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Hello, I would like to know how to capture Fuecoco since I already caught the other starters of Paldea and I only need him, none of my attempts have been useful :(


  On 7/4/2022 at 4:35 PM, Fervis said:


All Gen Reborn Mod!




Hi Everyone!~


This is the Forum Thread from the previously named "Eeveelution mod"!

This mod contains - or will contain - all Pokemon from all generations over time! 

Current task: DLC - The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero!  



If anyone want to make changes for themselves by compiling, eventing, or similar: The PBS File is within the mod download!

I take no responsibility for self-modded bugs ( I can try to help though!)



  • Generation 8 and 9 Pokemon, Moves, Abilities, Items
  • Gigantamax forms added as  Mega forms
  • Pokemon Legends: Arceus inclusive
  • A separate save folder to easier distinguish between your saves
  • New abilities distributed to suitable Pokemon from older generations


Custom additions:

  1. Custom Megas! They are totally optional (depending on the version) and are listed in the docs!
  • Mega Stones can be purchased from a Gentleman in Calcenon City after Amaria's Badge. This is totally optional and only gives some variety for anyone who wants something new!


       2. Sunkern Switchers! You can find them in nearly any Poke Center to switch your battle experience against many Trainer NPCs!

  • When updating the game on an already active playthrough, you have to talk to a sunkern switcher anywhere at least once! battles won't initiate otherwise!


       3. Eeveelutions! First, all Eeveelutions now have Three abilities! In Addition, custom Eeveelutions (all types) can be accessed depending on the version of this mod (read below)


Things to do:

  • Cud Chew and Opportunist WIP
  • Mirror Herb WIP
  • Loyal Three and Ogerpon debug only
  • Blood Moon Ursaluna debug only


Compatible mods that are common or favourably used (should work 99%):


If anyone wants to play this mod with Vilrose's Doublebattle mod you can use this modified version!

DBE -AllGen version - By Vilrose.zip 68.03 kB · 42 downloads


NOT compatible with these mods (also DO NOT use save files between these mods and this one):

  • Pokemon Nightmare Mod
  • Pokemon Memeborn
  • Other mods that directly change ingame scripts



Downloads (Current Versions v4.5a)

You can choose between TWO versions!


1. AllGen Reborn: Contains only the optional Custom Megas and no Custom Eeveelutions! This will mostly effect the Pokedex and will feel more "canonical".



2. Eevee Reborn: Contains Custom Megas and Eeveelutions! This version also has a different Pokedex order and NPC battles still, which is still being worked on.

    For everyone who wants to continue their journey from older game files, USE THIS VERSION. The other version is not compatible with previous game files yet!




Patches(Current Versions v4.5a)

You can choose between TWO versions! Only use the patch for the respective version you have!


1. AllGen Reborn patch:



2. Eevee Reborn patch:



Google spreadsheet


You can also find the spreadsheet in your Mod mainfolder!



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Bug Report:

Please report all bugs you can find related to abilities, incompatibilities, crashes etc. in the comment section or by contacting me in the Reborn Discord in #Reborn-Mods Channel!


Have fun!



For the Eeveelutions:

In my previous thread here I more or less gathered all ideas I found and published them there. However, it became a bit rough to look at so I'll redo it here for a better overview!


First: Eeveon - Normal Type

Design Credits go to MirthfulArtist!  (Sprite by me)


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Second: Maneon - Fighting Type

Sprite and Design Credits go to Cachomon!


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Third: Hawkeon - Flying Type

Design Credits: Eleanor Brick (Sprite by me)


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Fourth: Bristleon - Ground Type

Design and Sprite Credits go to Kiiro-Nee san


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Fifith (half way through!): Zirconeon - Rock Type

Credits for Design: Off-ColorDarkrai


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Sixth: Titaneon - Steel Type (My favourite!)

There were no names associated with this design, if anyone may know from where please tell me!

Sprite Credit goes to Badman#6291 form our Reborn Community!


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Seventh: Ephemeon - Bug Type

Also no associated name for credit, however I found it here


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Three left! Eighth: Toxeon - Poison Type

Credits: Dazed Flame

Sprite Credits go to The archived Eeveelution Thread


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Ninth: Kitsuneon - Ghost Type

Awesome Design Credited to OnyxBlock

Sprite Credits: Kriyanceldt


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And the last one! Drekeon - Dragon Type

Design by Mykel Ryan (Sprite by me)


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Disclaimer: Those who were reachable I got their permission to use their designs! If anyone, for whatever reason, may change their decision, I naturally will replace them with other design as long as I can find new ones! 


Credits (contact me for missing names, they are all appreciated):

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  On 10/28/2023 at 8:31 PM, Sva3728 said:


Hello, I would like to know how to capture Fuecoco since I already caught the other starters of Paldea and I only need him, none of my attempts have been useful :(




You ought to be able to find Fuecoco in the Pokemon Center of Ametrine (the snowy place) after defeating Blake. If I recall correctly, you need to give the Fuecoco a Blue Moon Ice Cream, and it will join your party.

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Hi, sorry to bother you, but i just got Miraidon + Koraidon. It seems like their abilities are bugged atm, they cant summon sun/electric terrain

Aside from the "Eevee Reborn" mod, i used the mod that are 99% compability in your guide, which are:


[[Compatible mods that are common or favourably used (should work 99%):

  Aironfaar's Mod Box

  SWM Modular Modpack

  Pyrolusitium's UI Overhaul

  Ash-Greninja Mod!]]

What can i do to fix this ? 

Edited by XavierMinh
wrong typing
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On first entering the Grand Hall basement level (in Eevee Reborn), the black transition screen never ends. For some reason, this isn't a problem on my later files. Maybe it has to do with whether the A.Vulpixes have been released? That's the only thing I can think of.

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Hey there! I recently fell in love with this mod and wanted to test out the new megas, but if I mega evolve certain pokemon with other regional forms then they just permanently and irreversibly change into their other form and lock out the mega evolution option for them. From my own testing the following change regional form: Typhlosion with X -> H. Typhlosion, and Sandslash -> A. Sandslash. Ninetales, Arcanine, Dugtrio, Marowak, and Corsola work fine, and Typhlosionite Y turns into the Typhlosion X Mega. Is there something I'm missing or doing wrong?

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  On 11/3/2023 at 9:37 AM, Maximus1Prime said:

but if I mega evolve certain pokemon with other regional forms then they just permanently and irreversibly change into their other form and lock out the mega evolution option for them.


they were the most recent additions, just some errors in the script! Will be fixed with the next patch!


  On 11/4/2023 at 4:09 PM, XavierMinh said:

Wind Rider doesnt work as intended like in the document said, it only boost Atk once when tail wind begins, not every end turn, Is this a bug ?


it was actually working like that, but I reverted it back into its original state, I forgot to remove the entry from the docs!


  On 11/4/2023 at 1:19 PM, BabaYaga said:

Hello, I have a question, does the Wicked Torque move work for you? Because for me it doesn't show up in the list of moves in debug mode, and when I try to teach it to some pokemon through lvl it doesn't work. The other Torque moves are fine.


i'll check that! ~

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  On 11/15/2023 at 10:41 PM, Sva3728 said:
How can I catch Kidfuu?

Last I checked, Kubfu is a reward for Pokedex completion from Bee in Agate City. According to the Excel file that comes with the download, Fervis also added a second one at Apophyll Academy after beating Saphira. According to said guide, you need Urshifu in the first slot in your party.

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Hello I know Snowscape was included as a separate move/field effect(?) in one of the earlier versions I played (I think it was 3.0a?) with hail still being the default ice type weather. Has this been changed so far? As an ice type enthusiast the general buff of hail into snow is one of my favorite changes, so I'm curious if I'll be able to use that strategy now.

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  On 11/18/2023 at 11:35 PM, microwavexxx said:

Hey does anyone know when Primeape learns rage fist in this mod, in every database I'm checking it says 35 but my Primeape hasn't learned rage fist for some odd reason.


The level at which it was learned was moved further off for balance reasons. Annihilape that early on just broke the game. It learns Rage Fist at 42 now, I think.

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