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Aw come on, they're not so bad!

...In my opinion anyway. I suppose the way you've drawn him he looks a little more attractive.


I can't draw ugly animals. It's my weakness.

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Whew. After all that happened on the Showroom with Azery's Nuzlocke, now I've got a desire to see someone make an art. I have no talent whatsoever so I can't, but it would be nice to see regardless.


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I know you can get one from an event, though catch one? I dunno. (At least in BW, don't know in Reborn)

Well, I'm off to uni, so while I might make an occasional post while I'm there, don't count on it


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Mentally preparing myself for the Taka/ZEL double battle that's coming up when I get home. It just might be my most hated battle in Reborn right now. Why? Let me count the ways...

1) It's a 2v1 against a character I like and a character I want to like;

2) I made no secret that I love the Eeveelution line, so much so that I really don't like fighting my brothers and sisters. Guess what ZEL's team consists of.

To add to that, two of xys Pokemon, Glaceon and Umbreon are top 3 favorite Pokemon period, making it even harder on me.

3) The battle in question is really hard to begin with. Even excluding ZEL's team, there's still Taka with his PULSE Tangrowth and Chatot. Meaning my best strategy is to focus down ZEL's team (returning to point 2) while Taka has his one weak Pokemon - Lileep - out.

...so yeah, this is going to suck, and to think there's another battle against ZEL's team in the Blackwater(?) Factory later. The one thing I have to look forward to is the amazing Meteor Admin theme.

BMIC? (Sorry for typos, phone auto-correct)

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