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Paradox event bug


When I talk to Gauging Fire, Get Iron Boulder instead of Gauging Fire


Some pokemon can't learn MV


Cloyster also can't learn Drill Run

Iron Moth can't learn Energy Ball , Dazzling Gleam

Roaring Moon can't learn Jaw Lock


And where can I get MV


129 Avalanche

199 Lunge

Edited by Eclipsis
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  On 1/9/2024 at 8:22 AM, Saslen said:

There's a kind of hierarchy of evolution with the Eevees. If it's evolving into Hawkeon, it's windy, and that is superseding the Sylveon evo. Wait until the weather changes, then try again. There should be a section of the Excel guide in the download showing all of the Eevee evolution methods, so you can tell what's going on.


Thank you, worked perfectly for me now :D evolved it in a Cave

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  On 1/11/2024 at 8:30 PM, Kisame said:

Hi everyone!
I installed the Eevee Mod but since i did so my game freeze  whenever  i try to battle a Gym leader. Tried with different saves, always the same problem. Any suggestion?


Just to take a wild stab at the problem, have you talked to one of the Sunkerns to choose whether the opponents are using the custom or vanilla teams? Because I'm pretty sure that changed battles don't start if you don't do that.


Edit: The Sunkerns are usually in Pokemon Centers or before major story battles.

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  On 1/13/2024 at 9:29 AM, Fou-lu said:

I just installed the mod, went to the sunkern, and changed the mod to all gen mode for story battles. I do not see any changes to the pokedex or pokemon being used by the npcs. 


The Pokedex wouldn't change. The only thing the Sunkerns do is change battles. As for those not changing, they affect specific battles, like the Gym Leaders, or Fern. Are those still staying the same?

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Thanks to @Saslen for responding to so many questions - You're a big help here <3


Hydrappale and Archaludon are available with the recent patch 5.5 - Teach Dipplin Dragon Cheer (TM found in Calcenon PokeMart)

If you want Archaludon, use a Metal Alloy on Duraludon (found in LCCC in Mime Pulse area - or Department Store later)


The Supersweet Syrup bug is from a mishap while merging some other files - will be fixed!

Bee's quest rewards are all the same, except that you get a Kubfu at 600 Dex entries - afterwards the rewards are just pushed up 100 dex entries.


Thanks for the reports ~

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Electrode doesn't get Battery in the mod anymore, I guess. Also, why does Wugtrio has Tripe Axel instead of Triple Dive?

I also found out Hiusian Voltorb still has the Legends Arceus moveset instead of the S/V learnset. H-Electrode possibly still does I assume but doesn't get Chloroblast via evolving like in S/V. I wonder if any other LA mons still have the wrong set.


Also, I felt the doc wasn't update or wrong. For example, Morpeko is the Slums Mystery Egg when i enter MonoElectric password and Cyclizar is in the Game Corner instead of Wiglett. Also it incorrectly says Articbax is available after Shade and Pinurchin is available after Kiki. The Good Rod isn't available yet.


Edit: I actually found Pinurchin by a rock in the training grounds.


Is it me or does Rising Voltage actually didn't increase in power in Electric Terrain? 

Another bug. Hangry Mode Aura Wheel gets affected by electric immunity abilities. Was it like that in the canon games.


Not to mention a lot of TM compability errors for several Pokemon not just Paradox

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  On 1/19/2024 at 4:00 PM, tomtotoro said:

What did I do wrong but after copying and pasting the new path. There are errors in graphics and abilities between the old and newly added PKMs.



Quoting Fervis:

"Apologising in advance - Eevee version has been removed and Eeveelutions were merged into the AllGen version as totally optional! It's been unnecessary double the work for me updating a nearly idtentical PBS twice  ._.

Meaning - only the ones playing with Eevee version will have their Gen9 Pokemon shifted around - The Pokedex order was wrong in Eevee version so that's been corrected by the merge with AllGen."


In order to fix that, use the Debug mod. Click on the Pokemon in question, go to the debug option, then go to the species option. Luckily, the name of the Pokemon is the same as the species it used to be. For example, your Baxcalibur was turned into Wugtrio, but its name didn't change, so you know it's actually Baxcalibur. Just change it back to what it once was. (Edit: If you nicknamed any Pokemon and don't remember what species they were, I'm afraid you'll have to do some sleuthing. You can likely figure it out from where you caught the Pokemon and/or the moves it has, since the Excel file that comes with the download has a section for Pokemon locations.)


Edit: If you don't have the debug mod, it's in Aironfaar's Mod Box. That page has installation instructions, but I'll repeat it here. Download and then extract the mods. Then, put AMB - AddOpt.rbAMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb, and AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokemonScreen_pbPokemonScreen.rb into <Pokémon Reborn install path>/Data/Mods. After that, in your in-game Options menu, you should see "Show Debug Menu" under Additional Options. Either PKMN or Both needs to be the set option to alter your Pokemon from the menu.


Note that you really shouldn't mess around with debug options if you don't know what they do.

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  On 1/19/2024 at 4:06 PM, Saslen said:

Quoting Fervis:

"Apologising in advance - Eevee version has been removed and Eeveelutions were merged into the AllGen version as totally optional! It's been unnecessary double the work for me updating a nearly idtentical PBS twice  ._.

Meaning - only the ones playing with Eevee version will have their Gen9 Pokemon shifted around - The Pokedex order was wrong in Eevee version so that's been corrected by the merge with AllGen."


In order to fix that, use the Debug mod. Click on the Pokemon in question, go to the debug option, then go to the species option. Luckily, the name of the Pokemon is the same as the species it used to be. For example, your Baxcalibur was turned into Wugtrio, but its name didn't change, so you know it's actually Baxcalibur. Just change it back to what it once was. (Edit: If you nicknamed any Pokemon and don't remember what species they were, I'm afraid you'll have to do some sleuthing. You can likely figure it out from where you caught the Pokemon and/or the moves it has, since the Excel file that comes with the download has a section for Pokemon locations.)


Edit: If you don't have the debug mod, it's in Aironfaar's Mod Box. That page has installation instructions, but I'll repeat it here. Download and then extract the mods. Then, put AMB - AddOpt.rbAMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb, and AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokemonScreen_pbPokemonScreen.rb into <Pokémon Reborn install path>/Data/Mods. After that, in your in-game Options menu, you should see "Show Debug Menu" under Additional Options. Either PKMN or Both needs to be the set option to alter your Pokemon from the menu.


Note that you really shouldn't mess around with debug options if you don't know what they do.



  On 1/19/2024 at 4:06 PM, Saslen said:

Quoting Fervis:

"Apologising in advance - Eevee version has been removed and Eeveelutions were merged into the AllGen version as totally optional! It's been unnecessary double the work for me updating a nearly idtentical PBS twice  ._.

Meaning - only the ones playing with Eevee version will have their Gen9 Pokemon shifted around - The Pokedex order was wrong in Eevee version so that's been corrected by the merge with AllGen."


In order to fix that, use the Debug mod. Click on the Pokemon in question, go to the debug option, then go to the species option. Luckily, the name of the Pokemon is the same as the species it used to be. For example, your Baxcalibur was turned into Wugtrio, but its name didn't change, so you know it's actually Baxcalibur. Just change it back to what it once was. (Edit: If you nicknamed any Pokemon and don't remember what species they were, I'm afraid you'll have to do some sleuthing. You can likely figure it out from where you caught the Pokemon and/or the moves it has, since the Excel file that comes with the download has a section for Pokemon locations.)


Edit: If you don't have the debug mod, it's in Aironfaar's Mod Box. That page has installation instructions, but I'll repeat it here. Download and then extract the mods. Then, put AMB - AddOpt.rbAMB - AddOpt_DebugMenu.rb, and AMB - MonkeyPatched_PokemonScreen_pbPokemonScreen.rb into <Pokémon Reborn install path>/Data/Mods. After that, in your in-game Options menu, you should see "Show Debug Menu" under Additional Options. Either PKMN or Both needs to be the set option to alter your Pokemon from the menu.


Note that you really shouldn't mess around with debug options if you don't know what they do.



Thnks for saving my life, btw can i ask how Terapagos change form in battle , I don't see it

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