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On 2/12/2024 at 3:42 PM, Fervis said:

Gelius (one of your devs) is working on a movepool overhaul, so to say: I think his 1rst goal is to unify the movesets of each Pokemon throughout all generations

Meaning that if Togekiss gets Moonblast in PLA, it will get it with the overhaul most likely!


I recall a bug involving rayquaza and the mod yes...

And while checking the Readme in the download, it seems to be the wrong text file. I will update the readme and make it very clear to read them when using!

Apparently the Rayquaza quest indeed soft locks you from progressing. I really hope you do have a back-up file previous to Rayquaza >.<

Ideally remove the mod until the Rayquest is finished!

Here are the files that you need to replace!

Backup files Doubles mod.zip 54.51 kB · 1 download



THAT'S .... a long-due oversight. lol

Will be fixed!

Just wanted to say thanks for the stuff. I had some backups and did some messing around with debug to progress. 

Also for the Zarude question, it did give it to me. So everything else for the event worked fine. Sorry for not responding earlier, I don't check the forums everyday. 

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17 hours ago, Crickzilla said:

This happens both when I start to event as intended (loaded a backup save) and used Debug to activate it (main save where I'm on Tier 7 and the glasses guy won't give me the event).

two questions, does it lock you out of the event or is it still progressing?

and, can you check via debug the switches and variables, and tell me your "questerpon" and "RunPon" checks?


and sure, i can put meltan as an encounter somewhere in post game, or add another one to the event!


4 hours ago, truthlearning said:

Also for the Zarude question, it did give it to me. So everything else for the event worked fine. Sorry for not responding earlier, I don't check the forums everyday. 

no problem! I'll check it some time later again

Well, sucks for zarude, gotta freeze there for the time being lol.

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6 hours ago, Fervis said:

two questions, does it lock you out of the event or is it still progressing?

and, can you check via debug the switches and variables, and tell me your "questerpon" and "RunPon" checks?

I was indeed locked out of the Ogerpon event when updating due to me starting the Dogs and Zarude quest already. And it's indeed zero when I checked the switch and varaiables. RunPon is Zero too.


On the other hand I actually completed my MonoElectric run! I clutched with the crit and Blades miss.

I was so bewildered on what even happened.


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11 hours ago, BuildoPat123 said:

also could you please add a second gimmighoul for the living dex

there will be some modifications to pokemone, including egg groups with the next patch. ghimmighoul is probably gonna be able to breed!


shinies are a continuous process! Depends on the submissions currently

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While proceeding through the game with this mod, after exiting Blake's house in Ametrine for the first time following Shelly, our path seems to be interrupted by Ogerpon (who is just there running in place, and has been since I first arrived in the city) softlocking the entire game. Ogerpon cannot be interacted with. The flag Ogerquest is set to off, and Ogerrun is 0 (or whatever they're called).

Edited by xmasbarkley
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5 minutes ago, Redo. said:

Could someone help me with the Gimmighoul event? I talked to the Hiker but no idea how to proceed with the clues

The info is in the doc (called "AllGen Reborn Guide"), in the New Pokemon Location section. Look for Gimmighoul's entry. Expand the text box if you can't see the full thing


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20 minutes ago, AverageJJbaEnjoyer said:

The info is in the doc (called "AllGen Reborn Guide"), in the New Pokemon Location section. Look for Gimmighoul's entry. Expand the text box if you can't see the full thing



Thanks, didn't know you could just expand for more info

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if you want to talk to the blonde glasses to trigger the quest you' only need to activate the questerpon Switch!

Being in Tier 8 should also skip you from the Zacian quest, if you want to do that one as well you'd have to change the "questarude" switch to on.

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First situation, Switches Zacheckian ( On ) Zamadone ( On ) Zarudone ( On ) questarude ( Off ) questerpon ( Off )


And change switches

1) Switches Zacheckian ( On ) Zamadone ( On ) Zarudone ( On ) questarude ( On )  questerpon ( On ) / X
1) Switches Zacheckian ( Off ) Zamadone ( Off ) Zarudone ( Off ) questarude ( On )  questerpon ( On ) / X
2) Switches Zacheckian ( Off ) Zamadone ( Off ) Zarudone ( Off ) questarude ( On )  questerpon ( On ) / X
3) Switches Zacheckian ( Off ) Zamadone ( Off ) Zarudone ( Off ) questarude ( On )  questerpon ( Off ) / X

4) Switches Zacheckian ( Off ) Zamadone ( Off ) Zarudone ( Off ) questarude ( Off )  questerpon ( Off ) / X

Every case I get out nightclub, save game and restart

NPC say 'Always good to see you friend! Though it starts to get on my ears, staying here for... whatever reason...'


Just to be sure, I already check to ametrine city.


Edited by Eclipsis
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10 hours ago, Eclipsis said:

NPC say 'Always good to see you friend! Though it starts to get on my ears, staying here for... whatever reason...'

Currently, if you have beatin zacian zamazenta already you'd have to do:

Switches: questarude (off) | questerpon (on)

Variables: zamacian (0) | RunPon (0)


the variables are important to set them to zero

Then he should talk to you about ogerpon

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# Deals more damage on specific Terrain and hits both targets (Expanding Force)
class PokeBattle_Move_216 < PokeBattle_Move
  def pbBaseDamage(basedmg,attacker,opponent) # AoE is handled in Pokebattle_Battler
    return basedmg*1.5 if (@battle.FE == PBFields::PSYCHICT && @id == PBMoves::EXPANDINGFORCE) && !attacker.isAirborne?
    return basedmg*1.5 if (@battle.FE == PBFields::ELECTRICT && @id == PBMoves::RISINGVOLTAGE) && !attacker.isAirborne?
    return basedmg


Looks like, contrary to the move description, Rising Voltage is only 1.5x instead of doubled on electric terrain in 6.5a.

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