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Now that you mention it.... :3

I do like that handsome devil's hair..

Perhaps too long for me though. I've been growing my hair, right now, the longest part is probably my fringe, which can cover either eye down to my cheekbone if I put it down x.x I've never had really long hair. But I like the length it's at now.

Umm.. How's the youtube instructions, TRHS?

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*thinks of "cousin it" from that show that I've forgotten the name of* the one where the daughter is named friday. Or was it wednesday..? Tuesday? I don't remember x.x it was about a weird family.... THE ADAMS FAMILY! I remembered something. I'm so happy. Blanket?

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*cue applause*

you are the winner, congratulations! Your prize: .... Umm... I'm gonna get ninjad while thinking of a prize.... We'll say.... An ironing board! Second hand! Now, you can iron all your blankets! (that counts as a prediction.)

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