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All I can say is make the card again or go to update trainer card and update it. Because I feel like there was a lot of miscommunication yesterday and I can't stress this enough, don't put it on your signature in the mean time I'll try and find a thread that might help.


Edit: I found one http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17180&hl=%2Btrainer+%2Bcard#entry407356

Edited by micky33000000
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You can live without a soul.

What about someone who has no passion,

No love,

No care,

No happiness,

No morals,

No hope,

No chance,

Who lives as nothing more than a soulless shell,

going about their everyday life as a drone,

Not living,

But surviving.

Because they have one thing left,

One small thing keeping them going.


That small drive to keep going,

that's fading away day by day,

Sure, it'll run out eventually,

but until it does,

Where's the soul?

Mickyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~ :D

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You say I have no passion yet my passion fires me up * is still on fire* My passion is to share my visions with the world through their own experiences which is why I must make something that makes people feel something something amazing whether it be joy or fear or anger I will change the world if even a little, YOU HEAR ME JUU, You can't stop the fire in my heart for what I believe in no one can! Because that's just not who I am.

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