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21 minutes ago, Centauris91 said:

Hi, can anyone tell me where to get the Mega Stone for Roserade? In the guide, it says that it is available in the Water Treatment Center. Where exactly? I've battled Ciel already.

It's in the room where you and Titania confront Taka. Bottom left corner, next to some barrels.


Edit: Imgur link

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On 3/4/2023 at 4:28 PM, XD2491 said:

Next question:


Works the methode to get a Maushold with only one child in the same way like Dudunsparce with 3 segments?

In that case it seems like it's actually not possible for me to get a one.

Tandemaus is actually not available as an encounter in the Tanzan Cove area, only Maushold with two kinds appears: 870376085_Screenshot2023-03-04212156.png.144936c5180acaeeb3f7c5ffebb49dce.png549877954_Screenshot2023-03-04212131.png.4ba2c5510208243ca0597879efb914a3.png614333386_Screenshot2023-03-04212038.png.b9f1610e7e6efe3bf34a463acb53e6de.png


And I don't know if a Maushold with one kid can also appear in this area    : -/

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On 2/26/2023 at 4:51 PM, Fervis said:

i reworked this a tiny bit. Rather than on evolution, you have a 1 in 10 chance to catch a dunsparce with form 1. then you will get a triple dudunsparce, which makes it easier in general and to shiny breed.


As I can't produce this error on my side, the only thing I suggest is you send me your game file and I try whether the issue happens for me then.

I even downloaded it myself, started a new game and tried it, and it worked perfectly fine for me :(

It has been a while but I finally learned how to share saves with other people. Now, here is my save file (Not trying to be that guy but I also noticed a bug that causes Wave Crash to not deal recoil damage and another bug that makes Ceaseless Edge deal no damage. The Victory Dance bug that I described earlier is still there despite just downloading the most recent patch:():Game_2.rxdata

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On 3/6/2023 at 6:29 AM, Alejandro said:

Now, here is my save file

I'll test it over the week! got deadlines for uni so a bit less time.


  • i'll change the encounter to tandemaus!
  • i'll update the excel file for changed evolutions and some more specific mega stone locations (and gimmighoul event)
  • On 3/2/2023 at 2:38 PM, Lucida said:

    This might work. Code's taken from Last Respects.

    already implemented! forgot to remove it from the first page as WIP. 

  • also thanks for your trainer battle changes overview. We will most likely make a rework on that later as we have something planned for more variability.
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1 hour ago, Centauris91 said:

1) I can't find the TM for Avalanche near the rogue Beartic when I saved the Smoochum from it.

I'm afraid I can't help you here. I don't know where to find this one.


1 hour ago, Centauris91 said:

2) I can't evolve my Galarian Farfetch'd into Sirfetch'd even after landing three crits. I tried twice.

I tested by having a G.Farfech'd with a debugged in Flower Trick (always crits) fight the Penthouse Blissey trainer and it evolved just fine. Were the criticals all in one battle? Maybe it needs to level up after getting the criticals? Worst case scenario, you can change its species via debug (species ID is 865). It would hardly be cheating if you got the criticals and it was just the game being finicky.


Edit: @dracky

I'm not exactly an expert in this, so I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the problem with the Arcanine is that, in MultipleForms.rb, which defines both regional forms and megas, the default form is marked as the Kanto variety (see below). This is, presumably, to prevent it from staying in Mega form after battle. Assuming the Hisuian variant is supposed to be able to mega evolve at all, there would need to be additional parameters specifying that, if it's form 1 before evolving, that's it's default form, not form 0.


PBSpecies::ARCANINE => {
    :FormName => {1 => "Hisui",
    2 => "Mega"
:DefaultForm => 0,
:MegaForm => 2,

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5 minutes ago, Centauris91 said:

@Saslen, yeah. I tried it using Fury Cutter thrice. The crits are all in one battle, consecutively. The wild Pokemon I'm battling afterwards faints. Is it because I battled against wild Pokemon instead of trainer Pokemon?

Not sure. My guess is that your Farfetch'd hadn't leveled up afterward, but I could be wrong. I'm going to go check with a max level G.Farfech'd, so it can't level up while I test it.


Edit: It did not evolve this time.

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2 minutes ago, Centauris91 said:

@Saslen , it worked. Thanks. So for those looking for the answer, make sure your Galarian Farfetch'd scores three crits in a Single Battle, and level it up afterwards with a Rare Candy. You'll get your Sirfetch'd.

No problem!

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12 hours ago, dracky said:

I mega evolved my hisuian arcanine and now is a normal one

not just for hisuians, for all forms like marowak: there seems to be a mistake, as they are not intended to have the ability for mega evolution, only the normal forms do.

I look into that issue, but please refrain from mega evolving an alternate form of a pokemon that got a custom mega as its only for the original mon mentioned!

13 hours ago, VfV said:

I don't know if this has already been mentioned but Mega Milotic doesn't seem to have regenerator like it says in the excel file. It has marvel scale instead.

Ill fix that!

3 hours ago, Centauris91 said:

Hand Mixer is no longer sold at the Sweet Kiss Candy Shop post - restoration

will add it with the next update!

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