with all things (uranium, maxx's project, and other ideas)
  • depending on feedback and suggestions (and possibility in coding), we may bring up a switch in game to have heavy changes be reverted (most likely similar to PoA, where you could turn of the altform iirc).
  • i / we will bring up a very simple gen 8/9 mod that only has these two implementations, with 99% being the same otherwise (MAYBE very very few trainer battle changes with one new mon)

as we are literally only 4 persons right now (and before that alone >.>), there will again be bugs!


Sorry for starting an argument with somebody. I'm the dumb one here.

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On 1/24/2023 at 6:30 AM, Fervis said:


  • i / we will bring up a very simple gen 8/9 mod that only has these two implementations, with 99% being the same otherwise (MAYBE very very few trainer battle changes with one new mon)



Will you also add Ash-Greninja? :3

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On 1/24/2023 at 5:55 PM, SapphireLucario said:

Sorry for starting an argument with somebody. I'm the dumb one here.

i'm not calling out directly to you, sorry if that felt this way. just wanted to adress that i don't want any more discussions about blue and his effect on the development of this mod here. you are definitely not dumb for arguing! thanks for approaching that way, but only happy chat and bug reports starting from now please :3


On 1/26/2023 at 2:42 AM, 20stalks said:

Will you also add Ash-Greninja? :3

i think there is a mod somewhere that adds it to your game, and iirc you can also use this with mods like this one. Not sure though need to look into it. Otherwise i maybe talk to the person who did the ash greninja mod and ask if i can add it.



I will most likely upload the mod tomorrow and we will see if anything is about to happen again regarding the recent situation.

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Even tho the mod is being rebuilt i just want to thank you playing with this mod makes the game so much more fun especially with debug mode and the remove disobedience mod great work also a bug is where the paradox forms return to base if the pokemon has a mega Examples being Salamence and Roaring Moon and Gallade and Iron Valiant.

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2 hours ago, Fervis said:

No te estoy llamando directamente, lo siento si eso se sintió de esta manera. Solo quería decir que no quiero más discusiones sobre el azul y su efecto en el desarrollo de este mod aquí. ¡Definitivamente no eres tonto por discutir! gracias por acercarse de esa manera, pero solo chat feliz e informes de errores a partir de ahora, por favor :3


Creo que hay un mod en alguna parte que lo agrega a tu juego, e iirc también puedes usarlo con mods como este. No estoy seguro, aunque necesito investigarlo. De lo contrario, tal vez hable con la persona que hizo el mod ash greninja y pregunte si puedo agregarlo.



Lo más probable es que suba el mod mañana y veremos si algo está a punto de volver a suceder con respecto a la situación reciente.

you will upload the same mod or with some changes we just hope it's pretty good like the old one here waiting for the mod

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9 hours ago, Fervis said:

i think there is a mod somewhere that adds it to your game, and iirc you can also use this with mods like this one. Not sure though need to look into it. Otherwise i maybe talk to the person who did the ash greninja mod and ask if i can add it.



I will most likely upload the mod tomorrow and we will see if anything is about to happen again regarding the recent situation.

There is mod that adds Ash Greninja to the game and it works with this mod. Link is below.



Edited by Jackcat
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7 hours ago, CorruptedJ98 said:

Even tho the mod is being rebuilt i just want to thank you playing with this mod makes the game so much more fun especially with debug mode and the remove disobedience mod great work also a bug is where the paradox forms return to base if the pokemon has a mega Examples being Salamence and Roaring Moon and Gallade and Iron Valiant.

I think this kind of a known issue right now (I think Toxtricity and Urshifu do the same thing) with currently no known fix except to use debug menu to change the form back. 

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40 minutes ago, Jackcat said:

Thank you so much. Yes, this is compatible and it works! Yeah, I tried adding a different Ash-Greninja mod before and it kept making the game crash lol.

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I renamed this thread (Look at the first page).

Also, the mod is updated once again!

Many things happened, and therefore some things may be buggy that weren't buggy before, so please report them!

New things and additons are mentioned on the front page.

In this version, all battle changes are reverted for now, so it's totally vanilla Reborn regarding story battles


There is no Patch online yet, as it would most likely cause errors with the previous version before the link removal. Will be up some time later.


And finally: Have fun

Edit: I actually forgot the starters to add in the grand hall - will update later lol


Edit: Updated the Goodle Docs link for permission to be looked at.

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Ok so I wanted to have Iron Hands in my team so I downloaded the debug mod :

It worked. The problem is after that, whenever I go in the TM section of my bag the game completely crashes.

All TM have their name deleted and there is just a bunch of blank spaces which made the game crashes when the cursor selects one of them. In the " objects " section of the bag a random blank item whitout a name like the TMs had appeared and when I scroll to it the game also crashes.

I tried to remove the debug file but it keeps crashing. Can someone pelase help me ?





Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
PokemonUtilities:830:in `pbItemIconFile'
PokemonBag:313:in `block (2 levels) in pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:299:in `loop'
PokemonBag:299:in `block in pbChooseItem'
SpriteWindow:1003:in `pbActivateWindow'
PokemonBag:298:in `pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:2063:in `block in pbStartScreen'
PokemonBag:2062:in `loop'
PokemonBag:2062:in `pbStartScreen'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:117:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartPokemonMenu'
SpriteWindow:923:in `pbFadeOutIn'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:116:in `block in pbStartPokemonMenu'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `loop'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `pbStartPokemonMenu'
Scene_Map:217:in `call_menu'
PokemonTime:177:in `call_menu'
Scene_Map:189:in `update'
Scene_Map:68:in `block in main'
Scene_Map:65:in `loop'
Scene_Map:65:in `main'
Main:45:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:26:in `mainFunction'
Main:81:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
Main:80:in `loop'
Main:80:in `block in <main>'
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
PokemonUtilities:830:in `pbItemIconFile'
PokemonBag:313:in `block (2 levels) in pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:299:in `loop'
PokemonBag:299:in `block in pbChooseItem'
SpriteWindow:1003:in `pbActivateWindow'
PokemonBag:298:in `pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:2063:in `block in pbStartScreen'
PokemonBag:2062:in `loop'
PokemonBag:2062:in `pbStartScreen'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:117:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartPokemonMenu'
SpriteWindow:923:in `pbFadeOutIn'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:116:in `block in pbStartPokemonMenu'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `loop'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `pbStartPokemonMenu'
Scene_Map:217:in `call_menu'
PokemonTime:177:in `call_menu'
Scene_Map:189:in `update'
Scene_Map:68:in `block in main'
Scene_Map:65:in `loop'
Scene_Map:65:in `main'
Main:45:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:26:in `mainFunction'
Main:81:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
Main:80:in `loop'
Main:80:in `block in <main>'
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
PokemonUtilities:830:in `pbItemIconFile'
PokemonBag:313:in `block (2 levels) in pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:299:in `loop'
PokemonBag:299:in `block in pbChooseItem'
SpriteWindow:1003:in `pbActivateWindow'
PokemonBag:298:in `pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:2063:in `block in pbStartScreen'
PokemonBag:2062:in `loop'
PokemonBag:2062:in `pbStartScreen'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:117:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartPokemonMenu'
SpriteWindow:923:in `pbFadeOutIn'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:116:in `block in pbStartPokemonMenu'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `loop'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `pbStartPokemonMenu'
Scene_Map:217:in `call_menu'
PokemonTime:177:in `call_menu'
Scene_Map:189:in `update'
Scene_Map:68:in `block in main'
Scene_Map:65:in `loop'
Scene_Map:65:in `main'
Main:45:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:26:in `mainFunction'
Main:81:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
Main:80:in `loop'
Main:80:in `block in <main>'
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
PokemonUtilities:830:in `pbItemIconFile'
PokemonBag:279:in `pbRefresh'
PokemonBag:336:in `block (2 levels) in pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:299:in `loop'
PokemonBag:299:in `block in pbChooseItem'
SpriteWindow:1003:in `pbActivateWindow'
PokemonBag:298:in `pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:2063:in `block in pbStartScreen'
PokemonBag:2062:in `loop'
PokemonBag:2062:in `pbStartScreen'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:117:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartPokemonMenu'
SpriteWindow:923:in `pbFadeOutIn'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:116:in `block in pbStartPokemonMenu'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `loop'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `pbStartPokemonMenu'
Scene_Map:217:in `call_menu'
PokemonTime:177:in `call_menu'
Scene_Map:189:in `update'
Scene_Map:68:in `block in main'
Scene_Map:65:in `loop'
Scene_Map:65:in `main'
Main:45:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:26:in `mainFunction'
Main:81:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
Main:80:in `loop'
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
PokemonUtilities:830:in `pbItemIconFile'
PokemonBag:279:in `pbRefresh'
PokemonBag:336:in `block (2 levels) in pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:299:in `loop'
PokemonBag:299:in `block in pbChooseItem'
SpriteWindow:1003:in `pbActivateWindow'
PokemonBag:298:in `pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:2063:in `block in pbStartScreen'
PokemonBag:2062:in `loop'
PokemonBag:2062:in `pbStartScreen'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:117:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartPokemonMenu'
SpriteWindow:923:in `pbFadeOutIn'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:116:in `block in pbStartPokemonMenu'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `loop'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `pbStartPokemonMenu'
Scene_Map:217:in `call_menu'
PokemonTime:177:in `call_menu'
Scene_Map:189:in `update'
Scene_Map:68:in `block in main'
Scene_Map:65:in `loop'
Scene_Map:65:in `main'
Main:45:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:26:in `mainFunction'
Main:81:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
Main:80:in `loop'
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
PokemonUtilities:830:in `pbItemIconFile'
PokemonBag:279:in `pbRefresh'
PokemonBag:329:in `block (2 levels) in pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:299:in `loop'
PokemonBag:299:in `block in pbChooseItem'
SpriteWindow:1003:in `pbActivateWindow'
PokemonBag:298:in `pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:2063:in `block in pbStartScreen'
PokemonBag:2062:in `loop'
PokemonBag:2062:in `pbStartScreen'
PokemonPauseMenu:187:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartPokemonMenu'
SpriteWindow:923:in `pbFadeOutIn'
PokemonPauseMenu:186:in `block in pbStartPokemonMenu'
PokemonPauseMenu:140:in `loop'
PokemonPauseMenu:140:in `pbStartPokemonMenu'
Scene_Map:217:in `call_menu'
PokemonTime:177:in `call_menu'
Scene_Map:189:in `update'
Scene_Map:68:in `block in main'
Scene_Map:65:in `loop'
Scene_Map:65:in `main'
Main:45:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:26:in `mainFunction'
Main:81:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
Main:80:in `loop'
Exception: NoMethodError
Message: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
PokemonUtilities:830:in `pbItemIconFile'
PokemonBag:279:in `pbRefresh'
PokemonBag:336:in `block (2 levels) in pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:299:in `loop'
PokemonBag:299:in `block in pbChooseItem'
SpriteWindow:1003:in `pbActivateWindow'
PokemonBag:298:in `pbChooseItem'
PokemonBag:2063:in `block in pbStartScreen'
PokemonBag:2062:in `loop'
PokemonBag:2062:in `pbStartScreen'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:117:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartPokemonMenu'
SpriteWindow:923:in `pbFadeOutIn'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:116:in `block in pbStartPokemonMenu'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `loop'
C:/Users/besan/OneDrive/Bureau/All Gen Reborn/Pokemon Reborn Gen 9/Data/Mods/AMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb:70:in `pbStartPokemonMenu'
Scene_Map:217:in `call_menu'
PokemonTime:177:in `call_menu'
Scene_Map:189:in `update'
Scene_Map:68:in `block in main'
Scene_Map:65:in `loop'
Scene_Map:65:in `main'
Main:45:in `mainFunctionDebug'
Main:26:in `mainFunction'
Main:81:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
Main:80:in `loop'



Edited by chaldine
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I'll update the front page for this:


Due to the overhaul from base, items like TM's, as well as Moves will be switched around or having no value!

I'm really sorry that i oversaw this without mentioning!


Sadly, there is not way around it in old save files, except for debugging and removing the items from the bag = "empty bag" (and afterwards putting them back in)

If you were already in a playthrough, I highly recommend first completing your playthrough with the older version, and afterwards going to the new version with a new save file!


Really sorry for the inconvenience in that regard! There was a lot to clean up in the data that led to a lot of reordering.

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1 hour ago, Elevan said:

in the future you will change some team of some trainers to increase the difficulty

the opponents teams will be changed in the future yeah, but for they're just focusing on making sure everything is working properly, to then later worry about balancing the teams

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