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Deliberately avoided posting once I got predicted >.>

Zim where've you been? You've been pretty inactive recently :c it's not like exams are going on this month or anything

Exams lol. Well, that and the fact that whenever I come to the forums is mostly to work on that game with fakemon we're doing. Good old times of onyx arcade, man.

Wait...did you just pred....ugh whatevs, enter chubbs or something.

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look like you throw the wrong ball,Chespin came out instead

Where have you been BBD?

got distract by the game I have in my PC

Predict Shingst.

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look like you is still really active in this treat huh,I used to stay in this treat like 6 hours per day but now just when I want to,well you know why,people dont come here very often

anyway,guessing Eterna

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