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56 minutes ago, XD2491 said:

What exactly do you mean with ,,Dunsparce with form 1."?

A Dudunsparce with 2 segments?

Or does it mean I must catch 10 Dunsparces and one of this get the triple Form?

Sorry, I don't really understand your answer ^^'

Forget my question, got it ♪Screenshot_20230227_215830.png.4d8f5502fbf156b86b4299960cc347d9.pngScreenshot_20230227_215929.png.5892f4350dfbd3bc00f496c515242390.pngScreenshot_20230227_215949.png.023248bd61c32771fa2614dcc5d6007b.png

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4 hours ago, Ergast said:

To be precise, I was trying to teach my HGrowlithe Head Smash, one of its Sc/Vi egg moves, but it can't with the mod.

I didn't update all of the hisuians' learnsets for gen 9 yet. Right now it can't learn headmsash via relearn :(

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15 hours ago, Fervis said:

I didn't update all of the hisuians' learnsets for gen 9 yet. Right now it can't learn headmsash via relearn :(


Ah, ok, thank you for the answer. I was actually expecting that, but I wasn't sure if it may had been simply a conflict of mods.

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Something I noticed was that when I gave my Alolan Marowak a mega stone, it turned into a Kantonian Marowak. Thankfully, I have RPGMaker and was able to fix this using Debug but I still believe that this is a bug that does need to be fixed though.

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5 hours ago, BoweryRacketeer said:

I really feel like I understand where the gimmighoul event is asking me to go but....I can't find anything? Do I need to wait until Taka isn't with me to start the event?


1st outside the entrance to teknite cave, 2nd all the way south by where corey dropped the balls near the wall and 3rd in the garchomp statues room of the sugiline cave


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Because this isn't written down anywhere, here's a non-exhaustive list of all of the changes to pokemon battles, in the order of the trainers.txt PBS file.


In order:

Cain - Flittle/Espratha over Cubone/AMarowak, Furfrou over Meowstic-F, Mega Nidoking in Glass
Victoria - Kubfu over Pancham/Lucario, Quaxly over Mienfoo, Mega Urshifu instead of Gallade
Fern - Sneasler over Budew, Baxcalibur over Haxorus
Aster/Eclipse - No change
Julia - Pawno over Voltorb 2/Golem
Zero -  Mega Weavile
Rini - Brambleghast over Cacnea, Arboliva over Hippowdon (In Fiore)/Tangrowth (In Labradorra), Mega Torterra
Taka - wait what happened to his eevee i remember him having one in eeveelution reborn (No Changes)
Ace - Zoroark is Unovan in Diamonds due to an oversight but otherwise Hisuian, Eeveeon over Porygon-Z in Hearts, Mega Roserade in Spades
Corey - Glimmet over Skrelp (Please tell me that the event's been changed to match)
Shelly - Spidops over Volbeat, Orbeetle over Vivillion
Shade - Houndstone w/ Last Respects over Banette, Dhelmise is first mon sent out, Gengar is new Ace w/ GengariteG
Archer - Wugtrio over Seaking (Didn't expect a change here.)
Maxwell - No changes
Cal - Armarouge over Barbaracle, Mega Arcanine before he uses Medichamite
Kiki - Grapploct over Machamp (One of the only changes i don't agree with. Her team has been completely unchanged other than seeds since gen *6* hit reborn.)
Solaris - Revavroom over Scizor
Aya - Glimmora over Toxapex, Toxeon over Salazzle
Sigmund - Annihilape over Drampa (But not in PULSE-FRIEND)
Sirius - Mabosstiff over Manectric in fight 1a/1b
Bennett - Ephemeon over Dustox, Lokix over Masquerain/Scyther
Serra - Frosmoth over Jynx
Noel - Girafarig evolved.
Hatman - Mr Rime over Gallade, Bisharp now holds Eviolite
Luna - Meowscarada over Tyranitar/Gothitelle, Bisharp completely removed and replaced with "Mincer" the Mega Grimmsnarl (Also, why is this mega? That removes the Prankster part.), Kitsuneon over Mismagius
Alistasia - Falinks over Donphan
Samson - Hisuian Lilligant (Ciel) over Blaziken
Charlotte - Cinderace over Volcarona (but it's level 69 instead of 70), Mega Ninetales
Blake - Cetitan (Lv72) over Mamoswine, Eiscue (Lv69) over Starmie in Fiore, Cetitan over Mamoswine in VR
T3RR4 - "CHUNKY" the Ursaluna over "GIVE SANDY" the Palossand
Ciel - Flamigo over Oricorio
Arclight - Toxtricity over Raichu
Adrienn - Galarian Rapidash over Gardevoir, Hatterene over Florges
Titania - Titaneon over Sandslash-Alola, Kingambit (Lv88) over Klefki OR Titaneon (Lv86) over Empoleon, Corviknight (Lv84) over Klefki dependant on route. Was not expecting a route-dependant change this early.
Amaria - Inteleon w/ Dark-Z over Blastoise (Zekrom, Doubles), Mega Inteleon over Mega Blastoise (Reshiram, Doubles), "Taimen" the Basculegion over "Twinkle" the Starmie (Only in Labradorra, for some reason. I think this change was in the gym battle in eeveereborn?)
Hardy - Hisuian Arcanine over Rampardos, Klawf over Lycanroc-Day (But only in the gym battle. Did he really change his team that quickly?)
Eve + Lumi - Mega Lapras
Saphira - Dragapult over Salamence
E4 - Unchanged
Champion - Unchanged. Not gonna put a Paradox here?
Craudburry - Unchanged
McKrezzy - Skeledirge over Exploud
Eustace - Boltund over Manectric
Corin-Rouge - Gholdengo over Klefki
Sandy - Clodsire over Sandslash
Meteor Grunts:
Audrey - Cursola over Corsola
Bruno - Mabosstiff over... something. Wiki doesn't have this and i don't feel like looking through the e19 pbs
Hilda - Toedscruel over something
Howaya - Drednaw over Lanturn (Not in last battle)
Callie - Barraskewda over Crawdaunt
Kenan - Morpeko over Volcarona
Generic Trainers: No notable changes
Spirits: No changes
Postgame: No changes.

Overall these are some great changes, but they're inconsistent. I accidentally deleted the pbs files for eevelution reborn, so i can't check how different this is from that unfortunately.

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  • Several Abilities - Commander, Zero To Hero, Supreme Overlord, Opportunist, Cud Chew, Protosynthesis/Quarkdrive (Gen 9)

Supreme Overlord:

		def pbOnStartUse(attacker)
  	    if @participants.nil?
   	     @participants = @battle.pbPartySingleOwner(attacker.index).find_all {|mon| mon && !mon.isEgg? && mon.hp<=0}
    	  return @participants.length
	atkmult=(1+ atkmult*0.1*mon).round

This might work. Code's taken from Last Respects.

why does GF keep adding more and more complex abilities

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