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I was getting the star up error as well. Had to change Expanding force code to the below to get to get it work (I think it is working right anyway, but at least it loaded without error) . I think you had one too many IFs. @Fervis

    if thismove.id == PBMoves::EXPANDINGFORCE && @battle.FE == PBFields::PSYCHICT && !user.isAirborne? && @battle.doublebattle 
      targets = [pbOpposing1, pbOpposing2] if (!pbOpposing1.isFainted? && !pbOpposing2.isFainted?)

Edited by Jackcat
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1 hour ago, Fervis said:

I'm all open for suggestions regarding ability / move changes.

Alright so!
I'm going to format this as:

Eeveelution Reborn effect/info,

Gen 9 effect/info,

What I ideally think it should be/notes

open spoiler to see info


Dire Claw

60 BP Poison/Physical 100% accuracy move with an increased critical hit chance, 50% chance to poison/paralyze/sleep the target, 15 PP

80 BP Poison/Physical 100% accuracy move, 50% chance to poison/paralyze/sleep the target, 15 PP

I think this is an overall buff.


Psyshield Bash



Power Shift

I'm not sure what this does in Eeveelution reborn because it doesn't visibly show it

In Gen 9 it's just a Power Trick clone

I don't know why they changed it from a unique move to a meh one, if you have it as swapping special attack with special defence too, keep it as-is.


Ceaseless Edge

65 BP Rock/Physical 90% accuracy move with an increased critical hit chance, lowers target's defence by one stage, 15 PP

65 BP Rock/Physical 90% accuracy move with an increased critical hit chance, sets up stealth rocks on-hit, 15 PP

this move sounds broken in gen 9 and i want it :3


Springtide Storm

95 BP Fairy/Special 80% accuracy move with a 30% chance to increase atk/def/spa/spd of user (Incarnate Form/copied by a "Form 0" pokemon) by one stage, or a 30% chance to decrease def/spd by of target(Therian Form/copied by a "Form 1" pokemon) by 1 stage.

100 BP Fairy/Special 80% accuracy move with a 30% ATK-1 chance (regardless of form) and 10 PP, hits both targets in a double battle.

This move is absolutely broken as-is, and should be changed to the gen 9 effect.


Mystical Power

70 BP Psychic/Special 90% accuracy move, increases Offensive/Defensive stats by one stage based on which base is higher, 10 PP

70 BP Psychic/Special 90% accuracy move, increases Special Attack by 1 stage, 10 PP

the "increases both defenses" moves from PLA seem broken without changing them ngl


Raging Fury

100 BP Fire/Physical 95% accuracy move, locks user into move for 2-3 turns, doesn't confuse after fixation ends, 10 PP

120 BP Fire/Physical 100% accuracy move, locks user into move for 2-3 turns then confused them, 10 PP

That's actually really cool. Up to you what you want to do.


Wave Crash

75 BP Water/Physical 100% accuracy move, deals 33% of damage as recoil and increases user's speed by 1 on hit, 10 PP

120 BP Water/Physical 100% accuracy move, deals 33% of damage as recoil, 10 PP

yeah i have no idea what they were doing here, turning a unique move into a semi-clone. up to you what you want to do.



120 BP Grass/Special 95% accuracy move, deals 50% of health as recoil, decreases user's speed by 1, 5 PP. Bugged i think? It deals 50% of DAMAGE as recoil, not of user's health.

150 BP Grass/Special 95% accuracy move, deals 50% of health as recoil.

It's basically Mind Blown as a single-target move now, which is pretty cool. Update plz


Mountain Gale

100 BP Ice/Physical 85% accuracy move, 5 PP

100 BP Ice/Physical 85% accuracy move, 30% chance to flinch target, 10 PP

This is still probably the worst move added in PLA, since the flinch won't even apply in 99% of situations that aren't in a Trick Room team, even if that did increase its viability. 


Victory Dance

+2 ATK, +1 DEF, 10 PP

+1 ATK, +1 DEF, +1 SPE, 10 PP

It's physical Quiver Dance. Pretty good tbh


Headlong Rush

It's a Close Combat clone. Seriously, Close Combat functions the same as it in PLA, only difference is that it's ground type instead of fighting.

Not sure why it's only 100 BP with the exact same downside in the mod currently, that really nerfs the viability of the move. Update it to 120 BP


Barb Barrage

60 BP Poison/Physical 100% accuracy move, 30% chance to poison target, doubles in power if target is afflicted with a status, 15 PP

60 BP Poison/Physicial 100% accuracy move, 50% chance to poison target, doubles in power if target is already poisoned, 10 PP

nice buff tbh


Esper Wing

75 BP Psychic/Special 90% accuracy move with an increased criticial hit chance, raises user's speed by 1 stage after hitting, 10 PP

80 BP Psychic/Special 100% accuracy move with an increased critical hit chance, raises user's speed by 1 stage after hitting, 10 PP

Update is just better, gen 9 version


Bitter Malice

60 BP Ghost/Special 100% accuracy move, 30% chance to freeze target, doubles in power if target is afflicted with a status, 15 PP

75 BP Ghost/Special 100% accuracy move, decreases target's attack by one stage, 10 PP

Why does GF hate freeze? I don't even know why they nerfed the PP, Lunge is 80 BP with the same effect and has 15 PP.



+1 DEF, +1 SPD, +1 EVA, 10 PP

+2 DEF, 10 PP

Wow, they really just turned a SIGNATURE MOVE into a worse clone of a move. Keep your custom version tbh


Triple Arrows

50 BP Fighting/Physicial 100% accuracy move, lowers target's defence by one stage, increases user's critical hit chance on-hit, 15 PP

90 BP Fighting/Physical 100% accuracy move with an increased critical hit chance, 50% chance to lower target's defence by one stage, 30% chance to flinch target, 10 PP

That's... A lot of special flags for a move. I don't know how to handle that in RPGMXP lmao


Infernal Parade



Ceaseless Edge

65 BP Dark/Physical 90% accuracy move with an increased critical hit chance, lowers target's defence by one stage, 15 PP

65 BP Dark/Physical 90% accuracy move with an increased critical hit chance, sets up a layer of spikes on-hit, 15 PP

DEF-1 didn't really mimic the effects of the move in PLA tbh, gen 9


Bleakwind Storm

95 BP Flying/Special 80% accuracy move with a 30% freeze chance and 5 PP

100 BP Flying/Special 80% accuracy move with a 30% SPE-1 chance and 10 PP, hits both targets in a double battle.

I don't get why GF hates freeze so much, but yeah the gen 9 version is better


Sandsear Storm

95 BP Ground/Special 80% accuracy move with a 30% burn chance and 5 PP

100 BP Ground/Special 80% accuracy move with a 20% burn chance and 10 PP, hits both targets in a double battle.

gen 9 update plz


Lunar Blessing

Recover + Double Team + Refresh, 10 PP

Jungle Healing but with only 5(8) PP for some reason

Being nerfed to only 5 pp is just stupid for a SIGNATURE MOVE, considering that Life Dew wasn't nerfed to 5 PP like other recovery moves. While it sucks to not be able to use Cresselia as a sheer wall, making it just a Jungle Healing reskin is a good idea.


Take Heart

Boosts atk,def,spa,spd by 1, heals user of status conditions. BROKEN, only boosts stats if you're able to heal the condition, 10 PP

Calm Mind + Refresh, 10 PP

Ideally, gen 9. Also it shows up as Normal type for some reason


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15 hours ago, CentennialR said:

Hi I want to edit the move "Tripple arrows" and make it base 90 as it is in the games and I was wondering if anyone could help me navigate that I tried doing it on my own and had no luck any response is appreciated. 

you will be needing the PBS, specifically the "moves.txt". there you look for triple arrows and change the number "50" to "90"

afterwards you either need a debug or RPG maker and compile the change. for that the PBS folder must be in your reborn folder.



22 hours ago, Lucida said:

Alright so!

very exciting things in there indeed. I guess the first ceaseless edge is a typo and you meant stone axe, overall very nice changes that can make some fights even more difficult!

also very good to make some of them "easier" or give moves the effects of two, will make it a lot less difficult (just like take heart which is not working perfectly)


Edit: I also do see that there were some more changes (like recovery moves having only 5PP in gen9), how do you all think about this?


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Zacian and Zamazenta do not change the form immediately when they hold Rusty Sword and Rusty Shield. Dialga and Palkia work fine.


Also I checked the script and the Expanding Force script still needs to be revised.



class PokeBattle_Move_422 < PokeBattle_Move
  def pbBaseDamage(basedmg,attacker,opponent)
    if $fefieldeffect == PBFields::PSYCHICT && !opponent.isAirborne?
      return basedmg*1.5
    return basedmg

This does not provide the special effect of hitting both targets in Psychic Terrain when the user is grounded. It only gives 1.5x damage in Psychic Terrain.

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1 minute ago, EyesOnKindred said:

This does not provide the special effect of hitting both targets in Psychic Terrain when the user is grounded. It only gives 1.5x damage in Psychic Terrain.

the multi target hit is within the PokeBattle_Battler script 

#Change to two targets for expanding force with psychic terrain
    if thismove.id == PBMoves::EXPANDINGFORCE && @battle.FE == PBFields::PSYCHICT && !user.isAirborne? && @battle.doublebattle
      targets = [pbOpposing1, pbOpposing2] if (!pbOpposing1.isFainted? && !pbOpposing2.isFainted?)
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Alright everyone, I was kinda excited with these gen 9 changes cause some of the PLA moves were not to my liking (stone axe, ceaseless edge etc.), so i directly did @Lucida's suggestions and some other tiny things:

  • Respective Pokemon now have Life Dew in their movepool (only gen 8 had it until now)
  • Gulp Missile and As One cannot be copied
  • A possible error when fighting Corey has been fixed 
  • previous mentioned issues (Meltan map, Expanding Force, etc) are now in the full download and patch

I mostly regarded the suggestions of move changes for now:

  • Dire Claw - 80 BP, rest unchanged
  • Power Shift - unchanged (switches attack with sp attack, and defense with sp. defense)
  • Stone Axe - 70 BP, high crit chance, sets up stealth rock
  • Ceaseless Edge - 70 BP, high crit chance, sets up spikes
  • Springtide Storm - 100 BP, reduces Attack by One (30%)
  • Bleakwind Storm - 100 BP, lowers target's speed by one (30%)
  • Sandsear Storm - 100 BP, 20% of burning targets
  • Mystical Power - increases sp attack and sp def by one (like calm mind)
  • Raging Fury - unchanged (100 BP, Outrage variation for fire type, NO confusion)
  • Wave Crash - 80 BP, 33% recoil, Speed increase by one
  • Chloroblast - 150 BP, 50% HP as recoil (Mind Blown as Grass type)
  • Mountain Gale - 30% to flinch
  • Victory Dance - Attack, Defense, Speed +1 (Quiver Dance variation)
  • Headlong Rush - 120 BP (Close Combat Variation)
  • Barb Barrage - 50% Poison chance, rest unchanged
  • Infernal Parade - 50% Burn Chance, rest unchanged
  • Bitter Malice - 75 BP, doubled when target has a status, 30% chance to freeze
  • Esper Wing - 80 BP, rest unchanged
  • Shelter - unchanged
  • Triple Arrows - 90 BP, high crit chance, 30% of flinching, 30% of lowering target's defense by one


  • Lunar Blessing - unchanged, except for 5 PP
  • Take Heart - boosts sp attack and sp defense and cures user from status conditions 


Due to me working on it quite fast (even though most of it wasn't that difficult) there might be bugs, reports appreciated!

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2 hours ago, Fervis said:

the multi target hit is within the PokeBattle_Battler script 

#Change to two targets for expanding force with psychic terrain
    if thismove.id == PBMoves::EXPANDINGFORCE && @battle.FE == PBFields::PSYCHICT && !user.isAirborne? && @battle.doublebattle
      targets = [pbOpposing1, pbOpposing2] if (!pbOpposing1.isFainted? && !pbOpposing2.isFainted?)

Oh the code is right there. Then it should work properly but it still doesn't hit both targets in my game. I try to hit both sides but it still only hits one target.



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I am really confused, as my uploads seem to be buggy, but when i try it its working. ._.

Could you download the full mod and test it out once more? If that still does not change this, I guess i will need to rewrite the script.

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2 hours ago, Fervis said:

I am really confused, as my uploads seem to be buggy, but when i try it its working. ._.

Could you download the full mod and test it out once more? If that still does not change this, I guess i will need to rewrite the script.

Oh okay I redownload the entire mod and I find out that the bug is fixed by default and it occurs when I also implement Torre's Decat mod. No idea what's going on but it turns out to be my problem(or Torre's) when your mod doesn't contain his mod.

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Expanding Force works perfectly fine for me, and also i add Freezing Glare on it, 

if thismove.id == PBMoves::EXPANDINGFORCE && @battle.field.effect == PBFields::PSYCHICT && !user.isAirborne? && @battle.doublebattle 
      targets = [pbOpposing1, pbOpposing2] if (!pbOpposing1.isFainted? && !pbOpposing2.isFainted?)
    if thismove.id == PBMoves::FREEZINGGLARE && @battle.field.effect == PBFields::PSYCHICT && !user.isAirborne? && @battle.doublebattle 
      targets = [pbOpposing1, pbOpposing2] if (!pbOpposing1.isFainted? && !pbOpposing2.isFainted?)


Edited by Chrisna Satria
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On 12/6/2022 at 1:04 PM, Fervis said:

you will be needing the PBS, specifically the "moves.txt". there you look for triple arrows and change the number "50" to "90"

afterwards you either need a debug or RPG maker and compile the change. for that the PBS folder must be in your reborn folder.



very exciting things in there indeed. I guess the first ceaseless edge is a typo and you meant stone axe, overall very nice changes that can make some fights even more difficult!

also very good to make some of them "easier" or give moves the effects of two, will make it a lot less difficult (just like take heart which is not working perfectly)


Edit: I also do see that there were some more changes (like recovery moves having only 5PP in gen9), how do you all think about this?


I tried that and used debug to do it but had 0 luck nothing changed.

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On 12/6/2022 at 3:56 PM, Fervis said:

Alright everyone, I was kinda excited with these gen 9 changes cause some of the PLA moves were not to my liking (stone axe, ceaseless edge etc.), so i directly did @Lucida's suggestions and some other tiny things:

  • Respective Pokemon now have Life Dew in their movepool (only gen 8 had it until now)
  • Gulp Missile and As One cannot be copied
  • A possible error when fighting Corey has been fixed 
  • previous mentioned issues (Meltan map, Expanding Force, etc) are now in the full download and patch

I mostly regarded the suggestions of move changes for now:

  • Dire Claw - 80 BP, rest unchanged
  • Power Shift - unchanged (switches attack with sp attack, and defense with sp. defense)
  • Stone Axe - 70 BP, high crit chance, sets up stealth rock
  • Ceaseless Edge - 70 BP, high crit chance, sets up spikes
  • Springtide Storm - 100 BP, reduces Attack by One (30%)
  • Bleakwind Storm - 100 BP, lowers target's speed by one (30%)
  • Sandsear Storm - 100 BP, 20% of burning targets
  • Mystical Power - increases sp attack and sp def by one (like calm mind)
  • Raging Fury - unchanged (100 BP, Outrage variation for fire type, NO confusion)
  • Wave Crash - 80 BP, 33% recoil, Speed increase by one
  • Chloroblast - 150 BP, 50% HP as recoil (Mind Blown as Grass type)
  • Mountain Gale - 30% to flinch
  • Victory Dance - Attack, Defense, Speed +1 (Quiver Dance variation)
  • Headlong Rush - 120 BP (Close Combat Variation)
  • Barb Barrage - 50% Poison chance, rest unchanged
  • Infernal Parade - 50% Burn Chance, rest unchanged
  • Bitter Malice - 75 BP, doubled when target has a status, 30% chance to freeze
  • Esper Wing - 80 BP, rest unchanged
  • Shelter - unchanged
  • Triple Arrows - 90 BP, high crit chance, 30% of flinching, 30% of lowering target's defense by one


  • Lunar Blessing - unchanged, except for 5 PP
  • Take Heart - boosts sp attack and sp defense and cures user from status conditions 


Due to me working on it quite fast (even though most of it wasn't that difficult) there might be bugs, reports appreciated!

Would I have to download a new vers of the game to add these changes?

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4 hours ago, CentennialR said:

Would I have to download a new vers of the game to add these changes?

you can either download the full mod again (more safe, more donwload size), or doenload the patch and patch your current game folder. 


6 hours ago, EyesOnKindred said:

Btw may I ask whether Galarian legendary birds are available in this version?

iirc, I added the Galarian Feather, as mentioned, on the counter at the Grand Hall after you caught all birds. You can change their forms as you please then, though care taht their movesets will be reset each time you do.

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2 hours ago, pfraider said:

Weird little bug that I want to share. When changing a crystal cavern to dark crystal with dark pulse, my Hisuian Zoroark changed to normal form. I changed it back with debug, but thought I would share.

lol. I take a look, thanks!

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