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54 minutes ago, Rule9730 said:

Ursaring just has to be at night using the peat block

So I tried this. And no good. I've had him hold it, tried using it as an item. Nothing.


Does ursaring have to be a certain level??

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2 hours ago, SheikiFang said:

I have a question on evolving rellor and pawmi. How does that work in reborn??


Honestly on a few. Ursaring being as it needs a full moon. Most of these that are coming from legends arceus/Scarlett & Violett have me intrigued on how you have them implemented.

Level up Rellor while holding a Psychic Gem. I'm assuming the reasoning there was calling to mind the "gem" Rabsca is holding. Pawmi evolves just by leveling and Pawmo requires a Thunder Stone, if I'm not mistaken.


Edit: The PBS files say "Evolutions=URSALUNA,ItemNight,PEATBLOCK". That means that it should evolve if the Peat Block is used on it at night. I checked, and I can't get it to work, either; I'm guessing the Ursaring evolution just isn't working. 

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7 minutes ago, Saslen said:

Level up Rellor while holding a Psychic Gem. I'm assuming the reasoning there was calling to mind the "gem" Rabsca is holding. Pawmi evolves just by leveling and Pawmo requires a Thunder Stone, if I'm not mistaken.


Edit: The PBS files say "Evolutions=URSALUNA,ItemNight,PEATBLOCK". That means that it should evolve if the Peat Block is used on it at night. I checked, and I can't get it to work, either; I'm guessing the Ursaring evolution just isn't working. 

That suckssss. I wanted an ursaluna. Oh well ursaring is coming off the team until such time

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sorry for all these issues, but thanks for all your help and reporting!

i will go through everything mentioned starting monday. i even got most of them done already, except for the starlight arena bug , the dialga/palkia thing, and the tauros breeding.


Thanks  @Saslen for all your answering while i am not here btw! really cool 💯

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12 minutes ago, Fervis said:

sorry for all these issues, but thanks for all your help and reporting!

i will go through everything mentioned starting monday. i even got most of them done already, except for the starlight arena bug , the dialga/palkia thing, and the tauros breeding.


Thanks  @Saslen for all your answering while i am not here btw! really cool 💯

Glad to hear it, and no problem; always happy to help.

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19 hours ago, Lightman said:

I am stuck on the gimmighoul event. Anyone figure out where the riddles are?


'Fraid I can't help there. For me, the hiker just keeps talking about how the desert is full of both treasures and dangers, with no indication of what else is to be done. In the interest of avoiding total spoilers in the general thread, I DM'd you the explanations.


Edit: Also, for Fervis, I encountered a bug when attempting to catch a Zamazenta. It just skipped to the next turn when I tried to capture it, but when I tried to debug it in, the game crashed.




Edit 2: I checked Zacian, and it did the same thing.

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new update~

  • Xatutite, Scraftinite and Chimechonite should be fixed
  • Dialga Palkia Zacian and Zamazenta encounter should be fixed
  • for anyone trying to start the gimmighoul event, try to interact with the ticket counter beforehand (this should trigger the event)
  • Mirror Armor fixed
  • Supreme Overlord implemented
  • Protosynthesis / Quark Drive implemented (not entirely the same right now)
  • Reversed Ursaluna Evo method to just using the item (no idea what the scripts want me to do right now with this evo method >.>)
  • applin is now in the trash bin in obsidia ward
  • changed a code for starlight arena that might fix the issue (unsure whether that was the reason)
  • changed a code for tauros which could fix the issue
  • added some missing sprites

sorry with all the "should", i can't playtest myself right now due to game file progress and generally less time with uni at the moment!

still, have fun and thanks for all your patience and bug reports!

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8 hours ago, Fervis said:

new update~

  • Xatutite, Scraftinite and Chimechonite should be fixed
  • Dialga Palkia Zacian and Zamazenta encounter should be fixed
  • for anyone trying to start the gimmighoul event, try to interact with the ticket counter beforehand (this should trigger the event)
  • Mirror Armor fixed
  • Supreme Overlord implemented
  • Protosynthesis / Quark Drive implemented (not entirely the same right now)
  • Reversed Ursaluna Evo method to just using the item (no idea what the scripts want me to do right now with this evo method >.>)
  • applin is now in the trash bin in obsidia ward
  • changed a code for starlight arena that might fix the issue (unsure whether that was the reason)
  • changed a code for tauros which could fix the issue
  • added some missing sprites

sorry with all the "should", i can't playtest myself right now due to game file progress and generally less time with uni at the moment!

still, have fun and thanks for all your patience and bug reports!


What works for me:

  • Xatutite, Scraftinite, Chimechonite fixed
  • Gimmighoul event works
  • Mirror Armor works
  • Protosynthesis/Quark Drive work (so does the Booster Energy item, incidentally).
    • Caveat: When I was testing Quark Drive by battling a terrain-setting Pincurchin, I had to switch out and back in before it activated. I then did the same with Protosynthesis against an enemy Drought Ninetales and found the same occurred there.
  • Ursaring evolution works
  • Applin is indeed back
  • I'm not getting any problems with Starlight Arena anymore


What is bugged for me:

  • Dialga, Palkia, Zacian, and Zamazenta still bug at the end of battle. Pretty sure it's a different bug, though. Specifically, the game is fine during and after the battle itself and when you open the party menu before battling. They only bug when you try to open the party menu after finishing the battle. See attached image.
  • I don't think Supreme Overlord works. I went into a battle with a level 150 Abomasnow with no party members fainted and with all but Kingambit pre-fainted. In both cases, I used the same move. The damage was about the same. See additional attached images.
  • Protosynthesis/Quark Drive's caveat
  • Tauros still isn't breeding Paldean forms when holding Mystic Water, Black Belt, or Charcoal

Palkia/Dialga/Zacian/Zamazenta bug on opening party menu post-battle:



Kingambit Kowtow Cleave damage, all team-mates still alive:



Kingambit Kowtow Cleave damage, Pre-fainted team:



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59 minutes ago, Turtleboi said:

Can somebody give me the exact location of the Peat Block please?

I'm not sure if one is on Azurine Island anymore, but the hiker in Neo-Peridot train station (the place where you go to travel to the desert) sells them after you've caught Gimmighoul.

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About paldean tauros breeding, in last update, paldean forms did not have a sprite, and for me, with a ditto, breeding worked just fine so you got a regular looking tauros that's actually fighting type with cud chew ability for example. Multiple forms worked. But since we had no sprite, it didn't look different.

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Hi I have a few location questions for tm's. These might be simple, but in case anyone one else has them. TM 129 Avalanche, I couldn't find in Citrine Mountain, again this might just be missing it. TMs 153-155, Hurricane, power whip, and megahorn. I can't find them from neo peridot vendor.  I got all the other neo peridot vendor tm's. Talked with every npc post gym 18, and don't see an option to buy them. TM 168 Baton Pass -  Guide says Tsukinami village, which I think is only in Uranium.

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3 hours ago, Collectivemind30 said:

Hi Fervis,


Where can I find the Galarian birds as it's not the doc, is it in the Overworld like the Galarian Regis?


Unless the method or item location has changed with the new update, you should be able to pick up an item called "Galarian Feather" from the Grand Hall. Use it on one of the birds and it will change form.


10 hours ago, MiguelTerron said:

does this mod works with pokemon rejuvenation?


It does not, no.

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47 minutes ago, MiguelTerron said:

hey! I think there is a bug that doesn't allow me to get hisuian braviary, it has no sprites ingame. Has anyone had this issue?

I can still evolve H.Braviary. Try evolving your Rufflet in Iolia Valley and then checking its typing.

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