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29 minutes ago, pfraider said:

Thank you! Also noticed that in doubles battles dragon darts only hits one pokemon once, instead of hitting each pokemon once

I'm gonna need some context here.

Who's the other target?


Do ANY of these things apply?

- Fairy Type

- Dark Type (If called by Assist + Prankster)

- Wonder Guard

- Protect

- Being in the middle of Fly/Dive/Dig/Bounce/etc

- Increased evasion (or your accuracy is lowered)

- Follow Me

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Looking through the code because, you know, you can do that if you want to find out what the issue is yourself. The scripts are openly visible in the Scripts folder without even having to download the PBS files seperately.

Code's inside this spoiler.



#Thank god this move doesn't exist yet



        when PBTargets::DragonDarts
          smartDart = move.pbDragonDartTargetting(user)
          case smartDart.length
            when 1
            when 2



  def pbDragonDartTargetting(attacker)
    opp1 = attacker.pbOpposing1
    opp2 = attacker.pbOpposing2
    if opp2.isFainted?
      return [opp1]
    if opp1.isFainted?
      return [opp2]
    if opp2.pbHasType?(:FAIRY)
      return [opp1]
    if opp1.pbHasType?(:FAIRY)
      return [opp2]
    if PBStuff::TWOTURNMOVE.include?(opp2.effects[PBEffects::TwoTurnAttack])
      return [opp1]
    if PBStuff::TWOTURNMOVE.include?(opp1.effects[PBEffects::TwoTurnAttack])
      return [opp2]
    if opp2.effects[PBEffects::SkyDrop]
      return [opp1]
    if opp1.effects[PBEffects::SkyDrop]
      return [opp2]
    if opp2.effects[PBEffects::Protect] || opp2.effects[PBEffects::SpikyShield] || opp2.effects[PBEffects::BanefulBunker] ||
       opp2.effects[PBEffects::KingsShield] || opp2.effects[PBEffects::Obstruct]
      return [opp1]
    if opp1.effects[PBEffects::Protect] || opp1.effects[PBEffects::SpikyShield] || opp2.effects[PBEffects::BanefulBunker] ||
       opp1.effects[PBEffects::KingsShield] || opp1.effects[PBEffects::Obstruct]
      return [opp2]
    if opp2.effects[PBEffects::Substitute]>0 || opp2.effects[PBEffects::Disguise] || opp2.effects[PBEffects::IceFace]
      return [opp1]
    if opp1.effects[PBEffects::Substitute]>0 || opp1.effects[PBEffects::Disguise] || opp1.effects[PBEffects::IceFace]
      return [opp2]
    return [opp1,opp2]



class PokeBattle_Move_17E < PokeBattle_Move
  def pbIsMultiHit
    return true

  def pbNumHits(attacker)
    return (pbDragonDartTargetting(attacker).length % 2) + 1

I'm pretty sure with the exception of the AI bit, this is exactly the same as in Rejuv, so i'm not sure what's going on.


This is still missing the code for increased priority + dark types, but i made this in 1 minute and it should fix it:

    if opp1.pbHasType?(:DARK) && attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PRANKSTER
      return [opp2]

    if opp2.pbHasType?(:DARK) && attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PRANKSTER
      return [opp1]


Technically this isn't a 100% fix, but Dragon Darts is a signature move, this is a mod, and how likely is it for you to get a pokémon with prankster who also learns dragon darts because of randomizer shenanigans who's also going to be using dragon darts in a double battle?

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Yeah dragon darts is a bit tricky, didn't touch it yet as long as it does not cause a game crashing bug. And yeah the code you did would apply to this certain situation, though dragon darts does not work as intended overall sadly.

Scale Shot also has a bug that you don't get the stat changes if the target faints, but those two moves are on my waiting list as long as i have other things to work on - actually the LAST two moves that bug me.


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Sorry to bother, but I have a question regarding encounters. I was trying to move some encounters up a little for a nuzlocke. I looked in the encounters.txt in PBS file, and also the files PokemonEncounters.rb and enctext.rb. However, I couldn't find any of the new pokemon from gen 8. Am I looking in the wrong place? Thanks for the help.

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@Fervis I have a request. can you make it so we can get and evolve more than one Kubfu in the game (like maybe make it  and/or Ushifu breedable or something, and maybe also make Meltan breedable)? It kind of stinks we can only have one. Would be nice to have at least two so we could have one for each of it forms and/or mega forms.  


Edit: I also have a suggestion: maybe make the second Kubfu the final reward for the starter egg quest after adding the eighth gen starters to the quest?

Edited by Jackcat
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Hi, I'm not sure if this has been brought up before, but i seem to have an issue when entering the Silph Co. building.


Usually, upon entering the building, the character would spawn on the entrance tile:



However, for some reason, the player character spawns a few tiles ahead:




This makes it so that when entering the building after restoring the city, for the Treecko Special Encounter, the game stops working:767164_Screenshot2022-12-19192118.png.bfe7b10769ad7219c9976e3cc0ec1295.png1762644320_Screenshot2022-12-19192223.png.53430ee709879f623059be621479c749.png

If I'm right, the civilian character is meant to take another step forward before another dialogue is meant to pop-up which would make the player character move aside. However, because the player character is in the way, the civilian charcater is unable to reach that position, thus unable to trigger the dialogue. At this position, the player character is unable to move (trust me i've tried), so effectively Silph Co. cannot be entered. This would lock the Treecko encounter sidequest and Beryl Ward would be full of obstacles. It might also affect the Meltan quest(?) - havent gotten there yet.


I've also used the debug mod to warp to this map, Map111 (i think), and the sequence plays out fine as long as the player character is not on the spawn tile, so I don't think its an issue with my computer being garbage and hanging when i enter the building.



PS: this may all be wrong, I may have just patched the game wrongly and if so I'm sorry for wasting your time.

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you're not wrong, it's due to the enlargement of the map i did for the meltan quest. I forgot to place the entering player lower. thanks for reporting!

Edit: it seems like this has been fixed already. When was the last time you updated/ re downloaded the mod?


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if you download the full mod you won't need the patch. You can just start the game via the game.exe inside the game folder of the mod. Done!

It uses your current game save just as original reborn (usually /savedgames folder), so if you want to make a backup of it, you can copy paste your game file elsewhere.


the PBS are optional if you want to do personal changes to something.


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Hello! I played Reborn very briefly way way back in the day and was looking to play it again.

I am a huge fan of Eevee and its Eeveelutions and when I saw your mod and designs I was overjoyed! I am hesistant to add all of the Gen 8 pokemon to the game though.

I was curious if there is, or if it would be possible to create, a standalone version of the Eeveelutions mod?

Thanking you very much for your time and hardwork,


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it wouldn't be THAT much of an effort, though 90% of the work would be the learnable moves of the eevees. Starting tomorrow i'll be having university course for 3 weeks so i don't think i can manage that while preparing the other mods :(

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Thank you for your help earlier~
But just noticed that in your pokemon google docs sheet, some pokemon are missing. Wooloo for example isn't listed in it. The same goes for chewtle.
Are all gen 8 pokemon already included in the game/mod or only the ones in the google docs sheet?

And will the other pokemon from Legends Arceus also come into the game, or only the Hisuian forms?

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i'll do an overhaul sooner or later to make it more clean. But for now, if some pokemon are missing in the list, that means you can't encounter them in the wild, rather you need to breed/evolve them, or via events.


The Hisuian Pokemon are all implemented already!

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14 hours ago, Fervis said:

it wouldn't be THAT much of an effort, though 90% of the work would be the learnable moves of the eevees. Starting tomorrow i'll be having university course for 3 weeks so i don't think i can manage that while preparing the other mods :(



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ok so i redownloaded the mod but the move changes like stone axe setting up rocks doesnt seem to have been applied??

Also tried to patch on the original game/modded folder and no change whatsoever


can someone help me? or should i wait for a mod update 

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On 1/6/2023 at 12:28 AM, vadjea said:

ok so i redownloaded the mod but the move changes like stone axe setting up rocks doesnt seem to have been applied??

Also tried to patch on the original game/modded folder and no change whatsoever

I'm not at my pc for some time, but i look into that! possibly i forgot to upload the right version.

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Resending bug report I sent earlier as I mistyped it so I don't if got seen correctly (my bad).  


Bug Report: Enamorus doesn't seem to be changing its form with reveal glass. Looks like Enamorus wasn't added to the Reveal Glass, but it can be added easily enough in the scripts. @Fervis

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sooo guys, hi! ~

new update :>

BIG one!

  • Enamorus can now change forme via reveal glass
  • Gen 9 implemented!
  • PBS are now in the full game download 
  • Most Pokemon still have no backsprite (replaced them with reversed front)

All Pokemon can be caught except these ones (but can be debugged):

  • Wo-Chien
  • Chien-Pao
  • Chi-yu
  • Ting-Lu
  • Koraidon
  • Miraidon

All moves except these are working: 

  • Revival Blessing

All Abilities (should) work except these ones:

  • Commander
  • Protosynthesis / Quark Drive
  • Zero to Hero
  • Supreme Overlord
  • Opportunist
  • Cud Chew


items added to excel file (still procrastinating the redoing >.> )


new TM vendor in the house of the nature changer (7th Street)

  • Ice Spinner
  • Chilling Water
  • Pounce
  • Trailblaze
  • Snowscape

Have fun! Report any bugs as always!

I've been testing gen 9 additions all along on my other mod, so there might be bugs (pls don't hurt me), but mostly it SHOULD work.

Excel file also has the whole table of Gen 9 Locations.


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