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Hello again! Thank you for all your hard work, especially in adding the monotype support in the current version!


I would like to report an issue, though. Could you see about moving the machop encounter on the bridge outside the Grand Hall to another location in the next version? The encounter is only available with monofighting, so I'm assuming it's intended to give you a second pokemon pre-Julia. However, because that event can't be completed without already having two pokemon, the encounter can only be completed post-Julia.


Thank you and good luck with your work!

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Found another error.


Monoghost run. When receiving the egg as a reward for rescuing the daycare couple, I tried to use the sunkern switcher to swap to the AllGen selection, since I wanted basculin over frillish. I received an error message (I unfortunately didn't think to screenshot it) and got the arrokuda egg instead, though switching back to the vanilla selection got me a frillish egg with no errors.

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13 hours ago, Dark-heika said:

Found another error.


Monoghost run. When receiving the egg as a reward for rescuing the daycare couple, I tried to use the sunkern switcher to swap to the AllGen selection, since I wanted basculin over frillish. I received an error message (I unfortunately didn't think to screenshot it) and got the arrokuda egg instead, though switching back to the vanilla selection got me a frillish egg with no errors.

thanks for the report! i'll check it out!

ahh you mean there is no other fighting encounter until post julia. yeah ok i will change its location and switch it out~

Edit: i just tried if i can get the basculin egg with monoghost password. I'd ideally need a screenshot if you by chance have another backup safe file before talking to her,

otherwise i don't know where to look since it worked for me :/

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On 12/24/2024 at 6:34 AM, Fervis said:

nope! 19.5 will take a while since the community is working on adding gen9 to the base engine, which takes a lot of work away - then AllGen will be updated.

Hello! So does this mean the best way to contribute to the efforts would be to contribute to the base game engine's gen 9 support?

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10 minutes ago, Willow said:

Hello! So does this mean the best way to contribute to the efforts would be to contribute to the base game engine's gen 9 support?

that's the most ideal approach, yep! everything custom-made and added afterwards i have to/ will do myself anyways, but gen8/9 additions will take a huge load off.

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On 12/25/2024 at 10:27 AM, Fervis said:

thanks for the report! i'll check it out!

ahh you mean there is no other fighting encounter until post julia. yeah ok i will change its location and switch it out~

Edit: i just tried if i can get the basculin egg with monoghost password. I'd ideally need a screenshot if you by chance have another backup safe file before talking to her,

otherwise i don't know where to look since it worked for me :/


Alright, finally sat down and recreated the bug for you. Exactly what I did was:


1- Monoghost password is turned on, before interacting with the girl in onyx ward at all.


2- I save the daycare couple, also without interacting with the girl.


3- I finally speak to the girl. She isn't set to acknowledge that you've already saved the daycare couple in her first dialogue, so she just asks you to check things out.

4- In my original playthrough, I realize 'wait, gotta turn on the sunkern switcher if I want the basculin egg.' I save the game before her second dialogue, where she gives you the egg.


If I speak to her again now, without doing anything else, I get the frillish egg, and everything is normal. If I leave, turn on the sunkern switcher, and come back, then I get an error message and the arrokuda egg instead.



Edit: bit of testing. Turning off the monoghost password changes nothing at this point. That is, I still get the frillish egg if I don't hit the sunkern switcher, and an arrokuda egg (with the error message) if I do.

Edited by Dark-heika
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I Tried to Add a New Move and I Got This Error. Some one please help me fix this.


Added this move in Movetext.rb



    :ID => 736,
    :name => "Tera Blast",
    :function => 0x80A,
    :type => :POISON,
    :category => :special,
    :basedamage => 80,
    :accuracy => 100,
    :maxpp => 16,
    :target => :SingleNonUser,
    :kingrock => true,
    :desc => "If the user has Terastallized, it unleashes energy of its Tera Type. This move inflicts damage using the Attack or Sp. Atk stat - whichever is higher for the user."



Added this Code in Battlemove_Effects.rb


# Tera Blast - Poison

class PokeBattle_Move_80A < PokeBattle_Move
def pbEffect(attacker,opponent,hitnum=0,alltargets=nil,showanimation=true)

if @id == PBMoves::TERABLASTP 
 type = PBTypes::POISON
 attacker.type1 == PBTypes::POISON
 attacker.type2 == PBTypes::POISON

#Photongeyser logic
  def pbIsPhysical?(type=@type)
    attacker = @user
    # Physical Stuff
    storedatk = attacker.attack
    atkmult = 1.0
    if attacker.class == PokeBattle_Battler
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:CHOICEBAND)
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::HUSTLE
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::TOXICBOOST && (attacker.status==PBStatuses::POISON || @battle.FE == PBFields::CORROSIVEF || @battle.FE == PBFields::CORROSIVEMISTF || @battle.FE == PBFields::WASTELAND || @battle.FE == PBFields::MURKWATERS)
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::GUTS && attacker.status!=0
      atkmult *= 0.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::SLOWSTART && attacker.turncount<5
      atkmult *= 2 if (attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PUREPOWER && @battle.FE!=37) || attacker.ability == PBAbilities::HUGEPOWER
      atkmult *= 2 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:THICKCLUB) && ((attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::CUBONE) || (attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::MAROWAK))
      atkmult *= 0.5 if attacker.status==PBStatuses::BURN && !(attacker.ability == PBAbilities::GUTS && attacker.status!=0)
    # Special Stuff
    storedspatk = attacker.spatk
    if attacker.class == PokeBattle_Battler
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:CHOICESPECS)
      spatkmult *= 2 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:DEEPSEATOOTH) && (attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::CLAMPERL)
      spatkmult *= 2 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:LIGHTBALL) && (attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::PIKACHU)
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::FLAREBOOST && (attacker.status==PBStatuses::BURN || @battle.FE == PBFields::BURNINGF)
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::MINUS && attacker.pbPartner.ability == PBAbilities::PLUS
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PLUS && attacker.pbPartner.ability == PBAbilities::MINUS
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::SOLARPOWER && (@battle.pbWeather==PBWeather::SUNNYDAY && !attacker.hasWorkingItem(:UTILITYUMBRELLA))
      spatkmult *= 1.3 if attacker.pbPartner.ability == PBAbilities::BATTERY
      spatkmult *= 2 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PUREPOWER && @battle.FE == PBFields::PSYCHICT
    storedspatk= attacker.getSpecialStat if @battle.FE == PBFields::GLITCHF && attacker.class == PokeBattle_Battler
    # Final selection
    if storedatk>storedspatk
      return true
      return false

  def pbIsSpecial?(type=@type)
    return !pbIsPhysical?(type)

Error Message I got


Exception: SyntaxError
Message: PokeBattle_MoveEffects:10109: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting `end'
script yeetifier pro:307:in `eval'
script yeetifier pro:307:in `block in <main>'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `each'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `each_with_index'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `<main>'
-e:in `eval'


Exception: NameError
Message: uninitialized constant PokeBattle_Move_000
PokemonShadowPokemon:471:in `block in <main>'
script yeetifier pro:307:in `eval'
script yeetifier pro:307:in `block in <main>'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `each'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `each_with_index'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `<main>'
-e:in `eval'


Exception: NameError
Message: undefined method `pbOnStartUse' for class `PokeBattle_Move_0E0'
PokeBattle_Clauses:162:in `<class:PokeBattle_Move_0E0>'
PokeBattle_Clauses:160:in `block in <main>'
script yeetifier pro:307:in `eval'
script yeetifier pro:307:in `block in <main>'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `each'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `each_with_index'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `<main>'
-e:in `eval'


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On 1/1/2025 at 6:38 PM, Dark-heika said:


Alright, finally sat down and recreated the bug for you. Exactly what I did was:


1- Monoghost password is turned on, before interacting with the girl in onyx ward at all.


2- I save the daycare couple, also without interacting with the girl.


3- I finally speak to the girl. She isn't set to acknowledge that you've already saved the daycare couple in her first dialogue, so she just asks you to check things out.

4- In my original playthrough, I realize 'wait, gotta turn on the sunkern switcher if I want the basculin egg.' I save the game before her second dialogue, where she gives you the egg.


If I speak to her again now, without doing anything else, I get the frillish egg, and everything is normal. If I leave, turn on the sunkern switcher, and come back, then I get an error message and the arrokuda egg instead.



Edit: bit of testing. Turning off the monoghost password changes nothing at this point. That is, I still get the frillish egg if I don't hit the sunkern switcher, and an arrokuda egg (with the error message) if I do.

Someone on the Discord found the issue, it was a typo in the move Acupressure (i wrote Accupressure...) I will fix that with the next patch~

This will probably also fix the received egg to basculin as well.


2 hours ago, AK 47 said:

I Tried to Add a New Move and I Got This Error. Some one please help me fix this.


Added this move in Movetext.rb


  Reveal hidden contents

    :ID => 736,
    :name => "Tera Blast",
    :function => 0x80A,
    :type => :POISON,
    :category => :special,
    :basedamage => 80,
    :accuracy => 100,
    :maxpp => 16,
    :target => :SingleNonUser,
    :kingrock => true,
    :desc => "If the user has Terastallized, it unleashes energy of its Tera Type. This move inflicts damage using the Attack or Sp. Atk stat - whichever is higher for the user."



Added this Code in Battlemove_Effects.rb

  Reveal hidden contents

# Tera Blast - Poison

class PokeBattle_Move_80A < PokeBattle_Move
def pbEffect(attacker,opponent,hitnum=0,alltargets=nil,showanimation=true)

if @id == PBMoves::TERABLASTP 
 type = PBTypes::POISON
 attacker.type1 == PBTypes::POISON
 attacker.type2 == PBTypes::POISON

#Photongeyser logic
  def pbIsPhysical?(type=@type)
    attacker = @user
    # Physical Stuff
    storedatk = attacker.attack
    atkmult = 1.0
    if attacker.class == PokeBattle_Battler
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:CHOICEBAND)
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::HUSTLE
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::TOXICBOOST && (attacker.status==PBStatuses::POISON || @battle.FE == PBFields::CORROSIVEF || @battle.FE == PBFields::CORROSIVEMISTF || @battle.FE == PBFields::WASTELAND || @battle.FE == PBFields::MURKWATERS)
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::GUTS && attacker.status!=0
      atkmult *= 0.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::SLOWSTART && attacker.turncount<5
      atkmult *= 2 if (attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PUREPOWER && @battle.FE!=37) || attacker.ability == PBAbilities::HUGEPOWER
      atkmult *= 2 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:THICKCLUB) && ((attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::CUBONE) || (attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::MAROWAK))
      atkmult *= 0.5 if attacker.status==PBStatuses::BURN && !(attacker.ability == PBAbilities::GUTS && attacker.status!=0)
    # Special Stuff
    storedspatk = attacker.spatk
    if attacker.class == PokeBattle_Battler
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:CHOICESPECS)
      spatkmult *= 2 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:DEEPSEATOOTH) && (attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::CLAMPERL)
      spatkmult *= 2 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:LIGHTBALL) && (attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::PIKACHU)
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::FLAREBOOST && (attacker.status==PBStatuses::BURN || @battle.FE == PBFields::BURNINGF)
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::MINUS && attacker.pbPartner.ability == PBAbilities::PLUS
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PLUS && attacker.pbPartner.ability == PBAbilities::MINUS
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::SOLARPOWER && (@battle.pbWeather==PBWeather::SUNNYDAY && !attacker.hasWorkingItem(:UTILITYUMBRELLA))
      spatkmult *= 1.3 if attacker.pbPartner.ability == PBAbilities::BATTERY
      spatkmult *= 2 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PUREPOWER && @battle.FE == PBFields::PSYCHICT
    storedspatk= attacker.getSpecialStat if @battle.FE == PBFields::GLITCHF && attacker.class == PokeBattle_Battler
    # Final selection
    if storedatk>storedspatk
      return true
      return false

  def pbIsSpecial?(type=@type)
    return !pbIsPhysical?(type)

Error Message I got

  Reveal hidden contents

Exception: SyntaxError
Message: PokeBattle_MoveEffects:10109: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting `end'
script yeetifier pro:307:in `eval'
script yeetifier pro:307:in `block in <main>'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `each'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `each_with_index'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `<main>'
-e:in `eval'


Exception: NameError
Message: uninitialized constant PokeBattle_Move_000
PokemonShadowPokemon:471:in `block in <main>'
script yeetifier pro:307:in `eval'
script yeetifier pro:307:in `block in <main>'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `each'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `each_with_index'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `<main>'
-e:in `eval'


Exception: NameError
Message: undefined method `pbOnStartUse' for class `PokeBattle_Move_0E0'
PokeBattle_Clauses:162:in `<class:PokeBattle_Move_0E0>'
PokeBattle_Clauses:160:in `block in <main>'
script yeetifier pro:307:in `eval'
script yeetifier pro:307:in `block in <main>'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `each'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `each_with_index'
script yeetifier pro:303:in `<main>'
-e:in `eval'


The code you did is for Reborn 19.5, AllGen is currently still on 19.16, and it will take a while until everything is ready for 19.5.


On 12/27/2024 at 11:46 PM, Leafeonfan32 said:

Hello I’m not sure if this has been asked earlier but is a complete living dex possible in this mod without outside trading?

hmm that's a good point. Technically every pokemon is obtainable at least twice (depending on if they have an evolution or similar), however, alternative forms i don't think. I guess that you can complete the dex, except for if you want another copy of the legendary birds in galarian form, since the item alters the ones you obtain in the original event.



And Happy New Year to all btw!

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On 1/7/2025 at 2:04 AM, Fervis said:

The code you did is for Reborn 19.5, AllGen is currently still on 19.16, and it will take a while until everything is ready for 19.5.

Hello Fervis ,I fixed the syntax errors. But the thing is now the game is loading perfectly but, I can't see my Newly Defined Move.

I added  a new Move TERABLASTP=772 with new Id. And also changed the value to 772 to return statement in the end. 



Then,,I added this in Move_Effects file




# Tera Blast - Poison

class PokeBattle_Move_000 < PokeBattle_Move
def pbEffect(attacker,opponent,hitnum=0,alltargets=nil,showanimation=true)

if @id == PBMoves::TERABLASTP 
 type = PBTypes::POISON
 attacker.type1 == PBTypes::POISON
 attacker.type2 == PBTypes::POISON

#Photongeyser logic
  def pbIsPhysical?(type=@type)
    attacker = @user
    # Physical Stuff
    storedatk = attacker.attack
    atkmult = 1.0
    if attacker.class == PokeBattle_Battler
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:CHOICEBAND)
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::HUSTLE
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::TOXICBOOST && (attacker.status==PBStatuses::POISON || @battle.FE == PBFields::CORROSIVEF || @battle.FE == PBFields::CORROSIVEMISTF || @battle.FE == PBFields::WASTELAND || @battle.FE == PBFields::MURKWATERS)
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::GUTS && attacker.status!=0
      atkmult *= 0.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::SLOWSTART && attacker.turncount<5
      atkmult *= 2 if (attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PUREPOWER && @battle.FE!=37) || attacker.ability == PBAbilities::HUGEPOWER
      atkmult *= 2 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:THICKCLUB) && ((attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::CUBONE) || (attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::MAROWAK))
      atkmult *= 0.5 if attacker.status==PBStatuses::BURN && !(attacker.ability == PBAbilities::GUTS && attacker.status!=0)
    # Special Stuff
    storedspatk = attacker.spatk
    if attacker.class == PokeBattle_Battler
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:CHOICESPECS)
      spatkmult *= 2 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:DEEPSEATOOTH) && (attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::CLAMPERL)
      spatkmult *= 2 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:LIGHTBALL) && (attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::PIKACHU)
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::FLAREBOOST && (attacker.status==PBStatuses::BURN || @battle.FE == PBFields::BURNINGF)
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::MINUS && attacker.pbPartner.ability == PBAbilities::PLUS
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PLUS && attacker.pbPartner.ability == PBAbilities::MINUS
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::SOLARPOWER && (@battle.pbWeather==PBWeather::SUNNYDAY && !attacker.hasWorkingItem(:UTILITYUMBRELLA))
      spatkmult *= 1.3 if attacker.pbPartner.ability == PBAbilities::BATTERY
      spatkmult *= 2 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PUREPOWER && @battle.FE == PBFields::PSYCHICT
    storedspatk= attacker.getSpecialStat if @battle.FE == PBFields::GLITCHF && attacker.class == PokeBattle_Battler
    # Final selection
    if storedatk>storedspatk
      return true
      return false

  def pbIsSpecial?(type=@type)
    return !pbIsPhysical?(type)

Then This is Move Text file



        :ID => 772,
    :name => "Tera Blast",
    :function => 0x000,
    :type => :POISON,
    :category => :special,
    :basedamage => 80,
    :accuracy => 100,
    :maxpp => 16,
    :target => :SingleNonUser,
    :kingrock => true,
    :desc => "If the user has Terastallized, it unleashes energy of its Tera Type. This move inflicts damage using the Attack or Sp. Atk stat - whichever is higher for the user."


I also Changed the function to 000, as 80A Function is not defined in 19.16 version.
Now the game is opening without any errors, but the thing is i can't see the new defined move, in the moves list

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On 1/11/2025 at 4:27 PM, AK 47 said:

Hello Fervis ,I fixed the syntax errors. But the thing is now the game is loading perfectly but, I can't see my Newly Defined Move.

I added  a new Move TERABLASTP=772 with new Id. And also changed the value to 772 to return statement in the end. 

  Reveal hidden contents


Then,,I added this in Move_Effects file



  Reveal hidden contents

# Tera Blast - Poison

class PokeBattle_Move_000 < PokeBattle_Move
def pbEffect(attacker,opponent,hitnum=0,alltargets=nil,showanimation=true)

if @id == PBMoves::TERABLASTP 
 type = PBTypes::POISON
 attacker.type1 == PBTypes::POISON
 attacker.type2 == PBTypes::POISON

#Photongeyser logic
  def pbIsPhysical?(type=@type)
    attacker = @user
    # Physical Stuff
    storedatk = attacker.attack
    atkmult = 1.0
    if attacker.class == PokeBattle_Battler
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:CHOICEBAND)
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::HUSTLE
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::TOXICBOOST && (attacker.status==PBStatuses::POISON || @battle.FE == PBFields::CORROSIVEF || @battle.FE == PBFields::CORROSIVEMISTF || @battle.FE == PBFields::WASTELAND || @battle.FE == PBFields::MURKWATERS)
      atkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::GUTS && attacker.status!=0
      atkmult *= 0.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::SLOWSTART && attacker.turncount<5
      atkmult *= 2 if (attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PUREPOWER && @battle.FE!=37) || attacker.ability == PBAbilities::HUGEPOWER
      atkmult *= 2 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:THICKCLUB) && ((attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::CUBONE) || (attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::MAROWAK))
      atkmult *= 0.5 if attacker.status==PBStatuses::BURN && !(attacker.ability == PBAbilities::GUTS && attacker.status!=0)
    # Special Stuff
    storedspatk = attacker.spatk
    if attacker.class == PokeBattle_Battler
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:CHOICESPECS)
      spatkmult *= 2 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:DEEPSEATOOTH) && (attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::CLAMPERL)
      spatkmult *= 2 if attacker.hasWorkingItem(:LIGHTBALL) && (attacker.pokemon.species == PBSpecies::PIKACHU)
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::FLAREBOOST && (attacker.status==PBStatuses::BURN || @battle.FE == PBFields::BURNINGF)
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::MINUS && attacker.pbPartner.ability == PBAbilities::PLUS
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PLUS && attacker.pbPartner.ability == PBAbilities::MINUS
      spatkmult *= 1.5 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::SOLARPOWER && (@battle.pbWeather==PBWeather::SUNNYDAY && !attacker.hasWorkingItem(:UTILITYUMBRELLA))
      spatkmult *= 1.3 if attacker.pbPartner.ability == PBAbilities::BATTERY
      spatkmult *= 2 if attacker.ability == PBAbilities::PUREPOWER && @battle.FE == PBFields::PSYCHICT
    storedspatk= attacker.getSpecialStat if @battle.FE == PBFields::GLITCHF && attacker.class == PokeBattle_Battler
    # Final selection
    if storedatk>storedspatk
      return true
      return false

  def pbIsSpecial?(type=@type)
    return !pbIsPhysical?(type)

Then This is Move Text file


  Reveal hidden contents

        :ID => 772,
    :name => "Tera Blast",
    :function => 0x000,
    :type => :POISON,
    :category => :special,
    :basedamage => 80,
    :accuracy => 100,
    :maxpp => 16,
    :target => :SingleNonUser,
    :kingrock => true,
    :desc => "If the user has Terastallized, it unleashes energy of its Tera Type. This move inflicts damage using the Attack or Sp. Atk stat - whichever is higher for the user."


I also Changed the function to 000, as 80A Function is not defined in 19.16 version.
Now the game is opening without any errors, but the thing is i can't see the new defined move, in the moves list


The move text file you did is still for 19.5. For AllGen to work (or 19.17 in general) you will need to add the move into the PBS Moves.txt.

Afterwards you have to compile data for it to take effect.

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1 minute ago, Fervis said:


The move text file you did is still for 19.5. For AllGen to work (or 19.17 in general) you will need to add the move into the PBS Moves.txt.

Afterwards you have to compile data for it to take effect.

Can you please tell me how to compile. ? Do we need RPG Maker forthat ?

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you can start the game via rpg maker, or use a debug mod. then you start the game as usual and choose compile all data via the debug menu in the options

I recommend you joining the Reborn discord if you want to further mod any game content of reborn, it's way easier to explain there and get more feedback of others.

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hey, i did a gameplay with all-gen mod and was incredible back in 2022. Now i want to play again with a new save with the new version but sadly is not on 19.5 yet. I'm not trying to rush you or anything like that, take your time. I just want to know if there's a date or a month close to the update so I know if I can wait or start the new save now. Also, thank you for the mod. My 2022 save was incredible thanks to this <3

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Glad you had a good time!


I am currently working on transferring most parts (even though there's gonna be gen8/9 support for modders in some months)

i currently finished implementing gen8 content (at least code-wise and sprites etc), though i cannot say how long it will take to add the rest of the content, so i cannot set an explicit date.

Especially since i want to redo the whole trainer teams and encounters its gonna take at least a month or two, probably.

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So will the saves of current modded version work in the upcoming v19.5 mod? If they are going to break then I guess I'll just wait :)


Great work, btw. Really appreciate your effort!

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Yes, they will most likely not work.  I didn't test it yet, but I will do at some point, though I pretty much guarantee it won't be compatible.

It's also gonna take quite some time still, until release~

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